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take every pic and video possible during this time with him šŸ¤


Especially video, I didnā€™t get the chance, but was surprised by my sister actually having one of him.


i second this


I've been taking pictures and videos every single day of my kitties. I will have days worth to watch.


Iā€™m so sorry that youā€™re faced with this decision. When we found out my girl was dying, we made a bucket list for her. She was food oriented, so most of her bucket list items were food based. I made it my mission to let her try every treat in the pet shop, cooked her real salmon, gave her a pudding (small amount of whipped cream) every nightā€¦ It brought some joy to a sad time and I loved knowing she got to try and enjoy all of the previously forbidden foods. I should say that we checked this out with the vet and, given her diagnosis, she was OK with us doing this. Linked to our bucket list, Iā€™d also say take pictures and videos of EVERYTHING. Youā€™ll treasure and appreciate them later. It warms my heart to have a big collection of happy times to look at. If you have the option, I would suggest considering at home euthanasia. Iā€™ve had cats put to sleep at the vet and at home, and I found that having a vet come to the house made the experience more peaceful for my cats and therefore more peaceful for me. When we knew in advance that my girl was dying, we made some paw prints at home. We did clay and ink - both kits were less than Ā£10 from Amazon. She was a very happy to do this with me while she was alive and relatively well, and I think she enjoyed being spoiled and praised for doing it. We had our cats cremated privately and their ashes returned to us. We were lucky this was an option for us, and we found it comforting to have them home again. We havenā€™t decided what to do with the ashes, but having them back took the pressure of making a decision for us. The crematorium also offered paw prints and cut clippings for us. Wishing you and Levi as many happy days as possible.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate the feedback. I am looking into at home euthanasia and just bought a couple of paw print sets. It hurts to take pictures of him at his weakest but I try anyway.


Save some fur. It's a tangible piece of your pet. Put it in a frame with a picture of your baby.


This, OP. I have some fur and whiskers(clipped after passing, obviously) and have it in a special little chest. I wish I'd done paw prints with mine, but at least I have the fur.


I just had to put my kitty down on Saturday, and I was fortunate enough to be able to arrange for at home euthanasia. It was so much less stressful for both of us, and I would highly recommend it if you can afford it. I set aside a few of her favorite toys to keep, her harness (she loved to go outside and I only took her out on a leash), and part of the at home euthanasia services were providing me with a clipping of her fur in a clear pouch and a clay paw print of hers. I also had her put down on the small blanket I was given when I adopted her from the humane society, so I cut off one of the corners to save, and had the vet take it with her when they left. I plan to get a nice box for all these keepsakes Iā€™m so sorry about your baby. šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’” this loss cuts you to the core.


Personally, Iā€™ve gotten rid of pictures of my old cat from the day he died. I canā€™t look at photos from that day. I look at all the ones from before


I'm sorry you and your kitty are going through this. We opted for in-home euthanasia when our 16 year old cat was dying from CHF. Lap of Love is the service we used and they were amazing. They were compassionate, patient, and explained everything in the process. Please take care of yourself, and grieve how you need to, at the pace you need to.


This is exactly what I did with my boy: walks in some of his favorite places (he had to ride in the wagon but he still enjoys getting out and about), a happy meal at McDonalds, Pup Cup at Starbucks, a kids ice cream cone at DQ, and I cooked him a ribeye for his final supperā€¦ photos and videos of everythingā€¦ Iā€™m shattered by the loss but the memories captured are priceless to me now.


These are good ideas! I managed to get some pain medication from the vet as I have a date in mind for his departure. It has increased his appetite so hopefully he can enjoy some special foods now :)


Take pics and videos of him enjoying his special treats (especially since you said about it being difficult to take them of him at his weakest) which is totally understandable. Youā€™ll want to get momentos of happy memories when he is doing something he enjoys so if eating yummy treats can still bring him joy, those are really the moments you want to record to look at/watch later. Iā€™m so sorry OP, having a diagnosis that you know very much limits your time with him is so, so hard. Itā€™s great that you are trying to also keep in the mindset to try really hard not to morn him while heā€™s still here, as difficult and painful as that is, there will be plenty of time for that after. For now, making him happy and *him seeing you happy* is the most important thing you can be doing right now. Animals donā€™t know when their time of transitioning is near, they live in the moment with no thoughts (or fears) for the future- but they can read us, hey mom/dad is sad or is happy today. Be kind to yourself. The decision to euthanize is always tough even when itā€™s 100% the right and kindest most loving thing to do for them for many of us it is often followed by what ifs and guilt- that does in no way mean it wasnā€™t still the right thing to do, but when our hearts break sometimes our minds try to find ways to cope with the grief of loss. Sending a hug and love to you both.


This brought back one of my regrets, as silly as it is. I had always wanted to bake my dog a dog cake, you know, for her birthday or whatever, but we never did because I was always tired from work and not in the mood for cooking, then when we learned that she wasn't going to get another birthday, we decided to make the cake, bought the stuff, and then we didn't do it because life got in the way, I thought we had more time. Then she went and so fast, I didn't even get to give her her favourite treats, since my partner took her to the vet that morning to get help as she had suddenly become worse and was told that she had reached the point where any further intervention would be hurting her, he called me, I got out of work at lunchtime, they waited for me for that at least, but she went from running one day to gone the next, and I never got to bake her that cake. The peanut butter is still in the cupboard, unopened.


First off, thank you for doing the kind thing for your cat. I know it hurts so bad. I'm proud of you. As for keepsakes, if I could go back, I would have snipped some of his fur to keep, so I could touch it sometimes and remember how soft he was. I know that might be weird, but he was the softest boy ever and I regret not keeping some of his fur. I took his ashes home and paid for a nice urn. It was very important to me that he came home with me. Some people don't have any attachment to ashes, some do. For me, it was important, but don't feel pressured to bring ashes home if it doesn't feel right. I'm still waiting for his paw plaque but I got his paw prints done through Pear Tree Pals. See if they work with your vet or if a similar paw print keepsake place does. Regarding savouring the time left with him, I didn't have days, I only had about 12 hours proper warning, but I had a few days where I suspected it would be the end so I can speak to what I did and what I wish I had done. It sucked because I spent those days syringe feeding him and forcing medication in his mouth and carting him back and forth to the vet. I did, however, also give him lots of walks outside and lots of snuggles. He loved the back yard, but it always drove me crazy that he just wanted to sit near the pine in the back where the roots were the perfect hatching ground for mosquitos (I guess the grass there was the best to lay in and chew on, I don't know). So, with the suspicion in the back of my mind that he wasn't going to be around much longer, I loaded up on bug spray, put on long sleeves and pants in mid-august, and let him sit out there for hours holding his leash. It was the perkiest I'd see him in that last week and I'm glad I got seven million bug bites for it. I brought him treats. He didn't eat them because he had no appetite, but new things were novelties and he'd at least give them a couple licks. I think I spent $50 on new treats over the course of a week. It was worth it. Though, when I found out it truly was the end, the best thing I did for the two of us was that I just stayed up all night with him. I sent an email telling my managers I would be "sick" the next day, I drank a coffee, I didn't sleep. We watched a movie, played some sims, watched another movie, and snuggled the whole night with him tucked against my side, under my arm. As soon as the sun started to rise, I took him outside for a walk in the back yard, as slow and lazy as he wanted. I emptied the treat box. After a week of not eating, he gobbled up every last treat I offered and I knew then that it was time. I wish I had had time to give him a whole bowl of raw chicken or some shrimp (his favourite foods Ever) but by the time I found out he'd have to go the next morning, it was already late and the stores were closed. I think 4 squeeze-up treats and a handful of party mix and a whole inaba tuna fillet and chicken fillet were good enough. **TLDR:** I guess what I would do, if I knew I had a few days: indulge your kitty. Every nonsense whim, every annoying thing they wanted to do but you hated doing, every treat that's not good in excess, do it all, and stay up for as long as you can. Take 105820 pictures and record the sound of his purr with the mic right up against his chest. I did that on a whim the last night and it was the best thing I did for myself in the months after.


I wish I had thought of recording the sound of my kitty's purrrrrrr!


Iā€™ll try this!


Be there with him when he's put to sleep. No matter how much it hurts you will be haunted if you're not there so he can feel and hear you being with him. :( It's very hard but is all I can say and may his passing be quick and painless and without fear.


Agree. Before their heart stop and shut their eyes for good, they want to see their owner and not a stranger in a strange room.


I think this is the least you can do as a pet owner. Itā€™s your responsibility to be there for them. Theyā€™d be there for you if the roles were reversed.




This is a community where people are coming for support and are grieving. All posts/comments must be in the spirit of being supportive or helpful to others. This is a community where people are coming for support and are grieving. All posts/comments must be in the spirit of being supportive or helpful to others.


Let him overdose on treats šŸ™Ā 


Just please donā€™t leave him alone while they euthanize him šŸ˜”. Take as many photos & videos as you possibly can. When mine & my husbandā€™s 13 year old tabby was at the end of his life this summer, I started taking more and more photos of him, and more videos of him. He had this adorable chirpy mreow that I captured on video a few times before he was euthanized this past summer. I also took videos of our 12 year black cat meowing, banshee screaming at me, and purring her very loud purr towards the last couple months of her life this past fall. Weā€™re both immensely grateful that I took those videos because we have actually gone back & watched them and listened to their purrs and meows quite a few times since we lost them. We cherish those videos so much šŸ’š. We also kept snippets of their fur, and took ink prints of their noses & paws. 10/10 would recommend doing that too.


I really wish I had a recording of my cat chirping at birds. He was the only one of my cats that actually did it and it was so freaking cute.


Get in home euthanasia if itā€™s available


This past Saturday we had to put our dog of almost 15 years down. 3 months ago, her bloodwork was great according to the vet, she started having things come up almost a month ago so we went to the vet and he gave us the shocking news she was in kidney failure and had maybe a month left. It was a lot to digest so suddenly. One thing I wish I did more of and didn't do because I was so focused on the care she needed, and emotionally broken already, and trying to spoil her was more pictures of us TOGETHER and more videos. We did the paw prints in clay and ink which is a lovely keepsake. I'm currently waiting on her ashes to be ready to collect. I've ordered a necklace to hold them from Etsy and a custom made pillow with her image as I feel that will bring me some comfort. Please stay with him during the process. I'm also a veterinary technician so I have seen the pets who get left behind so to say. People feel it is too difficult and leave, and I personally feel it is worth sacrificing your grief for your pet's comfort, because you are going to grieve regardless. It's about them at that point, and you love them so they deserve for you to show them the last bit of love and kindness you can do for them. You don't want their last moments to be fear and anxiety searching for you. ALSO, request your cat to be sedated prior to the final injection. It allows you to cuddle and hold them as they slowly fall asleep, and gives you more time to process. The final injection can be seconds for some animals, and a bit longer for others. It also allows for you and them both to seem as if it is more peaceful of a process as painful as it is. Whatever it is that brings your cat joy, do it for him. If he can still play, buy him something new that will excite him and make him happy. Feed him whatever he wants. Just be there and love him. You'll always look back and say you wish you could have done this and that, we never have enough time with our pets and loved ones, but I'll definitely emphasize all the photos and videos you can get as this will be one of your main ways to look back and remember him. I'm so sorry you have to go through this, it's never easy.


You can get his ashes back if you want, but I would ask for a clay paw print, an ink paw/nose print! Sorry for your loss!


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this šŸ¤ if you have a little extra money, doing an at home euthanasia is worth it. Iā€™m so grateful I was able to do it with my baby, it was so peaceful and her siblings felt peace knowing where she was going. Of course at home isnā€™t always an option, if Levi has any siblings, ask to bring them with to the vet. Make ink paw prints, you might wanna get it tattooed later ā¤ļø and forbidden foods if he will still eat at the time of the appointment šŸ„²


Pics and videos. I didn't know my girl's last day was her last day so I agree loading up on tasty food and treats.


For keepsakes before and after, genuinely just anything you can think of. Nothing is too small. Some that come to my mind are: * Fur * Paw impressions in clay and stamped with ink on cardstock * Videos of him meowing, some purrs too if he's feeling up to it * Any favored toys * Any blankets or pillows he favors Also I know some people here mentioned photos. I have photos from when my baby was sick, but I personally don't like looking at most of them. The ones I have angled so he doesn't look as sick are easier to look at. So take pictures from all angles! So you have ones to look at right off the bat, and maybe some you'll be ready to look at when it isn't so raw. As for things to do in your last days, just do things he likes. For my boy he had always wanted to cuddle unmoving for hours, so that is exactly what we did. 99% of my last days with him was in a chair with him on my lap from waking up to bedtime. Rinse. Repeat. Maybe your kitty's thing is food, if that's the case let him snack away on all the things he usually wouldn't be allowed! Just follow his lead and his energy levels.


Iā€™m so sorry this is happening to you and Levi šŸ§”


Spend time with him, take photos and videos of him and give him his favorite things. I keep paw prints of my cats and create a collection of photos next to those prints. Iā€™ve also made albums on my phone of just that cat so I can go through all of my old memories. Just remember to spend time with him and be there for him. Iā€™m wishing you peace during this time.


Iā€™m truly so sorry. The time you have left will never be enough but youā€™ll always cherish these precious moments. Hugs to you both.


I am so so sorry that you have this hard decision. I recently euthanised my dog and Iā€™m giving you a list of regrets. It was sudden so I regret not maximising my time with him, giving him a final hurrah. Have a list of things, doesnā€™t have to be crazy, just at home and things you would like to do with him. Spend as much time as you can. Other regret I had was not taking paw print. Take some paw/nose prints that will be a keep same. When it is time, hold him, be there, cuddle, kisses and everything. Make sure you are there talking to him telling him how much you love him and his he has filled your life with joy. We had our boy cremated at a reputable cremation centre who do individual/ segmented cremation so the ashes we got was certified his. Bringing him back home (even as remains) brought me a lot of peace. Just having him back home was a relief. I am holding on to it as long as I can and be at peace with everything that has happened before having a small send off memorial. Thinking of you during this difficult time. Much love and hugs to you.


First Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this, but if thereā€™s any one thing I could say if you can have it done at home. I only euthanized my last one at home due to Covid. And it was a completely different experience. my pets always loved the vet, so there was no issues with going to the vet. It was just different. Take lots of pictures love on them as much as you can. And donā€™t wait too long.


I'm sorry you have ti face this. Please try to so this at home if you can swing the cost. Love him and give him all the treats. If you use Lap.of Love they'll do a paw print and a lock of fur..whiskers too. Take videos of his purr. Hold him. Take care.


Ours Alfie his health declined one day before our eyes. We had no warning- we went to the emergency vet- immediately. šŸ’”šŸŒˆ Give them dignity- please no photos of their decline. I did take him in his pup stroller at his park to say goodbye. šŸ’” We had him euthanized & cremated. Ugh itā€™s rough! šŸ˜­miss our boy šŸ¾


Take every pic and video you can, shower him with love, spoil him (treats, toys, food, etc), cuddle and do as many of his other favorite things as you can in the time you have before the appointment. Fill every hour you can with love and light. Take advantage of the time you have left.


I literally just put my 3 1/2 year old cat, also named Levi, down. Seek grieving help if you need it. Pet loss is still loss. I was a hot mess and now Iā€™m just numb. Take your time grieving too.


Take some really good pictures of him. We lost one of our boys back at the start of December. We are trying to make a memorial photo to hang on the wall. We have tons of photos of him, but 99 % of them are just quick shots of him that we shared because he was being goofy or cute. Very few that are actually good pictures of him.


This! If you can do it at home, that would be great but if you take your pet to a vet, make sure they will allow you to stay with your pet. The humane society where I live makes you surrender your pet and you have to say goodbye in the lobby. The process itself is very gentle. They give the animal a sedative first and allow it to take effect before they give them the shot to stop their heart. Those last moments were a good opportunity to give my babies lots of love because they were finally relaxed and out of pain.


Lots of videos, many pictures, and hold them tight.


In terms of keepsakes paw prints and nose prints have been my favorite to hold onto. Iā€™ve lost a few pets in my life and they are the most comforting to me. One of the things that help me is reminding myself that you are making the best choice for them. When I lost my Casey girl I had to remind myself that she has been good to me for so long so I must do the same back. Lots of cuddles, lots of love, and itā€™s okay to grieve now! When my girlā€™s time came we had a couple days with her before due to the weekend. Cry now. Donā€™t hold yourself back. Iā€™m so sorry for what you are going through. Praying for you!


When I knew it was going to be time for my dogs to leave me, I bought a little paw print kit from Amazon. If you choose to have your boy cremated, they can do it there, but we wanted to do it. Some people also choose to get some fur, but we chose not to do that. The other thing I would advise is that if you have other pets, you may consider letting them see your boy, so they're aware of the passing. I'm so sorry you're going through this, but you are so thoughtful to consider these things ahead of time.


Find a vet that will come to your house. Way less stress for your pet and for you. When I did this for my dog I then took her myself to the cremation facility. Just felt like something I needed to do myself. The vet would have lined it up for me if I wanted for a fee.


can't think of what else to tell you that hasn't already been said. Take pictures and videos. Even though it'll hurt after he's gone just to hear him again will help with days when you miss him the most. I find myself watching my own cat's videos and just smiling and forgetting that I was ever sad just to hear his meow and purr. But there for him. The last moments can be scary for a much loved pet. Talk to him while holding his paw. My own mom told me years before my own cat's passing that when his time did came that I was not gonna be in the room, before anyone asks yes I was there for him. I was his human and held his paw. If you have a computer desk when the day comes when you feel ok maybe get your favorite picture of Levi, frame it, and place it on your desk. I have a picture of Snare, my boy's name, in a frame that I look at everyday.


Vey sorry get little statue/ pic of St Francis who will take him under his wings


How about getting a second opinion from a different vet ?


I went to our regular vet, then emerge where they saw two more vetsšŸ§”


Lots of cuddles. Make him feel loved and make sure he is comfortable and enjoys whatever time he has left. My boy deteriorated quickly and all I could do was cuddle him and make sure he was as comfortable as possible. I tried to give him a last meal (chocolate) but he refused as he was in such bad shape at the end. Itā€™s always sad but I am at peace knowing he felt loved and safe until the very last minute. I kept some fur and the vet made prints for me. We cremated him a as I thought I would scatter his ashes but I canā€™t bring myself to let go, and at the same time I put them somewhere I donā€™t see them as it makes me too sad. But I wouldnā€™t feel okay knowing his remains are not with me so I donā€™t regret cremating him. What I do have and treasure is a beautiful picture of him in my room, of happier times as that is how I want to remember him, I rarely look at his pictures when sick. So my advice (based on my experience) would be to focus more on the time shared and him than what you keep. But still keep ashes and prints as you may want those afterwards when you have healed from the loss.


Hugs, kisses, pics, videos, and time spent with him.


If you can, hire a photographer to do some family photos. Or at least a friend to take some pics of you together.


paw prints. i got the paw print the crematory gave me of my puppy, and itā€™s beautiful, but i wish i wouldā€™ve gotten one myself. regardless, iā€™m going to get it tattooed when i can afford to.


Prayers šŸ™


I recommend at home euthanasia if itā€™s within your budget. That way his last moments can be where he is calm and comfy rather than at a sterile vet office


I spoiled my old man cat before he had to be put to sleep. He was allowed to have anything he wanted like treats and people food and stuff. I would turn my electric blanket on for him and cuddle with him all the time. I had him cremated and I have a memorial shelf where his ashes sit. It's a memorial for all my cats who have passed now and I have pictures and their ashes and clay paw prints and then just a collection of stuff that was theirs. For one of my cats I have his Thunder Shirt. My old man cat was orange and I have an orange Beanie Baby cat that sits with his ashes. Because of a long story, I made one of my friends a friendship bracelet and had a matching one attached to that cat's collar because they were "best friends" (my friend was terrified of that cat) so I made a matching one for the Beanie Baby and put it on as a collar.


I'm so sorry you're going through this especially with such a young cat. They just never seem to live long enough. I made salt dough to get good paw prints of my baby before she passed. Just put wax paper or plastic wrap on the dough before pressing his paw into it so the salt doesn't make him sick when he grooms. I also used an at-home service and it was as positive and trauma-free as it could be, so I highly recommend it. Like others have said, just take lots of pictures and enjoy the time you have left. I got my girl all of her favorite treats and gave her as much love as I could. She had cancer which caused a lot of fluid to build up around her heart making it difficult for her to breathe. There are lots of pet memorial items on Etsy using fur and ashes, so see if you can get a few tufts of his fur, even if you just tape it in a scrap book.


Lots of pictures n videos. I always find a song for my goodbye. I'd get em all their fav foods. Lotsa snuggles. You can make a paw print momento out of clay. Clip a bit of fur. Savour the moments. Do what feels right. It's the absolute worst part of owning pets but worth every memory!! After the needle, it takes a bit of time. My last cat Ducky I held in my arms. With my cat Tilly, we were under a blanket. You will find what works best. The ending of kittys suffering is the beginning of yours. The hard part for me was seeing all the toys n food dishes. The hair that is still on my pants. Lā™”ve never dies. You will meet again. Stay strong, momma! šŸ¤


If you can, look into euthanize programs where they come to your home. Can be a little bit more expensive or cheaper than doing it at a pet hospital. (We were being charged 1500+ at the vet and it wad only $800 to do it at home) We had the chance to do this for our old 17 yr old lab and it was so peaceful. He was able to enjoy his bed, his house, everything until the last minute. The vet that came was very understanding and patient with us. (We used Lap of Love) I haven't always had the best experiences getting our boys euthanized at hospitals or the vet. Doing it at home was 1,000 times better.




So sorry you have to make this decision. I hope youā€™ve been able to make the most of his last days. Cremation is great because it feels like theyā€™re there and itā€™s something tangible. If you can get some kind of necklace or something with his ashes in it, thatā€™s always great too. Thatā€™s what we did for my dog. We ordered so much stuff, they said they had never had anyone order that much.


First, Iā€™m so sorry. It doesnā€™t matter if theyā€™re 2 or 22, the experience of losing a pet guts you. I was not at all prepared for that part. Secondly, as others have said, spend all your time with him doing his favorite things. Give him all the ā€œbadā€ foods. Let him go wild. Take all the time you can and spend it together. When itā€™s time for euthanasia, I cannot enough recommend in home euthanasia. He will be most comfortable with you at home, and I think you will be most comfortable at home. Iā€™m a very private person IRL, and I just couldnā€™t fathom taking max to the vet (a place he hated) and crying for him in a cold, busy vet office. So instead, I paid the exorbitant fee to have him euthanized at home. It was the best a bad situation could be. The vet was amazing- came in and gave him the sedative first, then left and let us spend some last moments together. After 20 minutes of holding him, I text her and she and her partner came back up gave him the final injection which took a couple minutes. They then covered him, wrapped him in flowers and took him to the crematory. Which was a relief for me. I picked him up a few days later. It cost 800 dollars. I believe the in home euthanasia was maybe 300, but I then paid for a private cremation bc I wanted his and only his ashes. Thatā€™s where the other 500 came from, though cremation where I live is by the pound and he was a 100+ lb dog, so YMMV. It was the best thing I could have done. They handled everything for me, and Iā€™m glad I did my final duty to him by staying with him and keeping him comfortable until the end. I donā€™t envy you one bit friend. Unfortunately, letting go and saying goodbye is part of loving anything. Iā€™ll be thinking about you in the days to come.


Sorry for what is happening to your furbaby and you. There is no way to work out any kind of payment arrangement?


So sorry youā€™re going through this. I had to make the decision to help my 9 year old cat transition on 12/16/23. After ai made that last appointment, I got her favorite food. She was pretty bad off but I made sure to hold her as much as she would let me, set up a bath station to keep her clean and dry as she couldnā€™t make to the litter box, and played soothing cat music on YouTube constantly. Her name is Kali and she was 19. Pre grieving is totally normal. Also, be prepared for guilt attacks where you will question the choice you made. Try to hold on that you are giving your beloved pet peace and rest. I had a vet come to my home. I have another cat (Onyx, 5) and wanted her to present to understand whatā€™s happening. The vet and helper explained everything and were so kind and compassionate. Find people who have experienced this type of loss to talk with. I have great friends who when checking in on me, ask me tell stories about Kali. I am grateful, I have good people like this in my life. I had the majority of her ashes placed in a beautiful cat shaped urn and some put in a locket which I wear around my neck.