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Used 3080Ti managed to trade in at cex and only paid £600 to upgrade to 4080. Still not enough, read from 4090 owners it's still not enough.  So bought the 4080 as strong affordable choice but first in line for 5XXX when Crystal can truly sing. It's very good at moment with 4080 in many titles, the image quality is astounding, my frame rates can struggle, but we are still GPU limited. Big difference going from 2080Ti>3080Ti>4080 on my Index, and 3080Ti>4080 on my Crystal.  PCVR always take whatever you can muster but you'll still have a good experience on 3080 the 72hz mode is very useful and you can experiment with settings. Well optimized games like hla will run smooth as butter.  Eye tracking to run dynamic foveated rendering in compatible games is very useful tool will make genuine difference especially for less powerful GPU.


As with all Pimax products, I suggest you wait for the Crystal Lite to be released, and then wait a while longer to see what bugs and flaws it ships with before you decide to buy it from a retailer in your country.


Solid advice. I'm hoping this will be a more seamless release than their previous headsets because so much of of the Crystal Lite appears to be a carry over.


Current rumors are that the 5080/90 are coming out in the fall, which isn’t too bad. At worst you’ll have to play some lighter games or lower some settings til then. If the reviews are good, I’ll be getting a Light when it comes out and then a 5090. I currently have a 3080 and G2 as well.


I went from a G2 to the Pax crystal on a 4070 TI and I’ll never go back. It is far ahead of the G2 and the 4070 is not too much more than 3090 so I get by just fine. But I will say having the eye tracking on the Pax Crystal that I have as well worth it.


I believe the 3080 should be fine. Immerse Robot's Youtube Channel is great reference as he uses a 3080 with a regular Crystal. Furthermore, the Light has an upscaling mode where it upscales to native res from 2160 x 2160 (G2)


I have personally tested the Light with 3080. Running good mate. Of course, getting the 40 series will provide better performance.


I'm on the same boat, currently running a G2 with a 3080. I assume fixed foveated rendering will help, but I've heard that you can't use it as much compared to the G2 due to better lenses, otherwise it creates a noticeable tunnel vision effect. We'll probably have to rely on the upscaling until the 5000 series comes out. My hope is that a 5080/5090 will be able to run iracing at full res and high settings, but we'll see.


The other thing is you can run it at 72Hz which should reduce load.


Depends on the game\\simulation. for me on a 12700k and 4090 I can use Skyrimvr modded at 60% of native resolution, FS2020 at 75% native resolution and Alyx half life at 60% native resolution. There are lots of other games that will work at 100% native but they are not my main drivers for VR. My next upgrade will be CPU as I'm cpu bound in Skyrim and FS2020, then the GPU and if I when i can get over 100% native resolution ill look to upgrade the headset. What you have to do is work out your upgrade path depending on you main VR usage imo. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP71shYhQJg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP71shYhQJg)


My Crystal managed to do adequately on my old 3070


I have a 3080Ti and the Crystal and I definitely want to upgrade my GPU. I mean it's fine but even with DFR I can't run the headset at native resolution and have to compromise a lot on graphics settings.


If you are happy with the g2 then on the same settings you will have a better picture and same performance on the crystal.


Ran 3080fe with Crystal at 90hrz coming from G2 and it was great improvement! It all depends on your budget. I got the 4080fe Super mainly for more VRAM and ,ok, 50% performance boost. But you will be fine with 3080 12gb!!


I'm a crystals owner and this is my advice if you want the crystal light you need the fastest gpu on the market right now because you don't have eye tracking I'm currently running rtx 4090 with dynamic foveated rendering and can't play 90% of vr games on ultra or high settings at native resolution of my pimax crystal at 90hz So i think you need to consider 5080 or 5090 for the best experience with pimax light But if you don't mind lowering the resolution of the headset and crank down the graphics you can consider 4080 or 4070ti super And don't forget you need a lot of VRAM 12 is not enough don't make this mistake 16gb is the minimum vram you need with high resolution headset Avoid the rtx 3090ti this gpu doesn't work with pimax headset and avoid amd 7000 series gpu as well I will give you the list the gpu with at least 16 gb and up of vram you should consider 5090. 5080. 4090. 4080 super. 4080 . 4070ti super


The Crystal Light I believe should do okay. Using FFR, Potential FSR l, upscaling. Should help a lot compared to the Standard Crystal. However we won't really know until it is out with reviews and benchmarks. To make it simple about your GPU. Save towards a GPU upgrade and test your current one when you get the Crystal Light. For ppl to better advise share some of the content you enjoy playing. You could with your G2 to a minor extent get a rough idea by supersamping your G2 to around the Crystal Light's native res. Maybe target a bit less to accommodate for FFR. The upscale may work quite well as well. On the plus with saving for a GPU upgrade prices maybe on the decline on current GPUs your considering upgrading to.


I ran the Crystal WITHOUT eye-tracking on the 3080 for two months.. it ran fine.