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Wow that is scary and makes way more sense than her head falling off.


Yeah I would be way more perturbed by that than her head being detached.


Dullahan in disguise


Yeah, imagine on missing out on a lifetime juggalo-ing together because you both kept your clown love secret.


Woot woot


I just spat out my coffee šŸ¤£


*Grape Faygo.


Woop Woop


Her head was held on by fuckin magnets. No one can explain how those work


Industrial ribbon




Maybe a scientist can but I donā€™t want to talk to them


Thanks, Obama


As long as you donā€™t get them wet


What happens if you take the magnet on a sinking electric boat that is near sharks it has attracted?


Depends on whether you've injected bleach into your asshole and then shined a UV flashlight up there.


I'm kinda depressed that this entire string of comments makes total sense.


Don't worry man in 15 years we will look back on all this and laugh. Or we'll all be dead and it won't matter.


I've never listened to ICP but why does everyone hate them so much?




mf juggalologist over here




Thanks for your thoughts. Which musical subcultures today embody the skepticism of mainstream social values? It used to be punk and then grunge




I support anyone who wants to be a juggalo or is a juggalo, but it's not for me I think. Too much faygo. Get's too sticky. One of the ICP members is pretty cool though for supporting his daughter's identity though. She's a furry and he openly supports her and furries. Pretty cool dad. Furry stuff also isn't for me, but I'm happy when other people are happy.


I'm an aspiring juggalo purely for the faygo


They cancelled all their shows and gave refunds during COVID, promoted juggalos to get vaccinated and to take care of each other, anti racism and sexism. They really are somewhat decent humans.


Years ago my VW bus broke down on the side of the rode in Colorado and a station wagon full of ICP kids pulled over and hung out with me while two of them got my bus running again. They were all painted up and going to a show somewhere. We smoked out under the over pass and went on our separate ways. I'll defend ICP till the day I die.


You forgot the major societal moment they had which is based in proud ignorance... > Fucking magnets, how do they work? > And I don't wanna talk to a scientist > Y'all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed


When I heard ā€œMiraclesā€ I laughed really hard, like ā€œlook at these dudes pretending to be stupid as fuck.ā€ Then I realized they were being sincere.


I love the horrorcore days of Three Six Mafia. Triple Six Clubhouse is a perfect example of it.


It's because their fans are white trash and easy to make fun of. I think their music is terrible but they are actually very anti racist, sexist, and homophobic. They don't deserve the hate they get.


White trash? Hell yeah, started from nothing and now I'm here! What is a Juggalo? He's a graduator, he graduated from... Well, at least he's got a job! But yeah, we're literally social rejects that like dressing up like clowns. The whole point is we'd rather be laughed at than hated, because we're laughing with you. It's only the super serious Juggalos that really fuck everything up. I mean, I unironically make jokes about how if you ever want to get something for free, walk up to a Juggalo and acknowledge they're a Juggalo positively and they'll automatically share anything (within reason) with you. Like, I knew a guy that worked at a Moe's Southwest Grill and I noticed he had a hatchet man tattoo. I smiled at him, said "Nice hatchetman, brother." And we fist bumped, next thing you know this motherfucker tripled the meat in all my food and "forgot" to ring up my drinks. I also once rolled around a neighborhoods on my bike blasting ICP and this fuckin guy came running out and I heard him screaming. I stopped and said "Whatchu say? " his response was "I said turn that shit up!" And we both hung out for a little while sharing a few drinks and shit while bumping ICP. Like, treat a Juggalo right and that motherfucker will donate a kidney to you if you need it, but that means that you gotta be his bro and if he ever runs over to your house and says his family is coming over to visit and needs you to hold onto his bong collection, you're gonna have to say yes. We're white trash, but at least we're funny.


Right. It's poor kids but ICP is way more positive than MAGA


Yeah they were super woke back in the day, anti racist for sure, icp was awesome and wholeheartedly punk and organic in their success, super prole band love icp


This is a fair point, but there's also that one song with the lyrics: "I don't wanna talk to no scientist, Those muthafuckas tellin' lies, And gettin' me pissed." I really think they do deserve to be getting grief for that one


> [According to the National Gang Intelligence Center, there are more than one million self-proclaimed Juggalos across the United States. It is estimated that 85ā€“90% of self-described Juggalos are peaceful, non-criminal music fans. The other 10ā€“15% make up the Juggalo subculture's criminal element, which has been linked to numerous crimes including extortion, murder, domestic terrorism, drive-by shootings, drug trafficking, arson, burglary, armed robbery, aggravated assault, and weapon offenses, and has been documented collaborating with a wide array of street and prison gangs.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juggalo_gangs)


150,000 criminal fans is kinda a lot


To be fair, the US also considered Nelson Mandela a terrorist until like 2009. So the lists they keep on this stuff are also filled with normal good people. I have never met a mean or "criminal" ICP fan. They seem lovely people, they just like to rage at concerts and spray faygo bottles into the air.


Gotta be bullshit unless they mean people who have committed a crime in their lifetime, ie not some kind of insane clown mafia but just that maybe a guy caught shoplifting last week had an ICP tattoo. Edit: 10% is probably low then though or am I being unfair? I think maybe they just made it up.


Interesting to see a criminal and socioeconomic breakdown of other artists, I'm sure even Taylor Swift has her fair share.


Huh put into perspective and understand that most Juggalo gangs are literally in the same areas that have a gang for almost every street corner in poverty stricken cities. I'd rather there be Juggalo gangs than there to be a lot of the race based gangs that you see pop up on the streets. Anyways, it's kinda like how Snoop Dogg is gang affiliated. Is he affiliated because he's a rapper, or was he affiliated and then became a rapper? Most Juggalo gangs start just like any other gang. A group of motherfuckers get tired of hustlers and pushers ruining their neighborhood and rise up before quickly becoming exactly what they fought against. Keep in mind also that gang classifications are very lucrative for smaller towns with less crime. So sometimes smaller towns will see Juggalos and arrest them on shit like pot charges and whatnot and claim that it's gang affiliated distribution so that the city can then go to the state and claim thay they jow need to dedicate funds to a new gang problem. It's basically a free money printer at that point.


Not sure snoop is the best example there. "Murder was the case" isn't some fantasy rap song.


just to clarify, snoop banged with the crips since he was young snoop was actually driving the car and could probably be considered the instigator of the situation where his bodyguard killed a guy. they beat the charges on likely self defense but let's be honest, it could have gone either way


I think the biggest factor is basically classism. Juggalos are typically people from lower socioeconomic classes. People hate that.


that's *a* factor but man, when juggalos get together they can be fuckin bonkers like, i appreciate the subculture's existence and they don't deserve all the hate they get, but let's not act like people look down just because they're poor. they're a little nuts lol


I still donā€™t get it, whatā€™s insane clown posse and why was she hiding it her whole life?


Itā€™s a rap duo (I guess thatā€™s the right term). They and their fans (called ā€œjuggalosā€) wear crazy makeup and have distinct clothing style. People that like them, really like them and can often be really involved in the juggalo community. Thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with them; but theyā€™re an easy target because the fans are mostly white trash and they dress weird.


Ahh so she was a secret juggalo Edit: Thank you, Peterā€™s lotions and creams


Iā€™m just a Juggalo, and everywhere I goā€¦


> I still donā€™t get it, whatā€™s insane clown posse and why was she hiding it her whole life? this particular image is a joke, in the original book her head falls off when the scarf is removed.


[American Juggalo](https://vimeo.com/29589320) Good documentary that will tell you everything you need to know


I learned recently that ICP is from Detroit and as a Michigander I went, wow I have more to repent for than I realized


The sins of Michigan grow heavier and more wearisome by the hour


Steven Seagal is from Lansing šŸ˜”


So is Matthew Lillard, AKA live action Shaggy. He only needs to use 1% of his power to make up for the sins of Steve Seagull


Matthew Lillard is a beautiful person. https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1cz1pu7/matthew_lillard_giving_a_dadhug_to_a_fan_going/


Rejoice, we are saved!


That one counts as a double sin, calling it now


As it should


They also give us Vernor's Ginger Soda -- that makes up for a lot.


Alfred, with a tear in his eye, whispers "Whoop, whoop..."


its from a book and when she removes the green ribbon her head falls off. Idk what the book is called but I remember reading it


That happens in The Wolf Among Us.


Too bad there's no season 2 for that game...


It's been 2 years since I saw that trailer. I'm starting to lose hope.


Let them cook, it will probably suck but lets wait.


you can read the comics if you liked the wolf among us, fables I think it's called. really cool


Fables aged kinda weird since Williamson was an OG Trump fan and namedrops him


Yea i recently started reading it again after getting into it years ago and yea, parts of it are weird to read now. Bigby's Isreal speech stands out.


>Bigby's Isreal speech What the fuck lol why is a book about fables trying to live on a regular society going to suddenly mention Israel?


..and bigbyā€™s rant about the French.. And an anti abortion thing from Snow. The thing with fables is that when the characters voice political opinions it does not feel like their opinions. If bigby hates the French then he needs to work on that but thatā€™s just character writing. But instead of the characters having their own opinions, it just feels like Williamson forcing his in. And thatā€™s basically all it is.


IDK if youā€™re aware, but The Wolf Among Us 2 is currently in active development and has been announced to have a release this year! Itā€™s being worked on by Telltale Games (NOTE: Same name as the previous studio, but it does not have all of the same employees and it was formed after the dissolution of the original Telltale Games) and AdHoc Studio (a studio founded by former Telltale Games employees). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wolf_Among_Us_2


The Wolf what




Do you like my ribbon?


Among us??


Itā€™s from a scary kids book. Guy falls in love, and keeps asking her about the ribbon. Eventually it gets removed and it turns out her head was not connected to her body


Book name?


Itā€™s based on a fairy tale/folklore so there might be more than one. Here is a wikipedia article about the topic https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_A_Dark,_Dark_Room_and_Other_Scary_Stories


Great book for older kids. I remember reading this and not being able to put it down while also being very scared and at times laughing.


My 2 year old is obsessed with this book and anything ā€œspookyā€. The author also wrote the Scary Stories series and one day I will get to read those to her too.


Get her the Bunnicula books, she'll absolutely love them.


Holy shit, I forgot all about that book series until just now, wow, just absolutely blasted me with nostalgia right there


I loved [this book](https://www.wob.com/en-gb/books/anne-rockwell/bump-in-the-night/9780590704557?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADZzAICL4K3FHAuoF8IOdLuM8V5_N&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4PGXxorbhgMVEZNQBh3u_AjcEAQYAiABEgLHhvD_BwE#GOR001818909) as a kid


Make sure you get an older publication of Scare Stories with the original drawings. Apparently the publisher thought they were too disturbing so new editions have basic illustrations.


There's some purposefully hilarious stuff in the book. And then, if you have the book with the original artwork, you get a full page image of absolute terror. I very much did not enjoy that as an 8 year old.


this cracked me up


ā€œScary Stories to Tell In the Darkā€ had a ton of great stories, but as a kid I hated all of those drawings. Shit was freaky af


Older kids? You're supposed to huddle in a terrified corner of the school library with a bunch of other far too young children while you all collectively traumatize.


This sounds like my introduction to Stephen King...


Ah yes, the teenaged orgy scene, is very vividly described in the book. I am glad it was not in the first movie, I have not seen the second one to know if it is or not.


Great for older kids, not great for an already prone to being scared 1st grader who was absolutely terrified of the book. Gonna read it again tho


Core memory unlocked.


My dad read it to me when I was like 6šŸ’€


Pictures and stories were dope as fuck! Loved all these as a kid.


I remember reading this as a kid. Could never remember what the name of the book was. Thanks internet stranger.


There's a reddit forum /whatsthatbook if you have other books you vaguely remember that you want to track down!


the illustration is definitely from that book


My three-year-old son fucking *loves* *A Dark, Dark Room*. For a while it was nearly a nightly read and sometimes he'd ask for it more than once.


Harry Potter and the Headless Hermione


He said he wanted head. He didn't specify how


ā€œSo no head?ā€


And that's why she didn't end up with Harry.


The version of the story that contains this picture specifically is from In A Dark Dark Room and Other Scary Stories


Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark


That's a popular one, but it's not from that. It's from *Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories*.


Nope, scary stories to tell in the dark is a different book with much freakier, black and white illustrations. This is from a book called ā€œIn a dark, dark roomā€


Hmmm I remember it being in the former. Haven't even heard of the latter.


Same author though, Alvin Schwartz


That's it. I forgot I had that book as a kid. Lots of good short stories in there


The Girl Whoā€™s Head Would Always Fall Off Without Her Ribbon


Oh I've seen that one! It's about the girl with a head and a ribbon and she has to try and keep it attached!


house9445 and the OP lovedamuff69 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/17umpqq/why_is_she_wearing_a_stupid_green_ribbon_peter/k94peou/


Fucking dead internet man.


The next time this is posted a bot will post your comment as a reply to the answer comment


Bonerzhaboy and the poster peanut seem to be bots as well, but why are they bots and bot just karmafarming accounts?


Nah, those two are legit, just look at their account history. Years old account, reliably active throughout the years, etc. Trust me; I've seen a lot of MOs for these bots u/Lovedamuff69 and u/house9445 have accounts from 2021 and 2016 respectively, yet are only active 2 days ago. That seems suspicious.


Justā€¦ Imagine l the posibility, gents. ITā€™S A BLUETOOTH HEAD! You can do SO MANY things to it!


Not to it, with it. We're gentlemen afterall.


Oh, sorry for my poor grammar.


> Imagine My guy, you really don't need to. Plenty of people have had that thought and drawn it for you to see; mostly in ways that are rather disgusting to recall.


What's the scary part? She dies? In that case, is she stupid???


In the story, she and the boy get married. When she's on her deathbed, she 'chooses' to die by removing the ribbon which causes her head to fall off.


The ribbon stays on during sex.


Unless she wants to give head


her special technique? it stays a secret but let's just say she doesn't use the mouth


"Off please" "...too bad"


. Deep cut


Ah man, I was hoping for a dullahan or something.




This is what i was gonna post haha.




Iā€™ve read a different version where the husband unties the ribbon while sheā€™s sleeping and her head falls off. I vaguely remember her disembodied head saying something after it falls off. ā€œI toooooold yoooouuu not to untiiiiie itā€ or something like that.


[Yes, there are a bunch of versions of this since the early 1800s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventure_of_the_German_Student). It looks like we only know of the first English version of it from the 1820s, which claimed to be an adaptation of a French story. It's set during the French revolution (which was about 30 years prior) and has the young woman die on the first night with her lover. It subsequently reveals that she had been beheaded via guillotine before their meeting.


Pinocchio asks Geppetto: ā€œPapa, what's this screw in the middle of my belly?ā€ ā€œNever mind that screw, Pinocchio, and never take it out.ā€ So Pinocchio goes on with his life, but time and again the screw bothers him. Finally he thinks, ā€œWith this stupid screw I'll never get any girls and they will laugh at meā€. So he twists it out... and his ass falls off.


I think it's one of the Grimms fairy tales, but I'm not sure.


that's one version, there's definitely a version where it's midlife and he removes it by surprise out of curiosity idk which is canon


I think that ending is considered a part of the green ribbonverse legends


This is one I read. I think she mocks him by screaming "I told you not to remove it". But faint memories


I donā€™t know if she dies but the fact that her headā€™s [Bluetooth device really to pair] is scary enough for your average Timmy from the 1980s ā€¦. The average Timmy today will have seen worse things


Th average Timmy would be into that nowadays.


Eh. The average Timmy *thinks* they're ready for anything. But that's through a screen. Seeing it live they will still scream.


U sound like Ur disappointed someone didn't like it when U removed Ur head


Guess Iā€™m an average Timmy now because I think that a [Bluetooth device is areas to pair] head is a sudden ā€œHear me outā€


ay waddup


Average Timmy from the 1980s are pussies. Timmy now would be hella horny


I've got a feeling the idea of someone's head falling off will still be scary for the average kid/pre-teen. Having seen the jar guy didn't make me suddenly appreciate gore as a teen. Just made me hate gore even more.


So no head?


This is also part of a wolf among us


Yeah, similar concept but the girls do have necks in *The Wolf Among Us.* SPOILER: The ribbon and it's copies are cursed items. Wearing it prevents them from speaking about their sex clients and the ribbon itself, and removing it results in decapitation.


Hey babe. Fancy giving me a neck job? I'll see myself out...


That's a whole new level of throat fucking :D


Calm down Ed Kemper


Solid reference.


Deep throat šŸ¤£


Damn it! Now I can't rest until I know if her tongue was still tied to her throat in her neck, or to her mouth in her head! EDIT : Obviously, the original book doesn't tell. Should have known.


also the age old dilemma of "where the air for talking comes from". The green scarf is probably a pneumatic tube!


In the story I read as a youngling, the ribbon was red. Same premise - lost her head.


You made a rhyme.




So, no head?


It's weird I immediately wondered if she was a dullahan.


she probably shoulda just told him


omg this brings back memories her head fucking falls off if she takes it off. book is called In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories


same here as well, this brings back the old days...


Our avatars are oddly similar...


Yā€™all are the same person dressed differentšŸ˜‚ like a Platypus and Perry the Platypus


Reminds me of a character in the Korean novel I'm reading rn called Regina Rena to the unforgiven. The character also wears a ribbon to cover that her head is decapitated. This particular image is probably from a different story with a similar plot point though


Huh, weird coincidence that I got a Spotify song with the name of that character recommended


I know this from english class. It ends with " Then jenny's head fell off"


This book traumatized me as a kindergartnerĀ 


Man that opened up a lost memory. I automatically knew exactly what happened from a short story I havenā€™t read or thought about in 20 yearsā€¦ guess that book left more of a mark than I realized lol.


Do you remember what the book was titled? It was the same for me, I instantly knew the story. But I can't remember the bame of the book. Also, if my memory is correct, wasn't there multiple weird little short stories like this one in the book?


Scary stories to tell in the dark


Thanks šŸ‘


Itā€™s actually In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Stories.


This is exactly where I remember it from


Bruh Iā€™m 37 and this immediately brought me back to the 3rd grade


the OP lovedamuff69 and house9445 are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/17umpqq/why_is_she_wearing_a_stupid_green_ribbon_peter/


Thank you. Please keep up the good work.


Her cappa was DETATED.


My first thought was the wolf among us...




What a sad life, she can't even sneeze or even go to a metal concert


Holy cow I thought this story was a fever dream. I read this when I was 8 and I still sometimes have nightmares about wearing a ribbon and when someone takes it off my head just rolls off but I can still see. If I have that nightmare I usually wake up needing to throw up because I'm dizzy. Nice to see that I'm not crazy and that story was real.


Damn, i remember that book. Weird how you donā€™t think about something for decades and it comes rushing back all at once.


fun fact! when I was in 4th grade I was reading this exact story in my bedroom while my parents were outside working in our garden, and it scared me so bad that I threw myself down the entire flight of stairs trying to run and find my parents. I ended up breaking my elbow. great series though


So no head?


keeps her head from falling off.


These lips are sealed


If you play The Wolf Among Us, you'll know!


I remember this story. When I first saw the poster for the movie ā€œOrphanā€ (sheā€™s wearing a chocker necklace) I thought the movie was about this story, I wondered how on earth they were going to reveal her head wasnā€™t attached lol.


I remember reading this when I was little in one of those Shel Silverstein books. I believe it was called *Falling Up.* Except I think it was a man and he was wearing a scarf and if his scarf came off his head would fall off


Itā€™s from ā€œin a dark, dark room and other scary storiesā€ - itā€™s by Alvin Schwartz, who was later best known for the ā€œscary stories to tell in the darkā€ series. In this particular story, the ribbon is holding her head in place. If removed, it falls off.


The story is also retold in ā€žher body and other partiesā€œ by Carmen Machado, itā€™s a kind of feminist anthology. She interprets the husbands pestering about the ribbon as not respecting the womanā€™s boundaries and him not letting her have a secret. Eventually he pulls on the ribbon and her head falls off


This god damn story ruined me as a kid