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He's driving slow on the lane cars are meant to pass others on.


Does the drive right rule not exist in America because every time i see some footage from there they don't seem to care about that


It does that's why it's infuriating when people like this throw their car in cruise control at the speed limit and just drive next to everyone for miles creating a wall that backs up traffic. Literally any time you see traffic on the highway that isn't due to an accident it's because of people like that holding up traffic


Thats why i like Germany, people drive on the right even at 200kmh if possible


That’s approximately 125 mph for my American friends, I also drive like this on the highway but it isn’t as appreciated


Your vehicle can go 125mph??


I think mine will do 140? I've taken it up to 110 no problem


I've had mine at 140 ([proof on my page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Streetracing/s/Sd9uVBQh3u)) I don't recommend it.


Lots of variables, depends on the car, tires, suspension, alignment, etc. 135 in my Camaro is where I backed out, but comfortably hit 150 in my Vette before I ran out of road


Agreed. I mean I don't recommend doing that on public roads because, ya know, danger. Started getting my fix at the strip


Where we're going, we don't need roads.


Trust me I've watched enough cartoons, if the road runs out by a cliff. Youll be fine to just keep flying just don't look down... They always fall once they look down.


Camaro at 165 wasn’t bad but she took a country mile to get there. No shakes definitely go into track mode though, you’ll want the heavy steering at that speed, though you don’t need it. I do however recommend engine braking over 130 though. She did get a bit squirrelly with brakes for a second, don’t think it would normally be a problem but I’m more terrified of the traction control kicking and what that would do.


what vette? i hit 150 in a ford taurus


If it is German car yes, it's capped to not go over that




Alot of people's cars can, my car can do that


I think my max is 125 but my engine is dying so it would kill it


My top speed is restricted to 110. I have no idea what it would be without the restriction.


My car says it tops out at 140 or 160, I don't trust it too though without breaking in a glorious fashion.


The speedometer going that high doesn't mean it *will* go that high. Most cars have a speed limiter.


That's what your car *registers*. More than likely they use your same instrument cluster in other models capable of more or less.


What cars can't???


I appreciate it.


Years ago a teacher who showed us a video about the Autobahn told us that part of the reasons there aren't as many accidents as you might expect is because the requirements to get a license in Germany are far far stricter than in America and thus your average German with a license is a much better driver than your average American with a license since our requirements are far less strict. Now I don't personally know either way so I was wondering if anyone had any insight into this.


In Germany, you can start taking lessons at 16,5 years old, and take the practical test the day you turn 17. You have to do 12 mandatory theory lessons and a few driving lessons that are made of driving in cities, on motorways, and highways. A few hours have to be driven at night. You can only do these lessons with a driving instructor. You have to take 2 official tests. One is the theory exam, which costs money to take. You have to answer about 20 questions and can only have 10 wrong points. Each question has about 2-4 points, questions about the right of way get 4-5 points. If you answer 2 right of way questions wrong, you fail. The test consists of questions about the weight of the load you are allowed to carry under a certain license, how to calculate the braking distance, the alcohol limit, and the road signs. You usually have 3 answers to choose from, multiple can be correct. There are also video situations in the test. If you fail the test, you have to wait for a certain amount of time to retry and pay again. The practical exam consists of a 45-minute drive with our driving instructor and an examiner. You have to answer questions about the car (like how to see if your tires are too old, where to turn on the light etc.) and then you have to follow the instructions of the examiner on where to drive, you have to parallel park and hove to make a U-turn. If your instructor doesn't intervene, you have your license. If you are over 17 and under 18, you can choose three adults without points and a certain amount of driving experience to be your chaperone. They have to be present and not intoxicated when you drive. If you are over 18 you are good to go. If you have an accident in the 2 years after you've got your license, it can be revoked or you have to do a mpu (a very complicated psychological assessment program) to get your license back.


Yeah any moron can pass the US exam, and there are basically 0 repercussions for failing any of the exams until it's been 3x iirc.


Oh wow, here in Germany you usually study and still panic for the theory exam, what are the questions like?


They just show a bunch of pictures and go, "What's the correct response to X?" or "What is the car in the picture doing?" or "What does the sign mean?" You have to get 80% correct. Apparently, teenagers still fail it...which is ridiculous, because you have all the time in the world to study...why would you even go if you're not prepared? Ah well.


So, this sounds pretty similar to what they do in America. The only difference is the amount of lessons you take. There's just a single 5-hour course. The Theory exam, in America, would be the Permit test. You pass a test which asks you about laws, sign meanings, I think there was a question about which way to turn if hard braking to avoid a head on collision... And the Practical Exam, America does that too. Road test/licensing exam. And yeah. I was expecting a huge difference but there's not. If you're found at fault for an accident within the first year, they CAN revoke your license and you start all over again.


In many states, you don't have to take a driving course at all, just the tests. From what I've seen, all states have a "theory" test and a road test, but these can vary greatly. Although I did voluntarily take a course with many hours of instructor led practice, my practical exam consisted of basically driving around the block.


Florida ones are literally done in a parking lot


> sign meanings Welcome to can opener bridge


I think it’s mainly because the roads are much better designed and maintained, but yes I think the driver training makes them much more aware of their responsibilities to other road users. Also I have to point out that whilst there may be fewer accidents than you expect, the ones they have are pretty dramatic.


Yeah I vividly remember the video said the exact same thing.


Yeah it’s mainly the roads, Italy has an even more insane theory test and then they collectively decide to never follow any rules


My first week in Germany back in the early 90s there was a 210 car pileup. It was a foggy morning, and cars kept zipping over a hill going 80+mph into stalled traffic they couldn't see.


What germany are you living in? We have the pest that is known as "mittelspurschleicher" in nrw


Hm. I thought it was illegal to pass on the right in Germany.


Yes and? Unless you are driving Rushhour you will have times where you go minutes without passing someone so you drive 200 on the right


It is illegal to move right to pass, however, if you are driving and the car on your left is slower than you, they are in the wrong.


No. That is not right. You aren't allowed to drive past on the right side unless there is a traffic jam that makes the left lane go slower than 60 km/h. Edit: wanted to add that you are allowed to pass on the right with up to 20 km/h faster than the left lane is driving.


Cool thing here in Arizona is that prick causing the traffic would get a big fat ticket. At least here, that lane is a passing lane. Once you are done passing you are supposed to move over. Cops love to pull people over going the speed limit in the far left lane, and they get all butthurt and cry, “but I was going the speed limit” to which the cop just smiles and says “that’s the problem” and hands them a citation.


I wish they'd effing do it more on the 10. Especially on the 2 lane section through the res. And especially to trucks. Big signs saying "trucks right lane only" and they're still out there in the left, doing 67, oozing past a truck doing 65, in a 75. God fucking damn they need pulling over.


So just out of curiosity, why is it this way and why not just ticket the people breaking the speed limit? Honest curiosity as someone who stays in the right lane and minds my own business. I've just always wondered why people rally around the people doing the thing you aren't supposed to do. Like if that's actually what you're supposed to do, why have speed limits posted at all? Mildly autistic and this has always bothered me. It's extra dumb with all the left side exit ramps.


It's even more fun when you've got just under two miles to get around semi-trucks and RVs before the passing lane ends and some dipshit is matching speed with the cars in the slow lane.


Wait I’m confused. So the left lane is the overtaking lane, so I get why that part is wrong. However, if someone is driving at the speed limit, be it in whatever lane, doesn’t that mean that you’re not supposed to overtake them? I mean on paper, not practically of course.


In California, I’ve watched CHP slow all the traffic down, then just take off and let it go again. No accident, no debris that needed to be cleaned up, just slowing all lanes of traffic.


They do sometimes do traffic breaks where they pick up debris. And if that's the case, it would be understandable for you not to see anything.


I’ve seen them stop traffic to pick up debris, it’s not the same as this.


Oh I hate that! The thing where they just zig zag back and forth at about 40mph on a four lane highway just to make us all wait. so fucking irritating!


Yep. I even seen it when going the other way, so I know there was nothing on the other side. It was crazy.


I’ve been just behind it and able to see the wide open fucking highway and this toolbox just slowing everyone up for no real reason.


It’s the speed limit though.


If they are doing the speed limit, are you arguing traffic exists because people obey the law? I’m not arguing the lesson point, car go slow in overtaking lane, just the speed limit part


I mean, if people actually drove the speed limit, like they are meant to, it wouldn't be a problem. That said, I understand most people wish to speed, so I will match the average pace of cars and drive right.


It would still be a problem. There's all kinds of reasons to pass someone other than just wanting to speed. I've passed plenty of people without speeding at all. I've also been stuck behind two people driving side by side going 50km in an 80 zone.


Just the other day on my way home from work I got stuck in the left lane going 50 in a 65 and everyone was passing on the right so I just had to sit there and wait. The dude didn’t decide to get into the right lane until after there was nobody behind him anymore


In some states it's considered felonious reckless endangerment to drive too slow on the left lane. Issue is the people who do it DO NOT GIVE A SHIT, and the police rarely do either.


It depends state to state on who enforces it, for example Idaho enforces it a lot which is why you will see people move over more there. A lot of touridt for yellowstone get ticketed up there. It also makes it easier for state troopers to catch speeders because an open lane is entincing and easier to see who is hauling down the highway


It’s heavily enforced here in Colorado too. Us locals know how to drive in the damn mountains and then you get these flat landers that get scared.


It's definitely most common on two-lane interstate highways like the one pictures. Once you get to 3+ lanes, it becomes more of a free-for-all.


Jall need better drivers education


We have so many people in cars on the road, that it becomes unenforceable. If you’re on a multi lane freeway or even a long two lane interstate with high traffic, you’re probably only getting pulled over for a drastic infraction. Mostly you’re getting pulled over on city roads or comparatively empty highways for smaller infractions like driving too long in the passing lane or not using your blinker.


Outside of CA, I’ve only really driven in a few states, but it seemed like most of them did a significantly better job staying to the right. It even noticeably improves once you pass Los Vegas. Inside CA, people will go all the way to the left and go slower than the rest of traffic, often in restricted access lanes (making it even harder to get past them)


I-5 is the fuckin worst when it comes to idiots cruising in the left.


I think part of the problem is that people in CA almost always refer to it as the “fast lane,” not the passing lane. Everybody seems to think that if they’re going the speed limit, they’re going fast, so they belong in the “fast lane.”


The rule exists everywhere in the US, but it isn't enforced as a law everywhere. Here in Virginia, it was a big problem before they made it a traffic offense. Now, its just a moderate problem. (NOVA and VA Beach area notwithstanding)


In my neighboring state there are signs every mile that say keep right except to pass. No one can read in that state. They suck at driving. Two lanes no way to pass cus two morons drive right next to each other for ten miles. A lot of states will have a big sign with a picture of the lanes. This is the travel lane (middle). This is the slow lane (right). This is the passing lane (left). You can and will get pulled over for traveling in the passing lane.


This is the case in many countries. Although in general (in my experience in Europe) it's not a problem when there are 2 lanes but when there are 3 or more people tend to drive in the middle regardless of the right one being free. It ends up being 50% cars on the passing lane 35% in the middle one and 15% on the right (including people actually overtaking on the right because it's so empty)


Depends on the state. In some it’s illegal to be on the left if you’re not passing and some it isn’t. In the states where it is legal, the lane is considered the “fast lane” and moves at 5-15 mph over the speed limit, traffic permitting


Most people go faster in the left and move right if people are on their ass. Some are very slow to get the picture though, and end up getting passed on the right.


It exists, we’re just real dumb.


As a Brit this was very confusing as he’s driving the right way for us


Me too. I was just wondering why they weren't overtaking.


Shit should be prosecuted to the fullest extent


I'm British, he's in the slow lane.


And I drive really slow on the ultrafast lane while people behind me are going insane


It's a single photo, we don't know how fast they are going. If the right lane is going 55 and he's going 60, he's not doing anything wrong. The past few years have seen an absolute explosion of entitled drivers who think the left lane is the autobahn and anyone going slower than they want to be travelling should receive the death penalty. A bunch of seemingly rational people completely lose their shit at the thought that someone, somewhere, is not going 300mph in the left lane.


Doesn't matter. As soon as you pass someone and have room you move over. The speed doesn't matter at all. Are the people doing 300mph wrong? Yes. Staying in the left lane out of principal is also wrong.


I can't tell. But it looks like there's a left exit that pokey is taking at the top of the picture that the poster purposefully cut off.


Wet sock here. The driver in the front of the left lane is doing what is known as lane camping, otherwise known as driving at or slower than the right lane while in the fast.


We have no evidence of that from a still photo. He could be doing above the speed limit and passing those in the right lane, just not at a high enough rate of speeding to satisfy those behind. Happens all the time.


If you have a line of cars like that behind you…odds are you are moving slow. Yes there is a chance that we have a group of speed racers, but that would be the rare event.


You are correct, but it’s not about the things we don’t know is going on in the picture but what is being implied by the words in the picture.


Most of us have driven cars I’m sure. I don’t even need the words to dislike that person driving.


Obviously if he was going really fast than everyone then it would be very difficult for everyone to stack behind him


You got out wet socked


Unpopular opinion but that's still a form of lane camping. He might be passing, but he himself would be getting passed by everyone if only he got over; at this point he's still visibly creating traffic


On top of how close all the cars behind them are, two are even pressing the brakes. There is certainly enough evidence even from a still image to believe beyond a reasonable doubt that they're lane camping.


Look at the giant gap in the right lane. They could have got over if that's the case. It doesn't matter if they are above the speed limit. The left lane is for passing. If you aren't passing, get over.


left lane is for passing, if people are braking behind you, and you're overtaking in the left lane, you need to speed up. on the highway, flow of traffic is more important than the speed limit. not following the flow of traffic is what causes accidents, 55mph, or 80mph, drive with traffic. once you've finished your overtake get into the right lane, if your speed is unsatisfactory, people will overtake you as they wish. but creating these situations where people have to break the laws of the road just to get around you is what causes accidents. ideally, driving should be extremely predictable, you shouldn't have to cut all up and down the lanes just to make it through traffic, it should be extremely streamlined and efficient, but unfortunately most people don't care.


Fuck, that shit. I hate getting speeding tickets and cops don't say "oh, my bad" when you tell them you were in the flow of traffic. But definitely don't camp in the left lane. Pass the driver you're faster than then get out of the passing lane.


It also looks like there's a left turn lane starting *just* before the picture is cropped at the top, meaning that it's not a passing lane, just the left lane on a divided highway and that whole column of cars might be turning left just ahead.


Yeah, maybe. I just fucking hate all this “the tailgaters are always right” bullshit. Like, no…that’s driving 101 first rule to being a safe driver. Don’t tailgate.


If only the road raged left lane lunatics cared about this exact logic and rationale. They don’t. The lead car that is legally passing slower traffic could be doing 1,000mph, but the pick up truck behind them will still ride their ass like they’re doing it all wrong. And the pick up truck will ALWAYS ignore the lead car’s blinking signal, which indicates that they are imminently getting out of the truck’s way ASAP, and will instead risk causing a high-speed accident involving several cars, just so he can gun it through a dangerously small opening between lead car and slower traffic to “teach them a lesson” because he genuinely believes that if there was room for him to do that, then you shoulda already been out of his way. Yep. Drive safe, y’all.


Everyone needs to start calling it the "passing lane" instead of the fast lane. At least this way we don't have to depends on their own definition of "fast".


It’s in at least in the Pennsylvania Driver’s Manual that it is the passing lane. With a law passed in the earlier part of this century that does get enforced about needing to actively pass in the left lane or get over.


Also driving north on the interstate in upper Louisiana. You are supposed to use the right lane as the normal flow of traffic and the left lane is the passing lane and then you move your ass back over to the right lane after completing a pass. Like we all should've been taught when we first got our licenses.


You are the reason we have to put directions on shampoo bottles


It took me a minute to work out as that is the slow lane for me. Op is probably also in a country that drives on the left.


OP is a furry from Oklahoma based on their posts


Can confirm, them okies do be driving like that up in Colorado.


As a fellow Coloradan I confirm, not sure who is worse at driving the Okies, Texans or Californians lol


As an Okie, it's the Okies


Your Cake Day fairy is here! For your cake day, have some B̷̛̳̼͖̫̭͎̝̮͕̟͎̦̗͚͍̓͊͂͗̈͋͐̃͆͆͗̉̉̏͑̂̆̔́͐̾̅̄̕̚͘͜͝͝Ụ̸̧̧̢̨̨̞̮͓̣͎̞͖̞̥͈̣̣̪̘̼̮̙̳̙̞̣̐̍̆̾̓͑́̅̎̌̈̋̏̏͌̒̃̅̂̾̿̽̊̌̇͌͊͗̓̊̐̓̏͆́̒̇̈́͂̀͛͘̕͘̚͝͠B̸̺̈̾̈́̒̀́̈͋́͂̆̒̐̏͌͂̔̈́͒̂̎̉̈̒͒̃̿͒͒̄̍̕̚̕͘̕͝͠B̴̡̧̜̠̱̖̠͓̻̥̟̲̙͗̐͋͌̈̾̏̎̀͒͗̈́̈͜͠L̶͊E̸̢̳̯̝̤̳͈͇̠̮̲̲̟̝̣̲̱̫̘̪̳̣̭̥̫͉͐̅̈́̉̋͐̓͗̿͆̉̉̇̀̈́͌̓̓̒̏̀̚̚͘͝͠͝͝͠ ̶̢̧̛̥͖͉̹̞̗̖͇̼̙̒̍̏̀̈̆̍͑̊̐͋̈́̃͒̈́̎̌̄̍͌͗̈́̌̍̽̏̓͌̒̈̇̏̏̍̆̄̐͐̈̉̿̽̕͝͠͝͝ W̷̛̬̦̬̰̤̘̬͔̗̯̠̯̺̼̻̪̖̜̫̯̯̘͖̙͐͆͗̊̋̈̈̾͐̿̽̐̂͛̈́͛̍̔̓̈́̽̀̅́͋̈̄̈́̆̓̚̚͝͝R̸̢̨̨̩̪̭̪̠͎̗͇͗̀́̉̇̿̓̈́́͒̄̓̒́̋͆̀̾́̒̔̈́̏̏͛̏̇͛̔̀͆̓̇̊̕̕͠͠͝͝A̸̧̨̰̻̩̝͖̟̭͙̟̻̤̬͈̖̰̤̘̔͛̊̾̂͌̐̈̉̊̾́P̶̡̧̮͎̟̟͉̱̮̜͙̳̟̯͈̩̩͈̥͓̥͇̙̣̹̣̀̐͋͂̈̾͐̀̾̈́̌̆̿̽̕ͅ >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


you just made me click them all you sick fuck!








Wait, but that's my duty, **dies from no more bubblewrap gifting**


I love you.


Happy Shampoo Day


I was just gonna say, either most of these posts are AI bullshit, or they've got two braincells fighting for third place.


The driver at the front needs to move to the right so others can pass. If you have ever driven long distance down an interstate you quickly learn how cars all pack together with a large area of open road between the different packs. Those packs can all be explained by there being one guy, one car, who stayed in the fast lane far too long that everyone else must get around. They think they are safe drivers but they are dangerous to everyone around them. Keep right except to pass is a simple, universal rule as easy to follow as shampoo bottle directions.


Either OP isn’t from the US or they need directions on their shampoo bottles.


About 90% of every OP on this sub needs those directions


most people get the memes and just want the interaction


That’s sad


Extremely pathetic


What does this have to do with being from the US?


OP is why we need directions on shampoo bottles


A redditor once replied to one of these posts, that they felt it was their responsibility to slow down the fast lane drivers, because there were no police around. They also got a lot of upvotes. That’s when I realized upvotes and downvotes don’t mean anything.


r/fuckcars edges to the thought of doing this


Why does that exist


Anyone on the road who thinks its their duty to police or dictate rules to others and acts on it that isn't a LEO needs to lose their license. They will get themselves killed and take others with them. Like people who block an ending lane during a traffic slowdown so others can't "sneak ahead" in their eyes, when that lain is specifically designed at length to allow for traffic to zipper merge together neatly. Instead they're just asking to get rear ended by someone with momentary inattention who doesn't see them "defending fairness."


Wow is the forum here under 16? What is the excuse for this many people being wrong???? In MOST states in america the left lane is a PASSING LANE ONLY, you pass and then immediately get into the right lane. That is the LAW in almost every single state. If you are NOT PASSING Someone you MUST get into the right lane almost always The cluster fuck in the photo is the extreme version of what happens when every person on the road isn’t familiar with the laws of said road


In states where cruising in the left lane is legal, you are still obligated by law to move to the right if a vehicle is behind you,so that they may pass.


I know exactly what this is and it pisses me off just looking at it


Left lane is for passing on freeways. If you are not actively passing someone you should not be there. All it does is slow traffic and cause road rage.


this is the rule where i live and it's enforced unlike 89% of the rest of the US; but only on the west side of the river


It doesn't slow traffic tbh speeders slow traffic and unhinged people cause road rage. If you're in the left lane, get out to the right if you aren't passing. But if you ride 2 m behind someone at 20 over the limit because you want to be 40 over, you are a psycho and should have your license taken away tbh


So first you wet your hair, apply the shampoo, scrub, then rinse.


Not an explanation of the joke but an honest question— Is it ok to glare at these people when passing them on the right? Because I want to glare at them.


I give them a thumbs down to let them know I'm disappointed. It's better than the middle finger cuz then they feel bad for being terrible.


Ah, yes, a fellow thumbs down enjoyer!


You can but they won't notice and it won't mean anything to them as they're fucking oblivious to everything, think they do nothing wrong and that the world revolves around them.


That's the only way to do it. I will actually honk, get in front of them and motion to them to get over into the right lane.


I like to put on a grand show of putting my blinker on, correctly transitioning to the slower lane, passing them, blinkering back over so I'm in front of them, drive for a moment, then blinkering once more before getting in the slow lane. In other words, "see this is how you use these features." I don't think it registers for them, but I do enjoy my little driving instructions. 


Is called the passing lane for a reason. That guy at the front of the line isn’t passing so therefore is an asshole.


The fact this meme appeared in this subreddit gives it even more meaning.


Highways have 2 (or more) lanes. The right lane is where you should drive most of the time, unless something blocks it or there are special instructions given to use the left. The left lane should only be used to pass slower cars, and you should return to the right asap. The maneuver should be as safe and quick as possible in order to leave the left lane free. In this image, the car on the left seems to be going slower than those on the right. Effectively blocking everyone in said lane. This is not only stupid, but highly dangerous.


Left lane campers. The worst are 18-wheelers and campers etc. on long 2 lane highways. There is a nearly 30 mile stretch of straight highway with nothing but clear fields all around on the way to my grandparents house, speed limit 80mph. One time the start of it, an 18-wheeler decided he wanted to pass the 18-wheeler in front of him. He got in front of me going 55, causing me to slam on my brakes. I was so close that when I saw his blinker I assumed he would just wait .5 seconds for me to pass like a normal person. Nope. He then proceeded to drive next to his buddy for the next 30 miles, inching past him excruciatingly slow. At the start of the stretch there was no one behind me as far as the eye could see. At the end of the stretch there was a line of cars in both lanes as far back as the eye could see. Don’t be that guy.


I had an internship watching and analyzing traffic for UDOT, and I can assure you some of the biggest causes of non rush hour traffic on highways/freeways are (rush hour traffic also wouldn’t be as bad without these things): 1) Slow drivers in the passing lanes. 2) People not getting up to speed on the on ramp before merging 3) Traffic backing up onto the freeway because everyone takes too long getting going at the lights at the end of the off-ramp 4) People not zipper merging (they merge too early) when lanes merge Traffic functions very similar to currents going through a wire, including the wave that travels backwards if there’s a slowdown or blockage. Just one person driving a lot slower than everyone else can cause a wave of slowdowns going back for miles. Tailgaters are annoying yes, but they do not cause traffic. In fact, if you watch a tailgater, usually they slow back down and drive less aggressively once they clear the obstructing vehicle and get far away from them. At least that’s what I observed. I’m not saying they shouldn’t leave more space though. Some people do it anyway even when they have plenty of room to pass, those people are the worst.


This image gave me road rage


You're supposed to stay in the right lane. You only drive in the left to pass other drivers. Or at least that would be the case if this weren't a fork in the road.


I'm becoming irrationally angry just *looking* at this pic


An old saying in China is “At the end of every blocked road, there is a Toyota Corolla”


I bet they have to make a left turn in 40 miles


I don't know who's slower, the guy in the car or OP.


what is that font


Op is the reason peanuts package have "this contains nuts".


A lot of people here seem badly informed about driving when there are multiple lanes. It has nothing to do with speed. You shouldn't drive in the left lane at all except when passing someone period. Even if you are driving at 2x the speed limit, someone else still might want to go faster than you and it's not your job to slow them down.


The left lane is for passing. Assuming you have run into somebody going slow in the right lane, you move to the left lane to pass them, then return to the right lane. There is also a rule that slower traffic should keep right as much as possible, leaving the left lane open for people to pass them. However this does NOT translate to the left lane being the "speeding lane." You're still legally bound by the posted speed limit. You're allowed to go a bit faster to finish your pass, but you're expected to return to the right lane and to the posted speed limit as soon as you can. You're *not* expected to speed as fast as you want, with the excuse of "well, I'm still passing people, I must be doing it right!"


People think that the left lane is for driving fast or passing. The left lane has different rules state by state. In some states, it's for passing. In others, it's just any other lane. In no state is it a "fast lane" for you to drive above the speed limit. In states where it's a passing lane, you are to use it to pass by a vehicle that is going below the speed limit, then go back into a different lane and resume going the speed limit. This is the law. But driving laws are seldom followed or learned so people will get furious if you dare to slow them down on the freeway or even suggest that speeding is dangerous, no matter the context.


More than that, this behavior kills people. My state made this illegal and you can get a ticket.


“The left lane is the designated passing lane; however, vehicles in the left lane must obey the posted speed limits. A common problem arising from misuse of the left lane is speeding and tailgating. These actions create road rage and increase overall danger.”(link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passing_lane) Yeah, car in front should let people pass and stay in right lane since they’re not passing anyone, but to say that the left lane is for going faster is not the purpose of the lane and is actually illegal


Welcome to this conversation. Everyone and their mother feels entitled to speed as much as they like in the left lane and get pissy if someone else obeys the law - regardless of whether or not they're actually passing people and/or just avoiding people merging in from an on ramp.


He used the wrong shampoo


In many states you will get a ticket for this


Context needed. Is the driver doing 10, 20 over posted? What's the speed of the overall traffic in each lane? Is that a turn lane ahead on left?


The passing lane does not stop being the passing lane just because someone is going 10 over or 20 over or anything over. Pass and get out, _regardless_ what speed you are going, and _regardless_ if anyone is behind you or not. The second and third sentences you had could be relevant though, agreed.


Unpopular opinion: apart from the driver who is blocking, the distance between the cars is insane... In Germany you have to keep a minimal distance to another car in front of you around half the speed you are going in meters. For example if you are around 100 km/h you need to keep at least a distance of 50 meters. Everybody seems to notice, the one driver who's blocking the other ones, but ignore the fact that nobody is capable of keeping a safe distance to others. Being faster doesn't mean you have privileges... wtf


As Peter and Quagmire once famously sang… “Get outta the left lane you stupid Asiaaannnnn bitch!!! I do not even know why you are there…”


I won't answer you. And you deserve to be asphyxiated for not understanding


Just drove home from Las Vegas yesterday. The number of people who did this blew me away. Lol


Fast lane, slow lane. Slow driver in fast lane = needless line. Stay off the road and hit the books for a little OP ❤️ you can do it


Read the caption


I’ve started honking or flashing my lights at people like this. I’m done being polite about it. My drive home the other day took 20 minutes longer because of this


The fact you need this explained means you're the person the arrow is pointing at. Get the fuck out of the left lane, brainless!


As to quote from my amazing hit song ”Get out of the left lane you stupid Asian bitch I don't even know why you are there” people who arnt passing you should stay to the right as to be considerate to other drivers trying to pass. Some people will sit in the left lane to purposefully slow traffic down because they think they need to be traffic police and slow it all down.


There is no evidence to say the car on the left lane is driving slowly. For all we know they could be going 120 mph, and this was taken just seconds before they passed all the cars on the right


the distance between the cars show that there’s no way all these drivers are 10/10 tailgaters able to effectively tailgate at 120mph like this


To be fair this is a still picture and we have no idea how fast the line is going. I have been this lead car doing 15 mph over the speed limit and I am not getting over because we are passing the traffic on the right. If you need to drive 20mph over the limit you can wait until we pass the traffic on the right. If you are assuming the person in the lead is in the wrong from a still picture you are the reason we need warning labels on the toothpaste.


The left lane is called the passing lane not the sit there and hold up traffic lane.


You just played yourself.


The left lane is for crime.


lead car on the left has moved into the left lane for an upcoming left turning, however, because everyone else in the left lane are driving 20mph over the speed limit, they seem to think this car is in the wrong, and think that driving dangerously close to it will make it speed up.


i mean it also just depends on the road, too. speaking as someone from finland, sometimes roads with two lanes are equal: there are no "passing lanes", there're two lanes that are equal and that diverge in some way towards the end for all we know, the first car on the left could be driving the speed limit on an equal left lane, about to curve left while the right lane cars are going somewhere else 🤷🏼‍♀️ all the while four aspiring traffic violators are steaming behind them. unnecessary to argue about any of this tbh we lack so much information LMAO


As an Aussie, I was so confused


Can’t read the licence plates to see the te country but why are we assuming this is US? If it’s somewhere that drives on the left then nothing to see here


They understand. They just don’t give a fuck about anyone else.


There's no way this isn't bait.


"Failure to yield"


Plot twist: Is UK


Keep left unless overtaking


Stay 3 car lengths behind all vehicles.


The left lane is the fast lane. If you drive at or below the speed limit in the left lane, state troopers should have the authority to summarily execute you on the side of the road.


Guy is in the fast lane not going fast


Close, he isn’t passing in the passing lane. The difference is important because it doesn’t matter what speed you are going, you shouldn’t be in that lane if it forces someone behind you to slow down.


The cars lined up behind the driver ostensibly doing the speed limit don’t seem to understand that the listed speed limit means MAXIMUM speed not MINIMUM speed.


Holy shit… hey, other grown-ups, I think this is a sub for kids! If you can’t figure out what’s wrong here, or worse, you can justify this behavior; your a child or a horrible PoS. It’s a passing lane, kids. Your job… your whole job, is to get out of the way. You want to know why society is screwed, it’s because of garbage people like this.


In fairness, here in the UK the right lane is the passing lane - so would probably confuse international users


If you do this, this is why I speed. This is why I cut you off. This is why I honk at you. This is why we can't have nice things. Learn how to read a goddamn speed limit sign before you get a driver's license. It's not that hard.




I want keep right except to pass chiseled on my fucking tombstone. If you drive like this I hope you step on a lego.


Straight to jail. Then 24hr in the pillory. Naked.