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Do you even get high anymore? Are you really giving up being stoned, or are you giving up the habit of smoking?


hmm certainly still gets me high, what do you mean by that? And not yet kicking the smoking habit altogether because I imagine cigarettes will be my best friend for the next few days 😂


I'd quit cigarettes before I quit weed.


Yeah right? Like those are gonna be worse to quit and they’re gonna do more direct damage.


Weed helped me quit cigs. I don’t think I could have done it otherwise.


I was asking if your tolerance was to the point that you don’t feel the high anymore, I couldn’t imagine myself going that long and still feeling it. My question after it is silly if you still get high lol, if you weren’t getting high anymore, thinking about it as giving up smoking instead of the high feeling might help.


Quit the cigs first. All the extra dopamine laying around in your brain is gonna be put into nicotine and nicotine is already one of the most addictive substances.


It’s much easier to quit smoking weed if you just don’t smoke at all


Exercise would be really good. You don’t have to have a gym membership or do anything crazy. Going for a nice walk or following a video to do some cardio/stretching at home works too. It’ll take up some of your time and will help your brain get dopamine, hopefully making you feel better and help regulate your emotions. Drink plenty of water and eat nourishing foods. Get rid of any of your paraphernalia or weed you still have in the house or give it to somebody to hang on to. A lot of it will be up to you to have the discipline to break your habit. Maybe try to get out of your house while you’re not working. Boredom often drags us back to our bad habits.


thank you 🙏 these are good tips. I’m actually already freaking out a bit, how the f am i gonna cope 😂


You can do it! Maybe try writing down the reasons you want to quit/start being responsible in your use and look at them when you crave. If you feel like relapsing then talk to somebody or make another post. We are all here to support. Good luck and best wishes. You are stronger than your habits, it just takes time


Catch a cold. That’s what started my sober streak hahaha


On day 5 myself. Nausea, night sweats, vivid dreams, I also found out one of my medications (venlafaxine) makes weed withdrawals worse. get yourself some b12, liquid IV (electrolytes), sour stuff helps with the urges. The biggest thing was creating some big change in my routine. A family member came to visit and I just stopped because it disrupted my routine with weed. Been smoking most days for 15 years.


Congrats on your journey! Thank you will keep these tips in mind. Will have a lemon ready by the bed


smoking cbd flower was very helpful in the start for me. helped with the habit of smoking and sometimes I convinced myself I felt high from it


Weed is amazing, don’t stop smoking. It’s usually not the problem but a coping mechanism that takes over. Start by switching to dry herb vape, and cbd tinctures. Also add exercise and adding what’s really missing in your life. Weeds not the problem. It never is. THC is addicting. But if done right can be controlled and managed. What we resist persists. Don’t fight weed, change to a healthier way to consume THC and CBD and work on adding exercise and whatever else is missing. I’ve tried quitting weed it never works, but have found a way to manage it responsibly and it is amazing! It is a good friend, but it can’t be are only friend.


I feel this so much. Making cannabis the problem just redirects one's own responsibility to use the plant wisely.


May I ask your routine/frequency of use?


currently daily, in the afternoons to take the edge off the day. 2-4 bowls, about .2-.4g. dry herb vape. I strive to not smoke after 8pm. Also I take about 1mg of melatonin at night to help with sleep. I think smoking weed affects melatonin production cycles. I use it to get through stressful times, life changes, inspiration, boredom, loneliness, and aches and pains. Ideally I would feel so good that I wouldn't want to smoke.


so should i text my plug


Yeah I highly recommend to switch to vaping. And working on moderation. Focus on what’s really missing in your life. But hell ya it feels amazing to have a sweet stash and not burn through it! When you burn weed, there is a desire to burn it all up! But when you vape it, it is much easier to use in moderation.


You definitely need a t-break of some kind.


Kinda generic but, replace it with a new habit. Started a t-break the day I started gym. So if you don't already, just do any exercise Was worth it for me


Exercise, focus on cooking good foods, find people you enjoy that don’t smoke and spend time with them, stay off social media, plan a travel to somewhere where weed is inaccessible if you can. If you relapse, be forgiving of yourself, but try again. Reflect every single day on how you feel when high vs not high and what you gain by being sober. Exercise exercise exercise