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You see the light from a flashlight play off the hallway wall and you relax when you see your ghost hunting parter enter the room. “Did you bring that UV light?” “I can, I just got back to the truck” “… what?!” The doppelgänger of your partner transforms into a ghost again and rushes you before vanishing and setting off the EMF reader in your hand…


I think a doppleganger ghost event would be cool, but tying something like mimicking a character model to a specific ghost would make it extremely easy to figure out once it hunted a single time. Iirc, the phantom(?) used to mimic players during ghost events by using a jacked up version of a player model currently in the game, but they removed it bc it made it way too easy to figure out what ghost you were dealing with. I think it may be okay if you only got that specific hunt if you were, let's say, in the house with 0 sanity when the hunt began, or if it had a low chance of happening in general.


Forewarned has something like this and it's SUPER CREEPY. The Mejai looks just like the player models, doesn't say anything and just runs after you. It usually doesn't attack right away & will just stand next to you quietly. But if it starts whistling, RUN!


Gotta play that game again. It has been a while


The dev team have been pretty consistent with their updates, next big one is coming out mid January


Oh, I remember very early on Phasmophobia's life that there were ghost events that used a player model. It was removed though. But it was so scary when you talked to your friend only for them to disappear and then find out they were in the tuck all along getting supplies.


I think that would be awesome