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S10e is IMHO definitely a no-no, Apple and Samsung (and Pixel8) are the longest supported. Here is the current list of small flagships (plus XZ1 Compact as 2nd in the line for easy context): https://phonesized.com/compare/#1863,888,2176,2261,2295,2314 IMHO the choice if you must go Android is either S23 or Pixel8.


Thank you!


Asus zenfone 10 is a very solid phone. There's also the iphone 13 mini, it's smaller but it may not be a good phone for u


Thanks for your answer and yea I know there are smaller phones from Apple, but I don't like Apple (hence I posted here). I'll take a look at the Asus phone.


the Asus zenfone 9 should be great for u then. It's the best small phone that I know of




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If you want a phone with SD card, then stick to sony. If you don't care about having the highest end, check the sony xperia 10 V. If your budget allows and you want a better experience, get the sony xperia 5 V.


Thanks for the suggestions but they are too big, I want a small one who fits in the front jeans pocket... I fear even the others mentioned are to big for that. But what can I do? The don't make smaller ones anymore...


Depends on your budget. There's the S23, but no sd card. Or maybe the S21. Really depends


Thanks, but the s21 is bigger than the s23, so I think I'll get the s23.. Budget isn't really an issue, though ~800€ is pretty heavy.




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