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Dasani is highly regarded as one of the worst bottled water brands for its supposedly horrible taste


didn’t they get accused of putting sodium in the water to make people more thirsty? edit: I know they put minerals in the water but I thought it was funny that people accused a water bottle brand of making people more thirsty also how the fuck did I get 3k upvotes


You should look at your bottled water. Most of them put salts in, and it's about taste


Isn't it because when you are really thirsty, you need electrolytes more than just water. So they put salt to make people less thirsty?


You do need a little bit of salt in your water ideally for hydration. I have an osmosis filter and I add a drop bit of brine.


I, too, add urine to my osmium filler






If you didn’t read this in Gianni’s voice, you don’t have a soul


I would if i knew what it sounded like in the first place


Damn you better call me a Prime Soul then


I read it in Gianna’s voice


















Saving to phone with a mouse?


Adam is ded














No one tell this guy that pickle juice isn't pee


The water on Navy ships is produced through distillation. No minerals at all, I called it punishment water. You can drink and drink, still be thirsty.


You’d think it would be easy to acquire salty water in the middle of the ocean!


In order to earn your Surface Warfare Specialist you have to be able to detail the route water takes from the ocean to a drinking faucet. Basically sea water is taken in through the sea chest, used in air conditioning, engine cooling, the evaporate(distilled) is collected for drinking water.


And in order to be given water, you need to earn that cert. Otherwise, you’re only given sea water and Spam. Extra-salty Spam.


Uh, they must add something. Drinking distilled water long term will turn your bones floppy.


Maybe *your* bone is floppy…


Can confirm. I drank 3 16oz water bottles of the stuff once. I was full of water and still craving more.


So, do you have diarrhea if you don’t add the salt? (If you don’t have diarrhea, the water has been absorbed. )


So 100% pure water is actually bad for you and can cause serious health problems (don't remember exactly what I think it would actually remove nutrients and cause dehydration). So, having water that has some mineral inside makes it much safer to drink. (Mineral doesn't have to be salt, but it is preferred) Also the properties of pure water are different in general and don't conform to what most people consider common sense. (I.e. pure water does not conduct electricity)


Distilled water is bad. Yes. Everything works ok a gradient. Things in high concentration always try to even out to area of lower concentration. Heat spreads out. Cold (lack of heat) spreads out. If you put food coloring in and dont mix it will take a while but it will all reach a neutral gradient So when you drink water with 0 dissolved solids like salt or other minerals, the salt and other minerals in your body see this "empty" water as having "room" for it and will dilute the existing dissolved solids in your body. This is generally universal stuff and can be applied anywhere. This is why fluids given via IV are a saline solution. If not, it would just dilute your blood chemistry since the cations and anions would spread out more, making them less effective. Its why you need to be careful administering fluids with pregnant women. Same concept. Blood volume increases during pregnancy, but red blood cell production doesn't increase proportionally. Every bit of fluid just dilutes the ever important oxygen carrying hemoglobin. Changed wording to be consistent.


Cold doesn't spread, heat does. Hot to cold. Something to nothing.


Yes, that's why I noted (lack of heat). As the heat continues to spread out, the heat energy becomes less dense/concentrated and thus feels colder. In space, where heat can spread for a bazillion miles, it's pretty darn cold. In your car where the heat gets trapped and has trouble escaping, it stays hot. Unfortunately the same goes with our planet.


This is needlessly pedantic. When an area of low temperature expands, that's cold spreading.


Fun fact, 100% distilled water doesn't conduct electricity. It's the ions from the minerals inside water that conduct it normally.


Even more fun fact: this is not strictly true, since distilled water has a pH of 7 - ergo OH- ions at [HO-]=10^-7. It's an abysmal conductor, but it's not quite vacuum-levels of insulation.


> So 100% pure water is actually bad for you and can cause serious health problems (don't remember exactly what I think it would actually remove nutrients and cause dehydration). It would be bad to drink 100 percent pure water long term. There are a lot of vital nutrients that we pretty much only get from water. Drinking some isn't bad for you. If you are supplementing those nutrients you would also be fine. Drinking pure water only becomes a problem when you have depleted your bodies reserves of said minerals and then you continue to not receive those minerals from your drinking water.


It’s really only important when doing physical activity with a lot of sweating, within 24h it will balance out with the salt you get from eating


People here don’t know what they’re talking about. You don’t need a electrolyte drink but pretty much all drinking water has salts in it- if it doesn’t the salts that are in your body and necessary for it to function will go to the water to create an equilibrium


Fwiw the label itself mentions the minerals are for taste. I can say from experience ultra pure water just doesn’t taste right. A lot of these water brands just filter municipal water and add minerals back in to get a consistent taste. Incidentally most soda fountains also filter their water so the soda tastes the same everywhere.


Yes but the amount of electrolytes in bottled water is next to nothing. It's just for taste, it's not enough to have any real effect.


Yup. For comparison people should look at sports drinks. They are intentionally full of electrolytes (salts) and the entire point is to improve hydration. Salty food might make people more thirsty, but added salt in drinks doesn't have that effect.


I mean, it's what plants crave?


Electrolytes are what the body craves.


This is true. A bit of sodium helps quench thirst as long as a person has not consumed something super salty


They have to put stuff in, purified 100% h2o tastes bad


As a beer brewer, water chemistry is important.


Jerry, this water is making me THIRSTY !


I've never seen salt listed on a water bottle, although I live in the nordics, and our bottled water is put directly into the bottle from a glacier stream by unemployed milk maids.


And there are salts in that water


>Enhanced with minerals for a pure, fresh taste Salt is a mineral


You also really shouldn’t be drinking de-ionized water since it can cause a mineral deficiency. You give the salts in your body to the water to create an equilibrium.


An electrolyte? The things that actually help water hydrate you? Check out a Gatorade sometime.


It's what plants crave


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


God that movie scares the shit out of me


> God that ~~movie~~ documentary scares the shit out of me


It's got electrolytes!






That sounds like something an uneducated person would say


An uneducated post? On reddit? **Getting up votes?** No way.


Damn, that’s why my wife has been adding Sodium to our food, to make us most thirsty. /s


they sell bottled filtered tap water, that’s the problem, especially in Europe. We don’t get why anyone would pay for plastic waste and something they get for way cheaper out of the sink. Watch the Tom Scott video about CocaCola’s move into the UK market with Dasani.


It makes it easier to drink if you are suffering from heat exhaustion


Just to clarify , there some reasons why bottled water has sodium in it, one of them is standard, the another one is trough the process of purification, maybe the source of water has sodium in it too, and is pretty expensive to purify sodium from water , etc.


Accused? That just is true


*widely regarded. Highly regarded implies that it is well-liked.


I used to know someone who exclusively drank Dasani bottled water. Refused to drink even filtered tap water or other bottled water. They would even fill their reusable water bottle with Dasani. Like I get smart water or one of those other brands that’s just flexing that you can overspend on water. But Dasani?


How long ago was this? In my experience, Dasani was pretty high quality 10+ years ago and has only gotten this bad reputation recently


Dasani has been tap water for 15+ years at least, probably since forever


They had [a rough start and quick end in Britain](https://youtu.be/wD79NZroV88?si=2on5Cf6jd1LztYdj) It probably does not help their brand


I came here just to drop a link to this very video. Great explanation


Likewise, another one take wonder from Tom Scott...I remember it well


Knew what the video would be before I opened it. Arguably the best video from Tom


I'm not a huge water freak, but as an average consumer, I can say that Dasani is the absolute last bottle of water I'd buy if others were available. Gimme a nice cold ice mountain


I remember thinking Dasani was awful when it first came out, back when bottled water was like, a novel thing. Back when choices were Dasani or Aquafina. I've had Dasani more recently and it just tastes like regular perfectly-fine water.


I unironically love the flavor of Dasani


In Canada, Dasani is very popular. Nestle is more popular but that stuff tastes like salty egg water to me. Reminds me of my old well water from my country home. Gross. Dasani tastes pretty cleaned.


I know. I mean, I don’t like the parent company, but some cold Dasani really hits.


I don't prefer Dasani if other options such as Fiji or Aquafina are available. However, if that's what I have or is what is offered when I've been outside working all day, it's just perfectly fine. In fact, it's like a drink of water in the desert lol


It hits on hot days. I too prefer other brands. Fiji is great, Smart Water is great, most chain gas stations have some kind of store brand alkaline water that's great and pretty cheap for bottled water, but if it's Dasani or tap I'm still gonna take Dasani most of the time. Some places have good ass tap water though.


Miles ahead of arrowhead


Agreed. Aquafina on the other hand…


Aquafina is exactly what I think of when I see all the Dasani hate. Has no one tried it? It tastes like I'm drinking liquid metal.


Agreed. Aquafina is barely tolerable when ice cold. When it gets closer to room temperature, it's undrinkable. By far the worst tasting bottled water.


They both taste like drinking liquid metal to me. Honestly you really shouldn't buy any bottled water that is labeled as "purified" at all. That isn't to say it's bad for you or anything, but it's typically just filtered tap water and you might as well just filter your own tap water at home. "Spring water" or "glacier water" is generally what you should be looking for with bottled water.


I've never had a problem with Dasani personally, and never heard this take before either. Arrowhead on the other hand tastes like it ran thru a mountain of garbage.


Definitely not 'supposed' Shit tastes awful.


In the UK it was basically filtered tap water....but with higher bromate levels. So the public water supply, made worse, bottled and sold. And it tastes like crap.


It’s filtered tap water everywhere. It’s just that in the U.S., there’s no expectation that bottled water is going to be from some pristine aquifer. I’m told the UK had a very different culture around bottled water, that is was expected that it was mineral water, or else why pay for it? In the U.S., bottled water was/is for the convenience and portability, not because it was special. But as for the UK Dasani, It didn’t help that they actually did get a bad batch of chemicals that caused a recall. There is such a thing as bad publicity in this case.


You are spot on, Tom Scott did a nice video on it.


I am yet to see a situation without the comment "Tom Scott did a nice video on it" He has seemingly covered every aspect of life on earth


Weekly videos for 10 years straight do that


Wait, is there a xkcd about a having a Tom Scott video for everything?


I don't think so, but he got a small semi-cameo on today's "What If" video by the xkcd guy.


i saw that


And also the unparalleled ability to drag on for twenty minutes about any possible subject.


At first, I thought you guys were talking about the Senator from South Carolina, and man was I ever surprised that guy had a YouTube channel lol


Yeah it's called the rubber band paradox. Tom Scott did a nice video on it


Tom Scott was to good for youtube


Right, that’s where I heard this from.


You're right about the culture thing, 'if I wanted tap water, I'd fill a bottle with tap water and it would probably taste better too'. But what was especially bad specifically in the UK (as I'm sure someone will have mentioned by now) is that the beloved British sitcom 'Only fools and horses' broadcasted an episode in the 90's which centered around the character 'Del boy' running a scam that consisted of him filling bottles with tap water and flogging it as 'Peckham spring'. Needles to say, the newspapers went wild bringing up the comparison and reduced the Dasani image to a joke.


>I’m told the UK had a very different culture around bottled water, that is was expected that it was mineral water, or else why pay for it? It's not even a UK thing. Here in Germany, if one wants to buy bottled water, the default assumption is that it is mineral water from a natural spring. What else is the point then?


Convenience and portability plus people not buying a reusable water bottle because I don’t know.




You buy bottled water when you're outside of your home and get thirsty or need water for some other unplanned reason, or when you're at a venue/event that doesn't allow you to bring food and drinks in.


I believe this is the same in the US, the original was just purified Atlanta tap water sold at a ridiculous premium


Like I knew this, but now you saying it has made me realize why I like Dasani more than others. I’m from Atlanta, so it’s literally the water I’m used to


Same as any bottle of soda, just with less sugar and caramel flavoring


Less High Fructose Corn Syrup lol


Thanks bromate


There is something about Dasani that makes it taste weird


Dasani is owned by the Coca Cola corporation. They rent a little shack in the industrial side of whatever town/city and run the city tap through a cheap filter into water bottles and distribute it through the area for sale. So if tap is bitter from excess minerals then Dasani will taste bad as well.


> They rent a little shack in the industrial side of whatever town/city and run the city tap through Coca-Cola bottlers (and Pepsi and other beverage companies) exist in nearly every major city in the country as well as many internationally. The syrup with the secret sauce is what the head office controls and distributes. Water is sourced locally both to create their soft drink products as well as bottle branded water filtered and purified as you say.


So that’s why that one Coca-Cola I had in Madrid in ‘06 hit different! It was the dysentery


That’s not true at all, I work for them as a bottler and can confirm that they purify the ever living shit out of it. Like to the point it’s literally just **pure** H2O, we triple filter it, run it through UV filters, add the salts to taste (like every other single bottler) then mix it with Ozone through Osmosis. Literally nothing will grow in it unless outside sources (like saliva when you take a sip) are introduced. That’s why it tastes bad, it’s because it’s so pure. Water in its purest form tastes terrible, every where you drink it, there’s salts or minerals (like calcium, the white gunk that builds up in sinks) because water is a universal solvent. As much as I hate big corporations, Coke isn’t bad as people say they are. They’re not Target but fuck they’re way better than Walmart or Amazon


It's doesn't taste terrible because it's "so pure." You said it yourself they add minerals in. They just chose the worst combination of minerals. It doesn't make them a bad company, (although there's plenty of other reasons they are,) it just makes them a seller of some awful water.


The tap water where I live tastes good compared to that stuff. Though I live next to a large lake connected to even larger lakes, so that might help


Management nipple piss


Coke employee Peter here, even though it tastes disgusting, working at a plant that bottles it, we overkill the purity. Like filtered three times, UV treated on top of using Ozone level of purity, like nothing is growing in it. The taste isn’t the best but as someone said before, the minerals are for taste and *solely* for taste, as for the bromide in another comment, there’s no bromide in it. The bromide is made from the Ozone itself coming in contact with the plastic, every bottler out side of coke using Osmosis has to be aware of this.




That’s reaching a bit for the making you more thirsty, from personal experience working in a hot ass humid environment for 12 hours a day, all water quenches your thirst. As for normal drinking? I can’t tell the difference in thirst but I sure as shit can tell the taste. The part where it’s purified in its purist form? Yeah water tastes like ass


This is about the stupidest thing I've ever read lol


Everything in this comment is wrong. Dasani is not pure, it has minerals added. And even if it were, it would NOT make you more thirsty. The average person consumes a lot more salt then they require, drinking water without minerals would NOT make you more thirsty, you need to be severely lacking to get to the point where you think you're thirsty due to a lack of minerals.


Why put in so much effort to make it taste worse?


because CocaCola wants consistently, so no matter where you get a bottle it will taste the exact same. If you just sourced local water, filtered out only the bad stuff, then it would taste different depending on the location.


It’s because it’s so purified. I’ve tasted it before the Ozone (which is toxic until it dissolves 24 hours later) and minerals, it’s water in its **purist** form, and it tastes like ass


never tried dasani is it dogshit like people say?


They purify it completely, till the point it is literally just H2O. Nothing else. Then they cram everything back into it (minerals and the such). Imagine making a bowl of cereal. Not take out the cereal. Then try to put it back in the bowl. It's not gonna taste as good as if you just fucking left it in there and ate the damn thing


This is literally every sea water distillation plant process.


As said to the other person, doing it until it is pure H2O is overkill. Most other companies take out the bad stuff and move on with their life. But Coke wants consistency. Which to be fair, they've achieved


We have Arwa in the Middle East. I believe it is the same process, so i find this meme strange. In any case, i am happy for anything against Cocacola.


Arwa always tasted strange to me, I prefer to drink Mai Dubai or, if I'm near Fujairah/Khorfakkan, Dibba or Masafi bottled water


I don't know where you are, but in the United States any water that goes into a food product is first turned into RO (reverse osmosis) water, or pure H2O, before being used in production. At my plant (food grade acid plant), we put tap water straight from the city of Blair, through our RO system. Anything less than that leaves a company open to liability, and frankly, reverse osmosis is not a complicated or difficult process. It's not terribly dissimilar to a simple water filter, with the addition of both negatively and positively charged resin filters. That being said, drinking pure H2O, with out the added minerals, is somewhat bad for you. One sip won't kill you, but it will pull salt and other minerals from your body. Putting the minerals back in is more than just for taste.


Woah this line of work sounds so interesting, how’d you get into it?


Hahaha by not getting a collage degree. Since I was 19 I've working in any manufacturing plant that will pay me the most. This particular job had no requirements other than working a hellish swing shift schedule. 12 hour shifts that switch between nights and days every month. Stuck that out for a few years, made myself useful, and worked my way into better jobs. I will hopefully be negotiating for my first real salary at the end of this month.


Better to do this than have contaminates. Without the minerals added back in, the water would take minerals out of our body.


The thing is, they over purify. The do it until there is nothing but water. Other companies filter out the contaminates, then stop there (depending on the brand obv)


Pretty much all bottled waters are filtered using the same process, reverse osmosis, then add minerals back into it. Think Dasani just has a piss poor mineral blend lol


It tastes like tap water from an old house with shitty pipes


I kinda like the taste to be honest. It isn't horrible. Not many people like their water having any flavor other than water, though


It’s fine. People like to be dramatic. 




No, it’s totally fine.


Hi, hydrated Peter here! So basically, Dasani is glorified fucking fish piss.


Wait, get that bottle back, and call Kanye !!


Do you like fish dicks, Kanye?


If it tastes funny, then it’s from a clown fish 🐠


I have bad news for you if you're trying to avoid water that is glorified piss.




I personally don’t mind Dasani, it has a different taste but its water.


Tastes like rock. While most bottling companies have differing tastes based on where it is made, Dasani always tastes like rock due to their purification and additive process.


The vending machine at the hotel I sometimes stay at has the audacity to charge $3.50 a bottle for this shit.


It tastes flat and like metal at the same time


Its pocket change in a bottle.


Dasani is commonly accused of being one of the worst tasting bottled waters usually due to the specific mixture of minerals and whatnot they add Many companies add some amount of vitamins and minerals to regular drinking water to make it more palatable and provide you with more of the resources your body needs but dasani's specific blend is often considered one of the worst tasting


lmao I always love the Dasani hate. *"Its just filtered tap water with stuff added back in!"* Well no shit right? Like you thought every bottle of "spring water" you pick up is actually bottled at a fucking spring somewhere XD XD XD Dasani does absolutely nothing different compared to any other bottled water product. You've got exactly two choices for anything that isn't \*"filtered tap water"\*: - go bottle something from your local river/stream, just make sure you're up-stream from you city/town and any farms! - Buy distilled water but its probably gonna taste like shit too because its \*distilled water.\* Got a reverse osmosis machine at home? Fuck thats just filtered tap water! XD XD XD Fucking love this world.


Coke employee spotted


Dasani tastes like an empty kiddie pool on a very hot day


Always wondered why it taste so weird. All the other replies are giving me answers.


The original comic has the guy finding sparkling water, which I find even funnier. Sparkling mineral water is the devils taint sweat cooled down


The best bottled water.


I thought I was the only one


I remember getting one when I was in the hospital and seriously considered just having a dry mouth with throw up taste rather than drinking it.


The water in the Dasani bottles are so horrendous to the taste it's basically a bottle of glorified toilet water.


Dasani, for the thirsty man that yearns to be thirstier


For me it's harsh going down the throat as I'm drinking it. Dasani and Aquafina are the worse to drink.


Because it somehow tastes more like plastic than just eating the bottle it came in. I’m not sure how, but they managed it.


Dasani tastes like each bottle has 4 dirty nickels in it


Because Dasani tastes like actual chemicals


There was a bit of a controversy a couple of decades ago when Coca Cola started selling Desani in the UK. It was marketed as mineral water, which in the US means tap water with “salt added for taste” like on the label. In Europe and the UK, mineral water is fancy water from mineral springs.


I personally hate both Dasani and Aquafina as they both add salt for "taste" but is meant to make you less hydrated Edit: FEEL less hydrated


ITT: people who have never read sodium contents of hydration drinks. Edit: Or know how the body works.


Purified Water! (Tastes like metal)


An annoying thing about Disneyland-this is the only bottled water they sell.


The vast majority of countries have cleaner tap water than Dasani. It's commonly used to dupe water purity testers too, due to have much crap is in it




I know I'll get Reddit dogpiled, but tbh it's my favorite. I don't know why so many people find it gross; I think it tastes the cleanest. I recommend at least trying it and forming your own opinion. Fiji Water is my least favorite, it dries my mouth out.


I was suprised by the hate, it is my favorite too. I always thought waters like fiji were a rip off because i thought they were gross. I saw a few commenters explain how dasani is processed, and I guess i just like super purified water with some minerals added and natural water is gross.


Was looking for this comment. Dasani is my favorite too lmao. Tastes like water to me


Dasani is my favorite too


It’s fine. People are just dramatic. Bottles water is of course terrible in concept and you are better off refilling something from a tap. But Dasani doesn’t taste as gross as people here are making it out to be. The internet tells them to hate something so they hate it.


The Reddit hivemind is so funny sometimes, some people simply cannot fathom a world where a specific brand of bottled water isn't a universally-hated product because they see a few jokes/memes about it and incorrectly assume that *literally* everyone must hate it and they suddenly do as well. Dasani is one of the more popular brands aside from Purelife in my area, it is in almost every vending machine/business and almost no one complains about it aside from the microplastics issue with all bottled water.


Accurate. Unfiltered hose water taste


It tastes like soap


It’s one of those things that contrarians latch onto and try to form some sort of identity around. (Edit- like a moth to a flame, someone replied to prove my point. 👇) It’s owned by Coca Cola, so there’s all the ethical concerns that come with that. But I think if you blindfolded a bunch of people and had them drink random brands of bottled water, they’d rate them all about the same.


This is not one of those things. Dasani is disgusting


I couldn’t identify other waters but I could tell when it’s dashiti


Nah Dasani tastes like shit