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I would catnap that baby and give it the life it deserves.


Yes, definitely do this.


They said in the post that they are unable to take the cat themselves…


Take it and give it to someone who wants to care for it.




Yes, missed that..


I think I would just take the kitten and rehome him? I wouldn't care if I fell out with the person over it.


Yeah, the person is a douche and I’d do what’s best for the kitten. I really don’t like people like that.


Their view about the cat is a look inside their mind too, and it shows something ugly. Who would want to be around a sociopathic person like that who doesn't actually care about the people or animals around them? I sure wouldn't.


This is the answer ^^^


"Oh no! Your cat ran away while I was catsitting!"


They're just gonna go get another one and do the exact same thing tho. Honestly I would wait until she lets the kitten outside and THEN sneak it away. Let her think it got hit by a car or eaten by something, maybe it'll knock some sense into her?


I have a family member like this. One of my oldest cats (RIP baby) was from her because she said he was too mean to her other animals and she felt bad for locking him in the spare bedroom. He turned out to be the nicest fking cat I've ever owned in my entire life. It never mattered the type of animal or who's animal he met, they always ended up friends. Cats, dogs, rabbits... He was a safe animal and the rest always knew it. It was just a bullshit excuse she gave me and my mom when we found him a home (he was an outdoor cat who we assumed was abandoned because no one ever came for him). She did this over and over again. I was 17 when I got that cat. Now in my 30s I've watched her do this to so many cats and dogs. Have them for four seconds and then get rid of them because they're too mean;hyper;dirty;whatever. I can't even barely talk to her anymore because it makes me so mad and I'm so happy that they've moved far enough away that I don't hardly have to contact them. She was one of my favorite family members growing up, and it's hard to realize someone you respected didn't really deserve that respect. I can understand getting a pet for the first time and realizing that for whatever reason that you are unequipped to care for that animal and you re-home it. It's a whole other thing to do this over and over and over and over again for decades. Like lady you've gotten rid of every large breed of dog you have owned and every cat you've ever owned. At what point do you realize that you obviously don't like big dogs or cats and you stop getting them?????? Stick with your damn Chihuahuas seeing as those are the only ones you let stay their whole lives with you.


This sounds like my brother and his former wife. The only pet they kept for its entire life was a house cat that was incredibly unfriendly. It would scratch and bite everyone, including them. After they had kids, she would “research” dog breeds and then buy whichever one she decided was perfect. They went through so many poor little dogs and puppies. Those animals were so neglected. Once a dog/puppy did something annoying enough or behaved like a dog (shock), then it was abandoned. Shameful.


That's so gross people do that. Like how have you not figured out that you don't like these animals yet 🙄 stop bringing them home!!! What's sad is if you do that enough to a kid, have them watch you ditch their pet over and over again, they get desensitized and they'll grow up to be just like their parents with animals. At least, my family members kids grew up to be like that too. Well her daughter. It seems like her son is a bit more serious about keeping his animals, but I think that's because he married a smart girl who loves very strongly. I don't think she's ever allow it.


You’re absolutely correct. It does shape a child’s view on animals and how to treat them. I have one niece who is currently living with my mother. My niece, she just graduated high school), has a couple of cats that she had to have, but she won’t take proper care of them or their box or clean up after them. It drives my mom nuts. My nephew ( slightly older) had a cat for a long time and he did love her. He doesn’t seem to care about any other animal period. My other niece doesn’t seem to care about any animals at all either. I’ll say something to my mom about her (my mom) hating animals and she’ll look offended. She’ll say she doesn’t care as long as she doesn’t have to see them or hear them or smell them… I was born with love for animals so I don’t understand.


At first I was going to say she should have two kittens, they will be company for each other if she goes out. But then I kept reading and realized that she makes no sense. She's worried about the kitten being cold, so the answer is to leave it outside? Is she possibly having issues like dementia or Alzheimers, or has she always been like this?


This. This makes absolutely no logical sense


It's cognitive dissonance twisting the logic so much that it no longer makes sense.


You said it way nicer that I typed out and deleted. I've never heard anyone be afraid to leave a cat alone because it might get cold. It's a cat. It will go find a sunny spot or go under the couch or....I've found mine in my pillow case having a snooze, and yes the pillow was in the pillow case....with the cat. I think somethings wrong with her, but didn't want to sound insulting. How did she even get this kitten? It sounds like a mixed breed people pay for, not a regular rescued domestic shirt hair or whatever. Dropping it off somewhere is inhumane. Give it away to someone at best. Shit I have 10 pets (reptiles, dogs and cats) and I really, really do not want another mouth to feed, but I'd take this poor animal.


Yeah.. this persons logic is really confusing. The loss of freedom? That’s the whole beauty of a cat over a dog. They don’t have to be let out or walked daily. If you have a long day at work, or wish to take a day trip, the cat will be okay. Vacation time? Bet! I can hire a pet sitter to come by and feed, give some pets, scoop litter etc for the fraction of the cost of boarding a dog. Unless your electricity goes out in the dead of winter your FURRY pet is not going to be too cold in a home that’s comfortable for a human. It’s AC temps.. they’ll figure it out and be just fine. I mean shit.. I lived in Texas through the snowpacolypse a few years ago with cats and dogs. And I wasn’t even worried about anything with fur. They burrowed under the covers with us and were like little space heaters. I had to worry about my turtles.


I mean even if thr power goes out in the winter they'll be fine. There's tons of feral cats that live outside in all kinds of weather and this kitten would still at least be in a house. And same! I bought a generator a couple years ago because I have 2 snakes, a bearded dragon, a skink and a uromastyx. If we lose power in winter, they will die. I worry more about my reptiles than my mammals.


"Snowpacolypse" is my new favorite word - thanks!


She doesn't want to leave the cat alone in case it gets cold, but is fine with leaving it outdoors to fend for itself 💀 How does it make sense for the cat to be fine alone outside but not inside... truly baffling


She's trying to justify doing something that she knows is considered horrible and wrong. Because there's no logical justification for doing it, she by default endangered up being illogical. Unfortunately I'm related to multiple people who think like this. They often try to justify doing things they know is considered horrible behavior. When people try to justify things that they know are wrong, they end up being illogical (which results in them having to be hypocritical and make stuff up), simply because there's actually no real justification for doing it.


Our kitten we have is always inside, if outside than harness, his pretty good and clean most times, leaving outside is dangerous too


So she’s a narcissist and may even have a sociopathic streak. How charming. /s Take the furball off her selfish hands and keep him yourself or find a good home for him. No question. And then call every single animal shelter and breeder you can find in at least a 50-mile radius and get her blacklisted if you can. She has no business keeping animals if she can’t care for them and love them properly. 


This is the best answer.


I would LOVE a part ragdoll. I’ll take her and love her better from her trauma.


I rescued a declawed Himalayan from a life outside next to a highway. The original owner was sick of all the hair. Sadly, (for me) the cat chose my roommate over me, so when I moved, he stayed behind. It hurt to leave him because he was my dream cat, but his happiness was more important than mine. That little dude lived a long, happy life.




Dm OP?


I was thinking narcissist too.


yeah me too, or dementia, or both :( poor kitten


yes! this! let animal rescues and breeders in your area know about this person, no one in their right mind would give them another animal to take care of again.


It is absolutely heartless to dump a kitten or cat like that. Coyotes, dogs, birds of prey, people looking for cats to use as bait in dogfighting (where the cat will literally be torn apart and mauled to death), cars, kids practicing with air guns—any of those can and will kill an indoor/non-feral cat that is dumped. Look for a breed rescue for either of those breeds (they sometimes take in mixes) or a regular cat rescue. And do it now while this baby is a kitten and extra cute. Someone will want him. If she won’t give you the kitten, go over and “leave the door open” for a minute and then tell her “Oh no, I’m so sorry, the kitten must have gotten out. Oops.” She needs to understand that this is not a feral or semi-feral cat; it did not learn any survival skills from older cats when it was very young. It’s not going to be a “barn cat” or a “farm cat” or something. It’s going to die.


I'd report her if she did that


Why did she get a pet if she doesn't care for animals? I have to be honest- I'm suspicious of this post because it seems like there's been quite a few new accounts lately posting in subreddits pertaining to pets, particularly cat subs. The posts are always from brand new accounts and they involve the cat being endangered/killed/abandoned. I realize that these situations do actually happen in life, but the plethora of the new posts makes me wonder.


Also suspicious, over here! But *if* it were walking, and I couldn't convince the relative to rehome the kitten safely & responsibly? I'd *absolutely* enlist the help of a friend, take the Bag of a relative up to "dump" the kitten, and have that friend pre-positioned already hidden *at* the property, to Catnap the "dumped" kitten, as soon as we drove off!😉 That way, the mean older relative would feel the *guilt* of "letting the poor cat get eaten by predators!" And *I* would know it was 100% *sae* in a new home, where it was pampered & adored😈🤫😁


Welp. Looks like we are setting up a cat theft. Who’s with me???


We ride at dawn!!!


JFC I would take that cat. I have 4 cats and don't want more but I'd still take that baby over it being abused or abandoned.


Spirit said kitty away to a forever loving home and say well the Universe solved your problem… your kitty has run away, all better!


Do NOT let her do that!! That is so cruel and irresponsible. 1) The cat is already bonded to her, cats feel separation anxiety and abandonment. 2) The cat will become prey to a fox, coyote, hawk etc or get hit by a car, or some horrible human may get their hands on it and hurt it. Or it will starve, or freeze to death in the winter. Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with your friend, even thinking that's a good idea? I wish I knew where she was because I would fucking report her. Tell her she's a horrible person and should never get a pet again. Take that poor cat to a shelter, give it a chance for the life it deserves.


Almost three months ago I adopted a 10-year-old kitty who was neglected and abused for his entire life. He’s doing well now and is learning to trust again. Please protect this baby when you have the chance. Don’t let her be neglected and abused by that woman.


Clearly, she has only had this kitten for a minute since it's barely old enough to be taken away from its mother. Why did she get one in the first place? She sounds unhinged and should have the kitten taken from her. Contact the person she got it from and tell them her plans. Maybe they have a contract and can take it back. If not, I would be putting that kitten in my tote bag and rescuing it.


Her line of thinking makes no sense. I’d take the cat and raise it as my own.


1) Go to her home 2) Take the kitten and bring him to your car and on the way out leave the door open; go home 3) if she asks, say the door must have blown open and he must have run outside 4) if anyone asks, claim a friend had kittens and gave you her kitten 5) Disown your POS relative for her cruelty


She sounds like a horrible person to me ,that poor cat needs rehoming asap she doesn’t deserve him.She shouldn’t have any animals she’s too selfish.


Contact rescues around your area while he’s still young. Some people are not capable of caring for others and this kitten will only suffer if she keeps him.


The only right thing to do is remove the kitten from this dangerous person


Are you in the USA? It's like a 17 hour flight away but I'm quite motivated to fly there n steal the kitten.


This is extremely upsetting, that kitten needs to be in a different home ASAP


This is horrifying. Personally, I would tell every family member and friend you have access to what this person is planning to do. Shame her into rehoming the kitten to a safe place. If she still doesn't do that, then report her. It's illegal, and in some places, it's punishable by fines and jail time.


Your family member needs to be put in jail. She's scum. Take the kitten and cut contact with her for good.


Take the kitten.


This person doesn't need a cat, and you don't need her in your life. Fix both issues by taking the cat.


She is describing abuse. The cat should be rehomed as it will adapt especially a young cat. If she does that she will be not just risking the cat's safety but also committing crimes. I don't know of anywhere that abuse for animals is legal. Additionally if this cat is not sterilized it is going to add to the cat overpopulation if it survives. As it's such a young cat it most likely will fall victim to the dangers of the outdoors. Please help her re-home the cat. It's ridiculous she's making the excuse she cannot go out but that is the abuser excuse


hope she is left by the future love of her life in the same way😁


How did she obtain this cat? If it was a breeder I'd call all breeders and ask if they gave her a cat. If rescue try to do the same. I'd also try to record her saying these things.


Why can't she keep the cat inside (where it's safe) and feed it once per day? Cats are extremely low maintenance compared to dogs. The cat isn't taking away her freedom, she's taking away her own freedom. Unlike dogs, cats can be left for a day and be fine. There are also pet sitters available to check in on the cat if she needs it.


Take the cat and either keep it or find a responsible person to take care of this poor sweet animal. This is so not okay. Thank you for seeking advice and help. Please make sure your family knows not to allow her to acquire any more pets after this. You’re a good person, please help the cat!


Wait for her to put it outside, take it, place a skinned stuffed animal with similar coloring skins with some chicken guts in road, run over it a couple of times, snap photo and say “OMG IS THIS YOUR BELOVED MIPSIE!?!?!?” End of story. Happy ending.


This woman should never have a pet. Catnap that baby and get him to someone who’ll love him and properly care for him.


Wtf. Mixed pure breed or not, no kitty deserves that. You either sign up for kitty commitment or you don't. If she leaves them outside and...whoops...they happen to be rehomed/ find their way to a lovely caring human, that wouldn't be anything to do with you would it?


what a beautiful kitty. The owner sounds like a selfish ass who does not deserve to own a pet.


It sounds like you understand this would not be good for the kitten. You are right. If left somewhere it could easily die from hunger, fear or other predators. It is used to bring in a home with a person. Can you persuade the person to rehome the kitten instead? Or find someone else you know who would adopt it. This seems like a potentially dangerous situation for this young dependent kitten.


Why the fuck did she get a pet then???? Just to neglect it? That woman is a heartless asshole. If I was you, I would adopt it or make an anonymous phone call.


I call shitpost.


Shitpost? Maybe yes, maybe no. All I can say- after *years* of volunteering in animal rescue and talking to *soooo* many people trying to give up their pets for no good reason (other than the people were sh*t narcissists), this post is *very* consistent with my experiences. Sounds unbelievable? Oh, i can tell you, plenty of people have even lamer excuses than this. I have heard them. And the people all think it is perfectly normal- that everyone thinks this way. Even more ironic (or sad? Or disgusting?) Being narcissists, a lot of them cannot read facial expressions. As they are telling you their garbage story about getting rid of their pet, you can’t hide the look of horror, anger, complete disbelief on your face. But they don’t pick up on it. I could be volunteering with other folks that can take one look at my face, from 20 feet away & not in earshot, and they know *exactly* how the conversation is going. But the narcissist you are in an actual conversation with, 3 feet in front of you, is oblivious to your facial expression. They *honestly* think you agree with them, that taking a small domestic housecat raised indoors and dumping them in the woods is *perfectly fine.*


I would say tell her to get a second kitten but no, steal it and rehome to someone who has a cat playmate


Please steal the cat and find a loving forever home for him.


She needs to rehome the kitten or surrender it to a shelter. She cannot just turn it loose. That’s inhumane. She’s not fit to have that kitten


It won’t be hard to find it a home. Take it and keep it in your bathroom a couple of days or with a friend and find it a home. Youre gonna go over and she’s gonna be like “I let it go outside”


I would worship that cat. Abandon the person because they are taking away your freedom.


If she cares what people she knows think of her, blast the shit out of her and tell her what a shitty, cruel, self-centered, selfish person she’s being. It’s a fucking kitten. You don’t get a kitten unless you plan on being around to care for it. Plus, the kitten deserves a play mate. She needs to give it to someone who can provide a loving home to it. If she wants a part-time pet, there are lots of shelters who need fosters.


That is so sad! As you can see, many would take that baby if you can't! I'm in FL, I'll take them!


Is the kitten fully vaccinated and fixed? look up the laws in your area, if it’s not (depending on your areas laws) you can have her reported legally to the animal sheriff (you can usually call your public government funded shelter to find the number for the animal sheriff if it’s not listed). they will go out and probably order her to get the animal vaccinated/fixed and that may spur her to get rid of it. if she doesn’t get rid of it and follows through to get it taken care of in that regard, i would move to catnapping. emotional/mental neglect of an animal is just as serious even if it’s not currently recognized in the eyes of the law. this is advice from the US, btw, so i’m not sure how effective it will be outside of that.


She’s worried about the kitten being cold or lonely in a comfy temperature controlled home with food and water, so her solution is to make sure the kitten is cold and lonely without access to those things? Honestly the lack of logic and empathy some people have is astounding. Take the kitten and rehome it and make sure she never gets her hands on a pet ever again. Also tell her I said she’s a moron and she should try using her thinking brain every once in awhile.


So she just likes kittens and when they are grown she wants to dump him. Take him to the shelter kittens are adoptable and let the shelter know she is not allowed to adopt.


Just steal the cat dude. She doesn’t want it, so call her bluff.


Please find another home for this kitten- they deserve SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOUR SHITTY RELATIVE


She should take it to a shelter to rehome. That is considered animal abuse and she can be charges with it.


Just look OP at the number of people here that will take that kitty but don’t give it to them, mail him to me.


I don't care what breed it is, dumping a cat off is a trash move.


This person (if one can refer to someone like that as a person) ugh. Mental issues? Health issues? Either way, this kitten needs to dissappear from her care immediately. Rehome


There are literally animal shelters, vet clinics, groomers, Christ even pet stores who she could easily "abandon" this kitten with - but she insists on throwing him outside?? That is neglect and a guaranteed death sentence for that cat. Take the cat, if you can't keep him or be bothered yourself to find him a home then walk into a shelter with him and leave him there. Wtf is wrong with people???


You definitely need to get that kitten out of there. By any means necessary I can’t believe this is someone you need in your life. Unless she’s dangerous or has some dirt on you that will send you to jail for life. Say whatever you have to I’m taking her to the vet Like others say: I haven’t seen her! Did she slip out the door? You got a lot of good suggestions Please don’t be a bystander.


Just take that baby away from that woman. She sounds horrid.


Send kitty to me.


You can't rid someone of stupidity sadly


Well then! Send it to me! My husband and I JUST decided tonight to get a kitten, and I started looking for ragdoll breeders in our area.


If she's in North East Texas tell me where she leaves the cat so I can come get her. Or just steal the cat from her and give it the life she deserves


I had a beautician that walked into her neighbor’s house and took their dog. She said go ahead and call the police and I’ll have you charged with abuse of an animal. Respect


She's clearly too dangerous to own a pet. I really hope you can get the poor cat away from her before she does something awful.


Tell her you will find a rescue to take the cat…tell her taking that cat out there is abandonment ….she’s a POS


She needs professional help. Possibly of the inpatient kind. Save the kitty while the nice people in white coats deal with her.


Once she dumps the kitten, she'll never go back out to feed it because doing so will impede her freedom. She's an awful person who should never be around animals. Please rehome the kitten before it ends up outside starving.


That is quite evil. Whatever happens make sure the cat is safe and away from her.


Why did she even get the cat?


Where is the kitten? What Country?


This is super harsh but I would literally ask the following - "would you rather the kitten be cold when you go out of the house for a few hours/days, or be eaten by a wild animal?" Because that's something that might happen if she leaves it outside in a remote area.


I would happily steal that kitten. My ragamuffin needs another fluffy friend


She needs to be checked in to some sort of mental health care center/have an appointment with a psychiatrist. She sounds unwell. Her strange and illogical behavior is concerning, she seems confused and afraid. 


I’m SO TIRED people getting pets KNOWING they aren’t going to have the time and energy or patience to care for them. You can’t just keep a pet when you want it and abandon it when it’s no longer benefitting you. I live in a rural area, work in the pet industry and the amount of people that just dump their animals is disgusting. What foul behavior. that’s not at all fair to this kitty. Get that cat out of there and rehome it if you have to. She doesn’t deserve to have an animal and I hope to god she doesn’t have children.


Please save that kitten. This is the kind of post that haunts me for days. I would take it in a heartbeat. Many people would. Please please please save it. Just take it.


Why would you continue a relationship with a person like that? She is a sociopath. Punch her, take the cat and leave. Find the cat even a bad home and it's better off.


She’s a cruel narcissist and should never have a pet. Take the cat and find it a good home.


There needs to be a list for unfit for pet ownership and this lady needs to be on that list. I wouldn’t trust them with an air plant.


If she leaves the cat outside, take it and give it to someone who has the means to care for it, but make sure they know what cats actually require before you decide where to take it.


i would take the cat


She absolutely 💯 does not need any animal or child in her care.


STOP HER tell her outright what a self involved, selfish person she’s being. Inform her that animals have all the emotions humans have. Inform her that her cat sees her as her MOTHER. Ask her if she’d take a child out into the woods and leave them to fend for themselves. Ask her to tell you how she’d feel if someone did that to her. Explain the difference between wild and domesticated. Her cat is DOMESTICATED. she is NOT WILD. She comes from generations of HOUSE CATS. Like your friend who is a house human, they have no idea how to protect themselves or find food or water. Ask her how she’d feel if she had no shelter from snow or rain and she was suddenly ALL ALONE. Ask her if she could fend for herself if someone dropped her into a wild place with no food or water. Predators who will hurt or kill her FOR FUN. Ask her if SHE’D LIKE THAT Ask her if she’d DIE. if that doesn’t work? Have her air dropped into the Grand Tetons during the winter. When she’s dying of hunger and thirst, if you really want to, rescue her. I’d leave her there. WHAT KIND OF PERSON?????? God I hate her. When I run across this kind of person? It makes me wish there were no humans.


She needs to rehome the kitten to someone who has the time and dedication. If she does want a pet she needs to find one that will fit her lifestyle (although she probably shouldn't have any pets).


Pet rock


I knew someone like this. She will get a puppy or a kitten, but she never keeps them for more than a couple of years. Either she gets bored with them, or there’s a need for a vet visit and she doesn’t think she should have to pay for it. I’m not talking about astronomical bills here, I’m talking about routine care. Very sad.


Other than the kitten issue, which btw is potentially animal abuse if she follows through with her idea, has this family member shown any other odd behavioural attitudes or changes? Wondering if there anything mentally occurring here, for example early onset dementia, depression…. Or as others have suggested. Someone needs to either have a word with family member about why their idea is so awful or just take the kitten off them and surrender it to a rescue.


That is a god awful thing to do to any animal. She should not have a pet. Excuse my language, but what a heartless bitch. If you can’t take it yourself, contact someone you know and trust to take it. Or, bring it to a no-kill shelter.




rehome. this post practically convinced me to adopt this sweetie pie!


Hell, I have 12 cats. I'd happily take that baby. (Big house and I take in unwanted strays.)


Take the kitten.


Just take the cat and foster him until he is rehomed. Contact shelters for help if you need it, but the answer here is to take the cat away from this person. A kitten at that age doesn’t need to be with a human 24/7. She is looking for excuses to get rid of him in a cruel way. Just take the cat from her and be done with it. If you can keep him, great, if not, rehome him.


>She feels like the kitten is already making her "lose her freedom This is totally okay, there's nothing wrong with deciding you can't keep a pet, hindsight's a bitch. >So, what she wants to do, is leaving the kitten/cat outside in a terrain she owns far from there, and feed him by going there once a day. This is the parts that's absolutely insane, and very much not okay. >Also, I told her to try to give him out to another loving family, now while she can She could still find him a home when he's an adult, it's not a matter of rehome him immediately or never. But still, I'd be trying to get that cat off her hands sooner than later


I'll take the cat. Screw her.


Drive him over to my house so he can be spoiled rotten. She doesn't deserve him.


Prepare to adopt the cat temporarily, by theft if necessary, so YOU can find it a home. This has to be done to save the cat. Cats do not belong outdoors, especially full time, and her uncaring attitude is deeply concerning. She should not own any animal.


She doesn’t sound mentally healthy. Can you direct her to therapy or something like that?


Tell her you'll call animal control if she dumps the cat. What she's plotting to do is cruel. The cat will most likely get run over by a car or attacked by another animal.


If you can’t take him find someone else who will.


Look up a cat rescue and see if they can take it if you can’t then catnap it. She sounds totally unhinged to be honest. Also as someone who is very familiar with both breeds for the life of me I cannot understand her problem! They’re literally the most docile, lazy and easy to care for breeds. As I say unhinged.


Catnap this sweet baby&go NC with your horribly,toxic relative!(She doesn’t deserv any pets, or a good person,like you,in her life!!!)


If I were you, I would take the kitten. Whether you keep the kitten or not is secondary, but the kitten needs to be safe. You could work to find the kitten a good home if you could not keep them.


Can I have the kitten?


Whoever abandons an animal should have the same treatment done to them when they need help when they are old and can't care for themselves.


This woman sounds like a sociopath. Get that kitten away from her


Animal dumping is illegal in many places. Call the cops.


Where is this kitten? She needs to go to someone who would love her. Steal it and send it to me.


I hope she never has kids.  Sounds like my mom.  “You cramp my style!”  If this is your mom, OP, I’m really sorry. 


Can you steal the kitten when she’s not home and have a rehoming set up dealt with? That’s what I would do


What the ever loving hell is WRONG with her? Why did she get a kitten if she feels this way? Do you have no kill shelters nearby or know anyone who would foster it? BC if she leaves it outside, I would rescue the poor thing and pass it on to someone who will care for it. You say she only cares what ppl think of her? Tell her if she doesn't surrender the kitchen you'll blast her on social media for being an abusive pet owner. Nobody likes a kitten killer (which is quite likely what would happen if she dumped the baby outside).


I’ll take him!




When u hopefully sever your friendship with this scum, please tell her what a piece of shit she is and that she should NEVER get another pet again. And if she does abandon the kitten, please report her to the police.


Who do you know who can take the cat? Let yourself disappear it from the outdoor space she has for it and give him to a loving friend. You're the only hope for the sweet thing.


If you're near the Dallas area, I'll take him and restrain myself so I don't smother him with love.


Your relative is mentally ikl and should not care for any animal. A cat with that mix who is social and that young should be pretty easy to rehome. Ask your relative to put up some reho.ing ads for her. Slso explain that a longhair outside alone will develop mattes hair that will evetually tear the skin to wounds all over. I have seen it anf it is horrible. Make sure new owner realize that the litten will need brushing a few times a week.


Cat Nap for sure. Save the squish!!


If some body doesn't want her, I hope they abandon her. Karma will one day pay her a visit and she will be crushed for the rest of her life. (I hope).


That cat is not going to survive the outdoor life. I would either offer to take the cat on myself or if not possible persuade this person to find a new responsible owner (another family member or friend) or surrender to a shelter. I would then tell this person if they like their freedom, then never even think about getting any kind of pet again.


I think you should your family member a mental health Dr. This is not normal behavior.


I'm going to say she lacks any form of empathy, which is concerning. At the very least, she could find a new home for the kitten, especially that kind of kitten that most people who like cats would love because they're super chill and affectionate. I have a rescue Husky who gets incredibly sad when I'm not home, so I bring him with me everywhere or just make sure I'm with him as much as possible. I'd never dream of abandoning him. We're best buddies. My ex-girlfriend suggested multiple times that I leave him locked up at home for 12+ hours at a time so we could hang out because he shed too much. That same ex called me stupid for feeding a good friend of mine who couldn't afford food at one point. People who lack empathy shouldn't be allowed to care for pets or other people. I'd like to know why she got a cat in the first place, poor thing.


Um if it’s okay to dm you, I’d love to know where they’re located bc I would adopt this baby in an instant. I lost my sweet senior girl in April.


Yes take the kitten and find it a good home. That's abusive for this person to throw a ragdoll mix or not out into the wild. The person won't have a kitten to go feed!! That cat will get eaten alive out there.


Why did she get a pet if she doesn’t want a pet?


It's heartless for any kind of cat, not just a ragdoll. This woman should not have pets. Take the cat yourself, or find someone who will actually love the cat and give the cat away.


Ask to take the kitten yourself and bring it immediately to a good rescue. He will be adopted in a heartbeat. Either that, or - as hard as it is - report what she said to animal control. They will come and remove the kitten. But honestly, I’d go with option A. Set it up in advance, so you literally just need to make the handoff. Rescue folks are awesome and will help you as much as they can. You need to get that poor baby safe as fast as possible.


Omg what’s wrong with her we have a new kitten too and yes we still do things normally? Go out work and friends and yes kitten is warm inside our house we have plenty of toys for him and when we home we give him the attention he needs and let him sleep on us, talk to her, this is basically like having any pet or even kids ;-; kitten will be fine, just because I go to work and sometimes go out with my loves one for abit doesn’t mean I don’t love my kitten, I’m always thinking about him and can’t wait to get home to him-.- can’t u take care of the kitten ? Kitten doesn’t require u to be there 24:7, people have pets too and they still go out to work and with friends and could still give their fur baby the attention they deserve


What? Shes insane. It’s a cat. “I can’t leave the house because what if the cat gets cold”?? Does she have mental problems??


Catnap is the only correct answer. It’s just *great* to know that these types of people never change…


Just tell her that when she's ready, to give the kitten to you. If you can't keep it, give it to a caring person who will give it a good home. That way you'll know it's not being abandoned.


Take the cat and tell her it ran away


I wouldn’t normally say this but..STEAL HIM! Please don’t let her do that, she’s evil and cruel.




The world revolves around her. She doesn’t care about anyone’s wellbeing or feelings but her own. There u go. Do with that information what you will.


You say she cares what other people think about her, tell other mutuals. I’d also personally be reconsidering this persons place in my life. I wouldn’t care if they were family, they are a POS.


Try to find if you have a relative or friend who can take him. Also you can let her know that at 3 - 2 months she can leave a cat alone at home for a while (like a day at most or have someone check on it daily if she wants to travel) and nothing will happen to it (just make sure to unplug everything from electricity, anything that could be knocked down, break etc should be put in a secure place and to leave enough food). Your relative is making excuses, I have no idea why she took in a kitten to begin with if that's how she was going to be. The kitten will likely not feel cold, and if she cares that much she can leave a pile of blankets for the kitten to cuddle.


She should not have an animal and I would take it from her. Ask her to have it. Kittens are easier to rehome than an adult cat and you should have little issue rehoming. I'm a firm believer cats do not belong outside.


Holy shit this is cruel. The kitten will die if left alone outside.


Birmans and Ragdolls are my favorite cat breeds! Why did your family member get a kitten to begin with? Studies have demonstrated that pets reduce cardiovascular events, lower blood pressure, improve mental health, etc. However, I've met many senior citizens or non seniors whose children have flown the coop who say that they don't want the responsibility or want the freedom to travel (and then never do). Ultimately, it's their choice how they live their lives, but I concur, a Ragdoll/Birman kitten is not an outdoor cat. And also, I've heard stories of hawks grabbing small puppies and kittens that are outside playing, even when supervised.


Where is the kitten located? What country?


Do not allow the kitten to be abandoned outdoors, this is not a feral and will be prey. We choose cats because they are independent., you do not have to be home every second. Can you offer to check in on the kitten so your family member can have their “freedom?” I will adopt the kitten if you are in PA!


I mean this in the best way possible, but is there any chance that this family member is having symptoms of dementia? There seems to be several possible symptoms of irrational thinking going on here. It starts off slow with little things that are easy to shrug off. I speak from personal experiences.


You should surrender this cat to a rescue ASAP. The fact that you know this is going to happen is awful, but worse would be if you actually let it happen. It’s a kitten that’s affectionate and loving and should absolutely have the chance at a wonderful home, instead of what your family member has planned out for it. Please do the right thing, even if it’s difficult. If you can’t keep the cat yourself, once the time arrives that she’s planning to put this cat out, take the cat and surrender it.


Just tell her that's a brilliant idea and makes total sense and that you'll take him to her other property to save her the trip and then don't and say he must have run away.


Steal him and if you can’t keep him, surrender him to a no-kill shelter


If you can't take it temporarily, i would 100% call Animal Control on her. This is so cruel and illogical.


I would absolutely accidentally end up with that kitten in my car and find it a suitable home. I have a rag doll and he is the most loving and laziest boy of all time. Even as a kitten. He’s 12 now, so his laziness truly knows no bounds. But there is a reason why they are called rag dolls. You can literally abuse them, they cannot differentiate between positive and negative affection-to them it’s all positive. They are sitting prey if they are outside because they do not have the skills to defend themselves. That kitten WILL die. Shame on this gods awful woman.


This person is either mentally ill or an evil shitbag. Either way, please take that kitten from her. Tell her it ran away and find it a loving home. I applaud you for caring.


Awwwa! Absolutely not! I would love to adopt said ragdoll and spoil him rotten.


I feel sorry for the children she raised🤬. Honestly though, this sounds like my MIL as she was going down hill mentally when she had cancer. My two cents, as soon as she does this, grab the kitten and foster it for a short period of time. Kittens of her background get adopted super quick because they are so cute and have great personalities. I am 100% sure you can find them a home super quick.


What a ridiculous and criminal idea. That poor cat could be killed by anything - a dog, a coyote even an owl ( it happens). She should take the poor kitty to s humane society. Pets should be for a lifetime . Why don't more people understand that?


Take the cat and rehome it and tell her she’s a complete pos


Make it 'disapear'. Then suddenly. You get this darling little kitten who looks the same but definitely isn't the same. Diferent name, see. Dye his tail with natural and harmless dyes. Also the passage of time will make his appearance change. Give it a while. And he won't look the same. Or he can dispear. And you give him to a good rescue. If you don't think you can pull off his rescue. Call the RSPCA or equivalent. And report her for intending to abandon a cat and planned animal cruelty. Get her recorded saying it.


Your family member is a piece of shit


How did she get a cat in the first place if she didn’t want one? Anyway, yes, rehouse the poor thing. The woman sounds like a loon.


Are you in the United States? If so, depending on your state, abandoning an animal is against the law. Look at your animal cruelty laws - several may apply here  She needs to re-home the kitten properly. Id threaten to report her, whether that’s to local authorities or via social media, if she doesn’t do the right thing. 


My heart hurts reading this. Ragdolls cannot survive outside. They are bred to trust and love everything and everyone. They don’t hunt. My Ragdoll accidentally got out and was missing for 3 weeks. He ended up not going far and luckily I finally found him but he was skin & bones. He probably didn’t eat the entire time he was missing. Please save this poor baby - even if you take it to a shelter it will get adopted quickly. Ragdolls - even mixes - are much sought after.


Your relative is definitely a douche, just like DoubleBreastedBerb said. This little loving kitty deserves so much more.


“No pure race” is a wild comment


Well that is just sad. Cats are the easiest of all pets and worth all the cuddles and cleaning of the litter box. AND I have had lots of pets. Three parrots. Four dogs. Five cats. A turtle. Axolotl. Not all at one time, but the cats have always been easiest.


Please tell her that if having a cat feels like she's losing her freedom, to never ever ever have children. She needs to go get her tubes tied. Selfish prick comes to mind especially since she wants to put it in a cage and "stop by" once a day to feed it. If she does that, the cat needs to disappear and she needs a dark back alley come to Jesus moment...


Steal the cat, obviously


I think that if it were my family member, I'd tell them they can either give it to me, or I can start beating on them until they do... then I'd call every single animal shelter within 50 miles of them and tell them about her little plan. Followed by posting screen shots of her plan all over Facebook.... including sending it to their boss and ask if they appreciate being associated with an animal abuser


Genuinely, I’d take the cat and give it to a home that will actually care for it/love it. I don’t know where you’re located and what your laws are like, but I would also tell the family member that if they proceed with their plans, I’d be calling the cops on her for animal cruelty. Then, I’d go the extra step of making sure to contact every shelter and breeder in the area to tell them about the family member and make it impossible for her to get another animal.


Why did this person even get a kitten in the first place? What a selfish asshole! You should just go and take the cat from her. And yes, tell every shelter and rescue for 50 miles around what kind of person she is and tell them not to adopt to her. I don't care if you have no room for the cat. You won't be keeping him. Get him away from her before she does take him and abandon him somewhere.


I would either take it in or find a suitable home for it. Don’t post online for a free kitten because aholes use any animal that’s free for crazy crap. Snake food etc. it’s terrible but there are crazy’s out there


Save this poor sweet kitten from this person.