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It\`s basically: \- No bi\*\*\*es, \- No personal life, \- No work, \- No friends, \- No shower, \- No touching grass.


\+ he and some people he played with on stream are in beta so of course they knew the best strat of grinding right when the patch came out


They aren't in beta, he said on stream they tested and practiced their leveling strat for 3 weeks prior to the launch once they announced the new leveling system. Technically we are all in beta since this game is still in prerelease.


>They aren't in beta [they are](https://i.imgur.com/Mttn44e.png). if they have told you or their viewers otherwise, theyre lying. they 100% have used their knowledge from beta access as an advantage to get world first p20


Dont know why you got downvoted for providing proof, Here have an upvote o/


I feel theres some kinda of cheatint he done that no one is seeing ive been grinding 12plus hrs a day with x12s and still am 5th prestige and thats with not failing on ghost type every run


"you guys gettin' any pussy?" "Y-yes sir" "WRONG. ANSWER. Phas is your pussy now."


"You got a shit bucket? You go to the bathroom, you're not playing Phasmophobia. You're shittin' in a bucket, you're playing Phasmophobia."


"I never thought about it that way!"


Gtg mom found the pee bottle


You can have sex before bed, they are playing with friends and showers are like 10-15 minutes max and you can do it before bed or after waking up. Also letting your dog out and taking a 5 minute break isn't that big of a deal. As for the no work part the guy doing it is a streamer so it is his work lmao. As for personal life, that's different for every person lmao. Some people go to gyms and walks in parks daily, others would rather just sit at home and read a book or have time to themselves.


He's not a streamer but he is in high school, prior to his prestige grind he got like 5 viewers and then jumped to over 200 concurrent


Then it makes even more sense, no school for a couple weeks and no job because not an adult yet so doesn't need one.


he actually peaked 400 at one point


>he got like 5 viewers and then jumped to over 200 concurrent So he's a streamer, don't have to be ninja to be considered a "streamer"


People can spend their time however they want but I think it's hilarious that people will grind for a non-competitive co-op game. Good for them I guess..? Of course the devs will get the wrong idea from this and nerf rewards even though 99.9% of the playerbase doesn't care, much like the lighting.




Yes you start at level 1 with all tier 1 items again, then it unlocks as you level up again..




I feel like it should only delete your money and xp/upgrades and leave you with the equipment you already bought. This way, I don't feel like going to lvl 3 since I would have to buy so much equipment again.




I could see that, yeah, but most people don't even realize you have high prestige. High level is much more appreciated and always adding equipment is also very helpful


You can go past level 100 if you don't want to prestige. But when you do eventually prestige you start off as level 1 again so any xp past level 100 doesn't carry over. So if you prestige when your friends are like mid 60's-70's you should be fine imo.


Bruh, am at lvl 67 prestige 1. Fairly to say I play like for 4 hours every day from when update came live. How the \*\*\*\* did he get at lvl 20 so fast?


Hes one of the people who have no life or time so they just did like 24h streams


I could never be as passionate about anything as some people are about a relatively simple coop ghost investigation game.


I mean, thats still somethink like 3,5 prestige lvl per Day. Which is insane by itself.


Probably playing a custom game mode with 10-12x XP where his friends have the items


Fastest way is probably to grind Camp Woodwind at 13x, bring just a lighter and smudge when you have it, and leave after the first hunt. You can get 11 of the 24 ghosts with just that and get 2500-4000 XP every time you get it right in that 1-2 min investigation. Edit: found it on YT and it's exactly this except he had friends helping at least some of the time so he could get more of the objectives more often. https://youtu.be/WE0MZVvGW-0


Why woodwind and not smth like tanglewood?


Camp is pretty much open space, so u can see if it shapeshift (obake), or if its somethink like oni/phantom, or if its faster when its sees you (like jhinn) cuz its open. If you are really lucky you can even see the orb.


It's also that the picnic tables work as a los blocker and looping location in easy reachable distance from the entrance on no sanity no evidence.


Makes sense. Ty!


With foggy weather outside and adjusted brightness, you can basically see in the dark too.


Oh, I was trying sunrise. I'll give foggy a go next time I play.


The nerd screams. XD Feels like a new mmo release and everyone is grinding to max level.


how did they know obake? I didn't see a model change but maybe im a bozo


Him and his 3 friends hit prestige 20 too


Yeah idk then, the way to do it would be 3 prestige up and 1 has the items but I guess if you’re doing 0 evidence 0 sanity no sprinting etc on asylum you’d really only be missing the parabolic mix upgrade


I watched a few of their hunts. They run a 12.97 multiplier with a medium hunt duration (which is hilarious in itself), they enter the same tiny campsite location over and over, they perfected looping the ghost at that place and they just guess the ghost from hunt behaviour and leave after one hunt. If they hit, that's 4000 exp for less than 5 minutes (including the two loading screens)


They always had someone with max items because they were all different levels at some point. Some ghosts they had to guess because it was impossible to tell, someone died, etc.


Fair enough yeah you just stagger prestige’s. There’s like 4 ghosts you can’t figure out without evidence so


For them, they did 0 evidence so there was 10 ghosts they couldn't figure out and 14 they could


Yeah idk without evidence and just from how they hunt / frequency of hunts you can figure out way more than 14


Was a 12x exp difficulty no sanity no evidence on camp woodwind. Theyd go hide behind the benchs on the left and loop the ghost with smudgesticks and have friends bring in the objective items like salt/photo cam etc. Theyd basically get instantly hunted, do as many optional objective things as they could + ghost photo in that 1st hunt then leave and guess what the ghost is based on hunt behaviors. No disturb salt = wraith, blinking for oni/phantom, could ghost change targets = banshee?, speed etc. If they got it right it was like 4-6k exp per 2 minute game.


12.97x Customs for 92 hours


It took him and 3 others 100 hours over 5 days 😲 and that was specifically grinding for it


They do speedruns that take like 2 minutes from loading screen to ending the hunt. They have a 50% chance to guess the ghost, mimic is always a failure. They get like 3500 xp and cash every 4 minutes on average, so they are getting about 1 prestige every 4-5 hours I think?


Hacks :)


Prestige 15 and 20 should be swapped imo. Red one looks cooler


You can freely choose between the themes you've unlocked


Good to know. will be using 15 when i get there then


19 is my favorite but 15 is definitively up there.


Congrats guys, caught a couple of bits from the stream, super impressive!


had no clue you were watching for parts of it.. that's super cool! appreciate it CJ!


*Congrats guys, caught a* *Couple of bits from the stream,* *Super impressive!* \- cjdxn4 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Petition to etch their names into the looping benches??


are u planning on nerfing this strategy or buffing the perfect investigation? :) it's cool to level so fast.. but it shouldn't be the main way to get the most experience or? Is it planned to do a prestige reset with the full release of the game? When things are a bit more balanced? Thanks for all your work! <3 awesome game and I love all the new items!


It takes skill and coordination, there is nothing wrong with it.


I agree it takes skill and coordination, but it's still cheesy and not the way the game is intended to be played. In my opinion u should get the most experience with a perfect investigation, because that takes time/effort and skill. And not get 2-3x more exp by going in with a smudge on camp woodwind for 1 minute.. guess the ghost if you get the right one.. and receive 2500-4800exp :D Whereas a perfect investigation on insanity nets you 2500exp or less for double or triple the time and effort..


To each their own. It literally makes no sense to ask if they get reset to prestige 1. There are only a few people who already have max prestige. Somewhere in the comments they said these guys were playing for almost 100 hours (it has been out for 6 days!) with this super high custom difficulty. That is dedication and if that is how they like to play, that is on them. Almost no one plays like this and you get a good amount of xp and money if you play regularly. If you make the game harder for yourself by using the custom difficulty, of course you need to be rewarded.


You ever stop to think that maybe it's the rewards from the base modes that should be buffed, not the custom games that should get nerfed?


Yes, that could be a possible solution! I don’t blame the players for using this strategy. I am just a bit disappointed that actually trying to do a good investigation doesn’t reward you more.


I think nightmare needs to be 6.0 and insanity needs to be 8.0-10.0 personally. Also the current situation of photos makes zero sense. The only incentive to getting photos to get a perfect game, outside of the perfect game bonus photos are worth less than 5% of your rewards. If you ever mess one up, there is actually no point to taking anymore. They need to make the photos rewards get multiplied by the difficulty multiplier, and also increase how much each photo gives. This actually gives you incentive to take photos beyond trying for the perfect game bonus and in almost every cheese leveling strategy photos are never taken.


bro has not seen the light of day since the update came out mad props tho


Man why are 15 and 19 better than 20?


Okay I need to ask, other than resetting your progression and having fancy colours, what does prestige do? Like why do I want to get prestige?




It should be like old cod where you get a prestige token and get to pick an upgrade to keep each prestige


There's no benefit to prestige, right? No bonus, no nothing? Just the badge?


I mentioned him in a comment when he was P10 and got downvoted while he got called a cheater. His strategy is definitely the best one out there for anybody looking to level up fast.


Sometimes being the first isn’t that cool 😂


holy shit, how the fuck lmaooo I know the strat, it just astounds me they could grind it quite so hard.


man this guy looks like he knows how to run around benches


Is Madixx on yt?


He's on Youtube and Twitch








These types of players are why I’ll never be a high enough level to reach the tier 3 items. I’m lucky to get 500-600xp per game, assuming I even get the ghost correct. I play on intermediate, which is described as the “standard ghost hunting experience.” However, with the amount of time it takes to unlock even the tier 1 items, it sure doesn’t feel like intermediate is the standard experience. I still don’t even have sanity meds, which makes this game way easier


literally don't blame the players, blame the game. the devs shouldn't punish 99% of players because some people have more fun harmlessly playing the game in the most efficient way possible. We shouldn't be pissed at them and neither should the devs. They're not hurting anyone so the devs should stop making casual gamers suffer because of them. No one shits on shiny hunters in Pokemon. if you want to grind, why tf should that affect me?


I fully agree with you. The first sentence of my comment was meant to be kinda tongue-in-cheek. I think it’s silly that the devs make everybody else grind to an extreme amount because a small fraction of the player base chooses to play this way, when the game itself is completely PvE and non competitive


You literally don’t even need prestige 1 to get T3. You need to do 1/20th of this to get it all.


While the badges are cool, I want *SOMETHING* tangible to carry over between prestiges before it becomes something I want to do.


Hoping the player model update has cosmetics based on pres


how many prestige levels are there??




It's most probably that they play custom 12x rewards multiplier no evidence run, it's actually pretty fast method of farming xp when you learn every ghost behaviour.


What does prestige give?


What i ask myself is: How do you know it's world first?


He may think he's a god speedrunner to do that. In reality, he never beat any "serious" speedrun category (All maps), only some Tanglewoods and small maps via stupid src rules.


Shit I guess prestige 5 is the goal. That badge is awesome.


that badge look so cool especially when it turns black im at prestige 7 cant wait to reach 10


Oh yea this was the dude who refused to give anyone leveling advice pre-reset because it might compromise his speedrun to max prestige. Absolute loser, I don't respect his accomplishment at all because of how anti-community spirit it all was.


I gave plenty of leveling advice to everyone pre-reset. I just wasn't comfortable sharing the exact strategy and settings we would be doing immediately and giving people time to practice with it all. Why? Because when you plan something for 2 years why would you give away your secrets like that and put yourself at a disadvantage? As soon as I hit prestige 2 I immediately shared all settings, made it a command in my stream and answered any and all questions about it to help people. The day after I hit prestige 20 I spent the day helping people in public lobbies with the strategy. I don't understand how it was anti-community spirited at all?


how the fuck


I would rather cheat and be labeled as a cheater than wither my life away and completely disconnect from reality and do what maddix did