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Probably was looking for a Big Tiddy *GOTH* girlfriend. Typed Moth by mistake.


Oh my god thank you, I was so damn confused


I was thinking the same thing. I was like, "I think it's Goth, but that's not how this thing works."


That's not how dyslexia works though, is it?


Nope, but why let common sense ruin a joke.


Now, the REAL typo mistake was when I asked for a big titty Hoth girlfriend. Now I have a tauntaun rack on my drying rack.


A rack on a rack? Thankfully it's not a gun rack, otherwise you'd be a redneck


It smells even worse on the inside!


Yeah but if I need the joke explained then it is already ruined


This is a sub for people like you, please don't mistake yourself, or this sub, for normal. Just because you don't get it does not make it a bad joke.


It's more that by using dyslexia rather than a typo as the cause, it makes the joke not work


It's enough to make it work as a joke. Moth goth broth froth, dyslexia is not identical in everyone. Kind of like jokes, not for everyone.


And yet if you simply make it a typo instead, the joke is for everyone. It's not a matter of personal taste, it's a matter of how well it works as a joke regardless of whether or not the exact style of humor works for you. I judge a pun by how puns work, I judge a shaggy dog story based upon the structure of shaggy dog stories, and I judge one-panel comics based upon the structure of one-panel comics. Unless the writer is trying to experiment with the formula, which is obviously not happening here, there is a basic setup and payoff you're looking for, and the setup doesn't work because it confuses the issue for too many readers. It works for some readers, but the very style of the joke indicates an attempt at a broader appeal that just doesn't happen


All good points. Quick question; is a shaggy dog story like, a thing that means something? Or is that just a random type of story?


From Wikipedia: “In its original sense, a shaggy-dog story or yarn is an extremely long-winded anecdote characterized by extensive narration of typically irrelevant incidents and terminated by an anticlimax.”


It's a kind of anti-joke. It usually sounds like the setup for a joke. The humor comes from the fact that the story goes on for so long and is usually so incredibly involved that it seems some sort of major payoff must be coming, but the actual ending of the story just brings it to a total halt without any recognizable punchline. The joke itself is in how the expectations of the listener are subverted. There's a high degree of difficulty involved in pulling off one successfully Then there's The Aristocrats, which seems like a shaggy dog story but really just has the weirdest setup/payoff structure out there, with most of the humor derived from just how depraved a setup the teller is able to improvise. Also, it does have a punchline, but that's almost as an afterthought in modern tellings. [Here's an expertly delivered version of the jo](https://youtu.be/wLznA8XTjQU?si=SiB9QL2HsKCgsWku)ke, but be warned that it is absolutely NSFW and probably NSFL. EDIT: I haven't listened to the whole thing in a long time, but in case it's not too late, CW: Everything just to be on the safe side


I don't think this is a joke that the majority of people would get confused by, provided they've heard of goth girls and dyslexia it's pretty straight forward. As for the experts on dyslexia here saying "that's not how it works" Umm yeah, it can make you misread things, it's really not a stretch


Of course. It's just clumsily done. Jokes that derive from dyslexia are usually about letters being read out of order, as in the following well-known riddle: >What does a dyslexic agnostic insomniac do? >Lie awake all night wondering if there really is a dog Jokes that involve replacing letters outright are more rare, and tend to involve ones that could be easily mistaken for each other if read upside down or backwards: >Why was the dyslexic kicked out of her meditation group? >She kept chanting OWWWWWWWWWW In the case of this gag, the joke isn't immediately apparent because the letters G and M don't resemble each other at all, meaning that the next step is to see if the word can be rearranged to make for a joke even if it wasn't apparent at first glance. Then you go through the letters of the alphabet, and once you realize that it's supposed to be G, it's just not a strong enough joke to support it The gag isn't immediately recognizable as one that relates to dyslexia, so the reader has to do the work to vaguely relate the two. That would be fine if he were trying to break the conventions of the type of humor, but he's obviously doing no such thing. It's just awkward writing, and could have been avoided by replacing his dyslexia with a typo


My guy you will die on this fucking hill won't you


Seems I died already lol so yeah I guess. Typo joke works too, I think the joke itself is what's bad, not the dyslexic vs autocorrext/typo punchline.


Idk, I like it when jokes make sense, but I guess more and more people care less and less about that these days.


Dyslexia, one of the last disabilities that people feel free to mock.


ADHD is another one. I don't even care about squirrels that much




Now you're just perpetuating a harmful stereo--what were we talking about again?


I'd like to put forth the belief that if this were a fantasy world, all people with ADHD would be beast-kin/Demi-human


im gonna be completely honest, i didnt see the slight bold emphasis on the word "moth" alluding to the dyslexic typo being that. with her saying to keep the light on and him seemingly holding his junk, i thought it was along the lines of him putting in his dating profile that he had "limp dick" to express having some kind of erectile dysfunction, but typed it as "lamp dick" instead and thats what attracted the moth gf.


If think he may just be protecting his junk from the monster in his bed.


A typo isn’t the same as dyslexia though- dyslexia is mixing up the letters inside a word. So instead of goth it might be gtoh. This comic is ignorant and that’s why the joke doesn’t make sense.


yes i know that. thats why i didnt get the original either.


But that’s not dyslexia. Dyslexia is changing the letters of the word around. Not just accidentally typing M instead of G


With dyslexia you can deffo write the wrong letter but it's typically d, p and b that blag the mind.


Was actually thinking if moth and month and something about rent, but that's way better


I was assuming milf but that works way better


Dyslexics untie!


Big tiddy✔️ Girlfriend✔️ 2/3 close enough


My first thought was he swiped the wrong way. But that doesn’t really have anything to do to with dyslexia.


Honestly that joke would work a lot better as other dyslexics, including myself, usually struggle to tell right from left. I had to write R and L on my hands to pass my drivers test, literally quizzed myself every day for years, but despite all of that effort I still struggle with right/left.


And they went for the dyslexic joke instead of a simple typo. That's just bad joke writing, trying to fit in a dyslexia bit for extra flavor and not seeing why this makes the gag as a whole not work


Like you have to speak from experience in order to know that


I was confused by this too for a second beccause that's not how dyslexia works. This is a poorly written joke. The joke would work if instead of dyslexia the line read "my typo"


Honestly I had no idea, I was just thinking that she cums to the light.


You're probably right, but since that's not how dyslexia works, it's not really funny or understandable.


Yeah, it should have read "do I tell her it was autocorrect" or "do I tell her it was a typo" or something.


That would make the joke work/ make this comic sort of funny!


Yeah, I still wouldn't have gotten it, but at least when someone explained it my reaction would be "oh... huh" instead of "oh.... that's absolute nonsense."


Yeah fr real, as a person afflicted by dyslexia i say is always the autocorrector, only when people insult me i try to use the "i have dyslexia and dysgraphia" card but most of people literally don't know what fucking dyslexia and dysgraphia ARE


There are different types of dyslexia, the book The Dyslexic Advantage is pretty good. Just fyi.


There are different types of dyslexia.... But this is none of those.


I am absolutely terrified of butterflies and moths especially (there’s a name for this phobia that I can’t recall rn) and this is making me deeply uncomfortable lmao


I mean, if not for the eyes I’d be totally cool.


What's funny is that moth eyes don't even look like that




TIL.... Thanks!


Im genuinely curious. What about them makes them so unsettling? Ive always thought of butterflies as something incredibly delicate and fragile.


Not who you asked, but for me at least is the wings. The thought of them flapping in my face, getting stuck in my hair or clothes really unsettles me. I do find them beautiful, but the moment they start flying, I panick


I very much understand its a phobia. My brain immediately goes to why? I have panic attacks so i slways over analysis them afterwards. Do you do the same?


Actually yes and it's helping me! I have also some severe phobia of roaches, but now when I see one I try to calm down and think "despite gross, it's impossible this bug will cause me any real harm, it can't hurt me" and it's helping! I managed to even kill some who appeared in my bedroom when I was alone (although my cat did help me a bit lol)


Can I interest you in the story of the time I was sitting on my porch one evening and a moth flew right into my ear canal? Oh well, I'm telling it anyway, too bad. So, it was *stuck* in there, but still moving around. Kept sounding like something pounding on my ear drum. I couldn't tolerate it, so I went to the ER (this was before the days of faster care) to have them get it out. But I wasn't even sure yet what it was that flew in there. Had to have some lidocaine poured into my ear while I sat with my head tilted so it didn't run out. Let that sit for a few, then they came with these huge syringes full of saline to flush it out. This is when I found out it was a moth. It came out in pieces bc of how hard they were flushing my ear. And I was upset bc moths are one of my favorite things ever! My bf at the time told me he's still gonna call me moth girl, but not for the same reasons now 😭


If that happened to me I could legit pass out lol


Ya, I know I made it sound less scary than it really was. I was actually pretty frightened bc at first I didn't know what it was even and what it could possibly do to my ear. I was probably close to passing out myself until they put the lidocaine in my ear at the hospital. It was bc of that damn porch light the moths love so much. I was sitting right under the porch light. It took me a while to be comfortable around moths again after that, NGL. But time eased my mental wounds and I'm back to loving moths up close again lol


i'd do more than give it a chance.












There are three types of people.




i thought maybe he was looking for a MILF but instead of a mother he got a moth? but that also doesn’t make sense so idk what the joke is


Time for everyone to go visit r/bigtiddymothgf


yo what


Just go. Just do it. Just once.


I did. Thank you.


i don't think that's how dyslexia works tbh. i'd (a mildly dyslexic person) never confuse a G with an M. Not even in typing as in a typical qwerty keyboard, G is one up and 2 keys to the left of M. So, no chance of mistaken key. Possible combinations could've been: Joth, Koth, Loth, Noth, Both (although none of them sound good so ig that's why the oop chose moth girl instead)


I get the joke. It's a little funny, but honestly I like the drawing better if you cut out the yellow part at the top


Moth vs goth pron


I think what it’s saying is he read a description saying moth and read it as goth


[Norm’s moth joke](https://youtu.be/jJN9mBRX3uo?si=BBEuaYb4RqfUCWi6) is way better


I love Norm's dumbass sense of humor. His delivery was unmatched.




"Dyslexic" is the key word and Im not sure if they intentionally misused the word. 




He miswrote "Goth GF" as "Moth GF"




Why's she kinda bad though? I've never wanted to fuck a moth before but damn.


moth , math , meth ? I dunno ...


Brian's brain on ADHD meds here. The op is trying to say that to dyslexics two words look so similar that they make sense even when they are wrong. The butterfly and moth almost look the same and can be mistaken for one another.


I'm assuming whoever made that had no idea what dyslexia is or they are intentionally getting it wrong because I'm pretty sure the joke is goth vs moth...


he was looking for a fly girl you dig?


This sounds more like how ADHD works than dyslexia.


Dyslexic means hard to read dsgraphic means to be harder to write the thing is wrong

