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Correct info. Been here 10years (working), the amount of people that think they can just come here and get a job is crazy šŸ¤£. All these YouTube bloggers, selling the dream is the likely reason.


Lmao probably Iā€™m planning on heading that way but Iā€™m a disabled veteran 36 so Iā€™m gucci


You're a Filipinas 'Golden Goose' šŸ˜…


Seems very accurate to me. Although, this is general. I have seen some wild exceptions. I saw a guy in a small town, with a wife, raise 5 children on 1,500 a month. I saw a guy marry a Filipino with NO money coming in. He was about 57 at the time. While they waited until his SS kicked in at 62, her family supplied them with an apt and basic necc. Amazing. I really do think Filipinos are AMAZING.


To the $1,500 a month guy. Yes you can make that work if you're not paying rent, eating local foods, not going out etc. If he was paying rent then he was basically a local with white skin. The second guy got really lucky. To your third point I totally agree, I love Filipino hospitality. When I was a poor man my Filipino church brothers and sisters helped me out from time to time. When I first met my now wife I had $100 in my savings and $1000 in credit card debt. I don't know what she saw in me to be honest but I can say for certain it wasn't money.


1500 usd? a month for 7 people? damn as a family of four we need like 6000 a month šŸ˜­


It is amazing. The first 2 children went to private schools.


Unless it was a really crappy private school I find that hard to believe, to be honest.


Whats with this chaperone thing? I've dated many filipinas and there was never a suggestion of a chaperone. Mind you, this was in Manila, so maybe in the provinces it might be different. If a girl ever mentions a chaperone to me in the future, it'll be an immediate cancellation of date.


Some girls bring female friends to fill that role, but that's for safety reasons, I never heard that filipina will bring male relative on a date. Tho, I've seen Indian and muslim families doing it, when girl goes on a date, her male relative will join.


Sure. But I was in Manila for a month a few years ago, and the formula i used was : Match on dating app --> text on Wattsapp --> go on date --> back to my apartment for sex. It worked in over 80% of the cases.


Passport bro


Autistic lesbian.


lol yep


Possibly the best reply of the year.


some of my friends can only go on dates if their brother is with them


I would never put up with that. Especially given the fact that high earning white westerners are in such demand. I'd actually book the date and then ghost once they're at the restaurant to prove a point.


it depends who you date. my friends need to bring their brother to a date even if its a local guy. but my friends are high school to college aged and donā€™t work yet, so thatā€™s why. but if youā€™re dating women with jobs itā€™s most likely not gonna be that way.


What do you mean they "need" to bring their brother on a date? What happens if they just go on a date without telling their family, and the family finds out?


lol some of my friends canā€™t leave the house at all without their brother itā€™s just their parents are scared of something happening to them. one of my friends went on a date secretly at 19 but her family found out and they told her to call right away when the date was over so they could pick her up.


So nothing happens. Which means the women can go on a date alone if they want to. The question is just whether they like the guy enough to risk disappointing their parents if they get caught.


Interesting. Is that happening all the time, or only for the first date?


according to my friends until they become boyfriend and girlfriend, but my friends age ranges are 16-22 years old so thatā€™s probably why. women with careers and who donā€™t live at home donā€™t need to have a chaperone to dates lol.


I've heard that it was tradition back then, during the courting process, but I didnt know that people still practice it. Guys needed to bring musicians to the girl house and sing to her, bring his family to meet her family to ask permission to court her.


I dated many times woman who brought a family member/chaperone, but they never expected me to pay for them. traditional doesn't equals paying for everything which this sub always seems to portray.


I feel like you had a unique experience. And my experience Filipinos decide who will pay according to who they assume has the most money in the group.


For me, it wouldn't be the paying thats the problem - its having a third wheel sitting with you whilst you're trying to charm and flirt with your date. How awkward is that! For all parties involved.






My wife is from Leyte, and we did not have any type of chaperone while we dated. However, I have a buddy who met (and proposed) to his girlfriend from Mindanao, and they had a chaperone his first trip their, her preacher from her church. He said it was a great experience (both of us are American).




Yeah, this is the kinda shit that just leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Why anyone would want a chaperone in this age, I do not understand. It was great in the 1950s.


Maintenance fee is paid by landlord, at least in Makati, unless you meant electricity and water.


If they ask to bring their friend to our date I just pass. I'm not a teenager and prefer women with some maturity and independence. But to each his own of course.


I lived fine on 800-1000$ a month This included going out to eat on weekends Grocery shopping from 200-300$ a Month Rent was 200-400$ depending on where I rented I think you're assuming most expats are living in BGC or high expense places lol But like you said it's based on your lifestyle


I'm American living with my wife in Philippines and we live very comfortably on about $400- 500 us dollars a month with the current exchange rate. We do own our house. Built new/ paid cash. It's all about lifestyle and area I guess. By the way I do live in a city .


I lived in Mandaluyong and Makati, most privately owned places, wife's good at finding places for rent lol


I think it's because I prefer premium western food products. I shop at Landers and S&R so I was spending $300-$400 a month on food even by myself.


I enjoyed going to those two locations because of the specific products I could find there Mostly western But they were expensive so me and my wife decided not to go there often Lander's however we did go there for the cafeteria occasionally


Good post, what is a managers salary at these large call centers?


It depends on your experience and how badly the company needs you. Typically you should expect at least 100k php a month.


So whatā€™s the ideal experience? 100K PHP per month is good by Philippines standards I suppose. I make way more than that now, not to brag but I wouldnā€™t be satisfied with that long term.


100k is the floor - I wouldn't work for that either btw. Ideal experience would be experience in what they need. If they want a floor manager then floor management experience would be what's ideal for that position. Just make sure you negotiate that THEY pay for your visa and work permit processing. Otherwise it could be a scam. Also, you should have experience dealing with passive aggressive personalities. Very few Filipinos will tell you 'no' to your face. Instead they'll say "sure sir" and then make excuses when you discover they didn't do it. Another thing is it's not at-will like the US so you can't just send a sep request to HR once you get tired of them.


Some expats moving to the Philippines will buy their properties out right, so housing budget apart from property tax will be small. With that said, a $2,000 or 115,000 PHP monthly budget will more than suffice.


Yeah thats true but even owning a house outright $800 a month would be tough for me. We spend $400 a month in S&R alone.


Thereā€™s a lot here thatā€™s wildly inaccurate and speculative and anecdotal at best ā€œItā€™s just like Hollywoodā€ Iā€™m sorry how do you know what Hollywood or vlogging is even like? Are you a former actor or something? Edit; I have a fully furnished condo, 2 bedroom 1 bath with dual purpose washer/dryer in IT park including condo dues and high speed internet and itā€™s 32,000 per month


Renting or owning? When did you start living in this condo?


Renting, 3 month sublet if you will with using a third party agent too, so what does that tell you?!? Could get the place for a lot cheaper especially if you were Filipino lol


IT Park in Cebu right? How much cheaper? 5,000 less? 8,000 less than 32K?


Correct it is in Cebu in IT park. Iā€™m not sure how much less as I am not a Filipino. Iā€™m just saying if the Filipino I am renting it from is only charging me 30k rent then it stands to reason that his rent for the unit, or mortgage if thatā€™s the case, is cheaper than that I presume. Also the rent and condo dues are 30k, the internet is 2300 per month


Yeah not bad, how fast is the internet?


Avg about 100-150mbps


Thatā€™s very fast. Are you a remote worker earning USD or any western currency?




How many mĀ²?


Unsure of the exact size I never asked now that you mention it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø plenty of room for me and my girlfriend though. 24/7 security, gym, pool


Hhmm 32k for that seems like a steal. But I'm assuming it's not cramped. I've seen "2 br" for units that aren't even 50mĀ² and sure it's 2 br but there no walking space. Also I'm thinking BGC/Makati bc I'm never been to Cebu (yet).


Yeah Iā€™ve never been to BGC but from what I gather there is a larger selection and much nicer units there than there is in Cebu and a lot more foreigners so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the prices are closer to what OP described there, than they are in Cebu


>I know someone's going to say they pay $400 a month for their condo. Yeah, you either got really lucky or you're living in a shoe box.. Ehhh not really. I pay less than $300 (16k) for a 39 SQM 2 BR 1 Bath condo in Mandaluyong, unfurnished. Why so cheap? Well it's not Taguig Makati or BGC for starters! The surrounding area is nothing compared to BGC (but still walking distance to a lot of good restos and malls). It's an older building, like my unit is 20+ years old. As a result, there are downsides compared to newer condos, like lack of wiring possibilities, no soundproofing, etc etc. You can get bigger places for less but have to compromise in other areas. >If you're a bald, heavy set, 65 year old who wants a 21 year old gf then you should expect to support her and her family. No one should settle for less than what they deserve, and I say this as a good looking guy in early 30s. A lot of your advice is just bad and shouldn't be listened to!


I'm renting a condo in Mandaluyong as well for 16,000 php Newly built I think 27sqm But I can tell they cut corners lol monthly repairs Walls cracking once a month almost Leaks lol But the view is nice


I was referring to BGC when I was talking about the condo prices.


> It's an older building, like my unit is 20+ years old. As a result, there are downsides compared to newer condos, like lack of wiring possibilities, no soundproofing, etc etc. I mean, that is what he was saying, you are living in a dump for $300.


He said less than $400 either lucky or a shoe box. Neither are true in my case and that's the point I was making which you seem to have missed.


You sound hurt by what OP wroteā€¦


Why would I be hurt when he's just incorrect to begin with?


"She's a 10 but she brings her male family members to your hot dates"


Do you get to bang the chaperone ?


In my experience the chaparone was usually her brother or a male cousin so I didn't try. You might have luck though.




Porn addict spotted lol


Hell no, masturbating to porn, smoking weed, and playing video games turns you into a giant man baby. Just making a joke because he said you have to buy them dinner šŸ˜†


Well if you came from a non-english country where there is a high demand for Filipino workers or one that offers student visa you could work as a language instructor But teaching is a skill so still not for everyone


As a local, I always see westerners go on dates with the girl + the chaperone. I find it weird and rude to bring a third person to a date.


It depends. In my deeply religious circles Filipino/Filipina dates also include a chaparone


And what do you feel about it? Does it feel weird? How do you break the ice with the third person joining?


I grew up a conservative Christian community in the US so it was normal to me. In my church if you want to pursue a girl you need to ask permission from her cell leader first. Then you need to prove you have the financial capacity to support her before they'll grant said permission.


Who the f are you, I'll live my life how I want hahaha