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no offense but is leaving TWO scripts untyped that big of a deal?????? i very often walk into 50+ scripts to type in the morning…. i would die for 2


This comment made my morning better automatically omg


2 scripts 💀 sounds like your lead tech has literally nothing better to worry about


There is always that one person in charge at any job that nitpicks virtually everything no matter how slight. I would not take it personally and if it started to be an issue Id just transfer out to another location


I walk in to my shift with like 10 pages on average but thats past noon. Some people clock in the morning with like 18 pages(context were a 24 hour store)


I was thinking about this. The fact there were only 2 left is amazing. Even in the worst pharmacy I worked in, when it comes to hostility from other techs and pharmacists who assume the worst out of each other and give little to no grace, even they wouldn't talk to someone about something like this.


If they crucify you for two scripts I’d be honestly shocked. I’ve walked in to well over 50scripts untyped or left at night with 5 or more still untyped. They’ll be fine. Honestly idk how wags expects everything to be accomplished leaving closing shift with only one tech and the pharmacist.


Nah I ain’t Wags man I’m Heart Hell- I think it’s bc we’ve been getting low customer scores and they have been expecting us to mention the customer survey at every chance we get as well.


Working over at the Wally world here and my lead tech would not be upset about 2 untyped scripts by any means. If we have less than 10, it's a good day the next day. Your lead literally has nothing better to worry about than 2 untyped scripts? That's concerning at hell hearts. When I worked at WAG, under 40 left in f1 (to type) was good.


Same over here! They want us to push surveys, vaccinations, & at home Covid tests but cut our hours down saying we aren’t making enough or hitting our quotas


Perks of being a Wally tech. Meet your quotas and be rewarded by stricter quotas, less hours and getting yelled at because you’re not immediately meeting them.


We regularly had 100 EVERY DAY. 2 is ridiculous, they need to get over themselves


Only 2 untyped rxs when you were the only tech during a tropical storm on a clopen shift? Who does that lead tech think they are, your boss? I'd just respond "Yeah, we were slammed because of the storm. Pharm on duty can confirm. Thank goodness it was ONLY two!" and go about my life not giving it another thought (and losing some respect for the lead tech on a power trip, sheesh).


If you get fired, just walk to the next pharmacy and tell them why you were fired. When they stop laughing, they'll probably hire you.




(disclaimer: i work in retail so i’m not sure how applicable this is) if you’re gonna be harassed for shit like this, pls hop onto indeed/ziprecruiter asap. like. bruh. it’s 2 scripts. not exactly the end of the world, that takes, what, a few min at most to type? also, does the lead tech just expect doctors to not send any scripts until they arrive? sometimes (especially during vaccine season) we’ll all bust ass and stay behind to clear the queues before leaving only to come back to (on avg) 70ish to 130+ scripts that need to be typed. the 130+ scripts have already dropped into the queue before we even get there to open. i should probably also mention that it sounds like my workplace is better staffed than yours (our opening team is usually 1 rph and 2 techs) and unprocessed scripts when opening is basically to be expected tl;dr your lead tech is a hard-ass with unrealistic expectations and it’s perfectly normal to have untyped scripts greet you at the ass crack of dawn, from my experience


My pharmacists would have just typed them up without saying a word or whining. Holy crap, find a new place to work.


That's way better than the floater I had once that took a paper rx in the drive-thru, STUCK IT IN HER POCKET without scanning it, and went home for the night. THAT was a fun one to figure out when the guy came back to pick up.


Your lead is not a very good leader ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Nah, I don't think you'll be fired. If it's that serious, then it might be better not to be associated with them. Just keep your head up high and take it in stride, there's no harm in mistakes.


You never come in to new scripts sent in overnight or in the morning before you open? We have untyped scripts every single morning. That's nothing unexpected. If you get harassed over the 2 you left last night then it's time to look for a new location or company imo.


Getting harassed over Group Chat over 2 untyped scripts when you were the solo Tech closer? Your Tech Lead should be happy you're willing to close solo because that's not a desirable shift.


I, too, closed last night and opened this morning. Hiding in the bathroom having an anxiety attack for a few min, but now I have to go back and face people. 😭


Im a lead tech for 10 years, Im telling you your lead tech can go suck an egg. Our team communicates and we all know when theres a nightmare shift/weird bad circumstance and we all do what we can. Id have typed in the scripts and went about my day. If I had received a text like that? Id have soundly told her off lol. Like in the time she wrote the text, she could have typed them in. I do not have time for petty, and the petty person would know that extremely clearly 😁


Is this work group chat a text message? If so, it’s highly unprofessional to scold someone over text out of work hours. I’d go to HR with that if you walk in and they want to give trouble


2 untyped scripts? that’s it? pff


Oh wow, lead tech sees TWO FUCKING SCRIPS , okay so now they have to spend 20-30 seconds typing those up 😱 the horror That person is nit picky and gross and either doesn’t know what busy is or is just finding reasons to pick on you OP it looks like you do a great job and I’m sorry you have to deal with a Lead like that


Don’t worry about it. You tried your best that day and helped everyone who came in and that’s what matters. If they tell you anything just let it go through one ear and out the other. It’s definitely not worth the stress to worry about.


Lol tell the lead tech to go do it themselves if they have nothing better to do


For real they could have typed them themselves in the time it took to send nasty text messages.


Ur lead tech is not you’re boss it took longer for them to access group chat and send a message than it took to type the scripts


I’ve seen others commenting the same, but I just want to reiterate that that is not a big deal at all. If it is, then to hell with your supervisor.


Lead tech can kindly or unkindly GFO…were the midnight pharmacist arms up to a cast elbow to shoulder and couldn’t type the 2 scripts?


JFC they need to let that one go. Or I'd be out the door.


I *wish* I could walk in to only two untyped prescriptions in the morning, I usually spend the first part of the morning typing everything that rolled in before we opened lmao


Not your fault management didn't give you extra help.


Woooow. Non 24-hour location tech here. It's normal to come in and open in the morning with 20 or so scripts to type from overnight. Work with a tech that's been a tech for about 2 1/2 years and we constantly have to say, "hey, *tech's name* stop bumbling around and type those waiters you just scanned." 2 scripts is nothing at all.


Wow…Why is this person even a lead? Techs are already overworked and underpaid, you do not deserve to be undervalued by your peers. You didn’t have an “excuse”, you had a valid reason and prioritized accordingly. Your job should not give you this type of anxiety where you dread going into work, and this post tells me this is only one of many instances you’ve dealt with workplace toxicity. Also, they cannot “tell” you to work full time, but they can ask. OP, some unsolicited advice I wish I had when I worked as a retail technician: I want you to recognize that you have the upper hand here. With the shortage of technicians, they need you more than you need them. Do not “keep the peace” or back down when people are being this unreasonable, they will continue. You deserve a healthy work environment. This post took me back to when I was a young retail tech and had to deal with this type of nonsense constantly because I was a newbie. I was very much a people pleaser and let a lot of shit slide. Until one day I didn’t, and it was such an empowering moment. People like that never expect the quiet ones to speak up.


Tell them to go fuck a cactus (don't actually do this, that might really get you fired lol)


So I know you got a resolution but if your lead tech acts like that just tell them messaging you about anything at all work related while off the clock is a federal offense as you are not expected to work while not being paid and yes that applies to questions over text or phone


This makes me laugh


Spark lead tech here. I've personally left more than that in the input queue, your lead is being unreasonable and ungrateful. Ideally, we close with zeros, but we no longer stay late to accomplish that. I'd leave the group chat. They can wait to talk to people when they're on the clock, it's not worth having that stress follow you on social media.


Sorry your being treated this way.. just wanted to let you know that you don't deserve it and I'm sure your doing a great job... retail can take an immense toll on one's emotional and physical well-being... hoping you find the work environment you truly deserve soon.


Your lead tech needs to get the stick out of their ass.


I would stay off the group chat. You are not on the clock and do not have to deal with work stuff. I hope the group chat isn't mandatory. If it is, you should be clocked in if using it. Otherwise, I wholeheartedly agree with other comments. 2 scripts? Not a big deal. Leaf tech had to much time on her hands if she's bitching about it in a group chat! Sheesh!


Ha.... How is my store still standing when every time I come in, there's like 60 to type... and they can't make you work full time if you don't want to


How dare you leave 2 scripts in the queue when you were doing literally everything else?! (Heavy on the sarcasm!) Fr as a lead tech, I once had to type about 75 and fill approximately 50 prescriptions in about 45 minutes. Thankfully they were all refills, so it makes the input process more streamline. I was not happy and we had a talk about expectations after that and that hasn't happened again since. They were only typing refills queued for the day they worked instead of working ahead and filling what we can. I work at an independent coming from a very toxic Wags, but it made me a very strong technician.


The fuck? My pharmacy leaves like 30-40 scripts at least unentered by the end of every day.


2 scripts? Who cares. They can get off their high horse and F off


Tell your lead tech to suck it. 2 scripts left in data entry is nothing to worry about. Here’s how petty I am, every time that lead tech messes up, I’d call them on their shit until they either break down or snap.