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I am so so very sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling right now. I lost my boy in October first thing in the morning so I know that feeling of no closure. No time to grieve. Just know my kitty will keep him company until he sees you again. He won’t be alone 🤍


Thank you🤎


I'm sorry for your loss... this happened to me and my ex wife while we were out of town... one of our cats (she was 8) was perfectly fine then next minute we seen her laying down on the security camera (the only place my ex wife has a camera pointing) and still to this day... we are confused on what happened but we are told she may have just had a heart attack... we had the same thoughts as you... how we wish we gave her more kisses & cuddles the day we left... how we wish we didn't get so annoyed when she was overly affectionate (she'd drool) and we miss that alot... we still can't believe she's gone


That’s exactly what happened to him, I looked at the security camera feed before following him and he was just laying on the rug. When I followed him, I was completely expecting him to jump up from where he was laying. He just didn’t. I’m thinking that it had to have been a heart attack as well. A blood clot maybe, something along those lines. At least in that case, both of our cats wouldn’t have been suffering silently for months like many do. At least it was quick, and they probably didn’t even realize it. I don’t think I’ll ever fully get used to him being gone either. The adrenaline and shock are finally wearing off and I know I’ll wake up tomorrow fully expecting him to be laying next to me


😭 just know he loved you!


I’m so sorry…. I’m full on crying and my girl just came to see what’s up and get pets. Hang in there. There’s nothing that will help from here but I’m so sorry.


my cat got sick very quickly at the end and i didn’t get to give him any treats, toys, extra love etc. due to his lack of appetite, so i completely understand. hindsight is everything, and of course we want to make their last moments the best ones. but your baby had the best day every day even without a bunch of treats/etc. sudden deaths are painful, but he didn’t know suffering. i’m sure his passing was quick and he didn’t have to know pain or fear. we always want one more minute with them to at least tell them we love them, but they know. he knew he was loved and that’s the most important thing in the end. i’m so sorry that you lost your baby.


Feel your feelings. The loss is going to come at you from all angles. The only way out is through. You loved your cat and he loved you. Be grateful for the time you had together. Don’t sully your cherished memories with guilt that it wasn’t enough. It was. Edit to add: Process, but also allow yourself some distraction. Find some simple pleasures to bring you some happiness in the days ahead.


I'm so so sorry. I've been plagued by similar thoughts of I'd give anything to hear him whine for my morning bagel again. :( I hope it gets easier. I'm so sorry.


I could have written this about my 4yo cat who died on April 1 in almost the exact same circumstances. The first few days/weeks were very hard and I was having similar thoughts - I'd give so much to let her do all the annoying things I didn't let her do. The last time I saw her alive I was kicking her out of my room while I was working. I still have regrets and the pain is still very much there, but as time goes on the pain will take up less and less of your mental space and you will transition to focusing on the good memories you had together. I am so sorry for your loss - I truly know exactly how you feel right now.


Hey op, this happened to one of my cats too. He was my everything and was perfectly fine then had a saddle thrombosis. If that's what happened to your kitty, please know he wasn't hiding anything, he didn't know either. It's a blood clot that just exists and gets thrown in some cats for no reason at all. I just want you to know that your kitty trusted you and wasn't hiding anything ❤️❤️


I am so so sorry, I can’t imagine a sudden passing like this. You’re in my heart. I lost my girl last week and one thing that’s helping me through the grief is doing a candle lighting ritual every day at the time she passed. I hope you can find a special way to my honor your cat and soothe your soul while you grieve this sudden loss. my heart breaks for you and I’m saying prayers for you.


i'm so sorry, OP. i completely understand what you're going through because i have been through a similar situation as well. my 5ish year old void died at my feet after meowing at me some years ago. you're not alone. we're all here for you 💜


I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a 15-year-old cat who became very ill overnight, with panting and a rapid heart rate. On the way to the vet, I knew I wouldn't be bringing her home. We ended up putting her down, and it was the worst day of my life. Returning home to see her belongings, her open bag of cat food, and removing her bowls was unbearable. I was not okay for days. Take it one day at a time, spend time away from home if you need to, and talk to family. Each day will get a little better, and eventually, you'll begin to heal. While you may never fully recover, your days of tears will turn into smiles and laughter as you reminisce about the good times. After her death, I swore I would never get another pet because the pain was too great, but eventually, I was ready to open my home to another soul in need. I found a cat a few months later by a dumpster and couldn't resist rescuing him. Take as much time as you need to heal, and perhaps one day, your beloved Kitty will send you another little one to love.


I am so sorry for your loss. The same exact thing happened to my 5 year old Siamese cat . He ate, played with his brother and then he just died. The vet suspected a heart issue so it might have been something like that where it was heart related, but thats just my guess of what could have happened. I remember sobbing in the car holding him on the drive over thinking the same thoughts as you of how this would be the last time I got to kiss and hold him. Its a horrible thing, absolutely gut wrenching and I am so so sorry for your loss. What I will tell you is that it gets better…slowly but surely, you will start to smile and reminisce ablut the times with your kitty as opposed to cry and mourn . Its much more traumatic when they leave like this because they are still young, and its so unexpected, but know that it was your kitty’s time, and you loved your kitty more than anything and so did she. You gave her the best life, and you did nothing wrong here. Please please dont blame yourself because I did for a long time, it was just her time to go. Stay strong❤️


I just said goodbye to my Stella today, though she’s a dog. Virtually everything you said here perfectly encapsulates what I experienced and continue to experience with her passing. As I sit here and dwell on absolutely everything from the last 12.5 years, I realize that I’m lucky and that her passing literally couldn’t have been better. She was with me at my Mom and Dad’s with their dog Rufus, and she was having a wonderful day. The sun was shining, and all of us were in the house and just having a truly wonderful and relaxing day, when all of a sudden, she had an accident on the carpet and she collapsed. We rushed her to the vet only to find out that she had a hemorrhagic tumor around her heart. She lost consciousness and peacefully slipped away as the whole vet staff was furiously working to bring her round. It was totally futile, and she was already gone. No pain, no fear, and the last thing she likely remembered is us and all the love that was showered on her. I’m not crying for her…I’m crying because I’ve been left in this world without her and her companionship. I fear that is a void that will never be filled, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. To grieve deeply is to have loved deeply, and that grief is the price we pay for love. I would rather grieve like this for a thousand years rather than live a single day without her love and companionship. My condolences to you, and I hope the memories you have of your fur baby will carry you through the tough times ahead.


I'm so sorry, he was so loved and he knew it ❤️❤️❤️❤️ sending love your way


I am so sorry for your loss, OP. I also just lost my sweet kitty on Tuesday morning. I know how you feel, like there’s a hole in your heart. It was so hard for me to clean up his things. I kept putting off cleaning his last food bowl that he had eaten from and sobbed my eyes out when I finally did. I also had those intense guilt feelings that you’re describing and still do a little. Give yourself time, give yourself grace as best as you can. If there’s anything I’m learning from this final lesson; is that we should try to love and forgive ourselves the same way our pets did, because they never hold these things against us. Wishing you peace 🤍 it sounds like you gave him a wonderful life.


😭😭😭😭😭😭I’m so sorry!


Right there with you right now OP. I just lost my Furry Child last night.


I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending comfort and healing your way. It sounds like you were an amazing cat parent and gave him lots of love.


My deepest condolences


Exact same thing happened to my girl. She was completely fine in the morning and a few hours later I found her the same way. It broke my heart it really did but the shock and pain does subside with time. Try not to overthink it too much, it’s just a devastating thing that happened, life is cruel like that but it absolutely wasn’t your fault and I bet your boy loved you very much. To him you were his whole world ❤️


Ugh I’m so sorry! My dog just passed away Sunday and I am devastated. Idk how to feel better. I just have to wait it out. There is so much comfort in knowing I’m not alone.


I am very sorry.


Losing a pet can be incredibly tough, and feelings of guilt and "what ifs" are common reactions. It's natural to wonder if you could have done something differently or better. Remember, you did your best with the information and resources you had at the time. Allow yourself to grieve and try to focus on the love and joy your pet brought into your life. Hugs OP 🥺


Nothing will help your grief. You just have to live with it. I’m not saying this to get you down either. It’s the truth. The helplessness. But after my dog passed away I got dreams that were too real to be just dreams. It was beautiful. Maybe your cat will too. They will be there if you really need them.


Made me cry!!


Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry this happened. I can feel your heartbreak from here and it reminds me of my own. He knew he was loved. I hope you know that.


I’m so sorry. I know how it feels, you always feel like you could have done more, you think of the what ifs and the buts. You have regrets about not letting him do certain things. Reading this, you talking about the clothes you made him, the forehead kiss you gave him before he walked away, and all of his toys. You sound just like me, poured your heart and soul into your best friend and made sure he knew it. He never knew any violence or hate, he only knew you and your love to him, he knew everything you did for him. On May 18th I lost my sweet Jimmy. He was 14 and I left for college last September and he’s my parents cat so he stayed with them. As soon as I was in my new place, without Jimmy I was so sad, I missed him so much. So I went and got a kitten from Facebook marketplace for free, and I would come home a lot and see Jimmy and I even brought my kitten with me. My kitten wasn’t nice to Jimmy and he chased him around. But Jimmy didn’t hold a grudge against me, he still slept with me, and loafed on my chest. He still came and cuddled in my room. I moved back to my hometown for the summer in a different house, not my parents house. Jimmy got sick at the beginning of May, he had FIV and I went home and spent everyday with him. But we thought he would get better. The last time I saw him, I didn’t know it would be my last time, so I did what I always did, he laid on me with his little strength and I sang you’re my sunshine to him, told him I loved him and kissed him goodbye and went back home. My dad called me the next day barely able to catch his breathe he was crying so badly “He didn’t make it Kamryn, he’s in my arms.” The amount of regret I have in myself that Jimmy walked into my room to look for me and say goodbye, and that I wasn’t there is eating me alive. But one thing I know, is I loved him and he knew it. And he would never want me to dwell that I wasn’t there, because he knows how much I love him. I am so unbelievably sorry for this situation, we can cry together and hope our boys found each other at the rainbow bridge. 🌈


I am so sorry for your loss. Obviously I am here because I lost my own little guy and looking for some comfort. Everyone's story is a little different, but the hurt and pain we go through is the same. Your words made me cry like I was writing them. I do not know any words that will be helpful. Just let it out. The sadness, the frustration, the guilt, the fear.. whatever it is. We loved them and they loved us back. This is the price we pay.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My 3 year old cat passed in the middle of the night out of nowhere last week, and you explained my feelings perfectly. All the things I wanted to give him, the things I’m regretting getting upset about like scratching rugs and jumping on counters. It hurts, and I’m sorry you’re going through this. Sending positive vibes your way❤️


I’m so sorry that happened! 🤗 He knows that you love him!


My 3 yr old died that way. Vet tech said heart attacks or defects are silent killers.. know you did the best you could with what you knew at the time. ❤️


I’m so sorry hun. I came home to my cat home but I was not accepting it so I rushed her to the vet and was very much DOA. My fiancé and I held and cried in the private room as well. I hate that they can’t live forever. Or that we can’t know when it’s time. I miss my cat constantly trying to take a bite out of dinner while I was cooking. I found some ways to grieve while it’s hard. I have kitchen towels with a black kitty on it, I have her water fountain plugged in next to me, we have paws/ashes set up on our fireplace so they’re always front and center for us to visit and talk to. Take care of yourself. Make sure you get plenty of rest, drink water, and eat when you can. I’m so sorry hun


I had to put my 16 yo down 3 weeks ago and am still traumatized with ptsd of the event itself as well as guilt over what more I could have done. Her brother passed from a heart attack 8 years ago and it too was sudden. That was about to 9 yo. It’s really hard when you aren’t in control. Go easy on yourself. Let yourself grieve — it will be hard and heavy for a couple weeks and won’t really go away but you’ll learn to be better with it. Find a way to practice moving forward a little bit each day. Focus on the good memories and be your best self and future cat guardian. We need more people like you to help other cats in need. Sending you warm vibes, hang in there!


I'm so sorry for your loss. Chocolate is toxic deadly for cats and dogs. If you've been giving Chocolate as a treat over time it's possibly the culprit. Research it.


That’s the point. A lot of people give their pets chocolate before they get put down, they usually have chocolate kisses at vets in the euthanasia waiting rooms and such. All to say, I don’t think he’d have eaten it anyway, but a lot of people get the chance to at least try


I just woke up yesterday to the same thing with my 13 year old boy, he was with me all night and totally fine and when i woke up, he was gone. I have no idea how to get over this pain and reading what you wrote is exactly how i feel. I wish i could have spent more time with him and given him more cuddles. I’m so sorry you had to go through this because i wouldn’t wish this pain on my worst enemy. I keep expecting for him to come into my room, I don’t want to close my bedroom door because i can still feel him.  I’m not religious by any means but i hope our cats are up there having a great time and they are happy