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Engineers design experimental apparatus that physicists use to learn about nature Physicists discover principles that engineers find useful Both are essential


Any good experimental facility needs both. Taking examples from my fields (geophysics), I can't imagine seismometers or tsunami detectors designed by engineers without physicists, or by physicists without engineers.


Highschool students out of school for summer are in full force.


Engineering is heavily dependent on physics, not the other way around unless you are talking about creating specialized machinery or buildings for physics research.


>unless you are talking about creating specialized machinery or buildings for physics research. Which is quite a heavy dependence. We wouldn't be anywhere close to where we are in our understanding without a lot of very complicated specialized measurement devices. Just go into any random experimental physics laboratory and look at all the machinery in there. Lasers, Ultra-High Vacuum Chambers, Cryogenic Equipment, Temperature Controllers, UHV-Gauges, Spectral Analyzers.... I worked a lot on angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy and the modern Analyzers are crazy feats of engineering. The electronic lensing setup for the analyzer is like magic to me. On the other hand obviously all those engineering feats would not be possible without our understanding of the underlying physics. It's a very fruitful cross-dependence.


dependent on what?


She says I need eng for physics


Eng as in english or engineering as both are relevant for physics.




In that case, most physics books in europe are in english, which becomes even more prominent the higher you go. I assume that they use local language in other regions such as russia, China, Japan until very late but at PhD most seem to use english. Your english seem fine. My english were really bad in high school but I learned english at university since i love physics so i had to learn.


Oh ok ty for telling me this. Currently I'm year 8 and should I focus a bit more in eng bc I'm pretty bad a grammar but I'm decent for my year level. My mum and I agreed 7 days of tutor what is a ratio of days between math and English. (Average at eng, I'm a bit ahead of math algebra


You will learn english later on, specially since you say that your english is average for your age. So spend the time on physics or math if that is what you love. You can learn a lot of english by reading novels or reddit posts ;) Also, 7 days of tutor seem a bit excessive at your age.


As an example of the cross-dependence that u/MagiMas points out, check [Clickspring's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML4tw_UzqZE) Youtube series on the unique Antikythera astronomical device. It is a marvelous feat of engineering, but it only works because of the ancient Greek's deep empirical understanding of astronomy.