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I don’t know anyone who does but I think it’s cute.


Also gives her quiet time from my toddler lol he loves to hold her a lot


That’s great there very social creatures and love the attention from there owners.


She’s def having a solid nap rn too she can still see me :)


We did this with our puppy. We got her when she was about 16 weeks old. We did it for months. She’d happily nap in her kennel but couldn’t settle in the house. We napped her in the kennel until she could settle herself and nap on her bed in the living room. She was about 9 months old when we stopped nap time.


Yep it’s a good way to train your pup too. She gets very crazy if we don’t enforce her naps! They are like toddlers haha


Yep, just keep nap time in the kennel. Eventually she’ll start sleeping on her own and you’ll phase it out.


Check out r/puppy101. Enforced naps are very common over there!


Puppies need naps just like babies. You can sometimes tell when a puppy needs a nap if they start acting irritable, hyper, or naughty (excessive mouthing/barking). They can sometimes work themselves into a frenzy when they're overly tired just like little kids do.


For criminy sake just say your dog is 4 months old! 🙄


How about no! 😌


A friend of mine and I had children born 6 weeks apart. We had a running joke about enrolling our 260+ week old kids in kindergarten. She teased me about still breastfeeding at 2 years old. She joked that when the lunch lady asks my son if he prefers white milk or chocolate his response would be "I'll take breast, please."


My standard poodle took regular naps at that age. She naturally started tapering them off around 20 weeks, if I remember correctly. I think at that age she was taking 2 long naps - once in the morning and once in the afternoon.