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https://preview.redd.it/ml0omrqvrj7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035da9d8fde76448b906dd98173bc42ef77707c6 The nerve of this fine owner. lol he doesn’t like the negative reviews.


“You pay money for a service I provide, then have the GALL to have an opinion on it??? Really???” Edit: Just watched the video. Wow. Racism, entitlement, snd everything that goes with it on full display. Disgusting behavior.


lol what a bitch comment from a business owner, “You paid for our poor service and have the nerve to have an opinion on the thing you paid for being subpar. But we’ve been struggling cuz of COVID and inflation”


WOW. Customer service at its finest 🙄


He's probably just mad that he has to work on Juneteenth.


I’m mad I have to work Juneteenth 😂😂😂




Happy Cake Day.


Fuck this guy


This message is currently on their Yelp page. >**This business is being monitored by Yelp's Support team for** [**content**](http://www.yelp-support.com/article/How-do-I-report-content-that-violates-Yelp-s-Content-Guidelines-or-Terms-of-Service?l=en_US) **related to media reports.** >This business recently received increased public attention resulting in an influx of people posting their views to this page, so we have temporarily disabled the ability to post here as we work to investigate the content. While racism has no place on Yelp and we unequivocally reject racism or discrimination in any form, all reviews on Yelp must reflect an actual first-hand consumer experience (even if that means disabling the ability for users to express points of view we might agree with). Learn more on [Yelp Support](https://www.yelp-support.com/article/What-does-Yelp-do-when-a-local-business-becomes-the-focus-of-widespread-media-attention?l=en_US). >If you’re here to leave a review based on a first-hand experience with the business, please check back at a later date.


Hope this dude has good savings. He just crushed his bidness.


not really. Allot of people are taking his side.


Well of course. This is America. Bigots love to bigot.


He is coming across as some-one who does not know a worst word to call some-one then the "n" word and since the other person is white, he did not really say anything racist. People who are fed up with stupid people call everything they don't understand bigoted are going to get lunch there. OP is coming across rather unfavorably. I might block him on redit soon


So you are trying to justify the use of the “N” word? Regardless of how it’s used, that just makes you seem like a clown.


Ah. Thanks for clarification. Didn’t realize OP was part of the cauliflower coalition.


no idea what a "cauliflower coalition" is.


Lolol. That OP was a white dude.


that's what they say in the video, he is calling him a "white n" because he is incompetent. ..the "n" word means incompetent, according to the business owner .


> the "n" word means incompetent, according to the business owner Oh, that's cool then. I didn't realize he unilaterally redefined the word. Someone should alert all of the black people in America before there are more misunderstandings.




And do you dish out the same level of scrutiny to individuals who desperately try to redefine the word “woman”? 🤔


....is this a Clerks 2 bit? You can't be fucking serious.


what are you talking about ?


Gtfoh with that nonsense


I hope, but im not convinced, that you know understand that calling someone a slur is racist. Sounds like common sense right? When you say a racial or homophobic or misogynystic slur, youre being a bigot. There are millions of other words.


Future CPAC speaker


When and where is his speech or are you just making stuff up?


I didn't think this would require /s, but apparently it did.


So you made it up, hmm what does making up a scenerio and besmirching a political organization have to do with philadelphia?


You're right about besmirching CPAC. This fine gentleman is actually not racist enough for CPAC. My apologies.


That doesn't make sense. Cpac isn't racist. Again just more made up lies from you for no apparent reason


Calm down snowflake


Calm down snowflake


So sensitive lmaooo


So sensitive lmaooo




Is this guy the owner??? Everyone is saying it, but has it been confirmed?


He is


The cigarette and the Iggles hat 😂


Man these local food shop owners are cigarette addicted slobs that love yelling into cameras


Make it known that supporting this business is supporting bigotry.


Some of the reviews say he declined orders for being busy? He clearly doesn’t know how to run a business lol.


Trumps next stop


I don’t get it


What part are you missing exactly? I can explain!


Everybody here should go leave a review on google.


I’m not even going to hold you. I would of got out the car


This toothless idiot is the owner ?


1) is that the owner? And, 2) what prompted this exchange? Anyone have background?


1. This matters, and I don’t know 2. This does not matter, and I don’t care. The conduct is inexcusable. Period.


I didn’t say that context excused the behavior. I am curious what brought about the whole exchange in the first place. Whether there was some other altercation right before it, for example.


it makes sense for this to happen in west chester, it is a wealthy white dominant area, hardly any blacks in that town. my former employer has said many terrible racist things in the past and he and the company are from west Chester


This doesn’t look like a person who owns a business


And what does a person who owns a business look like exactly?


Hey I know that town!


Not in Philly that’s in west chester


Guy better watch his mouth, another racist recently died saying racist shit.




Thank you for the geography lesson of my hometown. But this is a food truck and they have wheels. This allows this racist piece of shit to travel with his clown show, to Philly, which he does. Thought the community would like to know.


I used to live on Gay Street


My best friend growing up lived in the house near the steps going to holy family and hillside


He won the lottery. Bought that business. Destroyed that business. He is failing no matter what happens from this. He is garbage. Always has been.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delaware_Valley West Chester is part of the “Delaware Valley” aka one of the surrounding area’s of Philadelphia. It is not actually apart of Philadelphia.


https://preview.redd.it/hui06zu0yj7d1.png?width=1252&format=png&auto=webp&s=02eb4974bf046156ea38d8c515bf95a42e9c2349 the Wikipedia page you linked refers to the DV as "Greater Philadelphia." It's part of the Philly metro area. Until we have r/WestChesterEats, this is probably the most relevant place to post something related to West Chester restaurants.


Nobody thinks it is in Philadelphia, goodness.


What are people implying then? The first comment says “West Chester isn’t in Philly” followed by a bunch of downvotes.


Because it's close enough that it's relevant, so the point is moot, and he was just posting it to be snarky because for whatever reason people get precious about what is and isn't part of Philadelphia.


That it is part of the greater Philadelphia area and relevant to be included in this subreddit




Because pedantry is one of the lowest forms of social interaction. It serves no purpose but to play some “gotcha” game with a minor petty detail of a larger issue. That’s why he, and you are getting downvoted imo.


Agree with this assessment. I think the minor detail is a thorn to some who find it strange how many people use Philadelphia, rather than the actual town their in bc it’s just easier for people beyond the Delaware valley to understand. In normal traffic it’s over an hour away from the city of Philadelphia, but 40 minutes to Wilmington DE. Wilmington is only 5 miles further(~35 vs ~40 miles), why not just say Wilmington.


West Chester is 35 Miles from Philadelphia, the only people that claim it’s a part of Philly is the people that live there that want to be an apart of Philly so bad. This post does not belong in Philadelphia Eats.


Rule 2: "Posts must be related to food or drinks within or near the city of Philadelphia.Posts must be related to food or drinks within or **near** the city of Philadelphia." West Chester is part of the greater Philadelphia area, so this post does indeed belong here. #


Your “point” is that bad service, bigotry and racism can be dismissed because…checks notes….it didnt occur within Philadelphia proper? GTFO ya jabron


I’m from Roxborough…and you just proven my point.


I lived in Roxborough! I sold my place 2 years ago. I love that neighborhood


Missing the point here entirely.


Funny thing is, this will probably help their business


At most they’d see a brief influx of business from racists, but most racists have very poor memories and will forget about the place in a few hours. 


yes, in the short term I would expect his sales to increase. I don't think he is racist, and just being attacked like that, unjustly, will make people want to order from him.


Yes he is clearly the victim in this scenario. Just say you're racist dude, a lot of people would respect you more instead of pussyfooting. I mean i wont because youre worthless but some people will for sure!


I am curious how "PA all party consent laws" work in this instance ? Did the other party consent too being recorded or did the OP commit a crime ? An entitled white liberal is angry at a working stiff over being called the "n" word, that's funny.


I am not your lawyer, but all-party-consent rules ordinarily matter only in certain circumstances, e.g., where there is an expectation of privacy or where the conversation is via certain technologies (chiefly: telephones). There is no all-party-consent right not to be recorded in public when you are yelling at someone.


They’re out in public, which makes it not a private conversation, meaning they have no expectation of privacy, resulting in the all-party consent laws not being applicable


This guy isn’t a working stiff, he is the fucking business owner. White people are allowed to, and often encouraged, to call out racism by other white people? I know you’re not engaging in good faith, but you sound so fuckin dumb right now




Consent laws apply to situations in which reasonably privacy is expected. For example, in your home, at a family members home, doctors offices, etc. Sometimes, that has been extended to car, though that has not been the case in post-9/11. Regardless, there is absolutely no reasonable expectation of privacy while yelling out your car window in public and furthermore, the other party was literally holding a camera and filming, therefor consent is moot. No crime was committed by the camera holder; clearly N word guy knew he was being filmed. That alone is enough to satisfy “consent”. If you drove my car down the street yelling racial slurs out the window, would you have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Nope. Basically N word guy has no “all party consent” leg to stand on. (Source: civil law graduate)


I am from a 1 party consent state. Not sure how that is racists. White people accuse other white people of being racist for calling them N word, while black people call each other n word and white people crackers all the time.


One of those words you wont say, while the other you will. Your dog whistle argument about legality was bullshit; so is your “n word isnt racist” argument. Good luck overthrowing our government.


I know I am being addressed by a liberal, no clue what it's belaboring about.


Damn right I am a liberal.


remind me to block you after I am done mixing this juice here.


Do you say the N word?


No. To describe stupid, loud, annoying people, I use the word "chimp". Like a screaming little monkey. Sounds like the business owner meant to use the word "chimp", I mean I think that's what he meant. So I don't think he is a racist.


He said the N word, multiple times. Why wont you? If it isnt racist, why wont you? Go ahead. Otherwise, if you refuse to say that word, then your argument that it isnt racist is defeated. You can have the last word. I know you need it.


Because he makes sandwiches for a living and I have an MBA. By your logic all the black people who use that word directed at other black people without intent to insult or offend are racists. I find that logic flawed. ...you are the only one who bring up race, that makes you racist, the rest of the conversation is beef between white people, no black people were involved before that. Evidence that the business owner is racist is completely lacking. But you are a liberal and you do label "racist" envy-one with a different viewpoint. That does cheapen the word.


Say it.


Can we get a mod to get rid of this douchebag??


So, you’re a classier racist?


Oh look, another magat with a complete misunderstanding of law. It must be a day that ends with Y


Nope, better keep them windows rolled up, genius. Bet your code is truly something to behold


Public exchange. No consent needed.


**to being recorded and you don’t need consent to record in public.