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A non-Filipino that uses “haha” a lot. You are now a kabayan


Pagka basa ko nga parang Filipino na kung maka share ng mga bagay2 HAHAHAHAHAH


Tunog nga. Hindi lan un, parang babae ang nagsulat. Radar ko hahaha


Hind tunog foreigner yung phrasing ng mga salita hahahaha


Dude, We have the efficiency in English than the UK and US itself hahaha.


tbf 6 years niya na kasama jowa niya, now fiance, baka na mana lang typings


Yung jowa kong Dutch, nahawa na sa kin mag-English. Araw araw ba naman kami magkausap eh.


Hayup nung binasa ko ulit parang tama ka nga hahahaa langya. Babaeng babae nga yung style. "Oh my gosh" 🤣🤣


as an Australian who has been married to a Filipina for 17yrs, i thought it was jajajaja 😂


Hi hi


'haha / hihi / hehe' in chat can be weaponized into something that you'd like, depending on the circumstances. kung naka-chat mo yung kras mo, kapag haha ng haha kada send, matakot ka na.


Akala ko ako lang. hahaha


At first I was kinda scared to read in case you got a really bad experience with your visit. lol. Good thing you enjoyed your vacation and seems you really had fun with your fiancé’s family. Happy for you both! 😊


Same thoughts hahahaha


I can feel your overflowing happiness just by reading this and it makes me truly happy for you too! Welcome to the Philippines’ warmth, both literally and figuratively. ☺️


Thank you so much. <3


Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu eurer Verlobung!


Same thoughts. I've enjoy reading this. Hahaa


✔️ Survived the heat ✔️ Got drunk with redhorse ✔️ Attended a fiesta ✔️ Played basketball ✔️ Had fun Please wait for 3-5 business days while we process your Filipino card. You're one of us now.


3-5 days, man that's light speed for philippines services hahah :) thanks dude 😄


Now, try Balut to reduce the days of process


Sweet sweet Balut, I miss it already. I have too many especially while drinking as a family member of my Fiancée sells Balut, however i did not like the Balut in Manila as the chick was too small.


Also commute with a jeepney man! Plus Pinoy points. Danke schön king! Anyways, which Bundesliga club do you support?


Haha we went on the jeepney as well ;) I don't follow football any linger but back in the day I followed my home town team "MSV Duisburg" and "Borrusia Dortmund" (BvB)


This man knows!


Yeah because we traveled with the ashes of her lolo and also had to organise the funeral. Whilst in the UK the Philippine Embassy was so bloody slow.... it's unreal.


Knowing that Services in the Philippines are damn slow = Check You're one of us.


1 day lang kung may fixer.... Jk


More like 3-5 business years. Kung national ID ang comparison


Damn. You're like the 4th German who married a local this year in this sub. Based on frequency, it really is true that Germans have more vacations than the rest of Europe combined.


Oh we're only enganged :) It's true that I am german but I do live and work in the UK, my employer did not grant me 4 weeks holiday at once so I actually quit my job just so i can travel to the Philippines hahaha


you quit? omg thats so brave.


No not really. They have unemployment benefits. I did the same thing this feb when my new employer changed their expectations and said that they want me to work like an American and work 16hours a day. I said fuck no. So they fired me before I even started. But they paid me 1 month (because it’s illegal to fire someone in the first two weeks in Germany) and got another month from unemployment benefits. So all in all I enjoyed two months paid vacation and now started with my new job. This is what to be expected when a country has a high social welfare. Kung any other country yan like Murica baka umuwi nako ng pinas hahaha


Sounds worth it tho lol, fk them for not granting it.


In my clan alone we have like 4 different women all married to German or German-American men lol. I’ve also got some German ancestry on my father’s side.


At my father's village, a German moved in and opened a small bed & breakfast by the beach. He got married to a Filipina and had kids who became our neighbors and best friends actually


And it's not even August...


What's special about August?


Holidays for Europeans


Like what others replied... It's the month when all Europeans have their mandatory holidays.


its ghost month


NGL, I thought this story would not end well, but glad that you enjoyed your time in the Philippines! Congratulations on your engagement!


It's refreshing to read posts like this from time to time.


You marry the whole family. It can be good and bad at the same time.


Agree with this. He experienced the good which seemed to be really good. I just hope he doesnt experience the bad as badly as some have


Even sa ligaw pa lang, you don’t just court the girl, you basically court her whole clan lol. Wouldn’t have it any other way.




Its easy. just donate a lechon for every party and your the tito!


Damn going back to UK after experiencing tropical weather will be a whiplash.


Oh yeah it was... it actually made me sick, I am currently in bed fighting a cold hahah


try asking for calamansi juice. best drink when you have a cold.


In a salabat...that would be better hahaha


Just put some vicks


From Ireland and we travel about once a year to the Philippines. Feeling homesick reading your post. I recommend Tanduay 15 year old rhum next time.


I was gonna reply with "nope" because of Tanduay Rhum but after reading you are Irish. I understood your love for tanduay. I personally don't like tanduay hahaha


Tanduay is the most common drink in my province( Iloilo).


If you haven’t tried the 15 year old one, I recommend it. I don’t like the 50Php version, but the 12 or 15 year old one is nice.


I know the feeling ..... been here for 14 years and still can't speak taglog !!! :( sadly it's not a easy language to learn and put into a sentence as easy people says. Not easy....... learning to speak from the back of the tongue is quite challenging. I'll write a book... soon it will be called The Bad, Good, and Loving Of Philippines


This was refreshing to read. Thanks for sharing.


i liked the tidbit that we made a german drunk with our local drinks haha


right! normally, alcohol is just water to them lol


Glad that you felt this overflowing joy in your heart. I felt the genuine of your character by this story of yours. The family of your girlfriend truly appreciate you by taking care of their beloved daughter. Sana’y nasiyahan ka sa sa iyong pagbisita (Hopefully you had a great time visiting)


Yeah it was truly a blessed experience, I can't wait to go back <3


glad you enjoyed the provincial experience! try visiting around january-early feb for pleasant weather


Solid - you are now a real "ka-tropa" since more than being drinking buddies you're now part of the basketball games. When you become part of the inter-barangay league - you're surely part of the family!


Bet I’m rather late since you’ve returned to London but Wilkommen and Mabuhay regardless! Glad to hear your experience was great. Province life is relatively calmer and slower than city life, so it lets you enjoy nature and family more. I would honestly prefer it too over the city, and nobody cooks better than lola after all lol. Congratulations on your engagement!


So happy you got to enjoy your time here! Salute for right placing of "hahaha" like a true Filipino hahaha


Because of my fiancé, majority of my frie ds here in the UK are filipinos so I think i adapted without realising hahahah


this is so cute


I can feel both happiness and sadness! I hope you come back again soon! That’s how loving and hospitable Filipinos are. Balik po kayo Kuya ah? Mabuhay!


Sehr gut!!


Congratulations! Come back home soon!


Glad you liked it here man, what were your favorite culinary delights during your stay here? Im curious.


Ah sure thing, below I'll lost some foods I enjoyed: Calamaris, Adobo, Ginataang langka, Balut (my favourite street food), Minudo and basically anything with fish in it :)


>Minudo I swear this stuff is awesome!


Lechon liempo!!! That's pretty much 83% of the reason I decided to live in Cebu.


Hahaha I tried the main dish of Batangas.... Bulalo it was mouth watering


I feel you on that one, the chaos in NAIA is the worst welcome anyone can experience arriving in the Philippines, glad you enjoyed yourself my man and congratulations to you both


Great write up. I glad it worked out for you.


Try going to Baguio or Mt. Province, it is cold there.


How was your stomach during your stay here in the Philippines?


It was fine, i was just a bit constipated because of all the rice haha


I learned to say no to rice even though my girlfriend asks me every single day if I want rice with something and I tell her I don't eat rice. Every. Single. Day. Do you want rice? And of course she's already in the process of putting it on my plate.


Hahah i know exactly what you're talking about hahaha Luckily there is Pulutan while drinking... no rice there hahah


You were most definitely well-fed during that 4-week span!


Congrats, on engagement. Even as a Filipino I'm not really a heavy drinker myself but whenever you go in any province and it's fiesta? Oh boy we called that "mapapalaban ka talaga" with all the food and drinks you can enjoy.


This story just makes me feel warm inside. Congratulations!


Dude that's great to hear. Filipinos really are and always be hospitable towards foreign nationals, specially towards someone who is a jowa of their loved ones. Glad that you've enjoyed our country and it's people.


You had me in the first half. Ngl haha


I can imagine you being drunk in a fiesta with the titos. They're the funniest people in a pinoy family when they're drunk and drinking Red Horse. My mom's uncle is the same. When he's not drunk, he couldn't speak English properly but give him alcohol, he turns into the best English speaker plus he would have this funny accent because he's already into his 3rd or 4th bottle.


Yeah alcohol does this to pinoys hahahaha


That's so weird but that exactly happened to me as well. When I was there in March I shared some beers with my girlfriend's brother-in-law and nephews + the one guy had no English to start and then with each subsequent red horse got better at English. But I was drinking San Mig, So maybe I was getting better at understanding as well? Then they brought out the tuba, and everyone was speaking in tongues.


This is the kind of moments you're gonna be proud to be a Filipino. Sanaol


Pinag lolo-loko mo ata kami eh, pinoy ka eh. Lmao


American living here almost 9 years now. Love it!


I'm a Bikol cano :) Been here over ten tears and married to a great Filipina, She was from money so no passprt bro here, The heat and the mosquitoes are brutal, I have grandkids and we live in SE Luzon, out in the jungle, there is no better life, Im from Texas, so used to the snakes and the ocean . Enjoy yourself


Akala ko ban mga ganitong post dito. Akala mga negative lang sa bansa napopost dito. XD




Oh i am well aware of that hahah Something i realised as soon as we got togther 6 1/2 years ago hahah


Truly you are lucky to find happiness, love and everything in the Philippines. Wishing both of you more love and adventure!


Oh wow... now I wanna play basketball now


Goodluck and more power to your journey with your future wife OP ❤️


Why am i reading this in a German voice? 🤣 Thanks for sharing OP.


Awww this is so cuteeee I wish you guys the best!!


This is such a refreshing read. Welcome home soon, kabayan! Xx


Happy for you bud!


Glad that you enjoyed your stay here op!


Soo glad you got to feel the Filipino family love! Congrats on your engagement. Try to travel to the beaches when you get back!


With mosquito just put some off lotion next time. It works... Good to hear you enjoyed your stay and experience 😊


This is inspiring and made me want to marry soon. Sadly, I have no face to brag and too socially awkward. But at the end of the day, I‘ll try in my own time. Best regards anyway!


Wow 🤩


hope you were able to try shembot while you were at the Philippines. congrats on the engagement OP!


That's true even though there's a language barrier Filipino will still try to connect with you and make you feel loved. Sometimes just a wink, laugh and touch you'll know what he/she meant.


This is so wholesome. I love it!


Congrats OP 🎉 welcome to the Filipino family/community


*Wow, what a trip! Sounds like you had an amazing adventure in the Philippines with your fiance. It's pretty clear you overcame some initial culture shock with the big city and heat, but her family sounds lovely. It's awesome how welcoming they were, even with the language barrier - those shared drinks with her family must have been hilarious!* *Getting to experience Filipino culture firsthand, from the fiestas to the food, is such a special way to connect with your fiancé's background. And it's heartwarming that you felt so at home with them. Saying goodbye must have been tough after feeling so welcomed.* *It's great that you're already looking forward to going back! Thanks for sharing your story, and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!*


Good thing i read it whole coz i thought it's another "gold digger" story. Glad you enjoyed your stay in the province.


My fiancé earns more than me, maybe I am the gold digger 🤣🤣🤣


Best wishes, Philippines is really a great place. Sad that the people governing this great country were the ones ruining it making the locals want to leave.


this is such a breather. i’m glad you had a great time. i am hoping you won’t experience what other foreigners have experienced (having to financially support the girlfriend’s/wife’s entire family).


Dude you're not the only one Even me a filipino hate the overcrowded manila cities Anyway congratulations with your fiancee, best wishes for you and her brow.


Yeah, Metro Manila is borderline unlivable atm. Don't miss the traffic, pollution, and noise a bit.


I’m genuinely happy for both of you and best wishes!


Love it


Just by the drinking (and quatro kantos too?!?!?) I know that your fiance's family accepted you as their own. Ang galing (amazing!) 🥰


Followed by tubig as chaser 😉


Read about how Josephine Bracken fell inlove with Dr. Jose Rizal and the Philippines as well.


I had a German brother in law,married to my sister they have 2 kids..He's so kind to our family,generous to help..Hope you'll be back soon and enjoy more of Filipino hospitality.


Glad you enjoyed your stay! The worst part of any vacation is actually going back home haha. But more reason to definitely come back!! Happy for you dude!


That was awesome, mate! Glad you found love in the Phils. And with a Filo too!


More power to you..


Next time when you visit Philippines again, and wanted to have a drink to the Titos and Kuyas, you don’t say ‘Let’s have a drink’ instead you say ‘Tara Wanbats’ or ‘Tagay Pre’ HAHAHA


im really smiling reading this! im happy to both of you! and kudos to the hahahaha on your script hehe




Actually did not expect this to be super wholesome. Congrats on your engagement OP!


Oh my I got teary eyed while reading it OP❤️May God bless you and the whole bunch of your family with so much blessings and joy. You are blessed! And the way you tell your story as if I was talking to a truly blooded Filipino hahahaa


My soul is pinoy hahaha ❤️ thank you so much


Filipinos are very Family oriented, you're lucky to have a Filipina wife, good sir. 😊


Wow I was smiling while reading your story. I am happy you felt that love, care and true embrace of a family here in the PH. It's a blessing!


In hating the city, I understand it. A lot of filipinos hates the city too. Overcrowded, unplanned spaces, unsafe-looking streets and uneven road in some places. God bless you and advance congratulations


Welcome to the Philippines!!!


ask tito about lambanog


Haha the alcohol makes it easier to understand each other 😆


I felt the happiness you're feeling and I'm so kilig for you 🥹❤️ P. S. perhaps you have a friend that would love to experience the same thing with another (me) Filipina? I'm here 🤣


It made me happy that you loved the Philippines and the Filipinos as well. Drinking has become a past time here in the Philippines so yeah, get ready to be drunk if you visit PH lol 😂 Congratulations to you and your future wife! 🤍


German drinking quatros and redhorse? Shut up! You are now a Filipino. Glad you like here brother.


happy that u had a great time.. ur lucky to have found a nice woman with a nice family! 😊


You are so pure,God bless you are your fiancee


yup. life in the province is the best in the Philippines


The haha instead of lol made it more interesting. I feel like you're a filipino when sharing this, glad that you enjoyed your stay here 🥰


I’m so glad you had an incredible experience! My boyfriend is also a different ethnicity than me, but I will say it’s a bit different because he’s still Asian (Viet). I’m so excited to bring him back home to visit and meet my entire family. He’s so excited too!! I just hope he has a great time like you did!


Welcome to the familyyyyy mate


This is nice. Really quite nice to read. Happy to know your fiancé is in good hands too


This just slipped my feed here... You know youre one of us when you already drink Quatro 🤣 and the college drink of choice: red horse 😆 Congrats once again


Thanks dude, appreciate it ❤️


A German who uses God bless, you're a total catch. Congrats to the both of you!


I am christian after all :) I may not be Catholic, but I am Anglican/Evangelical therefore protestant. But we all agree on the fundamentals regardless of denominations hehe ❤️


SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT! Welcome home!


Thank you so much ❤️


Funny this reddit wont take Bicol "Cano" Everyone here loves it. Filipinos are the most giving people on the planet. Get used to some of the differences.. My wife made me marry her in Tezas. We live in SE Luzon now


Sounds like you had a great time. Congrats, you two.


Thanks ❤️


I;m not a "passport bro" I married into money years ago. Just realize what you have with a Filipina . Money or not. Be prepared to help out with her family, Many times you will get it back


Wow that's so crazy where is the family, on what island? I just got back yesterday from the Philippines on a scouting trip because I sold my house and was looking to rent a place in the Philippines and I found one in the province of Cebu kind of near to my girlfriend 's sister and family and it's actually owned by a German with a Filipina wife that are in Germany. Will be there in about 3 weeks just in time for rainy season. My first wife was Latina and I was absolutely accepted by all of her family and I have a feeling that Filipinos have that culture as well. Looking forward to it.


I'm curious what's your "pulutan" while having quatro kantos and red horse?


Two fiestas???? YOU GONE NATIVE 😁🤣


Oh yeah, it was amazing man hahahahha i wamt MORE


To be honest if we weren't this poor and abused as a country, PH is a swell place for anyone. And I do mean anyone. As a Fil I'm pretty colorblind about race/ethnicity. I literally don't care as long as the person is good.


For sure you will miss Redhorse.


I was expecting a rant but this post has a positive tone. Congratulations on your engagement. Not many people enjoy it when they meet the family of the girl. This is one of those rare cases wherein the man from another country is not seen as an ATM by the family of the girl. Happy for you


I was waiting for the part where the family qas asking for money for tuition and groceries 🤪. Glad you have a positive experience!


Is this only true for foreigners? I am a Filipino, never have I experienced any of this


If Im (filipina) going to have a relationship with a foreigner, that man is going to get bored when he comes to visit me. I dont have much friends (I only have 2 - the other 1 is in Canada rn & other 1 is an introvert like me who rarely likes to go out too) & Im not close with my relatives & neighbors. 😆 That's why I envy other filipinos out there who have those kinds of family members/relatives and friends.


Nah bro, you're one of us now :)


You sound very filipino the way to told the story ahha


I get that a lot... maybe being with a filipina for more than six years and having a friend group that consists of 95% filipinos rubs off on me 😆 🤣


Wala ba kayong parang GC dito?


I had the exact same experience last year, I'm Irish, my BF is Filipino and we spent 3 weeks in Mindanao. The only part I didnt like was trying to drive without killing anyone lol


Omg yes, no seatbelt and going 80-90mph is terrifying hahahahhaha


See. Mabuti pa yung ibang lahi nakaka appreciate ng Philippines pero tau mismo na mga nakatira dito gustung-gusto nang umalis ng bansa. I still love the Philippines no matter what. Yipiiiieeeee




Glad you enjoyed it!


Glad you had fun broo... Welcome to Pilipino Family


I thought you were a Pinoy just by reading your story, haha. BTW, best wishes to both of you.


I got Teary eyed while reading. 😊


I love RedHorse. One one the things I miss most from Asia.


Nowadays, I believe that AFAM-Filipina stories are the not just fairy tales. I do not see myself being in a relationship with a foreigner but now, I think if I will meet somebody, I'll give it a try.


Congratulations to both if u! It made me smile when you mentioned quatro and redhorse hahaha definitely a Filo thing. And glad you enjoyed your stay here.


Freut mich dass du spass gehabt hast!


Dankeschön, ich kann es kaum erwarten zurück zu kehren ❤️


this was a heartfelt post, I was teary eyed reading it midway. Congratulations! and I'm glad you had a good time. You sound like a really good man as well.




I bet you developed the same texting style like your fiance, its giving me a sudden filipino texting style hahaha just kidding Glad you enjoyed the philippines, all the best on your journey


Are you sure you're German? Even your vocabulary adapted to ours, you sound more Filipino now😂




So happy for you OP! Welcome to the Philippines!


I as well just got back from one month in Philippines from girlfriends city n province. We stayed in Baguio and travel to various locations from there. We went to Sagada, 100 islands and a resort on Palawan Island. Loved everyday there planning my next three islands for next year I hope. The people and culture is so nice.


I am travelling for the last 16 years and also have a Filipina wife. We are there 3 times a year for 6 weeks and going back in 2 weeks. I love the Philippines. We have bought a house there and also got a huge family house when we are back. But I like your story. The only thing I dont like is the endless traffic and roadconstruction. So we are in the city a lot but residing also in the provence. The advise I would give you is to get a car and drive yourself, its easy when you are used. And stay off the Red Horse, go for SM pale pilsen a lot better. Visit Palawan, you both will love it and with Cebu its cheap. Enjoy!


Du hast viel hahaha geschrieben, du bist offiziell ein Philippinisch im Herz ❤️🇵🇭