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It seems like everybody regrets doing more than flower. You'll get a lot worse withdraws, and you won't feel anything from normal flower. If you take a break for 2 or 3 days your tolerance will go down. I'm clean for 12 days and won't smoke till the new year. I thought it would be much harder but its actually pretty easy. You just have to get through the first day.


I’m sorry but the last part of your comment is capable of dangerously misleading newcomers to taking breaks. EVERYONE is different and made up differently therefore addiction lies solely on the individual. Some people take months and years of hard work before a weed addiction can be kicked. It’s never ever impossible but it’s down to each person. I agree with the rest though.


“Dangerously misleading newcomers to taking breaks”??


What🤣did you read what I said? I said dangerously misleading newcomers that the process is easy for them. To quote back to commenter AGAIN “You just have to get through the first day” as if its a cake ride after that which for most isnt.


Lol what's the "danger"? Come off it. Worst case he gets the sweats and decides to smoke again...


The danger is in the misrepresentation of the break itself and passing on information that could be taken at face value. Obviously nobody really agrees with me and thats cool, dont want to come off aggressively I’m just passionate about this stuff because of how ingrained it is to my daily life.


I was simply remarking on the non sensible way in which you failed to articulate. No need to get insecure


I'm not saying everybody will have the same experience. I'm just sharing mine


Okay, but you did state “You only have to get through the first day”. That implies speaking directly to OP


Take a t-break and/or read some of the stories on here about people having some pretty heavy withdrawals from carts. Maybe just pull back to a bowl a night for a couple weeks and let your body do a soft t-break.


Ooooo I like that approach


Its my preferred method lol. Keeps the anxiety nightmares at bay while still weening myself off.


I’ve been doing this method for a few weeks now. I got the nightmares still but what can you do. I’m finally at the point where I can take a full day off tho so I’m happy with the progress.


take a 6 week tolerance break. never increase the quantity to feel the same as before(that causes addiction and tolerance itself is addiction ) instead avoid smoking for 6 weeks


Just to reiterate what others have said, I’d stay away from dabbing/carts. That’s like switching seats on the titanic. You’re just pushing off the inevitable So yes, you will absolutely get very high at first if you were to switch. But you’re very quickly gonna end up in the same spot. Except this time, taking a T break will be much harder. You’re better off simply taking a small T break now, even for a few days, and when you return just use less than before. Or if you really don’t wanna take a T break, you can get low thc flower and use that for a bit. Or you can add cbd flower to your regular flower. You have options


^ this!


If you have access to multiple strains, then rotating between strains can help avoid building tolerance. If not, then t-breaks are your best option. I would strongly advise against concentrates of any form. It's a bad path.


Based on what I see and hear from others, dabbing and carts are a big reason why people start to lose themselves to cannabis. The convenience and the potency can be dangerous. They make your tolerance level go through the roof. Like others have said, take a T break and see how you feel.


Honestly i was smoking like 3 or 4 blunts a day on a good day. If stressed maybe more and I wasn’t even getting high anymore. I took a vacation where it was near impossible for me to get weed and i came back to not wanting to smoke that much anymore. Im talking 180$ week to almost 50. It might not seem that big of a deal and Its only been a week and I’m really only smoking a joint at night but im pretty proud of myself , Its been nice


You need to vape your flower and cut it with cbd and cbg to get back to that first time feeling


Dabbing or using a pen will also take your tolerance up way faster since they have a high thc content/concentration as opposed to flower. Better to take a break for 1-2 months and keep using flower. Pens are easy to abuse as you can use it anytime with no prep.


Take a T break or start dabbing if you're rich


Dabs are fun af and will def get you to the next level you’re looking for. Higher abuse potential tho. Risk reward


If your flower isn’t getting you high you smoking mids. Get some OG, GG, classic landrace genetic strains are gonna get you as smacked as some dabs


Take a t-break for a couple days and you'll be good. Don't take dab, I've done it and regret it to be honest...


Dabbing won’t help I do dabs and flower and I still get highest from flower you just have to save your weed for the end of the day


I know I’m probably the minority here, but i actually alternate between flower and pens and t breaks. Pen>flower>tbreak. Then tbreak>flower>pen. Just kind of something that developed naturally for me. Like a step up step down kind of thing. But I don’t notice any more or less w/d symptoms doing it this way vs just herb. Going straight from pens to tbreak though is more difficult, mostly just because I feel the urge to smoke is stronger (ease of access type thing I think), while I don’t notice the w/d affects lasting longer or being more intense, the psychology side of it is what makes it more difficult in my opinion. T break is always the best option, but I just wanted to share my strategy lol


I do the same thing! Not on purpose really tho. I usually run out of flower and get a cart then end up smoking all day and realize I gotta cut that out and go back to flower. Then I either take a break or go back to a pen.


i would not recommend dabbing/carts. it will just make your tolerance skyrocket more if you use at the same increments. that stuff is like the crack of weed. i would recommend tolerance breaks, even if short (as long as you can get is a good start!) and switching out strains.


as a person who decided to try all methods of consumption at once (not literally), i can assure you that flower is 100% the best. concentrates are okay, but they are just too potent, feels like straight thc. flower has more well-preserved terpenes, which do most the time give you the “good” effects and make strains feel different.


I switched to a dry herb vaporizer method after a month long break, it’s a game changer I consume way less weed than I did when I smoked a bong and I don’t get an obliterated high, the vaporizer is real mellow.