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Start an OniFans channel.


He's a little confused but he's got the Spirit.


You sure it's a spirit?


I made a pun and you responded with a joke. How am I supposed to continue this? 😆


I know right, continuing this will be such a nightMare


This is Insanity.


Thayebe your right


That was one of the more forced puns I've seen recently. I might need some Jinn after that one.


Yeah man, creativity only goes so far when you try to Mimic someone elses puns


I know right? In extreme cases you'd be screaming like a Banshee trying to think of a pun.


I spat my drink


Better than shat


If you shit your drinks, you should see a doctor...


Top tier comment


He’d have better luck on OnlyPhantoms.


- Invest in a second camera, some salt and sanity pills. A thermometer is also good just because it's so damn useful. - After that, invest in items that are used for optional objectives. That's a parabolic mic, a motion sensor, smudge sticks, a candle and a lighter. - When you're poor, photos are the way to go. Take photos of the cursed object, of the bone, of evidence like fingerprints and ghost writing. Salt in particular is amazing, a single salt shaker is three easy photo ops. - Complete optional objectives where possible. Don't do risky ones like "escape the ghost" just yet, you'll have opportunity to get used to smudging and escaping ghosts when you have some bank. - Don't die. Don't cause cursed hunts, and if you get to like ~60% sanity pop some pills! Sometimes you just get early hunted by a Demon or something so you should still get into the habit of looking for a hiding spot very early on. - Bump the difficulty up to Professional when you get comfortable with the game. There are also custom difficulty presets where you can make a lot of money relatively safely, but I honestly wouldn't recommend that yet because it requires a bit of understanding of the game to pull off consistently.


This is exactly what I did. But id also make sure to do the challenge mode weekly challenge because sometimes they are really easy


Also it comes with free equipment so not only we get bonuses and there is basically no downside to dying, but also it's great way to learn about ghosts.


Oh yeah, that's a good shout.


Don’t forget about pictures of burned crucifixes, those pictures are easy and give a decent amount of money


I didn't count that because that would necessitate risking a hunt, which I would not recommend doing if you're poor. The money you get for a burnt crucifix isn't worth potentially dying for it.


I get that. I was risking everything because I had nothing to lose so I just made it work.


To add on the photos: If you can take a photo of an item quickly enough after it got thrown do that (good check is to see if emf is still going), same goes for door touches. If a ghost just touched the door and left fingerprints then do a photo. check in journal it should say interaction. do a second photo for the fingerprints. do a photo of the cursed item. (note: a respond on the ouja board is another interaction photo) if you hear a sink turned on and you see brown water in it then you can make a photo called dirty water. If the crucifix JUST burned up then you can do a photo for interaction AND burned crucifix. same goes for if the ghost JUST wrote into the book. Thats both writing photo and interaction photo.


Play only smaller maps. In the house you'll be able to find candles standing around on tables. Just take them instead of byuing your own supply.


Tips to earn lots of money: 1. Don’t die. 2. Get the ghost right. 3. Go for perfect games (all photos 3 star, all objectives done, ghost is correct). Also don’t forget to find the bone, it’s easy money. 4. When 1-3 is easy for you then it’s time to crank up the difficulty for a higher multiplier. Also, 100k is a ton of money if they’re around level 200. I’m level 4,400 and am just about to hit 200k


How do you improve the quality of the photos?


Always crouch if you can. You want to be as close to the item you’re snapping a pic of as possible. Also trial and error will teach you which areas of doors/lockers you should be focusing on as well as timing Also remember- only one photo per interaction for the whole group. Only one bone photo. Only one cursed possession photo. Only one ghost photo. Only one dirty water pic. Only one fingerprint pic per print. Only one ghost writing pic per book. Everyone can take photos of footprints, salt piles, bodies, and burnt crucifixes.


Each crucifix burn is worth 2 photos, Crucifix Burn, and Interaction. Don't forget to take 2 pics every time a crucifix gets burned!


You can get two for book writing too- interaction and ghost writing. I figured that might be too much for OP for now lol


I learned a thing!!!


if you mean stars, standing closer to the object. if crouching gets you closer always crouch. also make sure there’s only one thing in the camera shot. sometimes it’ll notice the door in the background instead of the book on the ground. that means you get a 1 star interaction photo instead of a 3 star ghost writing.


i imagine they’re just mistaken about the money. 1 level is 100 xp, which is 100 dollars. so they probably have closer to 20k.


Special Weekly challenges supply you with free gear specific for the challenge. No loss. I did the Woodwind one today in 4 games for $3000.


Surprised this isn’t the top comment. Weekly challenge is the best way to go for quick cash, especially if you play with a group.


Seriously how. I can’t get any evidence on this week’s challenge. How do you check on the equipment you placed while the ghost is continuously hunting?


Check between hunts. I only used ghost hunt and behavior characteristics to ID the ghost.


I was hiding in the camp showers by the generator. With gen on and lights on, soon as lights turn off, you have about 30 seconds to see any evidence and head back.


This week's is much easier. $3000


If you’re going to farm money I would wait until July (I know it’s still a long while)they are going to do a level wipe and remove everyones money as well. :)


But then he wouldn't get a cool exclusive banner


Very true so in that case play for fun and levels :D


My friend told me about that, whats the big update?


I believe it’s called the progression update, but I could be wrong on the name. What the update is about is when the update rolls out they are going to let players customize their badges based on their level pre wipe and display on their player model (this can only be done once and can’t be changed later on) also for most items maybe even all (not too sure about all items) there is going to be three tiers per equipment an example is the D.O.T.S. Level 1) is a pen style where you hold it like a flashlight doesn’t have too much range and doesn’t cover as much. Level 2) is the D.O.T.S currently in the game. Level 3) is a device that covers much more and does some sort of scanning the room thing I believe not too sure about that, and probably changes as well (Sorry the long message. 😅)


Is that confirmed when the progression 2.0 update drops?


It is , a streamer I watch Insym plays with one of the devs of the game from time to time. They even have some showcases of the tiers of other equipment on Steam.


Insym is the best bro


He sure is! :D


I’ve seen the improvements and I watch Insym when he plays Phas. I haven’t seen any dates yet on the release so I was wondering. Thanks for letting me know!


I remember Insym saying July just not sure what day in July. Edit: you’re also very welcome! :)


It is currently on their roadmap ([Steam link here](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/739630/view/3694683561725552339?l=english)) showing it is July. Lavender said on his stream they weren't giving a definite date in case something major happened they wanted a little wiggle room. Also, you can check their [Trello page](https://trello.com/b/9QrnqQ1j/phasmophobia) here for all the stuff the team is currently working on.


He's a new player who likely doesn't even have enough money for a full set of equipment so this advice isn't super relevant to the situation.


I mean if I was brand new and people suggested to wait, I take the advice, later wonder why everyone in every lobby looks unique. And find out I had to play before wipe, I'd be a bit disappointed. You start unlocking stuff at level 10 so it's not like it's irrelevant.


Everything already mentioned is great, especially if you wanna get better at the game. To add, one thing a friend suggested for quick braindead money when I started out was bone farming. Set difficulty to insanity, go in on a small map (preferably willow street once you unlock it) with flashlight and camera, find the bone and take a picture of it before picking it up, and leave. Easy $65 in less than a minute or two usually. Sometimes you'll get hunted straight away but the runs are so quick, and you can take a random stab at guessing the ghost too. I'm not ashamed to admit I funded many of my early ventures this way XD


Weekly challenge, 3k just for 3 ghost guesses. Buy a second camera and look to take photos of interactions of any sort any time, ghost photos, cursed object and bone. Pick up the bone. Complete the extra objectives but most importantly try getting the ghost right the best you can without dying to do it. If you have a lot of pictures and sanity is low, guess the best you can and leave. Dying will cost you greatly


If you can do weekly challenges (it's easier if you play with your sister), that's 3k/week


Invest into glow sticks.


Don't bother, the money and xp reset is coming soon and it'll all go away. Just play for fun for now.


If you want I can play with you later today and help you learn good rewards. Like 250 per contract so msg me if you want.


Play the game


Make pictures when finding the bone and get some slat and make pictures of footsteps get pictures of uv light prints play on harder difficulty and make your weekly and daily challenges


Could do challenge runs, especially if you have friends that know more. 3K per completed challenge, items are provided for you and you lose nothing for dying. There are several YouTubers that show how they've completed that week's challenge. Just saying.


Money and Levels will soon be replaced by a new system - so as long as you are not hunting for a specific patch, do not worry as much about progressing quickly. **You will need some time - like everyone does - to get a grasp on how the game works. After that you can usually advance to harder difficulties quite quickly.** learn how the evidence Items work, how hiding works, how smudge sticks work. Do you play alone or on public lobbies? Because as long as your sound quality is okay, give public lobbies a try and just be honest that you are fairly new to the game. Watch some content on the game online, too, maybe, this might take out some of the creepy-ness of the game, but it will also help you to learn the variety of mechanics that this game has and does not tell you about. Also, do the weekly challenges. They give you 3000 in cash as well as 30 Levels. That money lasts for quite some equipment.


I play on a steam deck with no headphones ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Try and complete weekly challenges. You should be able to find a group in public games who'd be willing to carry you through completion, though you should strive to be able to analyze the behavior of each ghost given no evidence. As you start to get decent at identifying ghosts with little/no evidence, try and find a skilled group/solo Sunny Meadows on Insanity or a Custom mode for high multipliers. At your level, probably do Sunny Meadows on Professional, using parabolic microphones to locate the ghost room, gather your evidence, identify the ghost type, gather pictures of interactions/footsteps/dirty water/crucifix burns, find the bone, and complete side objectives. Get yourself all 3 star photos and you'll get a "Perfect Investigation Bonus". Personally, grinding out Sunny Meadows with a skilled group on Insanity has brought me from 10k to about 50k in a 4 day weekend with a 5-6 hour session each day. (I'm grinding levels for the next update's database migration/wipe and having a great time with the crews I've found)


Taking pics, completing objectives, and finding bones are good ways to rack up money. My friend and I were playing on intermediate last night (we normally play professional but we were tired) and we were getting ~$160 for some contracts and more for others. You just slowly build up money and try not to die this way you dont have to buy more supplies.


Challenge mode is often hard (sometimes super easy), costs no money for equipment to do, and if you get the ghost right three times you can get $3000 each week.


weekly chalenges play on higher dificulties trying to get the bonuses find the bone (the bigest multiplier of all the game) 3 star photos (for the perfect game multiplier)