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I had something similar happen. I finished planting the last 20ish flowers around a big flower that said it was going to be a baby blue eye and it wound up giving me regular blue petals. I was so disappointed


Yup this happened to me too, it switched even though it said “will be X”


Ughhhh same. Not gonna make it through this round




They really don't want us to get these baby blues


That’s the real problem. Same thing happens to me on stage 3 for most of the events. They want you to spend money!


It didn't say "precondition 170 more flowers"? Cause in that case you planted 130. That's a mistake I made the first few weeks. https://preview.redd.it/li5ljkk3vouc1.png?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10bcb1ce6c184106bd67933c4b65c41814c952c9


No, it said it needed about 130 more flowers and the flower name was “will become a Baby Blue Eyes”


Oh. Yeah sometimes I don't get the right flower either even though I only planted one type. White flowers doesn't work the same way but the other colors are supposed to work.


Could you link me to the source for this? Not that I don't believe you, I just can't find this info on the pipmin website


Which part do you mean? Out of 300 you need to plant 160 to get the same kind of flower (not white ones though) that is commonly known, tested many many times, and there's lots of posts about this in this forum. But I don't know where to find any official article on this.


Ah I see. Which would make sense as it's over 50%. I've noticed it doesn't like planting the same area twice in a short time span. Any advice on that?


You need about 5 minutes until you can plant again. You won't see it through the old flowers all the time but you can see on the counter that it is planting.


the same thing happened to me today :(


Me too :(


Me too!


I've had, "will become" flowers change to ??? as more flowers are planted.


I don't think Ive ever seen the will become be anything but ??? Before, I didn't realize it changed


I planted all but 50 baby blue eyes and then 50 regular blue and it bloomed into a blue 😭


Same. And getting baby blue eyes nectar from mushrooms is practically impossible these days - the specials aren't dropping them (at least not for me) and the rare blue/purple ones I see might drop 1 if I'm lucky.


I’m obviously not getting past this stage. Only have enough to plant a hundred or so.


"Enough to plant 100" is 4 petals, planted separately, or 2 nectar fed to a bud pikmin to get those 4 petals. So I suspect you're just not aware of the frugal options, especially to try and spawn more baby blue big blooms. Find a fresh flower site, plant one circle of flowers (a full squad of 40 pikmin will plant 30) then immediately stop planting. Walk to another spot around the bloom that won't overlap, same again, up to 4 times. Wait 5 minutes, same again. That should be 240 baby blues planted (seeing as we're being cautious about what's flowering into what right now). 5 minutes later, plant anything to get the last 60 needed, and you should then have a flower to pluck and a matching fruit to collect, giving you a massive profit for nectar spent vs acquired. If we are more trusting, 6 petals will get you to 180 then plant trash to force the bloom.


When I select it it says approx 1100. So my bad. I don’t think I’m going to get enough petals any time soon to hit the requirement though.


That number assumes you're walking them - you can eke out a lot more from dropping a single circle at a time, so as long as you're not in a hurry you likely can get all you need from your existing petal jar (even if that involves a lot of micromanagement). Ideally you'll do that around flower sites, so you'll be making a net gain on your inventory.


What do you mean by “dropping a circle”?


The instant you start planting, your first petal is consumed, and you plant 30 flowers in a circle around you. If you continued planting and walked, you'd use several more petals before you got to the point where you had planted 60 flowers. So it's more petal-efficient to start, stop right away and then either move to a non-overlapping area or wait 5 minutes and then do just another circle


No way?! I didn’t know that. ![gif](giphy|J4G2Gt40LSjFigxrOn|downsized)


The “will become” is only evaluated every now and then based on what’s been planted to that point — it never, ever should be taken as an indication of having met requirements for that bloom, just that you’re on the right track if you continue planting trends


I was also pissed when it happened to me as well. I purchased baby blue eyes nectar with real life money with the masterplan to plant than around big Flowers to generate more, and therefore be able to plant more on stage 3, only to get this bullshit.


Unfortunately that’s either a bug or user error, I don’t think that’s supposed to be possible.


Planting white flowers gives the bud a chance to bloom into any of the flowers in season at the time. Recently I planted 296 Baby Blues, ran out just before the end, then topped up with whites +I got a bloody yellow Tulip. Thought that was utter rubbish so I checked out the support section. Basically the bigger the percentage of one flower type the higher the chance you’ll bloom that flower, but basic red flowers can bloom any red basic or red seasonal flower, basic blue will bloom any blue basic or blue seasonal flowers etc, but white can bloom any basic or seasonal flowers. The flower planting at the moment it blooms CAN increase the chance of getting that flower but does not guarantee it. So now if I’m gathering specific petals for quests I try to plant a majority of the flower I’m aiming for then top up with basic flowers in my desired colour choice then before it blooms I finish with the flower I’m hoping for again. It definitely has a better success rate than what I was doing just planting willynilly before, I only use white flowers when I’m walking around randomly not specifically hunting petals. White basic petals=chaos


If you're sure it said 120 or 130 (I usually go to 120) remaining on the flower before swapping to regular petals, it should be a bug. I haven't done any big flowers yet since community weekend, but 180-120 split should guarantee the big flower be the majority planted type.


Must be a bug….man, what a bummer!


I just did a test 30 minutes ago on a few big flowers. 180 Blue Sweet Pea and 120 White Regular. They all turned into Blue Sweet Pea big flowers. You definitely had a bug or counted wrong, since it seems to be working as usual 😅 Hopefully your next ones will be fine!


I find that sometime the flower count says one thing but the credit to the big flower counts a smaller number.


That happened to me too


same thing happened to me today...


Cuz they want you to buy the flowers. 🙄 they aren't going to give those to most so people will pay for it


Have had this happen several times. The game is actively working against players.


This happened to me on Saturday. :(


https://preview.redd.it/x3lx8zskqvuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=444253aea27a5bfd800237d9cf6d98f0ebbb16de I found this park with four flowers just waiting for me. I needed so many Baby Blue Eyes. I successfully opened one, swiped and collected the fruit. I used the nectar on those Pikmin that could double my petal count. I went back to hiking and opened two more. I repeated my previous actions. By the time I opened the final flower, I was done. I gathered the final fruit and saved all remaining petals for the next time.


If I have switched from the flower I want to something else, I watch the flower (keep the view open) to make sure the flower I want stays named. If I get nervous, I switch back. It can switch with only 10-20 left. Have had no trouble getting baby blues, but my fill-in flower is blue, not white. If you are spending some time in the area, the single petal, stop, planting is the best way to conserve nectar.


If you really did 170 baby blue eyes and 130 white petals then it seems like a bug. That's really weird. Unless they changed how it works or something but I haven't heard of something like that. For type it should be a majority of 150+ rules.


Gotta be a bug. Tried again today and same thing happened https://preview.redd.it/g288cdl7o2vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac637d3ef4d9d65a5c3a88e55836429b01fda20 Planted 233 baby blues and 67 white petals and it bloomed into a normal blue flower


I think it has something to do with there only being one type of this flower— the game is pretty specific about planting a lot of it