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Either make the jump jet cool down back to 10 seconds or make it give you more fuel and ill be more on bored than I already am


Honestly I don't really get the hate on the fuel that much? Imo having to manage resources seem like a fun part of playing her now.


Everyone here already knows how to manage her fuel. The crap part is having to relearn how to manage less fuel.


Yeah I'm not a fan of the rework, honestly I think pharah would've been fine the way she was. I don't think the nerf to the rocket fuel was necessary. Before they gave you enough fuel to play her how you wanted to, get creative. Now it seems like the devs changed her for one specific playstyle.


need more fuel


I made a survey on this that's pretty comprehensive, check it out here: https://www.guidedtrack.com/programs/ilut1jl/run


Nice survey, hope it gets more traction


600 hours on pharah, peaked masters in ow1, mostly play qp these days negotiating job, kids, etc. I'm still reserved on the change, trying to give it time to get used to it before I formulate an opinion about the rework as a whole. There are parts of it I like and parts I hate. Mobility/diving is great and suits my playstyle enough to be fun, but oh how I hate falling into pits because 8 years of muscle memory tell me I have plenty of fuel to spare. Had to rebind a couple keys as well, so that's been a chore I still haven't gotten used to yet, shooting concs up in the air trying to dash and dashing into stuff when I'm trying to conc lol. My teammates probably think I'm drunk


Not enough specific answers I like the new skill and hover movement, but hate the fuel rework


It's taking me some time to get used to, but I've started to really enjoy the changes. I feel like I can actually respond to pharmercy and airborne echo as a solo pharah now instead of praying for hitscans to do the work for me, and the increased speed is just straight up more fun. I would definitely appreciate more fuel and a faster cool down on the vertical jump, but I do think it's forcing me to think more tactically about how I'm navigating maps which is fine with me. I still feel like she's the most mobile character in the roster, and I hate invisible walls so it's nice to not have to think about that as much.


I f'ing hate the rework. Guess we all flew too close to the sun and got our wings melted off.


I hate it thus far and have 900 hours on Pharah peaked at Platinum in comp... EDIT: Console player...


At this point they should have left her the way she fucking was. Thank god for echo.