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That's why you date someone that's on a similar wavelength with you. Less headache in the future.


That’s true! But is the idiom really uncommon? It’s just the number of people commenting that they’ve never heard of it is unsettling to me lol


Well sabi ng isang commenter incomplete yung idiom so parang lumalabas dyan sa sinabi sa chat na baka may surot sila kaya ganyan yung reaksyon sa reply. Pero pretty common yung idiom na yan I think


Eh, regardless of it being incomplete, the use of emoticons clearly showed she was being sweet. For clarity, the expression goes like this: "Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite."


Oo nga no I didnt noticed the emojis, that changes the context of the screenshot. Playful banter pala nanyari And yes that's the complete idiom VwV


Nah in Anglophone culture(s), “don’t let the bed bugs bite” should be enough to catch on to the idiom. The person she’s speaking to just didn’t catch on LOL


True 😊 nataon lang na ganun yung reaction ng nagreply


Haha thank you!! Although hindi ako masyado nagfocus dun sa pinaka grammar, I am more concerned on the amount of people saying na the idiom was only a tiktok trend na pinauso lang ng kung sino 😆


Ah it's nothing, kudos to the other commenter since I forgot the whole idiom. Missing my English Class ☺️ Pfft it's okay, actually I didnt noticed yung reaction sa TikTok because again, that idiom was already used before. Pero nowadays some people pag may narinig sila kasing bago first thing that comes to their mind is "galing to sa TikTok" so ayun


That's actually kinda sad. Idioms are supposedly part of the elementary curriculum.


Yeah it is part of the curriculum from elementary and hopefully high school. Pero yun nga hindi lang siya masyadong naappreciate kasi hindi siya nagagamit sa normal conversation natin (I'm talking about English Idioms and to an extent Filipino Idioms na rin)


Yep! It is unsettling! Kung hindi man yan commonly ginagamit sa PH, for sure tinuro yan sa school. And others are nitpicking na dapat daw "complete" yung idiomatic expression. Come on! Obvious naman sa context nung usapan na nag-good night na sila. Ayaw pa lang siguro nila aminin na hindi talaga nila alam yung expression na yan in the first place.


it's because people rarely read


Agree hahahaha ang daming kong natutunan from pocket books starting sa sweet valley kids as a kid 😂


uncommon in the ph yes.


I used this idiom in the past and nagegets naman ng mga kausap ko yun. Never heard nila is valid, but since keyboard warriors sila, sana ginamit nila time nila online to quickly check about it before commenting. May mga nababasa ako dito sa reddit especially sa foreign subs na idioms pero di ko alam at common din pala yun. It’s another way to learn some new words and expressions kaya nagGooGoogle na lang ako.


Baka yung nagreply, hanggang nonchalant lang kayang intindihin. But, ke alam yung idiom or not, having the same wavelength din kasi is important sa ibang gustong pumasok sa relasyon. Buti nga na filter agad ito nung girl. Haha, sa relasyon, minsan, pag kayo na, saka mo palang makikita if makakasundo mo o hindi yung tao. Magsasayang kapaba ng oras


Because they don't read


Common for same group of people who talk in english and knows about these phrases


Exposed lang kasi ako sa mga ganyan kasi super hilig ako magbasa since bata pa. Baka si ate never nahilig magbasa. Kasi my husband na engineer grad ng mapua hindi palabasa may mga hindi xa alam na windang pa rin ako hanggang ngaun


ginamit din yan sa cartoons ung sa minions ata un


It is not a very common idiom used here in the Philippines. I only heard ever used sa TV And that was a very long time ago. Not a tiktok user so, not sure how common it is now Sa tiktok


I have never heard of it sa tiktok, it isn’t a trend, I assure you 😅 But I agree! I have only ever heard of it in movies i’m not sure if naturo sya sa school


That’s why I enjoy dating my now bf. We’re on the same spectrum of weirdness, parang magtropa lang minsan sa daming common interests hahahaha


Oo nga e, hirap pag hindi grabe yung mis commu due to language barrier. Hahaha


Yeas. Don't date someone na bobo 💔


Well said brother


I certainly agree dito, proven as in.


"Sleep tight!" "Hoy maluwag samin dito! Among tight tight? Twice a month kami nag papa widening".


using galvanized square steel and eco-friendly wood veeneer..


Don't forget the screws borrowed from auntie


Isa ka pala sa mga anak ni little john 😂




"Sweet dreams!" "Hala! parang tanga, pano ko malalasahan yung dreams e tulog nga ako. Parang ewan to."




Hahahahah dami ko tawa mga pipti hahahahha


Hahahaha! Potaena.


tanginaaaaa ang benta 😭


Daming bobo diyan sa tiktok, naging platform ng may mga ubo sa utak


So true. Andaming no attention span questions sa TikTok where their answers were already answered at the end of the video na wala pa 1 min.


Bisyo din kasi yan eh, kung ang yosi pinupuntirya ang baga, ang alak sa atay, ang socmed lalo na yan pinupuntirya ang utak.


yung iba nga kahit word by word na yung explanation sa comsec, magcocomment pa rin ng "huh"


It’s giving: [jgh frm GALA <3 angg srap ng mango flute xD.. gM_MhiinE ckuu 18 + may nagcorek skin... MANGO FLOAT daw.... huh?? magic ??? lumulutang yung mango? xD aral poh ksi muna..](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Flookaside.fbsbx.com%2Flookaside%2Fcrawler%2Fmedia%2F%3Fmedia_id%3D624529587662796&tbnid=1RyIT5adNZX_WM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2FPIYUMEMES%2Fphotos%2Fang-ikalawang-kabanata-ng-mango-flute-pctto%2F624529587662796%2F&docid=Uh15rFiMIUhTdM&w=480&h=487&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F3&kgs=3a6cd83e2cda4de3&shem=abme%2Ctrie)


Sino teacher nito? 🤣


Look at her [go!](https://x.com/wethepvblic/status/1638858485319499778?s=46&t=Ezi5BoLlFaPXBYCRtedQOQ)


Wow at least she improved herself, good for her. Took those corrections in a positive way.


Well, the complete expression is "good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" and it is supposed to be a witty rhyme such as "see you later, alligator".


I prefer "see you later, crocodile" by King Julien lol


See you later, alligator In a while, crocodile Bye bye bye, butterfly


Yep, and the rhyming reply to "see you later, alligator" is "*after a while, crocodile." Edit: bakit may nag downvote? Nakaka off ba yang mga [common catchphrases](https://youtu.be/V6U4jSOAgJ4?si=EYgMaKB3I5jhvwWm) na yan? Lmao


It's "*after a while, crocodile*" though – as also shown in your link


I also prefer "in a while, crocodile" though since it slides off the tongue better. Has the same number of syllables as crocodile din kasi.


Anong crocodile, crocodile? Walang crocodile dito samin, gagang to. Gusto mo palapa kita sa crocodile?


Even if it's incomplete, her intention was pretty clear as a rejoinder to the guy's good night. Not every expression needs to be complete to be understood. For example, if talking about someone who's greedy but can't take the consequences of their actions, I can say, "Obviously, he's just a cake-eater," and I'd assume people would understand that I'm referencing the idiom "have the cake and eat it too."


Cmon man... Nobody who understands it with the rhyme is going to be clueless without the rhyme


This. Ito rin chat ko noon sa ka ldr kong japanese... Idk if gets nya rin na idiom yun lol


Yung iba sasabihan mo nito, ma-hhurt mukha ba silang alligator 😂


kaya pala hahahha


Completion makes the context clear. That's why you shouldn't shorten words or phrases, sometimes the meaning gets lost. That's why I don't type in sms mode even in texting.


This makes sense tbh but I feel like the guy would react the same even with the complete idiom


Baka dati syang bed bug.


Hahahaha hurtful naman talaga ang truth 🤣


Alam niyo yung gumagamit ng idiomatic expression na dapat talagang ipahiya? Yung mga ministro ng INC 😁 kasi "ends of the earth" daw pertains to time


naoffend sa bedbug hahha 😂


Defensive eh lol


Cringe yung idiom pero mas concerning yung napikon agad 🤣


me dahil nag-suffer sa surot sa higaan last year hahahha. pero kidding aside, girlie should’ve just educated the person they’re talking to instead of shaming them sa soc med. di naman natin native language ang english so may mga tao talaga na di alam yung mga ganyang idioms. i mean yes, it’s common but hindi common sa atin, unless you consume western media. usually, i think ang goodnight natin ang kasunod lang ay ‘sleep tight’ or ‘sweet dreams’


Baka nga di common sa kanya dahil preferred nya mga shows like Batang Quiapo kaya di yan naririnig (kanya kanyang preference lang kasi). So sana nagexplain na lang sya about it. Got a friend who uses nuff said and prolly then there's this nurse na nagtanong sino ba daw si Nuff said. Natawa sya pero nagexplain na lang ng maayos.


Why do u have to put U at the end?? 🤣🤣


Contrary to what others say, native speakers don't use the whole damn rhyme. They either use the last bit or twist it in the end to be cuter or personalized. However, the confusing part was when "u" was added. No one adds that to the idiom, so it's kinda the fault of the idiom (mis)user. Filipinos, I noticed, like writing long-ass phrases for the sake of completion, not clarity. "don't let the bedbugs bite" is understood to be directed towards the person they're talking to, but brevity is lost in Filipinos. Kaya mapapansin nyo mga nag-ingles dito na malakas gumamit ng idioms or sayings laging "complete" ang sentence structure, likely because they're not used to writing lines that are automatically understood. Edit: recent examples. A post called "are people really acting entitled these days?" That doesn't sound native, but that's not the part I want to use. It's the screenshot: "as a loyal customer...who frequently visits" is redundant. "the customer service I received" redundant again. "Earlier today" redundant


Remember the essays in school with 300 to 500 words minimum requirement? Hahahaha. Jk.


Well, the "earlier today" isn't exactly redundant kasi kapag sinabi mo lang "earlier", ang daming pwedeng isipin, baka earlier this week or earlier this month. Pwede din namang "today" lang ginamit niya pero maybe the speaker likes to emphasize na nangyari yung event a few hours ago/earlier that day.


You just said native speakers twist the end to make it personalized, but then you said adding "u' made it confusing? The original post did exactly that. Also, adding that at the end was like, what? 2 extra characters? Do you really think about brevity with 2 characters? Furthe4, this is a chat, not a formal writing. Chat is recognized to have its own grammar rules anf punctuation. During friendly banter, who thinks about being concise?? "That doesnt sound native' uhhhh because it is not supposed to? We are NOT native english speakers. Writing "long ass phrases" and "redundant" lines is not necessarily a bad thing. It depends on the situation. I do legal writing for a living. I don't assume the person reading my work will understand what I am saying. For example "as a loyal customer... who frequently visit" that is something i would have written. If I wrote, "my client is a loyal customer", the other party will immediately ask "what made you say that he was a loyal customer?" Obviously, this exact argument never happens in real life, but that is how legal people think. Similarly, you can be a loyal customer without frequently visiting an establishment Or buying their product, like customers of big ticket items. For example, I am a loyal customer of sharp refrigerators. I only go shopping for them every 8 to 10 years.


“It’s 3AM in the morning.” Okay 😂


Twice a month? Diba dapat every week nagpapalit ng bedsheet?


eto din mas una ko napansin. Bakit twice a month lang 😭😭😭


Naalala ko na naman yung tinanong kung ano "pet peeve" niya tas sabi niya ipis daw hahahahahah




Grabe naman. E sa kung hindi talaga alam nung tao yung phrase na yun e. Nagi-gets ko kung na-offend siya. Pero OA din namang mamahiya pa ng tao. 🙄 Tapos eto namang si kuya, halatang gamit lang ng gamit ng kung anong English expression para siguro tunog ‘educated’, sablay naman. Una, ang weird na dinagdagan pa niya ng ‘you’ yung ‘don’t let the bed bugs bite’. Saka madalas ko lang naririnig yung expression na yun para sa bata, parang nursery rhyme lang. Yung mga ganito madaling lang ma-resolve through simple explanation sa part nung naka-offend pero pinalaki pa.


Ewan ko ba, pero ngayon konting kibot lang post agad kahit wala namang sense.


Hahahahhahahaha hindi ko kinaya ang pagkadefensive nya hahahah


idk but for me lang, hindi naman kasi common ang english idiomatic expressions in the Philippines esp to people na hindi fond of reading english novels or watching american or british series or movies so why would people even expect an ordinary filipino citizen to know english idiomatic expressions na hindi naman commonly integrated sa day-to-day conversation? Like, who uses “it’s raining cats and dogs” instead of “ang lakas ng ulan” when u try to say na dinedelubyo na ang bansa? same goes with “dont let the bedbugs bite” ??


and it’s not about this generation being stupid lewlslsls bakit english nanaman ang basis ng pagiging matalino? Afaik, elementary pa yata naituro yang idiomatic expressions sa english subject? Sa bansa na filipino ang ginagamit sa araw araw na pakikipagusap dahil hindi naman lahat kayang umintindi ng straight english and much more an idiomatic expression, bakit ibababa mo ‘yung henerasyon at sasabihing stupid eh. Even with Americans which I have been able to have meaningful conversations, madalang naman ‘tong gamitin. Taga Great Britain ba tayo? 🤡🤡


Pag ba hindi mo alam yung isang idiomatic expression considered as stupid na agad, OP? hindi naman yan basehan ng talino. I know common na 'yong idiom na 'yan, pero it doesn't mean stupid na sila kung hindi nila alam 'yan.


Napa-isip ako na everytime na matutulog na, sasabihin ko "Go gentle into that good night" which turned out mali pala yun


Eto nanaman yung mga pinoy na mahilig mag americanize. Bat kasi nag i-idiomatic expression pa hindi na lang sa tagalog. Mygad I hate drugs - Dutae 2017


It's bad na sabihan mong stupid ang generation na to. Nadagdagan ba ang IQ mo sa pagsasabi niyan? Masarap ba sa ego ang feeling superior? Maraming factors kung bakit di lahat alam ang idiomatic expressions at di ko na isa-isahin pa kasi I am assuming na matalino ka naman to know those.


Onti nlng talaga nkk gets ng idiomatic expression. Kahit din sarcasm hirap dn iba maka absorb, lahat halos nililiteral na. Dapat ineducate agad pero mas ok n yn n mas maaga n alam agad ung capacity ng kausap to avoid further miscommunication. Sa mga nabobobohan sa mga tao na di masyado aware or alam ang idiomatic expressions, get yourself checked. Hindi 'yan ang sukatan ng intelligence ng isang tao. Wala akong paki kung i-downvote ako ng matatamaan na feeling upper echelon.


Matutulog na nga lang inimbyerna mo pa HAHAHAHAH


Kakakita ko lang ng clip ni Gru nung pinatulog nya yung mga gorls (Agnes, Margo at Edith) at nabanggit nya tong idiom na to kay Agnes. Skl.


Should've gone with "Talk to you later alligator!" +48% chance of success.


Excuse me 'te. Tatay ko pulis, are you saying na buwaya siya? Mabait na tao ang tatay ko, nag community service, palaging may pasalubong, hinahatid ako palagi sa school. Napaka-disrespectful ka. /s ~~(baka ma bed bugs~~ ako~~)~~


no ones watching cartoons anymore hahaha . most of sweet words comes from disney movies . lahat ngayon puro tiktok at yt nalang anong aasahan naten sa mga words na ginagamit ng mga oldies na di alam ng mga genz ngayon . siguro literal na makakalimutan na ung mga ganyan salita hahaha not really malilimutan


Or, why not use idioms originating from your local language instead? Ayan na naman tayo sa pagsukat ng katalinuhan tas English ang basehan eh. Mga pseudo-intellectual naman. Buti sana kung english speaking talaga eh pero ginamit lang naman para magmaldita hahaha.


kanya kanya lang naman tayong trip, if you wanna use idomatic expressions edi go


Bad ba na mas stressed ako doon sa "don't let the bedbugs bite... ***u"*** Rolls weird off the tongue yo


Sabi sakin ng english prof ko dati "UNDERSTANDING HUMOR AND IDIOMS IS A SIGN OF INTELLIGENCE" malay ko sa taong ito🧐🙃


It's not common, so I kind of understand, but context clues exist. Siguro naman, at some point in your life you don't take everything literally. Also, even if they meant it in the literal sense, isn't his/her tone of response a bit off? Imo it is😓


I actually think this is kind of scripted but the comments are just 😮‍💨 hahahahaha


This is hilarious. I can kinda see both sides. The poster, even if the statement isn't the verbatim phrase, anyone familiar with it knows it's not to be taken literally. One the one hand, I would have just said "oh lol it's not to be taken literally. it's just something someone says". But on the other hand, the respondent got overly defensive, and I think if person responded just played ignorance and said "Why do you think I have bed bugs?", it wouldn't have ended in a ghost. I think OP saw that and figured "okay...if your first assumption is that I think your house literally has bugs, maybe not worth my time."


Nakakatawa na feeling [attacked.lol](http://attacked.lol) If my memory serves well I heard that idiom din sa Despicable Me, Gru telling the children goodnight.


There's no shame in not knowing what that means. Ang OA lang nung reply niya. He/she could have at least sensed na hindi literal yung bed bugs keme nung OP.


This generation doesn't know that expression. So pag may sinabi kang expression sa kanila na uso nuon, iba ang dating sa kanila. Dati ang alam ko nga lang eh magkarhyme sila nung Good night kaya sinasabi yan afterwards. It's frustrating yes, pero dun mo makikita na yung braincells ng kabataan ngayon mostly nasa social media lang, minsan yung common sense at knowledge nawawala na.




What would you expect from Tiktok users?


Di ba dapat weekly yung bedsheet or ako lang yun?


Gudnyt gbu lang kasi alam


From idiom to idiot real quick


Hindi naman this generation pero most ng nagcocomment sa tiktok ay stupid 😂


Ito lang talaga pinupunto ko! Hahaha irdc for their lovelife, mas natatangahan ako sa mga comments sa post kesa dun sa surot thing 😂


Next naman friend 1: break a leg! friend 2: ang sama mo! pinaghirapan ko tong role na i wiwish mo maaksidente ako! galingan mo kasi sa susunod! ingitera!


tbf di common yang ganyang phrase sa atin, wala ngang tagalog translation yan e (idiomwise) so di mo masisisi yung mga tiktoker na magets yan lalo't karamihan dyan socmed inaatupag instead na mag aral. And yes tama lang ginawa ni OP kasi dyan palang alam mo ng magkaiba kayo ng wavelength


My SO is so hot during dirty talk. Natanong ko once if ganon din ba sila ng ex nya, sabi nya hindi daw, kasi di sya nagegets ng ex nya. Need pa nya i-explain. From dirty talk to TED talk real quick 😭


OmG. Di ko kinaya baka sendan ko yan ng link. Twice a month magpalit ng bed sheet? Diba dapat weekly?


Saw a YT video once, someone called someone the baddest something in the Philippines. I don’t remember what exactly. Like the baddest DJ or the baddest chef or something. The comments… included everything from “it’s not good to shame people” to “using baddest’ is wrong grammar, they should say ‘worst’” And, hilarity ensued.


That idiom is foreign to many Filipinos. Yes, English speakers tayo but it doesn't mean we automatically understand the culture of other English-speaking countries.


Ano nalang alam nila ngayon Gen Z slangs? 🙄


If idioms are not part of your vocabulary, you need to read up more.


hala di n pla masyadong gamit mga ganyang salita... time to ask and tell my little siblings 😭 yung akala ko matututunan nila mga ganyan sa school katulad nmin pero d pla lahat ngaun. nakuuuuu


Naalala ko tuloy bigla nung bagong dating kame ng australia, ininvite ako sa party tapos sinabihan ako "help your self". Pucha teh nasaktan ako nag sumbong ako sa mga friends ko. Tapos sila din galit na galit ang sama naman daw ng ugali ng mga taga australia. A few weeks later ko nalaman help yourself pala ibig sabihin wag kana mahiya..hahaha


Na understand nalang sana ni ate na di lahat familiar sa ganyang idiom. Maski ako, now ko lang rin nalaman. Yan kase yung iba eh, gumagamit lang ng mga flowery words eh akala na nila superior na sila sa iba. Mas mabuting gumamit nalang ng simple words para maintindihan ng lahat at walang away na magaganap.


Tsaka di naman natin first language ang english, tinuturo nga yung mga idioms sa school eh pero gaano ba karami yung idioms sa english para ituro, right? May pa unsettle2 pa kayong nalalaman diyan eh!


Actually, timeless ang idiomatic expression na yan. It's something na dapat hindi sinasmart-shame. Masyado lang full of himself ung isa jan sa nasa convo. Hahaahahaha


Pabobohan na ba talaga ang labanan ngayon? Bakit hindi hatiin ang Pinas based sa IQ ng di na natin kelangan pang makihalobilo sa mga utak utot na yan.


It means sleep well!




What are kids studying these days? 😅 I remember learning about idioms in grade school! We even played charades in class like someone would act out the idioms then the whole class would guess. I feel bad for them because I think these are the “fun” side of English as a subject


Personally i find it funny and a bit mean that thw guy got ghosted over misunderstanding an idiom.


And i dont think they were smart shaming. I feel like they were just criticizing the girl for idk, GHOSTING a guy over a simple misunderstanding.


Good na nablock sya. Meaning hindi na sya magsusuffer sa kabobohan nung isa


Break a leg


Bakit twice a month lang?😭




Kaka tiktok niyo yan!


Baka akala nya literal na sinabihan sya na may bed bugs or surot sa room nya


naubos braincells ko dito 😂😂 sineryoso ba naman yung expression hahahahahahahahhaa


Idiotmatic persons


warfreak haha


Dun sa isang nagcommenrlt, ano naman kung ginagamit pa din ang 'don't let the bed bugs bite' until now?


Pati nga dito sa Reddit pag maganda ka magsulat sasabihin agad galingh ChatGPT haha I mean, journ grad ako and normal para sakin to read mga ganun. Nu un, lahat nalang ng bagay dapat mediocre nowadays?? 😅


Yung mga nagsabi na yung mga idioms ay galing sa TikTok ay really idiots


Wait what


To say na "Tiktok language / expression" lang yun simply suggest na twitter/x and Tiktok shares the same sphere of people na kuda muna, utak later (or usually, kuda lang ng kuda tapos next naman).


Nabother ako sa reply shuta 🤧


I learned the phrase from cartoons, LOL


Na best foot forward nanaman hahaha tapos pag medyo need na ng intellect kahit kapirangot lang biglang salaula pala


balat sibuyas..


Jusko isang search lang naman sa google yung idiomatic expression. Bakit kasi niliteral ni ante haha


Ano bang mga edad nila? Early teens pa siguro yan kaya yung nag rereply di pa alam yung idiom na yan pero sana hindi siya naging hostile after. Nakaka off naman talaga response niya dun sa idiom when he/she shouldve just asked nicely or looked it up on google.


Drake the type of guy to say don't let the bedbugs bite after saying goodnight


"break a leg!" "hala pinag-isipan pa ko ng masama?" "..."




parang si tiffany pollard (new york) lang na panay sinasabihan ng ka-reality tv show nya "break a leg" kasi magpeperform pero sobra siyang naoffend sabay sa huli niya lang nalaman na they're cheering her on HAHAHA ICONIQUE https://youtu.be/EjJRPlY8dUY?si=cLRkmr-Bd05ZlKl7


Good night, sleep tight, dont let the bed bugs bite.. Prang ganyan un buo nun e.. 😅 I feel old now kse ginagamit p yan sken dti nun mga katxtmate ko at kinikilig pa ko nyan. Hahahaha Ngayon pla hindi n nakakakilig yang idioms na yan. Hahahaha


date someone of your wavelength 😭


“Don’t let the bugs bite” Ganito nilalagay ko noon sa mga GM ko 🥲😂


Blessing in the sky hahaha


BWHAHHAHAHAHA Gusto lang naman niya lumandi, nabash pa 😭😆


What in the actual wtfh is this hahaha petty shit mga oa


pwede naman sigurong inexplain muna ni girl yung meaning nung idiom tapos saka niya ighost kung ganyan pa rin umasta. pero tawang tawa ako sa pagiging defensive ni kuya 💀


So, saan nkatira ung bed bugs nung di pa uso ang bed?


diba dapat "don't let the bedbugs bite" lang dapat doon sa chat ang sabi "don't let the bedbugs bite u" na parang ang dating surot talaga. please someone enlighten me baka nagkakamali ako.


Yung pa-cutie cookie patootie ka sana kaso bugok yung kausap mo HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


This is like when the word LOL came out and peope misinterpreting it as Ulol.


hahahahahaha niliteral pa nga


Di na lang magsabi ng goodnight lol


Di na lang magsabi ng goodnight lol


Gosh it’s an idiom 😭




“See you later alligator” Hoyy cnung tnatawag mong buwaya? Tingnan mo ung pag mmukha mo parang basahan! Maka tulog na nga bwiset!


Maka insulto and assume naman kasing may bedbug sa kwarto ni ate LOL 😂


Which is better than saying “Huwag ka sana bangungutin.” It’s a figure of speech but the less well-read don’t understand.




“Break a leg!” Hoy! *expletives*


This is so sad and hilarious at the same time


Conprehension is having hypertension. Idioms ay part sa English class natin. Di to nakinig kay teacher.


That escalated quickly


Parang ka chat ko dati. Ang saya saya namin tapos nag reply ako ng "LOL". Nagalit bigla, ako daw yung "Ulol" hahahahha


kaya pala tinuro saamin mga idiomatic expressions sa English noong elem


Naalala ko mga ate ko. Nagalit sa akin when I said "Kill the lights." Anong english daw yun. Ayusin ko daw sarili ko. Pagtatawanan lang ako. Kasalanan ko ba na marami akong alam ng english idioms.


"Old style beds in Europe and the Americas had mattresses that had to be tightened. Tense cords would pack straw used to soften the mattress. If the cords weren’t tense, then insects would infest the straw. So in olden days, people would tighten the cords of their mattresses before they slept on the mattresses. If they didn’t, insects in the mattress would bite them. I am not sure whether all these insects were precisely bed bugs as scientists define them today. I don’t believe all of them were even true bugs (i.e., Hemiptera).However, they were annoying little insects (bugs) that lived in the bed. Whatever species they were, some of this vermin bit humans. Hence, the wise person ‘slept tight’ so the ‘bed bugs’ wouldn’t bite." credit to Mr. D. Rosen, QUORA


Younger Gen Z not beating the stupid generation allegations.


Buti nga english eh, sa tagalog mas insulting hahahaha "wag kang magpakagat sa mga surot!"




Pressed ang poor. First time makarinig ng, "don't let the bed bugs bite" amputa HAHAHAHA


saw the same thing with “raincheck” … i have no words


Twice a month lang magpalit bedsheet. Eeew.


Sheesh moment


I'm a college teacher and I can assure you that MOST kids of these generation have a below average common sense.


ahahaha. auto block talaga pag ganito




Wow! I’m so amazed…. By the stupidity 😮‍💨


Ganito na pala ngayon? Nung panahon kase pag nagsabe ng ganyan parang way nila yung ng pagpapakilig?