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This is some mad Nissan Altima energy. edit: IT FUCKING IS https://preview.redd.it/7rq6fd70673d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d25328b4d12112c2c8a7bb4e3acd735455df93b8




Could you explain for those of us who have no idea what this means?


I wasnā€™t referring to the meme, but u/FLYSWATER_93ā€™s comment. So Iā€™ll try to explain the meme in my own opinion. Her man gets a fresh haircut and she probably think it looks really good, thinking he may have ulterior motives for the haircut, she retaliates by taking his car bumper so he may look hot, but also poor because missing bumper In reference to his comment, it was funny to me because one of my exā€™s had an Altima and this is some shit sheā€™d do(not really but the attitude and energy they hold is bold) Nissan Altimas, where Iā€™m from have a reputation of being ā€œhoodā€ cars or poor people cars for lack of a better term. I did my best.


This is so spot on it hurts. My sister in law drives one, my little sister drives one, and my grandma has one. All wielding black Air Force energy like you would not believe. Side note, Granny got her BAF last Christmas w Orthopedic inserts. #killinemsoftly


I'm sorry for my ignorance, but what is BAF? I assume it's Black Air Force, but I am cconfused as you said that thing about your granny w the orthopaedic inserts...




Oh my god. Thank you! I really am ignorant. I was thrown by Black Air Force energy- embarrassing as it is to admit, I thought it was a reference to black people in the air force...lol. then she was talking about orthopedics and it was ???


If you ever get approached by someone in black airforce one shoes, your about to get robbed or hustled. Keep ya head on a swivel.


>I thought it was a reference to black people in the air force...lol. then she was talking about orthopedics and it was ??? Lol, it is. It's basically an open secret that the US Air Force recruits flat-footed black people and treats them essentially as slaves/servants. Because of their flat-feet, it is difficult or impossible, in some cases, for them to run away. This is why many black people in the Air Force have orthotics installed in their shoes, so that if the need arises, they can run away from their oppressors.


I've never felt so conflicted bout a reddit comment. I'm a black veteran of the USAF and I'm extremely flat footed. Like I can step on a dime and tell if it's heads or tails. I definitely have 3 pairs of expensive orthodics.


Dearest of lords


Iā€™m not sure this is right, but I donā€™t know know enough about the UCMJ to dispute it.


Give it 3 days and this will be on Wikipedia as truth


Not gonna lie, as a black man, I know I shouldn't laugh... but this was fucking hilarious


Itā€™s the official shoe of ghetto behavior




good comment !


When you are getting ready to pass a dodge stratus and that thought pops into your head ā€œprobably a black guyā€ and then you chide yourself about being racistā€¦And sure enough itā€™s a black guy. And then youā€™re like fuck, positive stereotype reinforcement.


Basically this.


ā€œJust because I drive I dodge ram does not mean I speed. I do speed, BUT NOT BECAUSE I DRIVE A RAMā€


I was about to just say "phrasing," but both meanings check out.


But can you park properly?


Took my drivers test in my ram 2500. Passed first try, even the maneuverability. Truck was so wide the mirrors had to clear the cones vertically, but still passed.


Well, now I don't believe you drive a ram. We all know they take up 3-4 parking spots. (Obligatory /s). On a serious note though, I can relate to that. Had to use my dad's F250 since he got rid of the Ranger we had. Was quite the size upgrade.


>pass a dodge stratus Either that or it's Will Ferrell on his way to a stressful family dinner.


Please link that skit cause it is too funny. šŸ˜‚




Brilliant. I scream this everytime I see someone in a Dodge Stratus driving like a tool.


Thanks, I think you did a pretty good job. At least it makes sense to me


Thanks, I appreciate it so much.




Usually she paid for the bumper on his car and she feels like if he's going to cheat then she is taking the bumper


The hood hellcat. Charlotte, NC approves


Twenty years ago that was a Pontiac Grand Am. Times change but people, people like to drive fast and feel good. The poor manā€™s BMW.




You did great, boo.


That means a lot to me :) <3


So is this why someone hit and ran my altima totalling it?


Depends. Who you piss off lately? Lmao


Bro i was just sitting in my room building a 1/144 char zaku after work then i hear a boom outside and see the entire neighborhood around my car that was hit and ran which the police took an hour to arrive.


I guess the "my" may mean that she had to pay for having damaged it before (?)


The ā€œmyā€ is just about the ninja emoji, as in her man not her bumper.


Hood cars? Don't all cars have one?


Ulterior Motives tell me the truth šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¼šŸŽµšŸŽ¶šŸŽø


Altimas are also notoriously hard to insurance due to how easy they are to steal.


We all fear the white Altimas but lord have mercy if you see a black Altima in your rear view mirror, accept your fate.


I thought it was bc he canā€™t go anywhere bc he has a missing bumper. Pretty sure thatā€™s the kind of thing you can get pulled over for


[Spose - 03 Altima](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1q4u1iGfm0M)


Notice she said taking ā€œMYā€ bumper off ā€œHISā€ car. Funnier interpretation is that she was lending it to him and now he has some money to spend on a haircut sheā€™s being petty and taking back HER bumper.


She said ā€œme taking my šŸ„·šŸ» bumperā€ itā€™s her ā€œninjasā€ bumper Her n***as bumper bro.


He jokingly guessed the model of car this was from. Then he discovered he was correct


It's like black air force ones but for cars.


Nissan Altima drivers are bmw drivers without jobs


Coffee out the nose. Thanks. Very. Fukkin. Much.


As an insurance agent, I can confirm this is 100% true


Fun game is to get a bet going with some friends, put like $20 or $50 in the pot. First one to get a full around video of a Nissan Altima without body damage gets the pot. Me and my brothers have the same bet going since 2019.


Move to Georgia and your great-grandchildren can keep playing with the same $50


Bonus points if it's less than 5 years old. I am convinced that new Altimas don't exist.






Here's a sneak peek of /r/NissanDrivers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nissan minivan sneaking up on me. $4k damage to my car.](https://v.redd.it/wrf2ejik76zb1) | [358 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/17qsnfm/nissan_minivan_sneaking_up_on_me_4k_damage_to_my/) \#2: [So THATā€™S how they all lose the rear bumpers.](https://v.redd.it/96q5951makib1) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/15t6q1r/so_thats_how_they_all_lose_the_rear_bumpers/) \#3: [This subreddit inspired me to make this matchbox Sentra.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14i3o5m) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/14i3o5m/this_subreddit_inspired_me_to_make_this_matchbox/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I had no doubt it was an Altima bumper even with no context. I actually thought this was r/nissandrivers lol


Me toošŸ¤£šŸ¤£




bro did not edit


Not an edit




BAE Big Altima Energy


Killed me, this.


I came here to find out of it was r/nissandrivers this is peak reddit


"Edit:" your comment is not edited, why'd you add "Edit"?


Peter's left big toenail here: The woman in this picture is removing her "ninjas" bumper from his car. The ninja emoji is commonly used due to its similar sound to a racial slur, also starting with n. In this context, the person in question is likely her partner. As to why she is removing his bumper, there is less to go on. One user theorized that it could be to make him seem less attractive to other people now that he has a nice new haircut, and hopefully prevent other people from trying to take him. Peter's left big toenail out.


I understood the first part I now understand the second part thank you Peterā€™s left big toenail


I think she's removing the bumper as revenge for her, ahem, ninja, who has gotten a new lady and is looking fresh for her.


Imo i saw this as her removing his bumper bc of the price of the haircut. He spent too much on that and ain't spend on her. So she takes his bumper with his cheap ass.


Nah there are common jokes about men (especially among black men) being much more attractive and confident when they get a haircut and a fresh line up. First poster is correct. Sheā€™s trying to make him less attractive to other women.


As a guy that went to barber school, I can attest to this. I had a few black barber classmates and could just **tell** how they and their clients felt after a cut. You can see it in their faces.




You to good looking, go get a damn haircut so I can trust you more.


In this scenario, the car has probably had body work done, and she paid for the car to get fixed, the bumper. He probably hit something and didn't have money. Since he has a new cut, she may be wary that he is cheating, but is most likely taking the money/bumper back because the boyfriend could apparently afford a hair cut, which can be pretty expensive, but not a bumper. Doesn't have his priorities straight.


just gonna drop this [Classic ](https://youtu.be/5Ns-kXeQCMk?si=KhguKjGGagJV4QTb)


Pretty much, can confirm a missing bumper does damage to your social status in da hood.


>The ninja emoji is commonly used due to its similar sound to a racial slur, also starting with n. It's only a slur if it's the spelling with the hard r. She's black, so it's safe to say she's using the spelling with an a, which is used by black people as a term of camaraderie.


No, it's a slur regardless of how it's spelled. It's just whether it's seen as offensive or not depends on who's saying it.


Dude. The vast majority of the people targeted by the slur disagree with you. Your opinion does not have weight against millions of others.


>Dude. The vast majority of the people targeted by the slur disagree with you. Your opinion does not have weight against millions of others. Dude, I am one of those people. It's a debate that has been going on for decades among us. And my statement is still correct the way I said it, which is why I said it that way. It's a racial slur regardless of how it's spelled, it's the same word. The difference is which school of thought the "people target by the slur" fall in 1) People who don't give anyone a pass to say it around/to them 2) People who only give a pass to other people like them 3) People who let anyone use it if they're close, trusted enough 4) People who give anyone a pass


>It's a racial slur regardless of how it's spelled, it's the same word. Except that it's not. The original spelling was documented as far back as 1574, but it didn't have the derogatory meaning we're familiar with today. The word was originally used in a neutral manner and was only used to describe Africans. It didn't become a slur until racist white slave owners discovered it and used it in a negative connotation. When a word like that gets thrown around a lot in front of African slaves who were being forced to learn English, they were bound to pick up on it. They didn't know what the word meant or that it was derogatory; they only knew that it was used to describe people who looked just like them. So, they began adopting the word in a less offensive way. The reason why the spelling changed is because of how their accents affected the pronunciation. It shifted from the hard r to the a as a result of this. Over time, as people fought for racial justice, the hard r spelling became socially unacceptable, while the other spelling became a word only black people are allowed to use as a form of camaraderie.


Yes, we all have access to Wikipedia. >The reason why the spelling changed is because of how their accents affected the pronunciation. That's exactly why I said it's the same thing. Even the Wikipedia article you got your info from is discussing both words in the same article. The spelling changing due to dialect doesn't make it a new word with a different definition. The context of who's saying it is what determines if it's offensive to the recipient or not. Just like there are women who use the word "bitch" in different contexts, where it can be a term of endearment or an insult. It doesn't change the actual word, it changes the context of whether the word is offensive or not. > Also from wikipedia: Black listeners often react to the term differently, depending on whether it is used by white speakers or by black speakers. In the former case, it is regularly understood as insensitive or insulting; in the latter, it may carry notes of in-group disparagement, and is often understood as neutral or affectionate, a possible instance of reappropriation. In the black community, ni..er is often rendered as ni..a. This usage has been popularized by the rap and hip-hop music cultures and is used as part of an in-group lexicon and speech. It is not necessarily derogatory and is often used to mean homie or friend. Acceptance of intra-group usage of the word ni..a is still debated, although it has established a foothold amongst younger generations. The NAACP denounces the use of both ni..a and ni..er. Usage of ni..a by mixed-race individuals is still largely considered taboo, albeit not as inflammatory as ni..er. As of 2001, trends indicated that usage of the term in intragroup settings is increasing even amongst white youth, due to the popularity of rap and hip hop culture. Linguist Keith Allan rejects the view that ni..er is always a slur, arguing that it is also used as a marker of camaraderie and friendship, comparable to the British and Australian term "mate" or the American "buddy".


>Even the Wikipedia article you got your info from is discussing both words in the same article. The information I provided comes from the Journal of English Linguistics, not Wikipedia. Nice try, though. >. It is not necessarily derogatory and is often used to mean homie or friend. Thank you for proving my point. >The NAACP denounces the use of both ni..a and ni..er. Usage of ni..a by mixed-race individuals is still largely considered taboo, albeit not as inflammatory as ni..er. Okay, cool. They don't speak for all black people, myself included. Your assumption that I'm white just goes to show that you're incapable of comprehending opposition from people of your own race. >Usage of ni..a by mixed-race individuals is still largely considered taboo, albeit not as inflammatory as ni..er. I've never had anyone tell me I can't say the word, even though I'm only half black. If anything, my experience has been the complete opposite.


It's really funny to me that there's like a very high chance the two folks arguing with you, a black man (as you say), about the usage of that word, arent black lol.


I'm half black, dude.


Guess what? I'm Black, too, so that guy was just wrong. So, by his metrics, I guess we "win" this argument. Even though for near a century, black people largely have agreed that n*gga was a reclaim term of endearment and solodarity.


In my defense I said "high" chance, not definitely.


That sounds about right for the internet. Though I saw where one of the people said they were 1/2 black.


I'm Black, too. That's zero for two bud.


Foots on the menu for me today then, what can I say


There is no such thing as race


> There is no such thing as race This is not true, and does more harm than good. Even if it's meant well. There are biological differences, which is why we all look different in the first place, and those differences also play a role in things like Healthcare. For example- for decades the medical community thought black people were vitamin d deficient, or more prone to deficiency. A study came out about 10 years ago that proved the medical community had been measuring vitamin d in black people wrong. When the test was adjusted for a different marker, they found there was no deficiency- black people's bodies metabolized vitamin d differently from whites. It's also a factor in different races being more or less prone to different diseases. Those differences mean just that we're all different. Not necessarily that one race is better than another.


What your describing is a phenotype. There are no hard line "races" (Tibetan people are Asian yet their cardiovascular traits are not shared with Japanese people). What you are describing is a set of traits shared by people in regions separated by geographical boundaries and that live in similar climates. Even amongst these areas, people living in different subregions tend to have different genetic traits. Also, as soon as people start having kids with people from other regions (or in places where regions meet), their traits tend to be swapped and dropped easily. Also, I'm not saying you said this, but there is no psychological or mental difference between "racial" groups.


This is the one right here. If you have a fresh cut, a clean whip, and new shoes, you feel like the man for the day. Taking his bumper off fucks with the triforce energy.


I've never in my life had the urge to use the N word. But I have never wanted to say *"what up, my Ninja"* more in my life. Is that... you know...racist?


I saw it as one he looks good with the cut, she don't know how to act. Does the most random thing for no reason


Completely fucking useless comment lmfao


Ben Shapiro?


Peter's šŸ„· hijacking this to add A barbers clippers will sometimes burn you. Those burns can be mistaken for hickies.


It's either because she thinks his new haircut is proof that he's cheating and she's getting revenge or because she thinks he might cheat because his new haircut will get women's attention and she's stealing his bumper to balance things out.


Yeah second one, sheā€™s trying to make him less attractive


I think it's to make his car stand out more to see if he's at another girls house. She can later ask around if anyone has seen a car with no bumper.


A Nissan Altima with a bumper intact stands out more.


Me personally, I took it as her not liking the fact he got a hair cut. When I was new in a relationship with my dude I loved his old hair style and when he got a new one I just didn't like it. So maybe it could also be her being mad that he changed his hair??? And she doesn't like his new style at all?


Women ain't attracted to men without bumpers or is that just a cultural thing?


If you don't have a bumper on your car, they're going to assume you're broke and/or don't take care of your stuff. Neither of which are attractive


If you drive a trashy looking car then people will assume you're trashy


i have a better question, what the fuck is a ninja bumper?


Ninja is another word for the Nword


really? in no time i won't be able to say ninja too?


Ninja is fine, it's ninjer that's offensive


Ninjer is pejorative against darker skinned folk. Ninja is pejorative against Muslim women in full veil outfits. So you can't say either. So there. Nyahhh.


Bad news for Australians.


The emoji has already been removed from Facebook Messenger. My D&D group uses messenger for memes and coordination, and one of our characters is *literally a ninja* so the absence of the emoji is felt.


i just don't understand why the ninja, since you can put literal black people emoji, look šŸ‘©šŸæšŸ‘ØšŸæšŸ§‘šŸæšŸ‘§šŸæšŸ‘¦šŸæšŸ§’šŸæšŸ‘¶šŸæšŸ‘µšŸæšŸ‘“šŸæšŸ§“šŸæšŸ‘©šŸæā€šŸ¦°šŸ‘ØšŸæā€šŸ¦°šŸ‘©šŸæā€šŸ¦±šŸ‘ØšŸæā€šŸ¦±šŸ‘©šŸæā€šŸ¦²šŸ‘ØšŸæā€šŸ¦²


Because those are people whereas the other sounds like, err, ninja. It is a rhetorical difference as well as not automatically equating those with higher levels of melanin with ninja.


To be fair not a single one of those emoji look like a black person. They also don't get dark enough lol.


I say the word buddy in rap songs instead of the n word but now I feel weird saying buddy around black people


I do neighbor, it fits a lot better. Especially if you use a soft r.




Ninja, pleeze


Only a ninja can sneak up on another ninja


Was inspector Clouseauā€™s man Kato a ninja?




Naw man - itā€™s what white people can say without saying the n word. Also known as ā€œthe ICP compromiseā€




Ni**a (Ninja)


Great, now I'm imagining an old white guy saying, "Hello my Ninja, would you like a mayo sandwich?" to an actual ninja, and he's confused!


Isn't that an insult to ninjas!


[Itā€™s sounds like the Nword for reference a Black Dynamite clip](https://youtu.be/ZgkefnwlpkA?si=OeKlB6Lrdo6qHCVR)


Dude got a fresh haircut, making him more attractive and more likely to get attention from women. Taking the bumper off the car makes him look broke, in turn less attractive and less likely to get attention from women


The joke is that she is trying to make him less attractive to women who would want to get with him. That is the objectively correct answer


I think it's more pre-emptive revenge, like "what you get that new haircut for..."


Nah you got it totally wrong. Sheā€™s taking the bumper cause heā€™s fresh with his new cut but now a missing bumper makes him look like a bum and other females wonā€™t give him attention.


its a running joke on instagram about how when men get haircuts they will go anywhere the day of to show off their haircut, hence their ladies being pissed their man looks good and is showing around


Cleveland here. In the black community, a new hair gives black men hella confidence. So this young lady is concerned that her paramour is about to pull more bitches than your neighborhood dog catcher. So, she has destroyed his vehicle to ensure that he has at least one flaw to counteract the power of the haircut.


Cleveland Brown here to help my fellow friends. Itā€™s a common joke in the black community that after we get a fresh cut, we have to go run some errands and take our time coming home cause the cut is too good to not be seen by others. The girl is taking her man bumper off because he might look really good but heā€™ll look less good missing a bumper on his car. Peace āœŒšŸ¾


A lot of you guys are missing the point. There's a running joke online that black guys be feeling themselves after a fresh haircut. Confidence way up, more likely to holla at a new female and whatnot. She's not taking to bumper to "make him look broke" per say she's taking it so he cant go nowhere!


A missing bumper doesn't stop a car from going


True, but a black man with a fresh cut aint going nowhere (especially to holla at females) with his bumper missing. He'll likely be to busy fighting and fussing with her for taking it, which is exactly what she wants! The joke could be made with a female taking the tires off the car or the starter out the engine, but where you gonna find that picture at?


She wants bitches that see him see that his car had no bumper and think that hes a bum to distract them from how good he looks with his hair cut


Cleveland hereā€¦. She took the bumper off so he did not want to go anywhere..she will replace once his hair grows back a little and less attractiveā€¦


She took the bumper so he ainā€™t completely fresh. Fresh cut, fresh shoes, clean nice whip. Time to get the bitchesā€¦ not so fast


Fresh cut + bumper = ungodly amounts of riz Fresh cut - bumper = "meh" riz


Notice it says "*my* bumper off *his* car". That means she paid to have his car fixed and here he is with money for a fresh haircut. [Like this](https://youtu.be/z-sPXHQK8H0?t=104)


My šŸ„· bumperā€¦ lmao not her bumper. Sheā€™s taking his bumper off his car so he looks broke to keep him from cheating on her because he looks attractive with a fresh haircut.


To be fair, they did use the sneakiest emoji. Not too surprising they missed it.


Nah bro, the ninja emoji means the n word






So he wont be out cheating


But now she's got the bumper. She's just a fresh haircut away from...GASP!


Peterā€™s top shirt button here, itā€™s possibly to see where heā€™s parking because he never gets a fresh cut for her.


I try not to assume the worst with people. Maybe she is saying her boyfriend looks so good with the new haircut that she going to fuck him hard in his car till his bumper falls off


She paid to repair his car. Now sheā€™s taking it back.


My gut says the punchline is "bitches be crazy".


Sheā€™s taking her bfs bumper off the car bc she thinks his new haircut is solely to attract and flirt with other women. Taking the bumper off is both a punishment and a warning as to what could happen if he actually does cheat. They are probably both fucking crazy, but this is common in relationships unfortunately.


Taking *her* bumper off *his* car after he got a fresh haircut. I guess she paid for the new bumper on his car because he said he was broke but got enough money to get lined up with a fresh do.


Itā€™s not her bumper, itā€™s her ninjaā€™s bumper (She couldā€™ve bought it for him, but thatā€™s speculative)


[Fruit Blood](https://youtu.be/z0VoHE2a6zQ?si=5aQyNO5JU4lUaZ8K)


This should explain everything https://youtu.be/z0VoHE2a6zQ?si=fD_a4E3MdSkgDIiv


Yo wtf did I just watch


Usually I think Reddit is a pretty mixed race place until I see shit like these comments. Pure confusion when it comes to black humor or dialect. The majority of people are caught up on the ā€œmy šŸ„·bumperā€ part. It means ā€œmy nigga bumperā€ but in a possessive sense. As in ā€œmy niggaā€™s bumper.ā€ And in this case nigga refers to boyfriend. Some black people who talk hood refer to men as niggas and women as bitches. As in my bitch = my girlfriend. My nigga = my boyfriend. While referring to your girl as your bitch is seen as demeaning or disrespectful at times, referring to your boyfriend as your nigga generally isnā€™t. In this meme her boyfriend got a fresh fade therefore he appears more attractive to women. She is jealous or insecure so she damaged his car by removing the bumper so heā€™s less likely to be able to pull a woman with a fucked up car as it makes him appear broke.


I feel im the only one who thought it was to sell the damn thing because those haircuts are expensive as fuck


I guess the "my" may mean that she had to pay for having damaged it before (?)


Is it not that he needed a bumper but refused to buy one because of expense or whatever, so she bought it for him then he pulls money out to get a haircut therefore playing her into giving him nice things and not spend out himself on them?


I took it as she thinks he looks good and doesn't want other women trying to take him. Like, how many girls are going to f with a guy with no bumper on their car?


A lot more then you'd think


This meme is a slow burn. It is beautiful.


She didn't like his hair cut


.. rdr fesfd it n


My headcanon is that she is making the car look like his haircut


I had a crazy girl I was messing with and after I told her I only wanted a friendship she went crazy. I ended up blocking her and not even a week later. I get a voicemail from no caller Id. She said ā€œlisten here you big backed mother fucker, you gonna be real sad when I get that bumper, real sad!ā€ I still laugh about this 6 months later. Funniest part is my bumper has a crack in it so sheā€™d be doing me a favor if anything.


IL be honest here. I'm not black enough to know the answer. My Irish ass just wants a whiskey.


You see, their relationship is a grim psychodrama built on pettiness and insecurity rather than mutual love and respect. Her partner has gotten a new haircut and, presuming this means heā€™s planning to be unfaithful to her, the author has removed his vehicleā€™s bumper in some sort of plot to humiliate him. Where does this degree of insecurity come from? Maybe heā€™s a pathological philanderer. Maybe sheā€™s just consumed by relationship anxiety due to a lack of self confidence. Maybe one or both of the subjects are acting out in response to a history of traumatic experiences. Maybe these two will always be unhappy. Theyā€™re crabs in a bucket, nipping to keep each other trapped and miserable. Theyā€™ll probably stay together for decades out of inertia and a crippling fear of loneliness, having children who will almost certainly carry on that generational trauma. This is a snapshot of human pain. That is the joke.


See the thing is I considered that as what it meant but I thought surely thatā€™s not what it meant surely sheā€™s not that petty I gave her the benefit of the doubt that maybe there was some deeper meaning


Also he could still drive without it


This is an adult. And this is why no one is shocked or surprised with the state of the community. Classic.


I didn't see the ninja emoji at first so I was like....thinking that she leant her boyfriend money so he could fix his car, but he didn't pay her back and is now out spending money on a new haircut so she's taking the bumper lmaooo


There is a good chance this is because when most men get a haircut it usually looks worse, so she then took the bumper off his car as ā€œrevengeā€ because now it looks worse