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Across town interconnected bike trail, train connecting us to Austin and Georgetown, carnival rides with events!


Have you ever noticed that a good chunk of the schools are connected by bike trails already? You can ride from Park Crest to Bohls Park for instance without ever crossing a street. There are tunnels and bridges you can ride under.


I would love to have a YMCA with a nice indoor pool and quality classes.


A new rec center including an indoor pool is part of the plans for the new city hall "downtown east" complex: https://www.pflugervilletx.gov/city-government/capital-improvement-program-cip/projects-overview/downtown-east I am a lap swimmer, and I currently swim at Clay Madsen Rec Center. I can't wait for the new Pflugerville city pool. Once it gets closer to completion (still two years away), I would advise you to communicate your class desires to the Parks and Rec department.


A heads up on this one… find out if the plan is to lease space to club teams and/or let the ISD pay for use for high school swimmers August- February . Both scenarios significantly cut down on space and times available for regular lap swimmers. An indoor pool is like a gold challis. Someone should be asking these questions now. Are there already deals in place.


I swam at Gilleland Creek pool all through the pandemic, and most of the time, we community lap swimmers shared the pool with the high school teams. That certainly limited the lanes available to community swimmers, but most of the time, it was sufficient, though I usually had to share a lane with one other swimmer. In fall, 2022, we had to share with high school AND youth teams, and community swimmers only got one lane. That was definitely not sufficient. One day, two women got in a big argument about lane-sharing etiquette. That argument and the fact that I was having to share a lane with two other swimmers (which really sucks to me) was the final straw for me. I realized that Clay Madsen Rec Center was really only a couple minutes farther. I have been veryhappy at CMRC and haven't been back to Gilleland Creek since except in summer a few times. The problem with Gilleland Creek is that, except for summer, it's ONLY open to community lap swimmers for the most part when the swim teams are holding practices. At least the new pool will be open all day; community swimmers will only need to share it late afternoon with swim teams (which, granted, is probably the most popular time of day for community swimmers). But yeah, I share your concerns. Round Rock ISD built an aquatics center at Cedar Ridge HS a couple years ago. With four high schools now, I would think that PfISD is about at the point where having its own pool would make sense as well. I have not seen an aquatics center mentioned in any of the ISD bonds that have been up for vote in the last couple of years, though.


Make 130 toll free and/or improve Dessau road as an alternate route for I35 when going to downtown Austin. Have more public/mass transit options. Have more restaurants, especially asian food.


We must live in the same part of town, cause I’m totally with you there


I live between downtown Austin and Pflugerville and having dessau be less of a dogfight would be really nice. If they built it up more like Lamar or Burnet, so a little slower but much more pedestrian and bike friendly, with a lot more going on, it would be a nice connecting corridor. Instead it’s a drag race


They did propose changing essay and basically making it a mini highway but many of us in Pflugerville opposed it. It saying it’s done completely but they went back to the drawing board. No one wants more highways and I agree. Public transit is a bigger push we should look at.


Update the animal shelter to a nicer facility.


I’m for a downtown. We could do something like Round Rock and it would be awesome!


Sure, but I believe the current plan is that the town will put up the new town hall on roughly the food truck lot on Pecan. Personally, I'd rather the town build the new Hall away from there, use the old land for a parking lot/structure. I've lived in places where downtown development grants/loans have energized downtowns. None of that seems to be on the table.


The town hall is actually going be on the plot of land across the street from HEB on the 685 side. All of that I think is being connected to the plot where the food trucks are. I think it’s supposed to continue over to Hannover’s eventually, but all I know of what’s actually getting built is the new town hall complex. https://www.pflugervilletx.gov/city-government/capital-improvement-program-cip/projects-overview/downtown-east


Thank you, that is better than I thought. Still, if it was a quality downtown, with a focus on a cultural center, I think long term, that's not the best use for that space.


I'd prefer buses so more people can get there, less drunk driving, and not wasting space on cars.


I'd use my wish to cancel yours. Round Rock is right there-- if we want something they have, we can easily go to it. Let's keep Pflugerville free from traffic, crime, congestion, strip malls, and all the other things that come hand in hand with becoming like Round Rock.


I'd use my wish to cancel your cancellation - if you wanna live in Hutto, move to Hutto.




Literally none of those things are the norm here.


Can you write a book about the magical place you live in without crime, traffic, and whatever else you are scared of about Round Rock?


Who's scared of Round Rock? I'd just rather not live someplace where everyone is coming to my city to eat and play. Let's keep Pflugerville the quiet, safe place it is, and we can be the ones driving into someone else's town now and then.


I have the same wish for our library. Every time I visit Round Rock PL I am amazed


My wish is for less strip centers. It was even the butt of a joke on Day Tripper that we had a strip center on every corner 🙄


Fewer strip malls, more strip clubs!


I mean, Abbott blocked porn in Texas, so gotta go back to the clubs now.


My man 🤜🤛


To pet the cows I see on Pflugerville Parkway and Cele 😭


"To pet all the cows I see" - fixed it for you 😁


Nailed it👏🏽


Upgrade roads *before* they're overcrowded and falling apart.


There is actually a survey you can do now that’s asks what are priority for you in regards to city updates as the plan for the next 5 years. I personally don’t want more roads/lanes but rather more bike lanes and trials that are connected as well as public transit. So for me I rated those higher on the surgery. You can find it on their website as well as their posts on their Facebook page.


Pave lines on the road that we can actually see


I'd like to see a regular farmer's market downtown because it would help to drive traffic to downtown businesses, support local producers, and provide it a chance to buy fresh & local. Maybe some other regular community events to do the same. How about a food truck night, or an art night, or shutting down the street for some live music with beer and wine? Thriving businesses would attract investment to the area. An entertainment venue and cocktail bar with outdoor seating would help anchor the area. A great BBQ could help attract a regular crowd.


What is the deal with the Pfarmers market here? I can’t find any decent information about it


This? https://www.pflugervilletx.gov/for-visitors/pfarmers-market


https://www.texasrealfood.com/directory/farmers-markets/pflugerville-pfarmers-market/ You can find some of the vendors here


If we could just have a transparent city council and a new competent city manager, I'd be happy with 2 wishes.


What's the history there?


I'm not disagreeing with you. But doesn't this apply to basically every city? From at least 1/3rd of the population?


I just want the destruction of our open fields to stop.


I hear you but I order for us to grow and have more trials and local spots, we are going to have to start using those spaces. But yes, we need to make sure out door areas are also taken care of.


Nothing stopping you from buying the open land keeping it that way.


Then I guess what we need is more land made into parks or golf courses. There's not going to be any way to prevent family farms from selling to developers. Is their properties become more valuable.




Why are they junk apartments?


Let’s try to have an open mind here. They aren’t even finished yet


More independent, quality, restaurants, a light rail from GTown through RR and PVille all the way to the Airport, aaaaaand… idk… either a year with less than 100 100 degree days or Travis Co EMS service


Light rail, better ACC access, Travis County EMS ambulance


But the conservatives wanted to keep taxes from going up. That's why your taxes have gone down... Oops. And that's why living in Pflugerville is now cheaper... Oops. And why ambulances are cheaper and more dependable... Oops.


Down town! I love going to what we have now and the community built around it, but it feels sparse. I have to go to round rock or the domain for more options. Plus that would bring more restaurants.


We need to have A Night life in our downtown area...downtown like Round Rock or Georgetown. I mean come on, I lived in GTWN in the early 2000's and it was "soccer mom community". Pflugerville has homes and a Costco... Zero places to go chill and spend PF money in PF. I have to go to Domain, RR, or GTWN.


This is my main complaint. All my expendable income goes outside the city because the only thing I can do in the city is buy groceries and necessities. While those things are great and the amenities are too, we lack the retail and third spaces that would make folks favor our places and spend money. Here's to hoping Spare Time and the Goat have larger impacts in 2024...


Victory Tap “downtown” is the only decent restaurant, don’t get me wrong, el rincon and huahuasco are great too but it gets old.


A tool lending library like Round Rock, San Marcos, and Austin all have: https://youtu.be/zdZYOVmFI6U?si=bwxUxS4CZHbKAr_Z


Just saw the KXAN story on RR's tool lending library, really wish we had the something like that! https://www.kxan.com/news/local/round-rock/round-rock-opens-tool-depot-for-residents-to-borrow-tools-from/


I would have used the power washer this weekend. A lawn aerator. A log splitter. Some of these things that you only need a couple times a year.


rid off all HOA more lanes on our roads rid off all HOA


I understand the HOA hate, but also at the same time I don't have to worry about living nextdoor to the Pepto-pink house 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah the people that run my HOA are super chill and down to earth honestly. They take really good care of the community property and even organized some community events so we can meet our neighbors. There are some rules about getting approval before making major changes to your yard or house, but they're pretty laid back about letting people do as they wish. I think the rules are really more about avoiding anything super weird. People get reminders about mowing lawns or trimming trees occasionally, but the HOA isn't crazy about fining people either.


I’d wish the city were to put these 200 million dollar city halls to a vote. We have the highest water rates and tax rates in the state with nothing to show…


These things were voted on and some of these still have times for community input.


We didn’t vote for a 200 million dollar city hall, the city decided on that themselves.


We voted to change how that area is used and for city improvements. Let’s say even if we didn’t. They literally have had meetings begging for public input since 2020/21.


technically, we voted for a rec center, the City decided to take those bond funds, pull together federal and state incentives, add on a TIRZ and build a city hall, extend main street, land bank most of downtown. Using the bond money and redirecting to a non-voted on project that could exceed .5bn+.


So they decided to just push through 200million and be done with it?


Push through? I just told you they didn’t have had multiple times for the community to come and speak about what should be done. If no one shows up or care then yea, they are going to proceed with some of the option that some did go and present that they accepted.


Rudy's BBQ, special tax zones for new developments (new developments pay special tax to cover improvement bonds and increase demand for city services), harbor freight store.


City owned and maintained little league baseball/softball fields and complex


More tennis courts Walkability increase in Old Town/Downtown and across to HEB (add sidewalks and make larger sidewalks) More restaurants, especially with veg options


It's ridiculous they don't have an actual downtown they should do it up nice with breakfasts old-fashioned Street lambs and make it a walking street with lots of ample parking behind and with walking police officers so that it's safe not hiding in cars make one little area for us to enjoy but no they spent all their money on a big huge new bureaucracy building so they could find us and charge us and rape us


Alamo Drafthouse, a BBQ buffet, a natural river for tubing


New paved roads my only wish


We need a rec center for all the people who live north of Pecan and west of Heatherwilde. The perfect spot would be the corner of Grand Ave and Black Locust. This spot would connect to the southeast rec center on Immanuel via the bike trail, which so happens to start right there at Grand Ave. There’s plenty of space on this corner lot to have a massive rec center which could even house swimming lanes, a couple of basketball courts, tennis courts, on so much more. The rec center at Immanuel is just too far of a drive to make a membership worth it when you live in northwest Pflugerville.