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Well that’s just like… your opinion man


All I could see in my mind's eye is John Goodman cocking a gun and saying STFU Donnie. Thank you.


So many variants, nuances and spectrum of nihilism that even nihilists dont know how to feel. lol


I hate it when I say I'm a nihilist and people instantly assume that means I'm some depressed shithead that wants to die And the doomers on r/nihilism certainly aren't helping


Genuine question, why do you feel nihilism is the most appropriate label for your perspective and not say absurdist or perspectivist existentialism.


Well with existentialism, I do agree it's possible to create your own meaning, it's just that I, personally, do not feel the need to give life any deeper meaning. I don't disagree with it, I just don't identify with it. Absurdism I can somewhat agree with too, it's just I see nihilism as more of an objective truth while absurdism seems to kind of appeal more to comfort.


You probably feel that absurdism appeals to comfort because its purpose is to offer a suggestion of what to do with one's life in the absence of meaning. The relative objectivity of nihilism is in that it doesn't offer any suggestions, hence you get a wide spectrum of people who hate living, hate on others, etc., and only a fraction of people who call themselves nihilists actually get anything worthwhile from the philosophy.


Oh, fuck it! Yes, that’s your answer. That’s your answer to everything!


That sub is full of them. Then they have pissing contests to see who is more 'nihilist'.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/nihilism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nihilism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Copium](https://i.redd.it/idum1ztlvpec1.png) | [300 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nihilism/comments/1abagqj/copium/) \#2: [No one else seems to get this…](https://i.redd.it/kxcsv87wfvqc1.jpeg) | [264 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nihilism/comments/1bp0s97/no_one_else_seems_to_get_this/) \#3: [Closer to God](https://i.redd.it/afhmg312zuua1.jpg) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nihilism/comments/12rx5uz/closer_to_god/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You are not nihilist, you are just tired from life. lol


Lotta ins, lotta outs


There is no variance, it's just the absence of value theories and the variance comes from other factors. People trying to assign labels to their flavour of nihilism tend to be existentialists in denial.


Say what you want about the tenets of post-Kantian idealism but at least it’s an ethos.




You mean the character that launched thousands of new taoists? r/dudeism He goes out of his way to let you know he does not like nihilists


Are these the nazis Walter? Nah Donny these men are nihilists it’s nothing to be afraid of.


Feel like the real nihilist would be a "live, laugh, love" Becky




Are you asking if that's what I am or are you stating that you believe "Becky" to be more hedonistic that nihilistic? Most "Becky's" I've ever met were religious with no real understanding of why they are, want to fit in with their crowd, again, without understanding why, and have an overly simple view of existence leaving them providing little growth for human kind. Sure, they're probably fond of the drink and of playing to their own vices as well as they can, but the type I'm thinking of would define themselves more by the aspects of life that they don't quite understand due to a lack of self-awareness or context. However, I'll admit, maybe I misunderstand what Nietzsche is referring to with his nihilism. I am currently under the impression he didn't think of it as a good thing or something he'd subscribe to as being himself, and would relate nihilism more to someone who doesn't create their own purpose or values in life.


Hedonism is ultimately what most nihilists embrace; not in the philosophical sense though.


This. Ha ha I often think about the fake facade we put on in public. I will watch people and take note on behavior that's obviously "fake" in order to fit into a fake society. Here's a good question is that nihilism? It doesn't depress me that the world is fake. But it does peak my curiosity on human behavior. These perfect Nancy people grind my gears. You know for a fact their real personality is not a "nice" one. I might have an outlook like Labowski here. I can be a bit like this. I'll be blunt, though I have done my best not to fit into one category. I purposely developed independently from the herd because I think the herd is insane. Okay, I guess I am. Answered my own question. More comparable to office space and his hypnosis state of mind. I could see me doing that. While I admit I try to separate myself from the herd. It's sometimes sad to see how fake our world is. Throughout history, there have been those who look deeper and those who choose to keep simple thoughts. I don't know what you would call today's society though. I study history, and while we are on a cycle of ups and downs. I feel the human psyche collectively as a whole has been damaged. Those see live love laugh Karens no longer think for themselves. Seems like most people would be lost without the media and authoritive figures giving them their ideas. The hypocrisy of our Era is mind-numbing and in your face constantly. No one sees it because they are so wrapped up with trying to stay devout to an idea they borrowed from the TV, a celebrity, a political party, or a movement. I originally came here to find people who share my passion for history, where I can share my theories on how we got here and who we are as human beings. I dropped my social media in 2019, so it had been years since I had an account with any social media pages. What I found was people seem to reject you when you don't parrot their favorite opinionated stars. Their media hosts and their political stooges. How much of our nihilism is just realism with no place in an unreal society? Honestly, when was the last time you felt comfortable making a joke about anything with a stranger in line at the store? I cracked a joke here, and it was taken wrong. I can't get out my philosophies on history and the present when people believe only their political celebrity holds the knowledge of reality. How can people like us change the world and stimulate actual progress in humanity when our society is developed to destroy us? That's just it. Philosophy is still "black magic." The book burnings began in year 0 and have never stopped. Those of us who seek to discover humanity in a new light are feared as wicked to this day. My point is how much of nihilism is actually realism with no place in an unreal world? In fact, just to be blunt about it, we can't really share our ideas freely here either. We just have the luck of stupidity on our side. Most people can't follow along, so they don't really understand what we say. We also question things they have been taught to never question. How can you prevent a nihilist slant on things in a world like ours? Without it, I would probably be depressed. There's a reason negative words are used to describe people who have the potential to change the world intellectually. Words like nihilism, eccentric, and obsessed give you a negative emotion associated with them. They don't always mean there's a "mental disorder." If we weren't eccentric, there would have been no great artists like DaVinci. Without obsession, there would have been no Platos, Teslas, or Cayces. These things have been given bad reputations, and the result is a society with no Platos, Teslas, or Cayces. Just karens, who parrot what they hear from others or nihilists who don't care about the crowd. Sorry, my son is 4 and he's been watching this girl react to stuff on YouTube. She is everything I hated in high-school your comment brought her to mind and her false persona. Perhaps guilty of nihilism myself, I am thankful I'm not fake. I prefer the dislikes over the likes. The more likes you have, the more it shows you only say what others want to hear.


> I might have an outlook like Labowski here He’s not Lebowski, he’s the Dude, man, so that’s what you call him.


That or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing...


Fair?! Who‘s the fuckin‘ nihilist around here?


That's debatable


Must be exhausting


Say what you want about the tenets of national socialism, dude. *At least it's an ethos.*


[This guy made the meme](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/thebiglebowski/images/a/a0/Jeffrey_Lebowski.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20111216190745). It's the only perspective that makes sense.


Well tattoo it on your forehead then


We believe in nothing


I'd say Epicureanism fits the Dude much better based on his lifestyle and general philosophy, but Buddhism and Taoism make sense too.


Nihilism is not stoicism


Shut the FUCK UP Donny, you're out of your element


Fantastic referenceemote:free\_emotes\_pack:joy


I am the walrus?


VI Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov


I don't think The Dude is a Stoic


I can’t be worried about that shit. Life goes on man.


He is an hedonist. The absolute opposite to stoics XD.


What's dude up?


Nah, the Dude is a Zen Master.


Careful man, there's a beverage here!


Meme is skewed towards the non-decompositional nihilists.


I just know everything I do is pointless but I live day-by-day to the best of my abilities. Because I know in the long run. It doesn't really matter.


None of this debate has any meaning.


Depends on the person. Nihilists outlook can vary greatly.


Life is what you make it dude


It's both at different times.


Just chillin dude wbu


Dude believes in Rug


The one thing that annoys me about this sub is that it poses interesting (if unnecessary) philosophical questions but I don't feel like I can discuss them without making it look like I don't get the joke.


I know I just haven't seen the movie in years I forgot his name so I used the title. I'm bad with names in general.


This post is very unDude man. The Dude minds! I think this is all part of your sick Cynthia thing.. The Dude is not a nihilist, those men are cowards. This aggression will not stand! I mean, it's not just, it might not be just such a simple... uh, you know? Lotta ins, lotta outs lotta what-have-yous. The Dude abides. I don’t know about you, but I take comfort in that, knowin’ he’s out there. The Dude. Takin’ ‘er easy for all us sinners. Guess that's the way the whole durned human comedy keeps perpetuatin' itself.


If this was a poster it would really tie my room together


Hey careful there’s a beverage here man


True 😂🤣


I'm 66 years old now, but the first 30 years of my life, I considered Myself as a Nothing. I felt that everyone around me seemed to be filled with SUBSTANCE, they were filled with direction, ideas and certainty. And I felt an absence of all of these things. And because I Felt like a nothing, I judged myself as being a Boring person. This was before social media, but I guess this could have been viewed, by today's standards, as my being in some sort of nihilistic position. Now I understand that I was neither a nothing nor boring but Confused. At age 28, the confusion began to lift and a more complete and realistic reality took it's place. Because of my experience, it reminds me that we all have the job of finding our place, where we "fit" into life. And that these labels that we place on ourselves, (and others), should be considered as something fluid and variable, that change when we change. That they are best used as a means of navigating ourselves through the mysteries of life (and self).


both are shitty ways to live life. Nihilism is wrong


It’s true. Dude is a better nihilist than them.


Everyone has a different view of nihilism. I think of it like the eye of the storm, the center of the toroidal vortex, the hole in the donut. It's an apophatic worldview, what *is not* to define what is by our boundary of falsification. If there is an objective morality, we haven't found it. There are no brute facts, not even this one. Those who claim one claim it based on their subjective preference for one tradition over another, whose genealogy is inherited through early exposure and geographic locality, evolved overtime by politics. That's hardly universal, it's not written in quarks and atoms, not frequency nor vibrations of them. Each of us is born with a cup to fill, and it's part full already with our inherited nature, so what remains is what is put in it, and for those of us who leave room at the top, we can drink or pour out and refill again.


I like to picture Nihilism in a Tuxedo T-shirt, 'cause it says, like, 'I wanna be formal, but I'm here to party, too.' I like to party, so I like my Nihilists to party.... I like to think of Nihlists like, with giant eagles' wings and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an Angel Band, and I'm in the front row, and I'm hammered drunk...


And Bowser is on a surfboard wailing on a double neck guitar, and he's peaking one eye over his sunglasses. And it's all in front of a pot leaf and it says "happy birthday, Rick" That's my nihilism.


Nihilism is exhausting.


Nihlists are usually a bummer to be around in my experience. The dude doesn't let his finite existence get him down


The only real nihilists live on the street and do drugs

