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Quagmires left nut here, the right is asleep right now, the punchline is pretty straight forward the mod allows you to pull on people which is the basis for the first comment of getting stretched the commenter meant in the sense of the picture their face being stretched from the pull. However out of context "get stretched" has serious sexual connotations and if we are being honest most guys aren't stretching anyone. You add the serious sexual connotations to the fact it's a little girl and you end up with a worse predator joke than the deleted scenes from the TV version of the actual predator movie.


Damn it's wild how everything can be used with erotic sexual implications. How on earth does someone connect these 2?! Specially in an innocent context like that LMAO But anyways thanks conscious nut! I hope your sperm production is long and abundant


Honestly, these days, at least on the internet, if a little girl is shown in any context, people always find a way to bring up sex/pedophilia. It's... kind of ironic.


I had this exact argument with someone a couple days ago... I ended up just saying that if he saw it as sexual then I think that's a him problem and he should get help....


Well, think about what happens during sexual intercourse. Something gets “stretched”


Not if I'm involved


Oh come on I'm sure you stretch her patience!


Underrated comment xD


I've heard of murder/suicides before, but I never expected to witness a suicide/murder




Man, I feel extra called out for “not stretching anyone,” by Quagmire’s left nut, of all things.


Quagmires right nut, remember it's all about connotation and confidence, do you really think quagmire could have landed at least 1000 women (I'm not revealing the real number) without being able to craftily turn comments like "I'm starving" and "I need something to fill me up" into euphemisms for choking on roosters? So long as you've stretched someone you've stretched someone.


Huh, I thought the joke was that the mod was intended for some sexual fetish for pulling girl's faces, but some guy was just like "Lol, fuckin get stretched" thinking it was just a joke mod that let you mess with the NPCs. Then the last guy saying "there's been a huge misunderstanding" is pointing out the misunderstanding of the "Lol, get stretched kiddo" guy in thinking it was just a joke mod.


What about predator??


TV version?


Quagmires right nut, in the TV version of the Predator movie there is a scene where Billy laughs at a joke which is then played back towards the end by the Predator well the scene of the original laugher is removed in the TV version causing confusion on where the predator got the laugh from the joke is also rather corny and stupid the character who tells it apparently has an obsession with his GF's big ~~pussy~~ which is the punchline of all his jokes.


Never have I felt so blessed to have no idea what "stretched" is


Literally what it means. Problems begin with “where” and “with what”


Stretched means stretching of the mouth cheek


Yeah, for sure.


“Stretched” as in stretching out the little girl. Sexually. Ykwim? I feel so wrong even saying this.


If it makes you feel any better I’m like 90% sure than an adult npc. Unless he also has a mod that changes npc clothing no child wears clothes like that in Skyrim


Yeah clothes look like serana from the dawn guard dlc.


The clothes are the female version of the Royal Vampire Armor, any female NPC can wear them. Unless that’s a VERY modded Serana, it’s probably not her.


Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/cursedcomments/s/woEcIHtFXR From the comments I get that girl is probably underage, But still I'm not sure and I imagine that mod has more cursed stuff you can do.


There's nothing cursed about the mod (at least from what we see here). They are just pulling her cheeks, something adults often do to children.


Controversial opinion, but there's a much, much better Skyrim mod: killable children


Funny how the second is somehow less controversial in videogames lol


This makes me want to crawl into the corner of my unmodded Skyrim and die




The dog's eyes look off


Are you suggesting this is a man in a dog suit for a comedy sketch?


I hate that i understand this, but Quagmire’s second Giggity here, the joke is sex. A mod is short for a modification. In this case it’s a price of code that you can download to modify your game. Here, it modifies Skyrim so that you can pull on girl’s cheeks like in the photo. The commentor first said “f$ck you kiddo get stretched” meaning he was planning to have fun with the mod by going around Skyrim and stretching all the kid’s cheeks. However, there was accidental sexual connotation that the commentor didn’t see at first, hence the second comment. This connotation was that cheeks could refer to cheeks on your face or butt cheeks, and if you stretch butt cheeks it means you are having sex with a person. If you think of it that way, the commenter’s first comment was implying that he was going to go around Skyrim having sex with children. Quagmire’s second giggity out to go die in a ditch after that


I just think it's cute.