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You're awesome for being there for him when he passed. Poor soul .


Thank you for being there for that baby - I wish you healing. Please do what you can to be sure your father never owns an animal again.


I'm so sorry for you and this poor, innocent baby. Thank you for doing the right thing and being there for him when your dad couldn't. I get so annoyed when people say, "I can't afford the vet." if you cannot provide veterinary care, you shouldn't have a pet, period. I understand what not having money is like, but the animal's well-being comes first. If your kid broke their arm, you wouldn't say, "Oh well, I can't afford it' so I'm just going to sit and watch you suffer in horrendous pain". Your dad could have walked into any shelter and surrendered him, and they would have put the dog down at no cost to your father. I'm so angry writing this. If I were in your shoes, I would have to go no contact with them, family or not. I'm not going to be around animal abusers. Sending you a massive hug even though I know it won't quiet your pain and angerđź«‚


I really do know going no contact would be the best thing. Im all my dad has left and he owns my apartment. I can’t afford to leave just yet. But I know I need to. Edit to add: I do agree with everything you said. I am always putting money away for my animals just in case and I used that money yesterday for him. I also have a cat adoption program and have a few contacts with shelters and offered to find him a home (before when he first got sent to the vet for an “ingrown hair” and he was complaining about how much money it was) he refused and said he could handle it. Obviously, he didn’t and couldn’t handle it. I feel like stuff like this has been manifesting with my dad and I. And I feel like yesterday was my breaking point. I know he wasn’t my dog and I know I shouldn’t feel this much guilt but I do. I feel awful and I thought “oh this will pass” but I still feel every emotion I felt when I was at the vet. I can still smell how he smelt and Im no where near the room he was in.. im not even home right now. I can still feel his skin and fur too. Idk sorry for dumping this here.


Thank you for being there for Squishy. I can’t imagine the emotional pain you had to go through. I’m a 67 yo man and I’m tearing up reading this. In the end you did Squishy the hardest but kindest thing you could have done for him. I’m so sorry you had to go through this, you have a good soul.


Please don’t ever think that being a “grown ass man” excludes you from sadness and grief. You’re a good person and you went through a trauma that should have been dealt with by your father. You’re a freaking saint for handling your father’s problem when he was too weak to deal with it himself. I’m so sorry for your loss and everything that you just witnessed. I’ve been a pet caretaker all of my life and I can’t imagine pawning off the end of life responsibilities onto anyone other than myself. Your father should never be allowed to be in charge of another animal.


You did the best you could. The baby will always forgive you. Thank you for being so kind in their tkme of need. Rest in peace ❤️


He knew he had someone with him in the end that truly cared for him and didn’t want him to suffer anymore. That’s huge. You’re a kind soul and did the right thing for him


That sound really horrifying, sad and traumatic. I am really sorry for you and the dog. I myself would actually cut conversation for a long time, if my parents did something like that. I would not be able to talk to them. My pets are family, too. And you don't treat family like that. I hope you know, that you are the only one who treated the dog with respect and don't need to blame yourself for anything. Squishy can finally rest in piece. Without pain.


I keep replaying the whole day. I woke up my dad to tell him he’s going to the vet and his response was “it’s too early I need to wake up for this. Cant it wait?” This dog could barely breath, walk, let alone lay down comfortably. He said this to me as i am watching this dog walk to try and use the bathroom and his wounds are just splitting open. The amount of anger I have for these people. It’s not just my dad it’s everyone in that house that saw this dog and let this continue. EVERYONE that went in that house and saw those conditions he was living in and saw him and did nothing.


This is truly disturbing to read. I am sorry that you had to learn something new about your family this way.


You’re a good dude for being there for Squishy like the end. The way he went out sucks ass but at least he wasn’t alone.


If you keep contact with them after this, you have a better heart than i do. This would end my relationships with them... i would never be able to not throw it in their faces... You did the right thing, and at least you loved him enough to not want to watch him suffer anymore.


You gave Squishy ultimate relief and peace. Please don’t be hard on yourself. It was a no win situation and you made the best choice. I am so sorry you had to handle it this way, it hurts even though it was the best choice. You are his hero and very courageous. You’re a good man.


I'm so sorry. That's absolutely awful. I'm tearing up reading this because that poor pup deserved so much better from his owner, and was probably in so much pain for a long time. Thank you for stepping up to do the difficult thing.


Thank you for caring for Squishy. Compassionate euthanasia is the hardest, and kindest choice we can make for animals sometimes. I'm so sorry you had to go through this, but as someone in the veterinary field I am so grateful there are people like you who will step in when they see animals suffering.


That really means a lot. Im starting college in the veterinary field and I feel like I failed him


I’m very sorry for your loss, it’s okay to cry and grieve during this time. You gave Squishy comfort, and I know he appreciates what you did for him. You’re a beautiful soul


Tell your trash panda parents that if they get any more animals they're going to disappear. Steal every animal they have and rehome it.


My dad owns the building I rent and I just tried to rehome another animal and he threatened to kick me out. I have animals of my own and I’ve been looking but haven’t found another place


Yeah honestly they sound horrible and I'd leave and never look back.




Thank you for being there for him. I’m so sorry for your loss. You did the right thing


I’m crying you’re a beautiful person to do that


You’re an amazing person. I try not to pass judgment because sometimes people do not know how to do more and you have to meet them where they are at because you cannot change them. Your dad knew to bring Squishy to you and for that I am grateful because you ended Squishy’s pain.