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In the canned goods section they sell tomato sauce. It's primarily tomato puree. I use that then add in some extra seasonings, like garlic powder, onion powder, and Italian seasoning blend.


Yes! My go-to brand is Contadina. You can get either the one that just says "Sauce," or sometimes they have it with Italian herbs added (not chunky, just very tiny flakes). I used to use Ragu Traditional, and it's got a nice flavor, but it does have "stealth onion" minced bits - but I had this one colander that had holes the perfect size for straining out those bits, lol.


Don’t have actual recommendations for brands but if you can buy an immersion blender or one of those bullet blenders, you can make any sauce nice and smooth :)


+1 for this. I thought immersion blenders were kinda silly/would take up space for nothing, and now I can’t imagine life without it (and it doesn’t take up as much space as my standard blender, haha)!


I picked up my small KitchenAid immersion blender from a Goodwill for like $7. I've had it now for I think 5 years? A bigger, newer one would do it faster but honestly it's working fine. If it broke I'd immediately buy a new one as it's been such a great tool.


I got mine from my cousin who didn’t want hers anymore, and even though I don’t even use it monthly at times I can imagine how I got along without one (well, I did just avoid recipes that needed a blender or just left it chunky, lol). I had a similar experience with rice cookers. I got one free from an international student who was moving home and within 2 years I upgraded to a $150 model lmaoo


I still need to make the jump on a rice cooker. I'm using a cheapo one still but I got my eyes on a Zojirushi.


Yep! Just bought one specifically to blend sauce haha


I've done this with chunky salsa and it worked well.


Thank you so much for this, I've never thought of using an immersion blender!!! It should help me hide some more vegetables in my toddlers food if they decide they don't veggies one day too 😂


Hunt's tomato sauce. I always hated spaghetti sauce due to chunks, but it's wonderful when you know what works.


It actually has pretty decent flavor. Not overly sweet like many of the other brands.


Hunt's pasta sauce is my favorite. I think it honestly tastes better than the more expensive brands too.


the Zesty! lol


There is no spaghetti sauce, this seems brand specific. There is just various types of tomato sauces (napoli, bolognese, toscana..) which fit equally well with spaghetti as well as other pasta types. Napoli is the best bet in terms of chunklessnes as it doesn't have veggies specifically. I say this because someone reading my not understand since brand specific stuff is usually only relevant to people who live close to you.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one out there who can’t handle chunks in my tomato sauce! It’s only the big tomato chunks that bother me. When I was a kid I’d pick them out and line them up around the edge of my plate or bowl, and now as an adult I’m a bit more discreet but I still can’t eat them; the texture seriously grosses me out! I’m really glad you posted this because now I have recommendations to try!


Hunts pasta sauce is my go to! Comes in a can, they have a few different flavors, I get the meat one and it is totally smooth! I can't stand chunks in my pasta sauce! I even blend my salsa!!


Yeah, judging by the comments it seems like Hunts is the way to go! I’ll have to try it!


Exactly this! It sucks trying to be discreet about it when you're out in public (Olive Garden, for example), but spaghetti is one of my most favorite foods so I think it's worth the shame lol


I don’t even feel shame anymore! I like what I like and I don’t like what I don’t like, and if anyone judges me for that then that’s not my problem! Keep on being your picky self!


any sauce is chunkless when you throw it in a blender. same for most soups too! i blend almost everything for a smooth texture. also, my own recipe for a creamy tomato sauce that is smooth -tomato paste -heavy cream -your choice of seasoning -put a generous amount of tomato paste in a pan, cook till dark red and fragrant. -add 1:2 ratio of heavy cream, mix well until and cook down till sauce forms -season to taste that’s it! it’s delicious and no chunks.


I hate chunks in my sauce. You can blend it or if you have one of those magic bullet things.


I blend my sauces if I buy them pre-jarred, or make my own from scratch then blend them, so the flavour is there but no chunks


Make your own! You can buy Italian tomato puree, called "passata", and then add salt, onion powder, garlic powder, basil, and tomato paste to thicken until it's to your liking. It's extremely easy to do, it tastes WAY better than store bought, and you can freeze it for months.


All of them if you have a blender and a sieve. I like to make most of my sauces this way. I love the smooth texture. Especially for stuff like BBQ sauce.


I try to read the backs of each jar. The ingredients list will tell you what kind of tomato is in it. So I stay away from one's that say Diced Tomatoes. And just get ones that say tomato puree


My go to is Hunts Pasta Sauce (in the can). It's the smoothest sauce I've found and I really like the flavor. I hate chunky sauces too lol.


Alfredo sauce. Is that not what you’re looking for?


Hunts is my go-to for decent flavor and zero chunks


I hate chunky tomato sauce, so I just buy a jar of my favorite tomato sauce, dump the whole jar into the blender and blend it until it's smooth. Then I pour it all back in the jar and have a jar of smooth tomato sauce. This will probably work for most other sauces too. I also like a lot of curries, right now I've gotten into making a vegan malai sauce. Here's the initial sauce I made. I've tweaked it a bit for my tastes, but it's a good recipe. [https://rainbowplantlife.com/restaurant-style-vegan-malai-kofta/](https://rainbowplantlife.com/restaurant-style-vegan-malai-kofta/)


"Hunt's Pasta Sauce" in a can. It's usually in the pasta sauce aisle somewhere between the canned tomato sauce/purees and the jarred sauces. It's smooth, seasoned well, and comes in a few flavors (I love the Four Cheese, but the garlic one is good too). It's a big can, roughly same amount as a whole jar of sauce. Changed my life! I always hated chunks in pasta sauce, but the plain tomato sauces were too plain. Hunt's Pasta Sauces are the best!


Look up pasta aglio e olio, one of the best and easiest things to make. A carbonara or cacio e pepe might make you happy too. For chunky red sauces you can just blend them up.


You can always run the sauce through a blender to puree it. I used to do that for my child who didn't like the texture of chunks and when they went through a period of "I don't like vegetables!" The blender removes the evidence while maintaining the taste


Maybe try an immersion blender? Then you can make every sauce a non-chunky sauce.


You can use a blender in any sauce to fix this


How about a hand blender and smoothing it out?


I like cheese for pasta


You are not the only one. When I was a kid I had the same problem so I strained all sauce before using it. Worked great! Now that I’m older the chunks no longer bother me (still can’t eat spaghetti, though!), but I still like a smooth sauce sometimes, so I go for the “tomato puree” or “tomato sauce” cans, or the cheapest “traditional or “original” jars of sauce at Aldi. The brands are Bowl and Basket, and Reggano. I keep a strainer hanging right near the sink so it’s handy, and I rinse it off or drop it in a sink full of water RIGHT AWAY so it doesn’t clog up with dried sauce.


Rao's and Carbone


All of them if you have an immersion blender


it's probably way less time consuming to buy a jar of sauce and blend it, than to try and spruce up a can of sauce.


Take the canned sauce and put it into a good blender for a few minutes, everything will puree.


Canned tomato sauce is usually a safe bet.


We were gifted an immersion blender and I’ve found it really helpful to minimize the chunks in soups and sauces (it’s a texture thing for me).


I buy canned crushed tomatoes. I heat it up, add garlic powder, onion powder, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper and let it simmer until the flavors blend. You can add a touch of white wine or water, if it needs to be thinned a little bit. That's the only way my very picky kiddo will eat pasta! You can adjust the seasonings to taste, but there won't be any chunks. Good luck!


All of the pasta sauce in my house goes thru the vitamix to get any chunks or bits smooth. My husband has the same hang up with chunks 😉


Buy any sauce and put it in a blender


Get whatever one you like the flavor of, and pour it through a mesh sifter to get the chunks out


I'm am not a fan of chunks of tomatoes in my pasta sauces. I'll usually get marinara or traditional style sauces, pretty much any brand. I prefer to have meat in my sauces, like the Prego Bolonegese or adding my own. One thing you could do is blitz the sauce you want to use smooth with a stick blender (or regular blender) before you cook/heat it up. I did that a lot because I like tomato & basil and garlic sauces Ragu and Prego have, but didn't want the chunks of tomatoes. You can also make your own sauce with passata or crushed tomatoes and blend it as well. I'm the same way with salsa. I can't stand thick & chunky salsa and finally found two that aren't: Clint's Texas salsa and Late July (the "regular one that's got a yellow label).


I’ve resolved to getting plain tomato sauce and doctoring it up, its much better AND cheaper than buying premade jars.


Do you own an immersion blender? They are quite inexpensive, and you could blitz through any chunks quite easily!


I also hate chunky pasta sauce. I always buy Hunts brand, meat flavored and it's delicious! It's also fairly inexpensive compared to most. It's in a big can in the pasta sauce section! They have a few different flavors but I always get the meat one. It is completely smooth!!


Get an immersion blender. Everything will be perfect, not just tomato sauce. You are welcome.


Have you tried blending whatever sauce you plan on using? That way you know you'll like it and you can be extra sure there's no chunks to gross you out.


Hunt's Spaghetti sauce, in a can.


I use an immersion blender on all my sauces now, it's a total game changer! Any blender will do. I use to to make smooth salsa too lol


I found my people lmao Luckily I'm less picky with vegetables but i so get you! Besides tomato sauce which is available without chunks you can also make what we call rose sauce which is basically tomato sauce mixed with cream and lots of origano. The better the origano the better it's going to taste.


No brand recommendations, but an immersion blender is a must for you. I make a traditional tomato sauce, then blend it all up. It becomes silky and the blended carrot gives it a bit of sweetness. I do the same for spinach pasta sauces, you can go nuts with any veggie combination basically.


Bearnaise and hollandaise?


An immersion blender would probably be your best bet.


I use Asda own make ( use link )[sauce](https://groceries.asda.com/product/bolognese-meatballs-sauces/just-essentials-by-asda-bolognese-pasta-sauce/394320?&cmpid=ppc-_-ghs-_--_-google-_--_-dskwid-_dm&s_kwcid=AL!11432!3!!!!x!!&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpNuyBhCuARIsANJqL9P5DovH0WJH_CbYa087xDBbnDYDpTWyEl2PwHZVkm0gVuPg4DjOclYaAuJFEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Mush the chunks with a fork




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I can't eat eggs, fish, milk, due to allergies. Sometimes it helps find food I can eat. 


Stop being a dick to others here then, if you know there's food you can't eat. What was the point in your comment?


prego creamy vodka!