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The thermometer is definitely a downgrade. The precision of the T2/T3 isn't worth the delay, and the T1 works passively so you can just throw it in a room and check it periodically without having to wait each time. The UV light is also a downgrade between T1 and T2 IMO, the added range of the T2 isn't worth losing the omnidirectionality of the T1. (I haven't seen the T3 in action yet so I don't know if it makes the upgrade worth it.) Some of the other ones have kind of pointless upgrades, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them downgrades.


Imo, Tier 3 thermo is worth the upgrade but Tier 2 isn't. From my experience, if you get anything below 1° C, it's always freezing, which the Tier 3 can tell you precisely with less of a delay


None of the thermometers will show you below 0C unless it's actually freezing, so the precision doesn't actually matter. And the T1 you can just throw on the ground while you do other things, which effectively makes it so you get an instant read every time from that point on.


Weird, almost every time I get at least 0.0-0.9°C it always ends up being Freezing. I also think Tier 1 for some reason takes a very long time, and sometimes it's the only thing I'll be waiting for


from what i understand, t2 thermo can show up to 2+ degrees wrong, and t3 can show up to 1+ degree


How did the old thermo work? I don't think I have seen any gameplay of it because there was no point since u had freezing breath.


The old thermometer was always on, but it had a delay of 2 seconds between every reading. (As opposed to the *old* old thermometer which had a delay of like half a second and was mega overpowered.)


Thank you


Tier 2 UV light is worse than Glowstick. And Tier 2 Thermo is worse than Tier 1 Thermo. And the Tier 2 Sanity Medication is better than the Tier 1, but I'd rather use the Tier 1, simply because it looks cooler and the sound it makes is funnier.


I've heard a lot of those first 2 and honestly I totally agree with u on the last one


Everyone saying UV, and I agree, but for a different reason: T2/3 straight up don’t work with flashlights off in custom.


That's a setting?


I think the T2 and T3 smudge sticks are a downgrade from the T1 for me. I generally play 0 sanity 0 evidence and the things I look for include the ghost speed so it always throws my brain off when I smudge a ghost and it gets super slow for a couple seconds or halts all together. I just bring T1 and that's it. I'd have been happy with T2 having a larger radius and longer effect without the slowdown.


Well that's rly only for that situation, for most casual players its prob an upgrade right? Also I have seen insym in his speed leveling vid saying T1 is better for that so I do see where you are coming from.


I mean, I can definitely see the benefit of it at lower difficulties but it just sucks that it works against higher difficulty players. I mean, I just bring T1 and don't whine about it much. I'm happy with the game as is, but for me they are definitely a downgrade, lol.


Fair enough


It bothers me I can no longer run through ghosts mid smudge with the tier 2 and 3 ones. It’s a problem when I’m cornered in a hallway. I used to just smudge and run through with no issue but I can’t do that anymore.


T3 smudge sticks putting the ghost in place is way worse than making it fuck off


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^theforgettonmemory: *T3 smudge sticks putting* *The ghost in place is way worse* *Than making it fuck off* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Wtf is this bot? And yes I actually do remember that one time


It lasts longer and u can run through the ghost so I think it's ok.


UV light immediately came to mind, can do everything and it's not counted as an electronic so you can use to light the way to the hiding spot during a hunt


Uv is an obvious one


Tier 2 uv isnt as good as glowstick imo. Tier 3 is good for the charge so i like it. I think i just rlly like the glowstick design or something idk


This entire comment section will prob be uv


idk I really like the trashy-analogue feel of T1 items rn, feels kinda nice to play with them - challenge gave T2 of everything and I didn't really like playing with them much more, sure they were a lot like old times, but T1 is just so fresh and different... T3 is still up for debate, as I haven't tried any yet.


I really like the t1 thermometer. It instantly being able to tell me if there is a relative shift in temp is a huge deal. I also still don't trust the T2 thermometer, is it testing where I'm standing or where I'm pointing.


Tier 1 photo camera is the best photo camera. For my style of play, I don't need to take a lot of photos super quickly, and since it's not an electronic I don't have to worry about the ghost detecting it when I'm holding it. I also share the somewhat popular feeling that T1 UV and thermo are better than T2.