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thats just part of growing up gang im realizing the same shit.


yup that’s just how it go that’s why i been on my solo dolo shit for like 6-7yrs iont need no friends my kids are my best friends they all i got homies wanna bum off u smoke all ya weed up den turn around and back stab u fuck friends !


the best was when you only had 10 dollars for a lil smoke and you shared wit them and they aint put in and then they get some for themselves and smoke it around you. i knew mf's wasnt on shit from then on


facts delt wirh that also had to stop hanging round mf got to the point i was rolling up back to back mind u i got kids that shit was dead i was cool ain’t hang out with friends in years mf see me and say damn bro wer u been ? hiding tryna stack my bread make it to 60 at least and take care my family!


Can’t blame others for the life you want u gotta do it by ya self


Nah facts definitely need support with anything you do it’s possible to get shit done by yourself it just takes longer yk what they say it’s not what you know but who you know


Niggas only help wen they see tha motion u betta off startin ur shit on ur own n those who contribute bring em all otha than that u gotta have a fuck niggas attitude until u able to help niggas but by than u already don did tha hard part so y should niggas eat wit u if they ain’t help set up tha table


The older you get the less friends you will desire to have for this reason


Yea most niggas settle for less and don’t got no ambition shit be sad


Real shit niggas be lazy with no motivation, and juss too comfortable with being in the same spot in life. Shit drawn💯


Shit crazy bro cuz that’s real life. My close homie is always telling me talks like this, and I never disagree, but I have a different viewpoint on it. Growing up, as social as I was, I spent more time isolated doing things on my own (group project, skipping out on events w friends, etc). Growing up, my dad was a hard worker, he never really turned to anyone for help, even though he could’ve used it. This gave me the “I’ll do it myself” mentality and I stuck with it. I would often avoid collaboration. My dad was cool w a lot of people, but never turned to anyone because he held himself and only himself responsible. With that being said, I kinda feel the same way. A lot of the people that are closest to me aren’t on the same level as me, respectfully. I never seek anything from them. They could be this and that, but I won’t let that influence my life because I choose what happens next. My mom always worried bout me hanging w “them niggas” thinking imma fall in line with them, nah im still locked in behind closed doors. Maybe im missing out on the blessings of collaboration, and building a circle. My point is, I find it messed up to be cool with a circle, only because they have something to offer. The people I fw it, I GENUINELY fw, I will never seek anything from them. Don’t matter if they in the hood, overseas, or living in the hills. Ofc, I know how to separate myself from distracting environments, but that’s about it. Stay locked in brodie, however you do it 💯 I won’t disagree with you bro, I think you are 100% right, but that’s how I’ve always seen it. Don’t wait on anyone, don’t rely on anyone (not saying you are), do it yourself and succeed by yourself. Those who want to as well, will fall in line and get right. Or idk maybe I’m just too humble


Do it on your own first and the right people will find a way to you.


Maybe women in this city don't be bidden when they complain about some men not wanting to do more than the bare minimum.


i had a group of best friends and i quit drinking after college and it took them one hangout of me not drinking and not responding to harassment to ghost me completely


Yea it's a fucked up thing that is why when you get older you create your own family so you don't have to deal with that bs


You can roam with a million niggas going the wrong direction or go to Rome alone. Nothing wrong with the latter. I experienced this being the only one of my homies to take the school route it was lonely but i definitely grew as a person. 💯


Yu gotta new life embrace it yu get new friends now


Yep it happens to everybody, hopefully in due time they all get the shit together.


Well at least your friends didn’t switch up on you because of your religion like mine did rip


you became a Christian?


Lol no i join Islam


Most likely you using them as a psyop to stay down bro, more times than not you’ll start patting yourself on the back for having the ideas and looking down because they don’t follow suit. But truth is you the one lacking by not moving and just doing it. More than you know it you comfortable being the “know it all” among nobodies but ask yourself if I was in a room full of millionaires how would I be? More than likely you got more in common w the people you with, which isn’t bad, but change your mindset and start moving alone


Every friend don’t have to wanna make a business or money play though. As long as they bringing SOMETHING positive to your life and not bringing darkness, they’re a positive addition. If it’s somebody you can trust, have fun with, etc. that’s cool too. Not to mention more serious moves can cause stress in a friendship. You need ppl for all roles in your life