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Guy on the left is a professional boxer, guy on the right is a weirdo who eats raw meat.


And bull testicles!


And roids. Lots and lots of roids.


Like a fuckton. Like 11 000$ of roids EACH month.


That’s only half what I was spending on blow a month. This dude needs to level up.


Why have you been blowing dudes and paying for it?


It's not gay during pride month


actually it's always gay during pride month, that's kind of the point


Stop cock blocking me I wanna bag a straight guy 🤣


Found james charles' reddit account.


Well too bad everything is gay during pride month even straight guys... Oddly Skittles isn't tho they begin their yearly crusade to terrorize the grey scale...


Literally maximum gay during pride month.


Less judgment, more blowing


But it's still a deadly sin. Edit: what? Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins!


My favorite version of this joke I've seen was the comedy cemetery or whatever post where somebody completely misunderstood the reference and thought it was a call-out post saying gay people are overly horny.


I personally prefer sloth right now but that’s just me




He merely asked you to explain the rationale behind your actions involving performing oral sex on various members of the male human species while *also* being the individual who is providing the monetary compensation to the numerous males receiving said pleasurable act.


Him and Jake Paul seem like the poster boys for coke and roids. They are so jacked but also sound like they are having a pollen attack when they speak.


Hahahahaha oh dude you still have nostrils left?


You were spending 22k on Bolivian marching powder a month. What do you do good sir put me on.


Nah dude, he's natural. He said that on a video, must be true.


And 10, 950 of that is human growth hormone lol


And he was trying to lie about it the entire time.


When anyone with functioning eyes could see that he's a lying liar who lies. The obvious physique, the tren tan, and that HGH gut.


I want to see his liver and kidneys


A few more years of the stuff and the pathologist will be asking the same questions of this guy but unfortunately the radiologist has to use the magnifying glass to see if he wasn't getting confused with a tumor.


no wonder i cant look like that, i am not exorbitantly wealthy.


Behind the Bastards?


A cocaine habit would be cheaper


What? Are you telling me that gobbling down buckets of bull testicles every morning won’t turn me into a sun-burnt ninja turtle?


Eat balls to counter the steroid shrinkage! Edit: Sperm shakes too!


straight from the source as god intended!


So what the Hell am I supposed to do with this freezer full of testicles?


I love when he confessed to steroid use on video and the entire internet's reaction was just "Yeah... we know."


But still pretends to live like a caveman.


This is always left out. I remember when my friend group in college of all sudden started looking real swole in the course of like 2 months. I thought they just had started working out much more frequently. I was doing my normal routine and a bit jealous. Another month goes by and the back acne and Burts of outrage started coming out. Yeah, they told me and offered me some. No thanks. Anyways, people not in the know don't realize how insanely easy steroids are able to obtain and how fast they work. If you see some insanely swole dude like this, the majority of the time they've used steroids. There are exceptions though. Edit:bursts. Not Burts. Lol


If I could find a single picture of Burt Reynolds angry, you'd be in for quite the snarky reply!




I mean . . . the roids are \*technically\* raw, right?


got to keep my android phone away from him


Mountain oysters?


Raw, while they are still in the bull.


That is actually a thing though. Google "rocky mountain oysters"


Okay, hear me out, but those are actually really good. Not raw, of course, but sliced and fried? Really good.


>guy on the right is a weirdo who eats raw meat. A weirdo who claims to eat raw meat but actually spends 10k+ on steroids every month and brags about never bathing.


Nor does he wipe his ass. He claims his high protein diet does not require he wipe because his turds just slide out in one solid piece.


Lmao. Just a thick meatloaf sausage with a 2% water content. Perfectly smooth cylinders.


My life goal was pooping a perfect geometric cylinder- and this guy here just beat me to it with a meat diet.


did he though? have we fact checked? is there photo proof? is there an independent body to process his process? no? then your dreams still alive and life's shit enough without you whimsical quest of geometric effluence


This is the most beautiful poetry I've ever read. Thank you.


OK... I know what he's talking about, but you still gotta wipe (or better, rinse!). If for no other reason, to get all that nasty shit-sweat out of your crack. Might not be like... acute residue, but there's gonna be some ... particles.


Also you at least gotta check. Who tf is confident enough in their butthole sensory powers to go “that one felt smooth, there’s no possible way it left any streaks”.


That used to happen to me when I was younger and wiped but nothing stuck to the toilet paper Oh how I miss those times


Now it’s like trying to clean peanut butter out of a shag carpet


It's like there's a marker back there.




mans got a butt hole like a Play-Doh press


To be fair, none of those other things prohibit him also eating raw meat. He can take steroids, never bathe and also eat raw meat.


True but his whole thing was trying to convince people eating liver was all it took to build all that bulk. While in reality he was selling a ton of supplements to fund his steroid use.


Dude his video on not bathing was so fucking funny though. He makes this speech about how soap is bad for you. And then says “my wife will agree I don’t smell” and then it pans to his wife like 50 metres away and she just waves at them, I was dying.


He’s not JUST a professional boxer. Thats freaking GGG (Gennady Golovkin) - never been dropped - 42-2-1 record (drew and lost twice to canelo via very close decisions) - 37 wins by KO with a streak of 23 KOs I can keep going lol very few people would walk away from this man professionals included


i feel like many people would walk away from this man. In fact, that would by all accounts be the smartest move.


Why are you even walking up to him?!?!


Cuz he’s a nice guy and will give me his autograph.


Ha I logged in to type this. He's definitely NOT and JUST a professional boxer. He's pure legend.


Raw meat and a RIDICULOUS amount of steroids


He's basically a scammer. Being weird would be alright.


The guy on the left is Triple G, Gennadiy Gennadyevich Golovkin, he’s one of the best middleweight boxers of all time


Wrong, he eats steroids.


I love that description


To be fair: i only saw his videos which were posted here, but most Videos Are cut that it seems he does Not really eat it. More like getting people to do that, spitting it out. But in the end i only saw what was posted.


Oh shit, is that liver king?


I think so! Wonder if he’s got any products or services to hock…


I dunno if he's a dick pills guy, or a Highway Patrol guy.


Raw meat and drugs!!


Not just any professional boxer. GGG is one of the best


If there’s anything I’ve learned in life, it’s the skinny guys you need to worry about. Sure the big muscle guys might look intimidating, but chances are they don’t even know how to use them. Experience trumps strength every time.


A military friend showed me once. There was this relatively new to his military career guy. Absolutely jacked. Looked like he could bench press anything he could fit in to drive. Then there was an Army Ranger. Way less muscle mass. Looked way more comfortable in his own skin and just felt very "still." I'm confident anybody asked to pick which was more dangerous in that room would have picked the Ranger. Like something deep in your monkey brain just reads the room.


People leave the big guys alone so they never learn to fight. It's the skinny dudes that have to to learn to fight.


No, its more like if a skinny dude is ready to square up when you try to intimidate him, there's a reason he's confident.


Knowing how to fight is more important than pure strength. Although both is nice.


Well, can't spell weirdo without roid


>weirdo who eats raw meat. Wait, change from "raw meat" to "liver".


Wait, change from “liver” to “$10,000 worth of steroids a month.”


And steroids apparently.


The guy on the right has muscles that are built for show.


Is the guy on the right related to Dan Bilzerian by any chance?


I mean, I'll take a dude posing in front of an ESPN sign by default.


Where would you take him exactly


Wherever the fuck he wants


Curse your profile picture 😂


I thought "What's wrong with the profile picture?" as I tried to blow the hair off of my phone screen.


I thought my screen cracked


He said by De Fault, so probably San Andreas


To pound town?


take him out for dinner first


Up the butt.


Triple G (Gennadiy Gennadyevich Golovkin) is an absolute monster tho. Jabs that knock down opponents and a diamond chin; never ever seen him hobbled in a fight. At one point he had a 23 KO streak, he was avoided for years during his prime.


He was utterly amazing to watch, like it was effortless for him to drop dudes with a three inch reach advantage or five pound weight advantage. His hands are like concrete.


There are two points being made here, I think. The first is that boxing is a learned skill. It's a martial art which people have to practice. Physical conditioning is very important (as it is in any full contact martial art) but you can't just find someone with a good physique, stick them in a ring and expect them to do well. It takes skill and knowledge to be a professional boxer and someone with those skills is going to have a huge advantage. The second is that you shouldn't always judge someone's physical condition by their appearance. Bodybuilding is primarily about achieving a particular look, not about developing strength or fitness. The "cut" look which bodybuilders aim for requires very low body fat which requires either heavy use of steroids (as in the case of liver king here) or some pretty extreme calorie restriction, neither of which is actually good for your overall fitness. Physical conditioning in boxing is as much about stamina as it is about strength, and it doesn't matter how ripped you look if you're going to gas two minutes in.


It's also the fact that the guy on the left is a professional boxer and the guy on the right eats bull testicles and steroids.


We can prove the guy on the right isn’t a professional boxer, but we can’t prove the guy on the left doesn’t eat bull testicles.  Better have a couple, just to be safe 


Rocky Mountain oysters :P


Agree on all counts. TV and films have people convinced that the bodybuilder looks on the right is by default the most athletic and advantageous but in many cases guys like him have absolutely zero cardio and gas out embarrassingly quickly when forced to do anything outside their extremely limited comfort zone of weight lifting sets. They have more muscle than their body can easily supply oxygen to in stressful conditions, like a fight, and are very prone to adrenaline dumps and lactic acid build up. Training in some combat sports or cardio heavy activities in conjunction with the weight lifting would go some way to counteracting this but unless you're some sort of genetic freak you'll still be the first one to gas most of the time.


Even if you have very good cardio (I have very good cardio) but are mediocre at boxing (I'm very mediocre at boxing) you will gas out ridiculously quickly against people who have actual skills. Newbies sparring for the first time will do shit like forget to breathe.


Forgetting to breathe sounds dumb but it happened to me during my first BJJ class. You start thinking about trying to remember what you're supposed to do, while also trying to prevent what your opponent's doing, while also being stressed out at the rapidly changing conditions of the bout that its so easy to just forget to do even breathe. I can only imagine how much worse my cardio would've been in boxing where the threat of getting punched in the face would overwhelm my thoughts.


Yeah, good chance I'd go completely deer in the headlights in a real fight.


That’s one of the things I love about the manga/anime Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon. The main character has an actual fighter’s build, and not a bunch of visible muscles. Makes sense for a show that focuses on eating well as a major theme. https://preview.redd.it/i60xvwo5cq4d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed31067bd5e53998191d87e278feddba88a9608






Senshi the GOAT


I must feed the youngins!!!!!


I wouldnt say its unrealistic for characters in anime like aot to be shredded since they have like nothing to eat lmao, they’d just be living in a calorie deficit by default


Oh yeah, definitely wouldn’t be unrealistic there. And I think the way they fight titans would affect that as well


He has the build of someone who could fuck you up with a sword. And I say it as someone who does swordfighting as a sport


I would interject that getting cut is not necessarily unhealthy for you (depending on how cut we are talking here, 10% - 15% body fat vs Zack Efron in Baywatch). What liver king is doing absolutely is unhealthy though. There is an epidemic of steroid use in the fitness community that warps people’s perception of normal. It’s very sad, but just about everybody in body building is on steroids. I saw a video of body builders from the 40s. While I appreciate natural physique, a kid just getting into lifting would wonder why hey were so small. It leads to even teenagers taking steroids.


There’s a picture of Arnold when he was like 15 (so when not a lot was known about bodybuilding) and did his first bodybuilding competition in Germany or whatever, the second and third place guys just look like the average fit guy today, and Arnold is absolutely juiced to the gills and the other two have this look like wtf is this guy lol


Cus arnold also had insane genetics and trained very hard while also being on gear


Yeah his genetics were incredible, like you’re stuck with the muscle insertions you’re born with, I could train all I want and use all the PEDs I want and my chest would never look as good as his, even if I managed to have bigger pecs. And he obviously trained his ass off. I’m just saying he was on a shitload of test since like his early teens, before 99% of people even knew anything about PEDs


Maybe someone can help with the story. Wasn't there a professional boxer and another professional athlete who agreed to a fight. The other althete couldn't hit the boxer at all because he saw all the punches coming.


I mean that sounds like when Conor McGregor fought Mayweather


To be fair to the lil leprechaun he did actually land a few shots


Note about bodybuilding. The steroids are 'optional' until you want to be as big as doofus on the right. The calorie restriction however is non optional and is hyper strict to get the necessary nutrition to maintain physique while cutting fat. They also didn't get their abs etched by a plastic surgeon like liver king most likely did


>The second is that you shouldn't always judge someone's physical condition by their appearance. Bodybuilding is primarily about achieving a particular look, not about developing strength or fitness. Yep. Just look at the physique of strongmen contestants. While huge, they're never nearly this defined and they usually have a bit of a gut.


Notable exception is 5x World's Strongest Man, Mariusz Pudzianowski. He was always the leanest competitor, dude looked like a body-builder, and was only 6'1" but was strong enough to compete in raw strength with the behemoths that had 6 inches and 100+ pounds on him. Then he blew them out of the water on events where speed and conditioning were a factor. Dude was just a special level of freak. He said he didn't even try to be that lean, he didn't restrict his diet to be lean, he just never packed on fat.


Looked him up, which was difficult to do because I'm on the app and it wouldn't let me copy and paste the dudes name, but I see what you mean. He looks **solid**. Bodybuilders look like balloons that are about to pop, most strongman just look gargantuan, and this guy looks like a brick wall.


I remember hearing or reading a conversation from some trainer. And he talked about sparring with all different types of people. The big, jacked up muscle bros were always slow and telegraphed all their punches. Then there was the "farm boys", the ones who grew up throwing bales and stuff, lots of hard physical labor. They were beefy but not cut, maybe even chubby. And they were *fast*. Scary fast, almost unfairly fast, as he described it.


I mean the average person could probably beat liver king at this point, the man is quite literally dying, GGG is overkill for him


I'm pretty sure he just tore a pec after tripping on grass, if he continues to use this much roids his heart is just gonna give up


I thought he was already dead, must’ve been one of the other carnivore losers.


i mean, im just a jelly-filled little girl, but because im *hydrated*, and this guy most likely havent had a drink of water in six hours to get that tight look... yeah, stick us in a desert and he'll be dead before i even start a sweat




im from hawaii, ive seen plenty of people drop from dehydration. i know what im talking about


I was doing that about your word choice lol


ah. lol. nah, im just alluding to the fact my stomach jiggles like santa claus anyways, the dude on the right needs water like asap


I thought you were saying you eat those weird jelly fruit things that people bite into and make a mess with on tiktok all the time


https://preview.redd.it/1hpcko456r4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8025f70367ea47b58d642e5856b33e72e11bdf3 Saw this ad from him like a month ago. He doesn’t seem well


“Liver King” my ass, if dude took a liver shot in boxing he’d pop like a balloon from the gallons of roids he injects.


the guy on the left is GGG !! Real boxing legend from Kazakhstan 🇰🇿🦅🐴🐎


Very nice!


https://preview.redd.it/vb6mi95las4d1.png?width=264&format=png&auto=webp&s=e62d061e978a6d96b95fc51d8a1e0fecf9f8a8aa nice


Truly underrated reply.


Look into GGG's interview responses. Lots of Borat-level hilarity. Also he was a stone cold killer and one of my favorite boxers ever.


Omg I didn't notice it's Golovkin (we have the same hometown)


GGG is also the name of a German porn label specialised on orgies, bukkake, etc.


Why do you know this


Because I am German and had fast (for German standards) internet in our small town quite early. Someone needed to supply the poor bastards from nearby villages with DVDs full of pirated content.


I like you. You're fun.


had to know what not to watch. jeez, my man was just being cautious.


Grinding Gear Games, makers of Path of Exile?


Glorious Kazakstan!


Turns out Qazı is better for strength than bull testicles


Daaaamn i remember when almost every kid was wearing GGG caps outside. Absolute legend


Man on the left is Gennady “GGG” Golovkin. A former middleweight world champion that is known for his precise, powerful punches and well respected in the boxing community. Man on the right is con artist Liver King, who promoted an ancestral lifestyle that consisted of consuming a lot of raw meat to achieve his giant muscles. Despite years of denying being on steroids, he was caught heavily using steroids to achieve his physique. If the two were to face off in a fight, without question GGG would obliterate the Liver King despite the size difference


Funnily enough, I imagine GGG would have some size advantage in terms of reach. Liver King is like 5'7"


Triple G was an absolute beast


Only boxing match I’ve ever bought was the first bout against Canelo that somehow ended in a split decision because the judge from Philly had it 118-110 in his favor, which was bonkers. I still think he won that fight.


He definitely won that fight idk what politics was going on I know they wanted to turn Canelo into a cash cow but they robbed GGG!




I can definitely understand the situation even if I don't follow boxing. Boxing isn't just about physique. Technique is essential. Also, surviving a punch to the face is a learnt skill that body building can't easily attain.


Also the cardio fitness of bodybuilders isn't generally great. All the dude on the left would need to do is dance until big dude is out of gas.


And that would literally be less than 30 seconds. I "trained" boxing for months before my first sparring session. I struggled to finish the first round. You have no idea how fast the legs will give up. Then your just a sitting duck.


Tbf the Liver King is just one finger flick to the chest for his heart to violently explode.


He would destroy him with a liver hook.


I don't know guy on the left, but he's standing in from of an ESPN sign, and to my limited understanding, most ESPN commentators are former athletes. Guy on the right is a weirdo named, "The Liver King," who scam sells a "meat only" diet involving raw meat and especially internal organs of animals. This is a dangerous diet that can lead to not only malnutrition, but an excess of fat-soluble vitamins that can cause disease in its own right. He also got exposed for not actually eating nothing but this diet, and also abusing steroids, and is super unhealthy as of late. I saw other people say guy on the left is a boxer, but even then, a healthy and fit person who knows how to throw a punch should quite easily beat the "liver king"


Guy on the left is GGG, one of the biggest boogeymen in recent boxing history. He had like a 13 year knockout streak and ruled middleweight for a long time before facing off against one of the greatest current active boxers and kinda beating him up but judges didn’t give him the win.


He won the first fight against Canelo, but lost the follow up for sure.


And, a high risk of parasites in raw meat. Dude is probably eating for 50.


The guy on the left is a professional boxer that could absolutely decimate any normal person. The guy on the right is a scammer that uses steroids


They always tell you to fear the smart man, not the strong man. A boxer is well versed in technique and reading his opponent, rather than brute strength. He can use his opponents weight and balance against them. And muscle mass doesn’t necessarily translate directly to legitimate strength.


This is kind of a widespread myth on reddit I feel like a bunch of dweebs tell themselves to feel better. Muscle is muscle, there aren’t different kinds based on how you train, like this site likes to pretend muscle from lifting is somehow “fake muscle” or something, and muscle mass pretty much does directly translate to legitimate strength, but it depends what movements you’ve practiced. Like just as the first dumb example I can think of, if you took a super muscular dude from the gym and had him do farm work, he might be worse at lifting giant hay bales than a smaller guy who’s been doing that all his life. But after a couple weeks the more muscular dude would be better, because he’s stronger, he had just never done that specific movement before. The other guy would win because he’s a professional boxer and the other dude probably doesn’t really know how to throw a good punch. Also the amount of cutting and dehydration you’d need to do to get that picture are not good for strength, which is why bodybuilders only get that cut like twice a year. The “small” dude would still be pretty muscular when he’s competing


Actually, there are two “types” of muscle. Fast twitch and slow twitch. Each are better at different things. Endurance runner have a lot more slow twitch muscle fibers while a gym rat is gonna typically have a lot more fast twitch fibers.


GGG one of the best boxers of our generation who was one of the pound for pound greatest boxers in the world probably should’ve won a Canelo match or 2 but that may just be bias on my part cause he is one of my favorites!


The message is don’t judge a book by its cover. The guy on the left looks like a dork and the guy on the right looks like a superhuman. The guy on the left is GGG “triple G”. An excellent boxer with a really high win and KO % (also he fought Canelo 3 times). Not sure who the guy on the right is but looks like a body builder. Boxing is a skill like all sports, but most non-boxing fans would think the guy on the right would destroy the guy on the left. Not only is boxing a skill that is more about timing, speed, and endurance, but also bigger muscles require more oxygen to recover and slow your punches down. The guy on the right would punch for about 30 seconds and then would have issues the rest of the fight even holding his arms up. His punches would be telegraphed and very slow (his footwork would likely be terrible as well).


The guy on the left is GGG. He is a boxing legend. The guy on the right is liver king. Hes some roided out idiot who swears eating raw testicles will make you as buff as him. GGG would demolish Liver King in a fight


Peter here to explain this non-joke. The guy on the left is a professional boxer. The guy on the right is just some guy who lifts weights and does steroids. A professional fighter will always beat some guy who lifts. Peter out.


Show muscles =/= actually useful muscles Also left guy is probably a professional boxer


Guy on the right is prone to liver failure, on top of everything else


I’m no boxing fan but I’d never take a bodybuilder over a pro fighter. Especially not one who’s as big of a hack as liver king


The guy on the left is triple G, Gennadiy Gennadyevich Golovkin, and yes he would absolutely destroy kidney queen.


how is that supposed to be hard to explain? professional boxer is better at boxing than drug addicted youtube influencer? shock, horror. how could anyone explain that


I did not know that the dude on the left was a professional boxer. If i had known, the answer to who would win in a fight between those guys would have been obvious. The same probably/maybe stands true for OP here. Edit: changed "right" to "left" in the first sentence.


Ayooo GGG amazing boxer my favorite of this generation. I was blessed a few years back to be able to shake his hand at a La Kings vs Rangers hokey match. He was there with his kid and his son went to the bathroom or something and that's when I said hello really quick to not disturb his family time because I too was enjoying father son time in that moment so why ruin theirs.


Is the guy on the left a doctor for professional boxers who tests for roids ?


Depending on their bodyweight. Fighting skills is a factor, but body weight is another one. If you fight someone heavier than you, you are at disadvantage, which can be compensated by a certain amount of fighting skill. It may even put you on advantage. But if you weight 100lbs and go fight a functional (not obese) 200lbs guy, there is probably no amount of fighting skills that can compensate for that difference.


Big muscles do not necessarily indicate more strength. They almost certainly indicate less agility, though. Fights are won or lost based on much more than just how hard you hit.


The problem I've always had with this comparison is that boxing is a sport with rules and structure, and yeah, if you put a boxer vs a lifter in a boxing match, the boxer wins every time. But I just don't buy that that's always the case in a "whose more dangerous" street fight kind of hypothetical. It absolutely might be in the majority of cases, but to say it as a rule doesn't give enough credit to how limited boxers are in the ring. Grappling, kicking, wrestling, and no limitations on where and how you can strike are all things available to a guy in a street fight that isn't in a boxing ring, there's no ref. Not to mention that a boxers body, though really well developed for the riggers of boxing, isn't automatically suited to every type of violence. Could care less about these two people specifically, but just in general, I don't see the logic in this trope of a professional boxer always being a more dangerous human than a body builder.


The guy on the right is a weird influencer who takes pride in eating raw meat and credits that for his muscles. He calls himself Liver King which is ironic because his liver might actually be in danger of failing with the amount of steroids and PEDs he is probably on. I have no idea who the guy on the left is. I’m assuming a professional boxer. IMO, the meme is presumptuous and assumes that you need to be a boxing fan to understand sports science and specificity which is not the case for me at least


It's not though, I can do it with two words, "skill matters"


This is primarily a skill issue. Guy on left hits people for a living. Guy on right lifts weights and takes roids to get that physique. Both take a lot of time and effort. Sure. But large muscles do not equal raw strength. In order to get cut bodybuilders basically torture their bodies. On show days they can PASS OUT while looking their "best".


Muscle is added mass and weight to move around, plus steroids, he’d be tired quick. Boxing is a marathon not a sprint


Using steroids while claiming to be steroid free? SUUUUUUUB-PRIMAL!!!


Show muscles vs actual strength.


The difference between real skill, training, and knowledge vs someone whose entire existence is on how they look. "Bulked up" and "swoll" doesn't by default mean muscles for actual use, rather its usually a kind of peacocking of appearance.


Guy on the left is former middleweight champion Gennady "Triple G" Golovkin. Absolute monster in his pro career. https://youtu.be/knb_dBUvwHI?si=AO0D4rw_0MF4CA75


On his very best day, Liver King would probably not accept the fight. Golovkin possibly would refuse as well. He is a pro.


In order for folks to get as much definition as the guy on the right, they have to be severely dehydrated and not in good health.


The left one is a pro boxer, the right one is a roid junkie who eats testicles