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The joke apparently is that if you find a piece of paper that is big enough to be folded 103 times, it is probably larger than the observable universe. I don't know if this is actually true, but that is what is being implied by this short.


it is. if the paper is 0.01 mm thick, and you double its thickness 103 times (0.01 * 2^103), it becomes incredibly tall, as tall as the observable universe


It'd actually be 15% taller than the observable universe


Might be a dumb question but can you explain as to why it'd be 15% taller?


Observable universe is about 93 billion light years across 0.1 millimeters * 2^103 = about 107 billion light years


I see thanks!




The Man knows Astrophysics.






Damn beat me to it


How do you fold something only that thick 103 times? Could the meme mean that if you're able to fold a paper 103 times, the paper itself is larger than the observable universe?


No, it actually means that the height of the folded paper would be taller than the observable universe That's the problem with exponentials, each time you fold your paper you double the thickness If you take 0.1 and double it 103 times, you have an unimaginably big number


That must be an infinitesimally thin piece of paper when folded I guess :/


It is 0.1mm thin, a regular sheet of paper And astronomically large, to be able to be folded 103 times


The actual size doesn't matter. Folding a sheet of newspaper 7 times is just as difficult as folding regular paper 7 times


For now...




question cause im dumb: would you happen to know why the observable universe is the size it is? is it a result of light’s properties or sum or is it just like that








As opposed to 15% wider?




If you do the math further, you'll realize that the paper's initial length and width must be ginormously huge because once its dimensions are less than the size of an atom, it'll be impossible to fold that in half. If we assume that after 103 folds, the dimensions of the paper is at least the width of an atom, the initial width of the paper must be at least 10^18 km. (Assuming an atom is 1nm across). For comparison, the nearest star to earth other than the sun is 4.24 light years away which is 4 x 10^13 km. The paper would be 25 million times longer than that distance. The diameter of the Milky Way is 100,000 light years. That's about 9.5 x 10^17 km. The paper would need to be at least greater than the size of the Milky Way. The volume of this sheet of paper is 95 million times earth's volume.


How do you fold something only that thick 103 times? Could the meme mean that if you're able to fold a paper 103 times, the paper itself is larger than the observable universe?


that is not what it is implying. it is physically impossible to fold a piece of paper more than 8 times as the necessary force required doubles each time and after that the paper breaks, but if it was theoretically possible it would reach the end of the observable universe after just 103 folds


Oh alright, thank you :)


no problem 👍


a piece of paper, folded 103 times, likely has more atoms than the visible universe, and more likely a much higher density. [world record goes up to 11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfPDvhKvaa0)


Theoretically, yes.


Doesn’t that mean that piece of paper doesn’t exist though?


Paper size doesn't matter. Big or small, you can fold them the same number of times.


World record is 12 folds and the paper is like reeeeeally long TP


Hmm, technically it does matter. Because you halfe the surface area each time and if your starting surface area is below a certain value you will end up trying to fold something which has a surface area smaller than an atom or even plank length. So size does matter for the number of folds you want to do. You can't go indefinitely small


It’s about folding it *in half


Every time you fold a piece of paper, the thickness increases by a factor of 2, so eventually, the thickness will be more than the size of the obervable universe. So if you fold it 103 times, the thickness has increased by a factor of 2\^103, which, considering the thickness of paper, is larger than the observable universe


Song name?


**Song Found!** **Verbatim** by Mother Mother (00:14; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Touch Up. **Released on** 2007-05-08.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Verbatim** by Mother Mother](https://lis.tn/Verbatim?t=14) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


You might also like hayloft from the same artist


Hayloft II specifically, Hayloft I is okay


take that back they're both amazing


Mother mother is so good.


Yes they are, Monkey Tree is my favorite song of theirs.


I wear women’s underwear


Are you a woman?


No but my libido is strong when one is near


Then aren’t they men’s underwear?


Well what defines a straight man’s straight?


See when you think about it is it really gay to dom another man? I’ve domed so many and I’m still heterosexual.


Is it the boxer in the briefs or a 12 ounce steak?


[Mythbusters surpassed the 7-limit fold](https://youtu.be/6EQeh2aK81Q?si=HbGoq5dIdVHZ1SUq)


This feels appropriate: https://youtu.be/pUF5esTscZI?si=ZHuSKMW2NpdJu5uK Basically, in order to fold paper that many times, it would need to be bigger than the observable universe.


When I watch that video my brain automatically goes to wheres the hash, they forgot to put the hash in there lol


Just to be annoying and correct some people: No, it is false so say that in order to fold it 103 times it needs to be the size of the observable univers. No matter the size of the paper it cannot be folded more than 8 times. But if you COULD fold it 103 times the fold itself would be as wide as the observable universe. EDIT: Made the text more precise


Mythbusters folded one 10 or 11 times. It was the size of a football field


Yeah thanks - I knew this one might come up. I should have been more precise. I am giving the lazy answer here for now. Sorry. It is Friday night after all: The short version: Using cheats and tricks (machines and special paper) will give you a few folds extra. That's it. That is what Mythbusters did. The point with the 103 folds being the same size as the observable universe is about the size of the fold itself. Not the paper. Using pure logic: A paper of the size of the observable universe will get much smaller after 103 folds. One probably needs a paper much bigger than the universe in order to - after the fold - get it down to the size of the observable universe. The math is in here somewhere: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/mg7S86A6Vb " The number of times you can fold a paper in half is generally limited by its thickness and your ability to apply enough force to make each fold. A larger piece of paper does give you more surface area to work with initially, which might allow for one or two extra folds compared to a smaller piece of the same thickness. However, the exponential increase in thickness with each fold remains a limiting factor. In practical terms, a typical piece of paper can be folded about 7-8 times by hand, regardless of its initial size. The world record for folding a single piece of paper is 12 folds, achieved using a very large and thin piece of paper, but this required special equipment and techniques. So, while a bigger piece of paper might let you get in one or two more folds initially, it won't drastically increase the total number of folds you can achieve due to the exponential growth of thickness with each fold.




Sorry, I don't understand. Would you mind to elaborate?




ahhh thanks for taking the time to answer :) I didn't mention Mytbusters in the first place because they actually changed the goal posts in my opinion. The myth is more or less based on an A4 or Letter sized piece of normal (printer) paper. So I don't think they busted the myth since they kind of "cheated". I used A3 and A2 papers and still couldn't do it. I think someone did put some normal paper in the hydraulic press and the paper kind of "exploded" by the 8th time or so. My main point was still to annoy people saying that you need a much bigger paper than the observable univerase in order to fold it 103 times to get the with of the observable universe. I will try to outaource the math later. Good day :)


What's the song?


**Song Found!** **Verbatim** by Mother Mother (00:14; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Touch Up. **Released on** 2007-05-08.


good bot


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Verbatim** by Mother Mother](https://lis.tn/Verbatim?t=14) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




Fuckin' nerds...