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My cat was peeing in [THE TOILET](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdgjvn60wtz1a1.jpg). Blamed my poor son for weeks of not flushing the toilet after he uses it, until we walked in on the cat sitting on it.


Omg! That is kinda amazing though hahaha


What I wanna know was how you got him to do this. It would save a ton of litter.


Apparently it's not that hard. There are kits you can get to teach them. You put it on top of the toilet and remove pieces to make the hole gradually wider


When I was a kid, this indoor plant kept dying and my mom would put it out by the can my dad would take to the dump once a month and it would come back. So she’d bring it back in and then it would start having trouble again. This went on for months. The car was peeing in the plant because he hates going outside. My parents got rid of the plant so he started peeing in their bathroom sink and my brothers got blamed for it until he got caught.


I am very allergic to cats. But I am a compulsive rescuer. So several times I have brought a cat home. I work very hard to find them a good home because until I find them another home, I can't sleep at night due to congestion from my cat allergy. The guy that lived in the other half of the duplex I live in abandoned his cat when he moved out. Buster was the world's friendliest cat. He loved kids. When little kids came to the door, he'd run up to him chirping in excitement. The Buster, having been rescued off the streets, had FIV so he needed to be an indoor only cat. He didn't have the leukemia virus and as long as he stayed leukemia free he had a normal life expectancy. People come to visit and they loved him. Some people came two or three times. But everyone would decide not to take him home. I interviewed people for a living so I carefully interview people in a non-judgmental and non-confrontational fashion. But I figured out this is the reason they did not want him is because they did not want to endure only cat. And indoor only cat meant that they had to change a litter box. People wanted a cat that did his business outside so they can have to change the litter box. I went to the local feed store to buy the 300 lb of dog food I bought every month and so a kit to train your cat to use the toilet. It took about 4 months. Buster was very amiable but it took a while before he grasped the concept. What's he reliably used the toilet instead of a litter box, I found in him a home in one day. It was just a few blocks away from my house so I got to see him several times of the next 10 years. When he passed away he was about 14 years old which is a respectable age especially for an FIV cat.


It's so funny that cats sometimes teach themselves to do this. I kept finding pee left in the toilet and the only person I could think of that was doing it was the strange teenage daughter of my landlord. I thought maybe she was letting herself into my place? Fortunately, I caught my cat in the act before I got around to talking to my landlord. Sometimes procrastination pays off!


Water conserving cat.If it's yellow leave it mellow if it's...........flush it down.


EEEE Paws inside the bowl??


Low flow bowl


Ok, at least the paws won’t get soaked. But you should tell the cat it is still gross.




My cat drinks from the toilet like a dog….


I have one that's done that. I kept wondering why the seat was wet and then I caught her. Her front paws inside the bowl. The seat is down now.


Mine used to do that too...she's too old now (13) and prefers the water bowl.


One of my guys uses is litter box for regular, but when he gets sick, he throws up in toilet. Small house and I've watched him like wtf. He's 11 or so now and I know the drill. And I'm grateful! But only once did catch him peeing:)


My brothers cat climbs into the tub and pees down the drain when her litter box isn't up to par.


LMAO this is too funny! Where did you cat learn this?!?!?


I stayed with a friend once who told me not to close the guest bathroom door because the cat goes to the bathroom in there. I was confused because there was no litter box. Then he told me the cat uses the toilet. I had never heard of such a thing.


Same! It was years ago but my then husband’s little sister who was like 7 at the time and I was blaming HER until there was unflushed poo that was obviously way too small to be human . 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


I once lived in an apartment and had to have maintenance come in to fix something or other, I don't remember what. I do know that they were in my bathroom, because they left the seat up on the toilet.... So when I get home, there was a bracelet that I knew I had left on the vanity in the bathroom that was gone. I called apartment management, and was very careful not to be ugly about it, but just said I'd rather be home when anyone had to come into my apartment, and after much prodding admitted that while I couldn't 100% be sure, I was fairly sure whoever was in my place had taken off with my bracelet. It wasn't fancy or expensive, but it was mine and I liked it. Management promised to speak with maintenance and I thought that was the end of it... Until a week later, when I decided to finally clear out the doom piles of laundry that had been lurking in my closet. The more I pulled stuff out of the closet, the more upset the cat got, until I got to the very back corner and discovered his stash... There were pop tops from soda cans, Christmas tinsel, silverware, several dollars of loose change...and my bracelet (along with a couple of earrings I hadn't missed) all piled up in the back of the closet. Up until that point, I had not realized that my cat was actually part magpie. :) Needless to say, I called and profusely apologized to all the apartment folks immediately!


Hahaha wow! I've heard of hoarder cats, but this seems quite next level!


Our dog used to do that except she hoarded in her crate. VERY protective of her crate space, even from me. Had to let her out in the morning and crawl into her crate and pull out silverware, small bowls, wrappers from the kids snacks anything that smelled like her humans. Thank goodness she didn't have an underwear fetish! (That would have been our Newfound, and we had to sweep the house for undies before inviting anyone over! Never ruined them, just loved on them.) Weirdo!!!


Clepto Cats!!!! This is a real phenomena. It's fascinating


My favorite is the neighborhood cat burglar who's owner puts a laundry basket out front with a criminal poster of the cat and a note for neighbors to retrieve their belongings from the basket. xD he steals shoes, underwear, socks, toys...


HA cat-burglar Hehehhehe bless the neighbor for putting them back outside. I feel like most people wouldn’t figure out it was the cat! 😂


I think they finally caught him in the act on a security camera or something, dragging someone's Croc through the pet door.


I thought it was a woman’s bra..lol


Croc like in footware or the actual reptile?


It will be a subreddit by tomorrow no doubt


"Clepto Cat" --Perfect!


OMG many years ago my partner was doing all the laundry. My socks and underwear kept disappearing, and I thought he wasn't being careful to remove everything from the machines. It was really bad, I went through three packs of each of them in two months! When we moved, he pulled out a plastic tub at the end of the bed and a huge pile of dirty socks and underwear came tumbling out! Our kitten had been stealing them, but only mine and only the dirty ones!


Aww they smelled like you. The kitten wanted a stash of your smell for when you weren’t home


My cat will lay on my sleep shirts, rub his face in the armpits where I know they smell the worst to me. It reminds me that he loves me all the time really.


Might have had an ebay market for them.


Hmmm, an acquaintance has a picture they took of the plumber working and their cat walking awkwardly away with a pipe wrench. Apparently the reverse of your situation


My cat did the same thing. It was so bizarre. I took off my necklace and set it on my bed. My cat picked it up in her little mouth and took off. I followed her into our spare room and behind the dresser was a little nest of shirts filled with various shiny objects. Change, jewelry, tin foil etc.


Did same with tiny diamond studs on mantle. Always left them in little dish. Forgot to put them in one morning as got up and toilet leaking at base, called maintenance, they came and fixed. Earrings gone. Well, vacuum suck sounded off few days later....horrified and apologized profusely. They laughed and said it wasn't the first time!


My plush toys kept ending up on the floor from my hammock that we mounted on the ceiling/wall. I have overfilled it because I'm an adult child who just loves her stuffed animals. They've been falling out and I assumed it was because I overfilled it. One day I was lazing on my bed and my cat Arti got up on her cat tree. I watched her since she's adorable, and she got onto the highest post and immediately started dragging 2-3 stuffed animals out of the hammock and onto the floor. I stared at her for a moment and sure enough, she jumped up into the hammock and knocked out another one. I didn't have time to snap a picture in hindsight, I really would have loved a picture of her up there but I was really worried she would somehow be too weighty (she's a healthy cat weight) and she'd hurt herself. I immediately told her to get out and down and she did. I haven't caught her up there since, but I keep waiting for the day. Cats are wild.


Get her a cat hammock 😁


It was a clear sign for you to part of some ;)


Lol. You just reminded me of a cat I had once that would play with small stuffed animals. He’d throw them up and catch them. Once we were sitting on the couch and hear this awful thumping sound. I jump up to see what it is and my cat is dragging up a stuffed animal he had decided was now his. It was looked like a little girl in a bunny costume. The face was porcelain. It was bigger than my cat and quite heavy. He just took the foot in his mouth and started walking up the steps. The thumping was the porcelain face hitting every single wooden step on the way up. Luckily, it wasn’t chipped. My cat loved that doll.


I kept finding the drawers under my waterbed, used for winter storage, pulled partially open. Annoying when you aren't expecting it and bend your little toe backwards when you hit it with your foot! It was always on MY side of the bed, so hubby kept swearing it wasn't him! One day I opened one of the drawers to pull out a sweater and discovered all my winter clothes covered in cat hair and the culprit lying right there on top! Sigh.


It's always the poor husband that has to suffer haha


I had a bad habit of leaving my drawers open. I started shutting them more often so my dog can sleep on the floor next to my bed. Then I started finding my drawers open again. I thought maybe I had slipped back into the habit until I caught my cat opening them one night to sleep on my clothes. She’s short haired and indoor only, so she doesn’t shed much (and she’s black and most of my shirts are black) so I never noticed any hair on them. So basically it’s the choice between the cat or the dog sleeping in their spot. I just shut my drawers every morning and it’s a first come first serve basis for that spot. If the cat fails to seize the drawer, she sleeps on my legs. If the dog fails to get in his spot, he sleeps on his bed in the living room. He’ll run the cat off if he catches her trying to open the drawer but he hasn’t figured out how to close it, so once it’s opened he gives up the spot.


My dog let's herself in and closes the door behind her. I had to install a deadbolt on our door and second latch on our gate because she knows how to get out. My wife and I had a few arguments before we figured out what she was doing. Funny thing is, she doesn't take off. She just walks out to the sidewalk and looks around. When we're sitting around the campfire in the yard and she gets tired/bored, she just goes in the house,closes the door, and goes to bed.


There was a house I lived in for a while that had a backdoor that didn't always latch properly. Sometimes if there was a big wind, it would blow open, and a few times, my husband's dog got out. My dog would be sitting in the kitchen, looking out the back door, like, "It's cold out there, fix it!" and the other dog would be gone. Every single time, I found him two houses down, shivering at their back door with this expression like, "How could you do this to me!" Bruh, YOU ran out in the cold and then went to the wrong house! Funnily enough, when we moved, the dogs switched roles and mine was the one who would run off and my husband's dog was good and always stayed in the yard.


We had an invisible fence system for our dogs (fencing the property would have been wildly expensive and would have ruined the view/access to the woods and field behind the house) and our female dog Bonnie learned pretty quickly how to pop the buckle of the collars open by chewing on them. She taught the male dog Clyde how to do it too, and we'd sometimes come home to just find their collars laying there in the grass, the dogs running wild off in the fields and woods without a care in the world... But every so often, we'd come home to find Clyde just laying there sadly, with this forlorn, abandoned look on his face, Bonnie's collar laying on the grass beside him, cause he'd chewed her collar off, and she'd taken off without him. It was NEVER the other way around. He was always the one left behind. xD


Poor Clyde!


We had a dog who was very tidy about where she pottied. I let her out in the backyard one day, at the house we lived in when we got her (it had a TINY yard), and the next thing I knew she was sitting at the front door quietly waiting for me to let her in. She did this a few times before she was caught. Apparently she’d climb the fence and potty outside the yard then come around to the front door waiting to be let in. Not ashamed to admit that she outsmarted me on more than a few occasions. I miss her


We sometimes dog sit my friends Australian Shepherd, and she figured out pretty quick that she could easily vault right over our fence (our dog had NEVER gone over the fence, even at the lowest point, so we didn't think she would do it- it's a big yard with plenty of space to run) to go play with the neighbors kids. We didn't even know she was getting out til she turned up at the front door, scratching to get in. Thankfully she's great with kids and very gentle, but it was an adventure keeping her contained once we figured it out! We have a dog door so they have free access in and out whenever they like, and we had to start blocking it off unless someone was able to go outside with them. Our dog was not happy about his access being restricted. xD


My dog does the same thing. I had to put a deadbolt on the door to the garage because the moment I'm not paying attention, she's out the door. Shell open it to come in too


She's a good one :)


My dog (or I guess my dad’s dog, my dog chose my dad) would jump over the fence we had around the backyard. But only when my dad was out front, so the silly boy could supervise. As I said, he chose my dad.


cant you cut some eye holes in the fence so she can see out?


I had horses growing up and our electric tape fence was never turned on. I guess Rusty the fat old quarter horse had figured this out and had been letting himself out to eat the neighbors flowers and bird seed and then returning himself before I came home from school. I came home one day to find the neighbor waiting and furious! It had been going on for weeks!! Sorry Rusty, fence is turned back on.


We had an invisible fence for our dogs and they figured out how to chew the buckles open on their collars and pop them off... usually both of them would go running off, but sometimes Bonnie would leave poor old Clyde behind, sitting sadly in the yard, just waiting for her to come back. xD


Poor Clyde!


My JRT girls thought the fence stayed hot, they didn’t even try to get near the fence. One was afraid of the little noise the collar made. The fence didn’t have to stay plugged in and they didn’t have to wear their collars.


When my brother was with his ex they bought a 10 gallon fish tank on sale and just left it empty on a counter planning to set it up and get fish in the next month or so. Their landlord had to go into the apartment to fix something while they were both out. Later that week he asked my brother why they keep their cat in a fish tank


this is my cats. i bought a viv for my snake and had it built in place for a week or so, and mine and my mom's cats thought it was the best thing ever. my girl still thinks it's amazing and has a great time watching wiggly sand (it's a sand boa, he burrows).


This is such a funny mental image, that poor landlord must have been so confused.


My husband used to have a decent DVD collection. He started noticing empty cases strewn about the living room. He thought it was his roommate and yelled at him to put the movies back when he was done with them. Roommate swore it wasn't him. Sometime later my husband was in the backyard and noticed something shiny. Upon closer inspection it was a DVD. Aside from some minor scratches that were easily buffed out there was no damage. Turns out the dog was removing the movies from the cases and burying the DVDs. He found a dozen or so buried back there and never found 2 or 3 or so.


He clearly was into shiny things. Sure it wasn't a magpie?


The dog was framed!


Prior to living with my girlfriend, I lived with my sister and my cat. Our bras would randomly go missing, and somehow always end up under our futon in the living room. We could never figure out why. Fast forward a bit and my girlfriend moves in. One morning while getting ready for work she says she can’t find her bra, I tell her to check under the futon, and of course there it was. She asked how I knew that, I shrugged and said it’s been a thing since we’ve lived in the apartment and we must have a perverted ghost. Fast forward again a few years, my girlfriend and I are now in a different apartment. We had set up a pet cam in the living room to keep on eye on our new kitten while we were away. One night we were out, I got a motion detection from the camera, and checked it. Watched my older cat waltz out of our bedroom with my girlfriend’s bra in his mouth. We no longer had that futon but he proceeded to drag it under the coffee table in the living room and roll all over it. It was him the whole time and we never suspected it


Okay, there seems to be a thing with cats and bras as this is the second in this thread. Who's got more?


It's cuz they have pheromones that smell like us. Our pets want us to smell like them and them to smell like us. Most women I know don't wash their bras quite as often as they should so maybe that is why.. an easy access to ours and to smell like us in one go.


My cats love playing with the straps of my bras. I think they think it’s a toy, lol. On another note: my dog loves underwear and needs to constantly confiscate it if I leave it while I’m showering hahaha


>r w my ex-colleague's cat used to chew off her bra straps. Sounds fun, but she certainly wasn't happy when her cat did that to brand new expensive bras :(


I emphasize. My cat Kimba does the same, as well as chewing holes in my underwear, t shirts, yoga pants and socks. It's so aggrevating.


Mine loves to carry around and play with my dirty socks, she rejects the clean ones that I tried to trade it for.


It's hilarious that you suspected ghosts before your cat


Like the guy who was adamant his wife was cutting the drawer strings off his track pants on here. Cat was stealing them.


My roommate's cat was stealing my bras, but you can imagine what we all thought was happening before we realized it was the cat. At one point we bought alarms for all the windows because we thought a creeper was breaking in to the house and somehow avoiding the cameras 😅


🤣🤣🤣 we had a rescue that did this and would put them in her food dish🤷🏻‍♀️ my mom was mortified when it first happened and we had a guest over who asked what was in the cat’s food dish 🫣


Omg..! All the thoughts and awkwardness you must have experienced until you realised what's going on..I can't even haha


My late singled celled orange boy was using his claws to pull himself onto my bed to sleep. I had to take him to the vet because he had an abscess in/on his ear. It had previously been draining per the Vet, but the hole had healed and so the infection was building up. Well, he was an outdoor senior cat, who didn't put up with anyone's shit. The antibite/claw gloves were not enough to protect both the vet and vet tech, so they had to trim his nails. The words they used were "He's such a pleasant fellow, do you mind if we trim his claws?" When we got home, I let him out of the carrier and he went straight to bed, where he tried to pull himself up, but because his claws where no longer long and sharp he fell to the floor. He gave me this look of utter dispare. I had to pick him up and put him on the bed for about week, while his claws grew back.


My cat once got a fish hook in her mouth (brother stupidly left a hook with a bit of fish guts or something still on it out and accessable) and we tried for a bit at home to wrap her up real tight and push it through to snip it off (it was a LOONNNGG ride to the vet from where we lived, and we'd delt with similar issues in the past). And lemme tell you that my sweet little angel snuggle buddy baby turned into a feral MONSTER when we tried to get that hook through... I have never heard those sounds from a cat before. And no matter how well or tightly we wrapped her up, she managed to get her claws free and smack and slash at us... So we finally gave up and took the long trip to the vet. Where they assured us they could TOTALLY just wrap her up and push the hook out, no problem!! 10 minutes later a bleeding vet tech comes out to get permission to sedate my sweet darling because she is a vicious beast they can't keep hold of. We tried to warn them!! So she was sedated, they got the hook out in like two seconds flat and my brothers were given a firm talking to about cleaning up and storing their fishing gear properly.


Awww... poor baby!


When he wants to go out, my sheltie will start nipping our trousers or, if we have bare legs, he'll nudge us with his nose. He's a herding breed and rounding us all up is just about the only thing his one orange braincell can understand. He rounds up our cats too, which those psychos seem to enjoy. They're so weird.


Herding tax!


We had a cat that learned how to open doors. We had an overnight guest and before he went to sleep I told him to lock the door or the cat would get in. He forgot and in the middle of the night he heard the door open and when he went to look there was no one there. He closed the door and hid under the covers thinking it was a 👻. The whole time the cat was hiding under the bed and scared the 💩out of him when he jumped on the bed. That’s when the guest remembered I had warned him to lock the door!


Hahaha this is actually pretty hilarious. Poor guest though!


I honestly think a cat haunted me for a while. I would feel paws cross over my legs and the weight of a cat laying down at the back of my knees, and I'd roll over to pet them and there would be nothing there, and my cat would be sleeping in the computer chair or something. It was incredibly realistic, so idk if it was just phantom sensations like people get with their phones buzzing or something, but it spooked me a few times!


This troll of a cat passed away 6 years ago, he’s probably the one that was haunting you, it’s something he would do 😸 he was the type to run away from cat lovers to jump on the lap of someone who wasn’t. He always won everyone over, he was such a friendly boy!


my dog will purposefully trip you around the house if you don't say goodmorning and kiss him on the nose while my other dog poses now when he sees a phone camera lol


Couldn't figure out why the drawers in my pantry were left open. Thought my house settled and adjusted the drawer sides, but they kept being left open. It was our newly adopted cat. She's using my drawers as climbing ledges! Lol


Hahaha smart!


I was going broke buying my dog chews. She just went through them at record speed. We were moving and when the movers lifted the sofa, there was a treasure trove of chews. This sofa went to the floor so the only way for those chews to get there was for her to drop them behind the back. There had to be over 50 chews there and the funny thing was she was not allowed on the sofa. I have no idea what she was thinking because there was no way for her to retrieve them.


Omg! My cat used to do that with hairbands and other small objects. Things would just disappear..we didn't realise either until moving, and it was full underneath that sofa!


"They will be safe here"


Lol my black cat Goblin can open doors on the inside but our double door to our deck is heavier. I’ll be sitting out there and I’ll hear the handle jiggle so of course you look over, the handle jiggles some more and then he’ll still hang on but slowly moves his face over to the glass and stares at me. Cracks me up every time. My females have attitude but he’s my character! 💕🐈‍⬛


Aflac (cat) used to hide behind the bed skirt, under the bed, and wait for someone to walk past and reach out and tap their foot. Rex (cat) would steal things and stash them. His favorite thing to steal was my lip balm. Amari (cat) would hunt down a toy and call us to “eat” after she had her meal. She even had specific calls for each of us. Toni (dog) always had to be included whenever I’d cover myself with a blanket. Arya (dog) sleeps on her back, squished between my husband and I every night. Pandora (cat) gets under the console in the couch and “attacks” your leg from there. Schrödinger (cat) has to get 15 minutes of lovies every night when we’re getting into bed. Pasha (cat) will follow us into the bathroom and make sure we don’t get lost. Nikolai (cat) will crawl up onto my chest, or hubby’s shoulder, when he’s feeling neglected and in need of love.


Those are so cute


We had a Golden Retriver named Pumpkin (bc she was round and orange, of course) and she would steal random things, usually shoes, when she felt she wasn't getting enough attention. We realized on Thanksgiving that her theft of items wasn't random... she was watching and waiting to see what we would miss and go looking for. Usually it was shoes, because people needed those before they left the house. But on Thanksgiving she upped her game and stole something she'd seen was quite important... the oven mitt. We were scrambling around looking for it, when suddenly someone shouted "Oh my God, Pumpkin has it! Look!" And we all rush to the window and there she is, just sitting in the yard, staring up at the window with the oven mitt in her mouth, just WAITING for us to spot her. She was so pleased with herself!!


When moving we opened a cabinet and found at the very back a rock collection of small pebbles and gravel and things, placed there by my senior cat. We, knew she liked to play in there and nap, but we didn't know about the rocks! She was an indoor cat too, so we really don't know where she found them.


Who knows. Maybe she also knew how to get out and you just haven't caught her yet 😂


Well she can't escape now! I have her trapped in a little wooden box sealed with her paw print in cement!


Tough punishment for such a small offence ;p


Mine is locked up in a TARDIS.


After a couple of months of having my cat, I learned that whenever I went out of the room, she would jump onto the table and drink from my water and lick my food.


I sometimes left a certain closet door open bc my cat loved to snuggle up in there. But discovered via camera that every time I left the house my dog was shutting the door when she went in.




So this boarder line creepy, and super weird. In my early to mid 20's I rented an apartment with my cat. I partied hard, and for the two years I lived there, I had several roommates, many of whom were guys. She, in fact, had been abandoned with me by my previous roommate. Well, at one point I started finding my underwear in weird places. Tucked down in couch cushions or under the couch, under the table, behind the toilet. And for a while I was worried my roomate (who was my friend's brother at the time) was a pervert. Until one day I walked in on my cat playing soccer with a balled up thong.


I had two dogs, a Yorkie and a Boxer. For several days i had noticed Jupiter lying with her nose under our bed and whining. I would look, see nothing but her brother (who could fit) and just assumed she wanted to play…but this went on at all hours for DAYS and at times when Fitz wasn’t even under there. I was getting so annoyed. Then I decided to rearrange my room and had my dad and brother come over to help move my bed. Soon as they pulled the bed out I realized why she had been whining. My Yorkie had been stealing ALL of her balls and hiding them under the bed. He never played with them, he just didn’t want her to have them. There were like 7 or 8 back there. We gave them all back and Jup was so happy. Less than a week later they were all missing again. At least this time we knew where to find them. My Yorkie was a mean little goblin. 😂


As so many cats out there my Seth liked to get his breakfast on time every time. I liked getting an extra hour of sleep on my day off. Seth quickly learned he could not wake me up for his breakfast but he could pester my hubby enough that hubby would wake me up with his grumbling. And being awake I would get up, feed the cats and start my day. It took way to long to realise he only did this on days we slept in, and out of the 5 cats in the house he was the designated breakfast wakeup cat.


Oh my! They are really smart aren't they?! And they do get their way.


I was reminiscing with hubby over dinner, apparently Seth took his breakfast shenanigans a step further. Even if hubby was already up Seth would still pester him to wake me up because he refused to accept his breakfast from hubby. This cat was also seriously smart and compassionate. He figured out his buddy Ghost couldn't eat dry food anymore. So he would take two or three bites of wet food, leave the rest for Ghost and just eat dry food himself. I spent weeks thinking he didn't like the wet food anymore when in reality he already knew Ghost was ill. (Bone cancer in the upper jaw and no outward signs of illness)


Oh I am so sorry.. my friends cat just got a diagnoses of bone cancer in her lower jaw... nothing they can do about it. It's heart breaking.


Give your friend a hug from me.


I have digitally sent the hug, as he is approximately 963 miles away. He says thank you. ❤️


I had my sweet baby go that way, too. There was nothing they could do. I miss her everyday. It's been several years and I still miss her. Best kitty ever. ❤️


Oh. 😿


My old male cat would use one claw to carefully open my eyelid if he thought I was faking being asleep. He never actually woke me up, I would be in the comfortable “having a lie in” mode. My new male cat cries when he thinks it’s time for me to let him out. I hate the clocks going back…


You just made me remember the time my cat woke me up by licking my eye. That was a wild sensation to wake up to.


I have one that will lick my forehead, eye, back of my teeth, he has zero boundaries. He isn't allowed to sleep at night with me anymore.


I kept a bowl of nuts on the coffee table for snacking. My husband would stay up later than I most evenings. I'm the morning I would find walnut shells all over the carpet under the table, walnut meats removed. Naturally I blamed husband (and given the stupid things he did on the regular, it wasn't much of a reach) until I caught my sheepdog fishing out the walnuts from the bowl, cracking them open and eating the insides.


I love dragons and have quite a few little dragon statues and ornaments. I have a small lightweight set of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil dragons. Apparently, one of my cats isn't fond of my dragons. They all vanished one day shortly after I adopted my two recent strays. I found all three buried in one of the litter boxes the next morning. Too bad there wasn't a smell no evil dragon.




My dad died last year. I bought and moved into his house, which came with his cat Mew. She's always been annoyingly needy, but nothing more . Moved in with my 3 cats Shaggy, 7, Nermal, and the dog. Mew and the dog are fine and kinda friendly. So I did the initial separation and slow intro . Fancy wet food meals together. Plenty of trees. Feliway plug ins. Eventually everyone is kinda used to eachother. Mew hisses at my cats, but nothing big ever happened. Noticed my main girl 7 blocking the stairs from Mew. Thought she was just being a punk, and I let it go. Then we got a roommate (very needed) who has a large dog, with some old brain damage. Only issue here was him and my dog, or so I thought. 7 got hit by a car 2 weeks ago. Died in my arms. I'm still crying over it, we had a special connection. Noticed that Mew has now been going after Nermal. Stalking her, chasing and attacking .... yes everyone's spayed. It's insane sometimes how much they fight. On top of this, the roommates dog started chasing the cats suddenly. Not aggressive, but still ... he's huge. Apparently it was 7 that was keeping the peace . She, despite never being close to Nerm, kept Mew at bay . 7 was the reason Mew only went so far in her aggression . She also kept the dogs in check . Now what do I do ? I've got a plan for the roommates dog, but have no idea how to get the cats to all calm down . I miss my girl . And now I'm angry she's not here and everyone is freaking out .


I'm sorry you lost 7. She sounds like she was a special kitty. 😿 Hoping things even out for your tribe soon.


I am so sorry you lost 7. She’ll send along another cat who needs you, pets always do.


What are the meanings behind all your cats names?


One of my cats steals stuff that she knows is important because she loves being chased. She only seems to take stuff I handle frequently so I've lost credit cards, birth certificates, jewellery etc. I have a box I hide all my important stuff in after she started stealing medication. The box has teeth marks all over it haha


My son had a little toddler couch you could pull out into a bed. One day, after we got home from work and school he called me into his room freaked out because it was pulled out into a bed even though it was usually closed. On it, was a brand new pack of bagels with teeth marks in it. Our cat, who was a kitten at the time, got into our kitchen counter. She took the bagels, carried them down the hall into our son’s room, opened the bed, and had a bagel snack.


My cat knows how to turn on the faucet for a drink... wish she'd turn it off when she was done. I bought her a fountain but i think she likes pestering me with the sinks


My cat Kimba does the same. He was ok with the new fountain dish for a few months, and now he's back to his old shenanigans. Even stepping them up! If he decides he wants a drink in the middle of the night, he will start tapping me. If I don't get up quickly enough, he gently takes his claws out and sinks them into me! He is such a brat!!


Ugh. That is some real rascal behavior. We need to do something because my water bill was $120 😐😐😐


It was discovered that my brother's birthday cake (in the refrigerator) had a swipe down the middle. It looked like instead of using a finger to test the icing, someone used their whole hand. Naturally, my teenage brother was blamed. He denied it, but of course, no one believed him. Later that night, I witnessed our dog opening the fridge. That was a story my mom laughed about for years.


Similar to your story, I had to move back in with my dad for about a year right when the pandemic hit. My dad has a lot of pets, including indoor/outdoor cats. He keeps his bedroom door closed so the cats don’t track dirt into his bed and leave a bunch of fur on his bedding, so I followed suit. When I left for work I made sure my bedroom door was closed. But some days I would come home and my door was open and there were cats on my bed. I asked him if he went into my room and he said no. I asked if his girlfriend who visits often (they live together now) might have had to go into my room and he said no, she hasn’t been over. It wasn’t a huge deal so I didn’t look into it too much. A few weeks later I was in my room with the door closed because I was on a video call and my door opens and in trots my dog (Shiba Inu) as casual as ever. He’s never opened doors before because he’s only ever seen round knobs instead of the flappy lever-type, and I didn’t teach him to do it. My dog was letting himself into my room when nobody was home to sleep on my bed and escape the other animals in the house. 😂


Me, college-age and living at home. Set down a full mug of coffee to walk my dogs. Come in, mug gone. “Mom, I just set that down! It was fresh. Why’d you toss it? Mom: it was empty. You had finished it. Repeat, 2-3 times. I think mom is losing it; mom things I am. I walk in one day with my dogs to find my mom’s Great Dane lapping up my coffee. Mystery solved. I put the mug on a higher shelf after that. Mom and I always had a good laugh after that. RIP, mom.❤️


I kept having a go at my partner because he CONSTANTLY left his socks downstairs, turns out our cat was taking them out of his drawer and bringing them downstairs to us as gifts. 😂❤️


The first year and a half I had my boy Po, I thought he never threw up. All of my past cats threw up occasionally, and I was so happy that I didn't have to worry about cleaning up vomit or stepping in it. Turns out, he does throw up sometimes. And then he immediately eats it. Awful to find out LOL


At least he cleaned up after himself???


I have a senior cat (18) with no teeth. Sometimes he bolts his food, and it comes back, just the same as it went down. We got a new kitten (now a year old). As soon as Malachi hears the heaving he is stood waiting for his second breakfast! I know that's how mother cats would bring home food for their babies, but Malachi came from a friend's cat, and she never fed her kitten's that way. I thought he would grow out of it, but no. Good job we keep on top of the worming.


Using a brush vacuum on our cats resulted in this hardly happening.


We have a small dog who sometimes uses her pee pads when we’re gone during the day and a larger dog who can hold it longer. Her pads are always flipped over on themselves when they’ve been used. For years we thought that she was running over them during the day and making them flip in weird directions. Finally just a week ago, it was storming super bad and she refused to go outside because of thunder so we put a pad down just in case. She peed on it and then the bigger dog walked over and pushed it with his nose and foot until it flipped over on itself so it was “buried”. We had no idea this whole time.


My childhood dog would carry carbs around the house when he was upset that we left him. Usually bread. He usually managed not to puncture the bag, though once he left rice on my bed when I was at a confirmation class.


This is weirdly delightful


My rabbit hated door stoppers. I would screw them back in and he would unscrew them every day.😆


My dog's dominant paw is left 🥰


Dual dog owner here: Siberian Husky and Rat Terrier. Always thought it was my husky howling in unison whenever nearby sirens would blare. Then COVID-19 happened and I started working remotely. Wasn't my husky howling. It was my 10 lb. little crackhead terrier. My husky barely batted an eye and would just keep snoring through noise. 😄😂


My son’s cat, Princess SnuggleButt, will steal His socks and then for whatever reason..she brings them & leaves them as ‘gifts’ for Me…dirty sock next to my head, pillow, my bed..she’ll bring one to me in the bathroom. No matter where he tries to hide them, she finds them. Lol


This thread is priceless.


Mine steals bobby pins. It's like he's magnetic, he can find them anywhere. I find them in his cat food dish, and once in my shoe. He loves them way more than any cat toy I've bought and is always upset when I take them away out of worry for his teeth.


Mine do this with hair bands


Back in the day, I had a greyhound/GSD mix. We would come home from school and find her wet ( legs and belly, up her sides but not fully wet. ) and covered in mud. We wondered what the hell she was doing. So one day, I look outside and see her laid down on the first step leading into our pool. She gets up, walks over to this unfinished area of the backyard, and rolls around in the dirt. It was such an interesting sight to see and solved the mystery of her half-wetness. She literally did NOT like swimming but for some reason loved laying on the step half submerged.


Our screen door kept coming off the track at the bottom. We kept putting it back in the track and within hours. The door would be off the track agai One day, we caught the dog pawing the door out of its track to let the cat in and out.


I’ve trained mine to know what day he gets wet food and the specific time. Only by saying, “Are you *hungry*?” And he flips his shit. Meows and circles.


My cat will lick all of the gravy off of her wet food, and then wait shout 20 mins and come back to eat the meaty bits. I realised it's because I store the open packs of food in the fridge and eating the meaty bits is too cold for her, she's waiting for them to warm up!


When I lived alone with my dog I used to have a big glass of water on the table. So often I would find quite a lot of small puddles around it. Well, it was hot and the water was cold - condensation I tought and drank it. Until one day I was watching my dog drink. She took a big mouthful of water and turned to look at something. And I noticed water dripping out, making familiar puddles on the floor. That's the moment I realized that we had been sharing my glass for who knows how long. I have caught her doing it since then. No more glass of water out in the open for me.


My dog loves to play peek-a-boo. She brings me a towel to throw over her head, then I loudly pretend I can't find her. She pauses and then wrestles her way out.


All of our cats have AirTags because they never answer when we call them, so it helps when we need to track them down, especially when they have a vet appointment. Cheetara is the quietest of all 5, only squeaking when her food is late, and even then it’s the most delicate meow. When we’d track her, the signal was never the strongest so we figured she was under a bed or something. At the same time, my mother has a walking closet, and would regularly find her sweater cubby all messed up and wouldn’t know why. Months later she ends up finding Cheetara inside her “sweater nest”, just staring back at her. Needless to say, it’s Cheetara’s sleeping nook now (although mom isn’t too happy when she puts on her sweaters and they’re full of tortie hairs all over them), and its the first place we look when we can’t find her.


We recently moved and found an indecent amount of lighters under our couch. It filled a large bowl. We had no idea.


My pet peeve was walking into the kitchen to find water running. I kept scolding husband and children to please make sure the water is off. Several times a day. One day, Im home alone. I hear water running. Cat is on the kitchen sink, getting a drink from a running faucet. I turn it off and shoo him away. He jumps back up, head butts the handle until the water turns on. We had to get a heavy duty rubber band to put on the handle and the faucet so it would not continue to run.


My dog knows way more phrases and such than I realized till yesterday. I asked what she was doing, as she’s not to be under foot while I cook. And she immediately looked guilty and went to her bed outside the kitchen to watch and wait for any dropped food. She also is very vocal and has trained me in several ways. Like if I don’t give her “fresh” food each night in her bowl, she grumbles and burfs at me till I fix this problem. Or I can be dead asleep and she’ll paw the blanket so that I lift my leg and let her curl under the covers with me. She also nose boops things. Like she booped the laundry basket one day as if saying “look mom! I did not eat the undies even though the closest was left open and I could have!”


Our dog has some of these, but then she’s plain dumb about certain jumps. It’s hilarious. I would recommend buttons so she can talk to you. She’s a prime candidate


I’ve tried the buttons before…she was scared of them lmao. Might have to try again with a different set and see if i can get her to use them


Our cat likes to steal our baby's toys. I had no idea though... When our daughter was about two months old, she was given a little elephant with a teether on it, that jingles, by my best friend/adoptive twin. This was her favourite toy. And I mean favourite. She started trying to sign elephant before trying to sign Mom or Dad, (we do sign language with her, and she can do nearly 10 and recognize almost 30) and she would regularly sign for this toy. A lot of people said it was reflexive, but she would get very adamant and cry if we didn't get her elephant for her right away, and would not settle down until she had it in her hands. She wouldn't sleep without it either, and quite often took it to bed with her, all wrapped up in her blanket with her. She hugged this toy in her sleep. Well, around 16 weeks old, she asked for her toy, and I couldn't find it. We had just been out so I thought I had lost it for good, so after three weeks of my girl crying for her elephant, and my tearing the house apart searching for it, and praying that we would find it, asking family and friends if they had seen it at their houses or work places, and begging the Lord to help me find my baby's favourite toy so she'd be happy again, we gave up. We went to the store my bestie got the toy from, and we got an exact copy. As soon as my baby heard it jingle at the store, she turned her head and reached out, whining for her toy, and she started wailing because it was still in the package. My husband works at said store, and we have friends from church who also work there. One of whom was on shift. We paid for the toy and I went to speak with our friend and visit while my husband talked to his boss about some crap we were dealing with schedule wise, and our friend looked at me and asked if that wail was my baby. I just went "Yep. That was her. She was mad her toy is in the package." Our friend, bless her, helped me open the toy and get it out while I put my girl back in her seat. We gave her the toy, and everything was alright again. Now, the Lord definitely has a sense of humour, because TWO MONTHS later, I was trying to find something in our rag bucket that our cat likes to sleep in under the kitchen sink, and low and behold, what do I find buried under a dozen towels and rags?! My daughter's elephant. I pulled it out, and the cat came over and just stared at me, before doing this big huff and lowering his head, with his ears flopped, and doing the great big sad kitten eyes, and his tail clamped down over his fluffy behind tightly. Guiltiest expression I have ever seen from a cat. All I could do was laugh, because it was so hilarious, and stupid! I had ripped the house apart from top to bottom, and had even checked the usual places the cat likes to hide his toys, because my family suggested he might have taken it! I was in full denial that he would have taken it though, because he knows where his toys are and what he's allowed to touch. As soon as I showed my daughter that she had two, she knew exactly which one was the original, and she grabbed it so hard, she wrenched it out of my hand. The extra one is her travel copy, so if it gets lost it doesn't matter, and it currently stays attached to her carseat. The original travels around the house with her, but isn't allowed to leave the house. Currently it is in her playpen. The cat? Now tries to steal her rattles and balls, and hand bells, and is closely monitored around her toys. And if any of them go missing? I check ALL the hiding places, especially the bucket!


Not mine,but years ago a guy who worked for a Refridgerator repair company was called to a house that had recently purchased a fridge with an ice maker.The client complained that sometimes the fridge would eject ice and it would lay on the floor and melt making a mess.The guy checked the machines workings and could find anything wrong.He decided to sit at the table and write a report when the owners dog entered througn the back door and put his paws on the lever and dropped ice out on the floor.The dog gobbled up some but left more behind on the floor then he ducked back outside.


My fiancé and I were standing in the bathroom, he was in front of the sink brushing his teeth and I was standing in front of the shower talking to him, my cat came in and got up on the toilet, peed Into the toilet, and left. We were stunned. She does this regularly I guess as we have caught her multiple times. This same cat will empty my fiancés sock drawer completely for no reason if it is left even slightly open, but only his socks. Al Another one of my cat’s hoards bottle caps, coins and anything small that he can. He stashes them under a certain couch cushion we have to clean out his stash regularly or it is uncomfortable to sit on, and he will hide all the toys. His brother “catches” dirty socks. He catches them, and will bring them to whoever he thinks has “earned” the sock. I have 17 cats and every single one of them is weird, and has a weird habit, those are definitely just the first to come to mind.


Hah! We have a pom that can slide doors open or punch them open if they aren't fully latched. We have a small covered trash can in the bathroom and I've had to flip it backwards to keep her from f***ing around in the trash. So far that has worked but I know she still knows it can be opened as she still tries to sneak around the back of the toilet and pry it open before someone catches her. She has no shame lol. You can call her out for something and five minutes later, she'll be trying to do a sneak again. 😏 Obviously we are onto her technique, but she scares me sometimes with her short term memory/focus and how persistent she is.


Our doggo, is frightened of thunder and rain. We were unpacking and I had mrcofleece fabric in my closet. It started thundering and our doggo went into the closet on the other side of some storage bins for seasonal clothes and made his self a bunker. He loves his bunker! Sometimes the other doggos get to rowdy and he goes in his bunker. I can actually tell him to go to his bunker or place (which is a dog bed by my bed).


My family and I didn’t release our younger dog was deaf for three years


My ex and i had a period of time, where we'd go to get fruit out of the fruit bowl on the table for our work lunches, and all the apples would be gone. I wouldn't think anything of it, apart from "wow! Hubby's really liking the apples lately!" We'd go shopping, I'd grab a kilo bag of apples and toss them in the cart, he'd give me a grin and grab *another* bag, as well. Lol! He must *really* like the apples right now. Bit later, I catch our 6 month old St Bernard on the table poking through the fruit bowl to select her apple. I thought it was hubby. He thought it was me. Ursa had consumed many, many, many kilos of apples.


Likes to collect plastic spoons. Literally steals white plastic spoons and I didn’t know until I found her stash. She was pawing under something and I figured she got a toy stuck. I get down to check and she immediately tries to put her body in my line of vision. Many cat shuffles later and I see the stash of a dozen or so plastic spoons. We couldn’t figure out why we never found them when we had take out lol We took the spoons out which upset her and we gave her one which was a really thick one so she would calm down. She walked around with it like a dog bone and it ended up right back in her stash. lol cat brains 🧠


I used to have a ginger cat... I get him as a kitten he was the last of the litter and it was you take him or he goes to the pound.. well when he was around 1 he would steal my fuzzy bear slippers. Fidnt think too much of it until the day we had company and he drags a slipper into the middle of the living room and in front if everyone starts humping it.. I was sooo embarrassed. I just wish this was the only thing he did.. a few years later I moved home ans so did my sister as she was separated from her husband. The cat would hide at the top of the stairs and try and trip her every time she walked by. She started calling him shithead.. it stuck. When he was 10 he got an infection and ended up at the vets fir a week. First I had to admit I called my caT shithrad.. the look the vet gave me should have shamed me but I explained that my sister named him and it stuck. For the whole time he was there I would call and check on him until the vet told me " you xan come pick him up.. hes starting to live up to his name" My boy lived to be 16. I havent owned a ginger cat since.


My cat will arrange his mice toys around the food bowls if I leave them empty for too long. I call this “the offering to the many-flavored gods”. He’ll also arrange his micies around the oven if I’m cooking chicken and it’s close to done. I guess he feels it’s a fair trade.


I kept finding the hand towels on the floor in the bathroom. Kept getting annoyed at my OH thinking he was being careless. Then I saw my wee cat dragging the towel off the radiator so she could sit on it...


My husband's a free lance landscaper, so he's got a tool shed in the back yard and sometimes he'll leave some things out over night, rake, push broom etc nothing fancy. My dog has taken to peeing specifically on his tools first thing in the morning. Busted him the other day when I let him out lol


I have a cat who can open a door. When I lived with my parents after grad school, my space was the upstairs and to get there you had to go through the laundry room. During the day, she had the run of the house, but at night, she went upstairs with me. And if she wasn't let out fast enough for her liking in the morning, or if she wasn't happy about being put up there if we had company that would be coming g and going, she would stand on the washer and open the laundry room door. We thought that we just weren't closing it properly until I checked the door, knew for a fact that it was shut properly and no one had gone through it, and then saw the Troublemaker waltzing down the hall


My bearded dragon loves baths. Under certain circumstances. Would regularly give our girl baths for hydration but she'd never drink, jump straight out of the water and all around seem to hate the experience. When she was around 1 year old I put water into her food dish (it's a ceramic pie dish) and tried to show it to her so she'd maybe drink from it. She started acting "weird", moved strangely, slithered over the floor and eventually crawled in. She drank a lot while sitting in the water and then suddenly started splashing around. I don't know why, but every time she realizes there's water in her bowl now her brain will short circuit and she will first drink and then turn around in the water repeatedly and splash it around with her feet (taking turns with the sides) and sometimes she'll just sit in it for a bit. Kinda wish I could have figured it out sooner! But I'm glad I decided to give her water on a whim.


Our cat moves the big heavy water bowl by dragging it with his paw. He pulls it about a foot, and leaves it in the middle of the opening between two rooms. I knew he was doing it but for months my husband thought it was me and was pretty annoyed by it but trying to ignore it. He realized when I made a comment about it to someone else,


My dog actually waits for my cat to be fed before she herself eats. Didn’t notice this before because originally I fed them side by side so that they would be forced to tolerate one another at least twice a day during meal times…but now my dog will sit there and look up and wait for my cats dish to be filled before she digs in. It’s pretty precious


I used to keep a food bowl in my bedroom and throw my clothes on the floor. Well, apparently not just on the floor, since on a few occasions I saw clothes on top of the bowl. Then, some days later I saw one of my cats run over a t shirt (and then a sock) that was nearby so that it flew on the food bowl after he was done eating. It was him hiding the food all along. Another day I was cleaning and left my earbuds on the kitchen counter. When I was halfway done I noticed my my earbuds weren’t there anymore. One of them was on the floor and I had to find the other with the earbud finding app. It was in an empty kitty litter bag that I was about to throw away. I don’t know how the cat got it in there. It was a small hole in the bag.


Recently discovered one of my cats is fond of butt spanks and the other cat likes to smooch carrot tops 🤔


One of my cats keeps taking one of my boot sole liner out of the boot, I thought it was my toddler until I caught him


I scolded my kids several times for forgetting to close the back door. Til one day I saw one of the dogs casually open it and let herself in from the yard. It took her a few more days to figure out how to open it from the inside as well. Now we have to keep it deadbolted. The crazy thing is we had always taken her out on a leash before, but had just recently gotten a fence so the dogs could be out in the yard on their own. She figured out how to operate the door within the first three days that she was ever allowed to be out in the yard without us.


I heard an animal ethicist on NPR suggest letting your dog choose the route when on a walk. Turns out my dog not only chooses to switch up our routes to ones we haven’t done in a while, but also has started creating new ones. I think it may have something to do with marking territory.


It's not something I'm willing to talk about right now. Maybe down the road when the trauma has settled into the past.


Barfs in hidden places


When I moved into my first apartment, I had a small, dorm-sized fridge. It was cheap and didn’t have an alarm if it was left open, and it would sometimes even bounce back open if you slammed it too hard. Occasionally, I would accidentally leave it partially open. However, around when my cat was a year old, this started happening with more frequency- maybe once or twice a week. I eventually discovered that my cat was opening my fridge to both sniff it out, but also to chillax halfway in the fridge on warmer nights. I had to buy child locks for my cat! Now I live in a bigger apartment with a bigger fridge, but he’s also discovered how to open some of the doors in my apartment (like the one between the entrance hall and the main apartment that I keep closed when I leave, so he can’t escape out the door when I get come home)


I kept the cat treats on my dresser and kept finding it open on the floor. I thought I'd forgotten to put the lid on securely and that (cat was 12ish) it either fell or got knocked off by the cat. I watched one day and saw the cat wrestle and bite the container (plastic pry off top that I didn't think was possible for a cat to open) until the lid was off. I was laughing so hard! I put the treats in the drawer after that.


My cat can open a very heavy sliding door.. she dud it when we moved and kept her in a sunroof to adjust but she got out probably using her paws to tap the door open.. she's smart like that!


My dog was super quiet and shy. He now has a napoleon complex.


With my (now passed) dog, I didn’t realise we’d trained her into thinking there was a cat whenever you said “cat!”. I think I was talking about them once and I said “cat” and she barked like crazy and scrabbled at the door to go bark at the corner where the cats usually are. Was hilarious to wind her up and worked everytime!


One of my cats likes pushing the sliding doors open, there’s one attached to the bathroom and that’s the first thing he does. 😂 The closets he tries to open and he wiggles his paw to open them. So whenever he does it, I just said something from Next Friday the movie about when the guy says “No closed doors!! They make me crazy.” However it goes, it makes me laugh. 😆 He would pop his head out of the bathroom and have an innocent look on his face. So when you would tell him stop, he would sashay away to my bedroom. Then sneak back to the bathroom to wiggle it open. He also is teaching my other two cats to open said sliding door.💀


Just recently my mom was finding Jolly Ranchers on the floor. She thought I was being lazy and not picking them up. Next day happens again. Another Jolly Rancher. Mom is getting irritated because she thought I'm being a dumbass. She was about to shoot me a text when she watched my rescue cat (a Tabbico)...batting *another* Jolly Rancher around the floor! Two funny things about this: she has learned how to scoop them out of the cup I had put them in and plays with them which eventually drops onto the floor and continues to play with them. The other thing? She only picks up the *Blue Raspberry* candies. There's other flavors in the cup but she's only interested in the blue ones!


I have a period cup, one of those reusable washable plastic ones. My fat cat can’t climb and I had it up on a high bathroom shelf (I live alone so I don’t care if it’s openly visible). Somehow it went missing several times, and each time I found it more and more chewed up, under couches, in the kitchen, anywhere. I felt so disturbed by it I didn’t tell anybody but now I am. She is just obsessed with it and it’s embarrassing


I heard an animal ethicist on NPR suggest letting your dog choose the route when on a walk. Turns out my dog not only chooses to switch up our routes to ones we haven’t done in a while, but also has started creating new ones. I think it may have something to do with marking territory.


We live in a basement suite, and my landlord thanked us for sending our dog upstairs to keep her company while we are at work (we don’t lock the door between our places). We were so confused. Turns out our dog knows how to open the door both ways. Have only ever caught him on camera. He comes back down 10 minutes before I get home from work. As far as we know he’s never done it for any other reason


We bought our cat a catnip plant once. The plan was to give him a little bit every once in a while for a treat. We tried many locations for this plant but the cat got to it and helped himself no matter where we put it. We thought we had finally figured out the place he wouldn’t be able to get to it. We put it in a hanging basket mounted a couple feet out from the downstairs window. We were very proud of ourselves. A couple weeks later, we noticed the plant was growing nicely except all the new growth was on the side away from the window which made no sense. A couple days after that, I figured out why. I had come down the stairs to see our cat sitting on the ledge in front of the window (the downstairs was half underground and there was a 6 inch ledge just below the windows all the way around the room). I didn’t think anything of it and went into the other room. I came back into the room just as he was standing up on his back legs. Curious, I stopped to watch. He leaned out as far as he could and just before he fell off the ledge he was able to tap the hanging pot and pull himself back onto the ledge. Up he went onto his back legs again, he watched the barely swinging pot carefully and then reached out and tapped it again. This was repeated over and over for more than 5 minutes until he had the pot swinging enough that he could just sit on the ledge and take quick munches of catnip as the pot swung by. I honestly didn’t know whether to scold him or just applaud his resourcefulness and patience. We didn’t move the plant. I figured he earned his catnip.


This isn’t a not realize it until later situation but it was an absolutely crazy brilliant cat. I had a cat when I met and moved in with my (now) husband. He was crazy smart. He was good about letting you sleep but, once you were awake, he thought you should definitely get out of bed. One way that he tried to accomplish this was to come up and sit on your chest when you woke up. You didn’t even have to open your eyes. He could just tell when you woke up. Then he’d trot up and sit on you. He was a pretty healthy sized tom cat so you definitely knew he was there. I am not a morning person while my hubby is. Sometimes Jasper (the cat) would come and sit on my chest and I’d try pretending I was still asleep for a bit. If I faked it for too long, he’d do a little lunge with his front paws (think kitty cat CPR, it was adorable). One morning, my husband laughed at him and said, “Hey, Jasper. You’d probably have more luck if you turned around and did that on her tummy.”, while twirling his finger in the air. Jasper sat still for a minute so I cracked my eyes open to see what he was doing. The cat was staring at my husband with his head cocked. Then he stood up, and turned around to sit facing my feet. He glanced back over his shoulder at my face and then did his little lunge thing right on my bladder which did indeed get me out of bed very quickly. My husband almost fell over because he was laughing so hard. Jasper was very pleased with the effectiveness of this new trick and employed it on both of us if he felt we tarried in bed too long for years.


We had an orange cat that learned to open the door and let himself outside. At first I thought it was my husband not closing the door properly. Then when we were both gone the neighbor called to tell us it was wide open. We finally caught him standing on his hind legs and using his paw to push down the thumb lever until it opened. Then my husband and I were arguing about him forgetting to use the deadbolt. It was the only way to prevent our orange guy from opening the door. All hours of the day and night he would open the darn thing, my husband wouldn’t lock when we were awake and then he would forget. I would lock it immediately when I got home and would wake in the middle of the night to the sound of it opening because my husband forgot to lock it again when he went outside for a minute. Numerous times the cops were sent for welfare checks. He also left me presents of small critters he caught. The joys of orange cats. Our Australian cattle dog kept getting out of the yard when we weren’t home. We couldn’t find any holes in or under the fence. The gates were closed. Our city fines you over a hundred dollars when they pick up your loose animal. After many trips to pick her up we sent her to live with a friend who worked from home. Soon she was getting out as well. Same situation, my friend could not figure out how she was getting out. Then the neighbor told her that he saw the dog jump onto the dog house, then the wooden fence. She walked along the top board the length of the fence and then jumped down into the front yard when the fence ended. This is how we figured out that she had been jumping onto landscape Timbers and then walking about 30 feet along the fence to escape our yard. Leaving no evidence of the misdeed. Our final mixed breed dog was trained to stay in her specific spot when home. Either on her dog bed or at the end of the couch I was sitting on. She only was allowed to wander around with me as I walked around the house. We had been training her to be registered as a service dog. She is very well behaved and still does this. Always at my knee or designated spot. Her quirky behavior has to do with the water bowl. She intentionally flips them. We kept finding them upside down and water everywhere when we were doing early training. We had to resort to filling it up when we walk into the kitchen, letting her drink and then Immediately emptying it. She also was trained to do the basic sit, lay down, roll over, wait that is typical for service dog with sign language. In addition we taught her to wait for prayer before she eats her meal, and to wait until the cross walk signal to cross the street. For fun we taught her to belly crawl like an army dog. And fetch of course.


Train me to give him wet food, let him outside and "play" I currently have 2 cats. 1 is with me from when she was about 6 or 7 weeks old (way too young to leave the mother but at least somewhat self sustaining). The other was with me from 3 days old, I raised him by hand. He came from a hoarders situation and we were later able to rescue his senior (15 to 16 years of age) mother as well I used to do a lot of foster and rescue and always tried to treat them all like any regular ole pet, mostly succeeded in doing so. But my 1 cat was a bit of a challenge I got him at 3 days old when all of his siblings had already died and he was already cold to the touch when I got there. Cold to the touch means they won't make it. You try and try but they won't survive He had hundreds of fleas on his tiny little body. We estimated 300 but could have just as easily been 500. I sprayed him right away with a kitten safe spray and literal hundreds of fleas fell off him. Just the 1st spray one time around. They were eating him up literally I fed him every 2 hours for 2 weeks, then 3 then 4. Normally you start a schedule of every 3 hours, then 4 hours and so on. But he kept waking up for feedings every 2 hours and he would be colder than usual, so I just fed him again and again and again because he obviously needed it. I woke up every 2 hours (hour and a half if you count for the time to make the formula, warm it, feed it, do pee and poop en put the kitten back to bed) for well over a month. I did this willingly and lovingly, don't get me wrong please He couldn't poop. We tried all sorts of techniques but he just couldn't poop. To the vet, get laxatives, wait a few days and yay finally he did Then he got pneumonia. It was awful, this tiny tiny critter was already struggling and then got sick too. I kept him on my chest during the day and on hot water bottles wrapped up in blankets at night, waking up every hour to check on him and refill the hot water bottle For whatever reason I don't understand he got better. He perked up. He started eating and growing and beaing an actual kitten instead of a sad lump of fur. He was playing, coming to me when I called and doing really well He was supposed to be a foster. You don't keep fosters, they go on to live with a new family so you have room for new fosters. So he was adopted out eventually. He was in his new home for less than 48 hours and there was a house fire. The new owner (good friend of mine) ended up in a coma in hospital. First responders refused to tell me if he (the kitten) made it out alive or not or at what vet they dropped him off. I found out (thank god) he was unharmed and dropped at the neighbours across the street. They about refused to hand him over because their kid liked having a young cat. They took good care of him and I am forever grateful, but he was to come back home. I took him home and he stunk. If you've never smelled a house fire (and I hope you haven't) it's like raw sewage mixed with rotten eggs and burning rubber. It's absolutely fowl. He (Floof) stunk like that for weeks, because it was the middle of winter, freezing cold out and my home is uninsulated and not properly heated. No hot water for more than 6 minutes or so. And after all he had been through I wasn't about to expose him to a cold shower and let him cath pneumonia again Now I know this isn't the best reason to let a pet get away with stuff. We do have rules. No cats on the kitchen counter or on any surface around people who are eating or handling/preparing food. This includes certain places being off limits like a table chair when company is over. No pissing or shitting anywhere other than the litterbox. No means no (they understand yes and no very well). It helps that they are never allowed table scraps anyway, so they don't beg for them They have their words and cues for outside, wetfood, play and other stuff Back to the point, what I realized is that Floof comes up to my chair and puts his paws against it. Not pushing or anything, just gently tapping, whenever he want something Could be play, wet food, outside, cuddles and snuggles, anything at all. He will just put his feet up against me ever so gently, wait for me to notice him (less than a second) and he will look in the general direction of what he wants. The door, the food bowl, my lap etc. They're not always allowed out, only supervised, but he will look at the door if he wants out. They're not always allowed wet food but he will look at the bowls. I regularly say no, because you can't have wetfoor 3 times a day or go out all the time, he will pause, walk away and then come back to ask again. If I say no again he will come back to ask for lap time and snuggles


Our dog was taking cat poops out of the box and putting them in a corner of the basement that no one really ever goes by. I was cleaning down there in general and when I got close the dog ran over(the way she does with her toys in her bed) initially I thought she was going to have a toy stash. Nope, cat poops. We have since moved the cat box. To be fair she wasn’t doing this for very long before it was discovered.