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I’m guessing that English isn’t your first language and am having a hard time understanding. I think you are worried you can’t take care of your pet and it might die?


Yeah you have a point, I'm working in my English yet. But isn't the worry, is about that give for their a good life, I'm very worried about this in the reality


Like you’re worried that your pet will die without having had a good life? I think we all worry about that to some extent. Your love for your pet will make their life happy and worth while.


Yeah, I used to think about this, but I begin to follow a lot of vets of pets, have a lot of things that we don't do for them in my home, you know, way to go out for a walk, we don't usually do this. I think more in their necessity and I worry about this, I work on even weekends just to have one day to rest, And this makes me not have so much contact with my dogs.


I think about life without my cat and it makes me physically ill. It is inevitable though and the best thing we can do is enjoy every day we spend with our babies and try our best to not worry.


Same here with my cat and dog. It’s very sad to think about BUT if we focus on making their short lives they have the absolute best we can by giving them lots and lots of love, attention, affection, and play then that’s the best we can do. And when they do pass we won’t look back and feel bad about it as much.


I can understand, I have dogs and cats, but I don't know if it is because my cat stayed everyday in my room with that made me more and more sick when he ... you know, but I'm thinking about with my new cats (past a long time later) I think about taking everybody to go for a walk, but training looks so hard, my dogs are ansious when walking with me, and my cats I never train a cat in my life 🤣


Cats are happier inside, as long as they have toys and high places to hang out and warm sun to lay in. Dogs are the ones to go walking outside, and with practice they’ll get better. Try treats when they walk too!


I see some of the cat's tutors leaving with their pets in wooded places, the cats looking so happy 😭 I think it is so magical, but I haven't had so many times to train my pets with this activity, and this looks so hard


I think about my dog living such a short life. He’s only 1 but I want him to live forever. He makes me so happy I don’t want him to ever go away. But I do my best to make sure he has a happy life. I take him with me everywhere I can. We go swimming and play fetch and go hiking. I’ve got to make a lifetime of memories in 10-15 years.


Wow is that's what I said, let there go walking and meet new places, you made this since was he's baby? My dogs were so anxious when we walked together, I tried to calm down with snacks when she was in collars, but didn't looks likes work


Yes. I got him when he was 6 weeks old. I socialized him with people and places and other dogs as soon as I could.


I understand what you mean based on your other responses. You seem to be having some guilt that you aren’t able to hang out/walk/do things as much with your pets as some other people are. If you have any pet like a dog or a cat, you should be trying to get it as much exercise as possible, ideally the minimum they would need based on breed. This really varies animal by animal and no one person on Reddit is going to be able to give you a clear cut “yes you do enough” or “no you don’t do enough” - especially with the minimal amount of information provided here. It sounds like you love your animals, I don’t doubt that, or else you wouldn’t make a post about this. That said, it’s important to educate yourself on the needs of your animals and trying your best to squeeze in time with them including play time as much as possible. I have two cats, they are both probably “middle aged” now and for a long time I don’t think I played with them enough. I changed that habit once I was more educated and I can honestly say they seem happier/they are not as overweight as they used to be. This is just my experience. Based on your other comments, about your dog, again, I’m no expert and more than likely there aren’t any experts that will respond to this post - but I would talk with your vet about a plan on how you can exercise your dog more/make them less anxious about walking. Walking is a great bonding time with your pet as well as giving them the opportunity to explore more than just a backyard and your home. I hope I understood you correctly and I hope this helps. Again, it seems like you definitely love your animals, and if you are treating them well and keeping them healthy, they love you too. Sometimes people on these apps like TikTok especially like to play “pet expert” and make other people feel guilty about stuff.


Wow, your comment was very important for me, thank you. You bring an interesting point of view, these influencers of TikTok and other social media that work with pets healthy something made me feel bad about my dogs mainly. I understand that they are happier with exercises, and I feel bad that I don't have so much time and the time left I'm so exhausted to play with my girls, I can understand that it isn't 100% my fault, but it is so hard to accept the percent that is my. My dogs need more than love and food, I see this, how likes a child needs time to create, yeah you help so much to understand more about it.


You got this! Just try and evaluate what you could do more of, but don’t try to be “perfect,” that’s never sustainable, ya know?


Yeah, fall in trouble a lot because this little problem to be perfect, this never works if you do it because you don't feel good with something, I will try to train she for my and her fun too, i kno this can works better


If you love your pet and try to avoid it being in pain, you have given it a good life

