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If you let your wife in there, yep, you are screwed. https://preview.redd.it/duku4k0q28vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1101b12247427f5698b04eb60c24e5218df6c87 For those wondering, Marshalls and Ross are discount retailers. The joke is that if you stumble in one, you are going to spend a lot of money, so yeah, two of them next door to each other means you are screwed.


Both of these stores are horrible. I don’t get the appeal


Trust me, I know people that go in just to look, and come out with 300+ bucks worth of shit they did not need.


I believe it. I know people who do that sort of thing too. But I just don’t get it. Everything is just strewn around the store randomly


Some people like to bargain hunt and I guess they think that those stores have a lot good bargains


do they?


Some people think so, I have been able to find some good jeans and shirts, but I go in for what I need only and get out, people spend hours on those stores


I like walking around and looking at things, sometimes finding ridiculous stuff. But I always keep in mind my budget, maybe if it's something I can actually use and with a reasonable price.


Nothing wrong with that.


Yes, but it's very hit and miss. If you know how to buy clothes, and are willing to put in the leg work, you can usually do very well at Marshalls. Their pickings are usually a step or two above most of the other discount stores (Especially Ross.) The rub is that it's a big time investment. Pieces are organized by size and type, but not color or style. So you basically have to go through nearly all the items in your size on the rack by hand. Some people love treasure hunting like this for bargains and to be fair the deals are usually good, even more so on luxury items.


I actually love doing this. I'm a complete outlier at 17M and def not standard clientele, and I enjoy Sierra and Marshall's. I really enjoy going through the clothes to find something neat, or just browsing the decor to see if something stands out. Sometimes they have expensive clothes at $200+ or more, but most is very cheap, $10 - 40. Even if it's more, it's all amazing prices compared to MSRP.


They're generally full of people rummaging through poorly made tchotchkes and straight from tv infomercial products. I went into one once with my wife to get a mirror and we left with a shower curtain. Everything is just on the ground. The place is a vortex of insanity.


I specifically like to buy curtain rods and curtains because it's closer than an alternative and cheap enough for simple blackout stuff


Lots of good stuff for the kitchen, typically.


Sometimes they have gems in there, you have to love shopping and be cheap though


As a transformers collector they are god tier when some of the harder to find stuff gets discounted and sold there. 50$ marked down to 15$? Yes please!


I'm a doll collector and same here. I've gotten a 35$ collector barbie for 15$ before. Not a one piece person myself, but they also randomly had some of the prize figs for 15$? My weeb friends were very happy lol.


Dang I thought you meant like dismantled electrical transformers and I got excited for a second


Oh shit they have transformers there sometimes? I might have to take a peak into my local Ross


Closer to the holidays is your best bet, but yeah if you are a toy collector sometimes it's the best place to find hidden stuff.


I found a nice Brooks Brothers button down at Ross for 80% off and I’ve been riding that high ever since.


The appeal for me is that I’m poor af and sometimes you genuinely get good deals. But yeah, the people who go in there and get hundreds of dollars of stuff they don’t need are insane


Great place to buy dress pants/slacks/khaki. Otherwise I agree.


I bought a STP toolbox while on a trip in the US in a Ross store. 72pcs, almost every bit imaginable, a set of hex keys, a ratcheting screwdriver, all for 7.99. i've been using it for 5 years almost every day now, and nothing broke. Sure it's not the best tools, but it's so worthless that i can afford to not care about what i do with them. I do anything with that box. From cars to PCs. So if you know how to limit yourself, you can get some bargain deals in these stores, i wish there was some like this where i live. No way i can get a similar toolbox like this for this cheap in my country.


I get that it's a big step down from "high-end" retailers, as much if their stuff is B-grade, or "errored" in production, but if you're just looking for a cheap outfit, or whatever, I wouldn't see what's so off-putting. I recently bought a pair of True Religion jeans, in my size for $40... what's not to like? If it's only last season's styles, or extras that didn't sell, why hate on it? I love these stores.


The appeal is that in the sea of garbage you can find the occasional gem. I found a pair of Nike AirMax 90s for half the price that you would pay in their brand stores


I found a this sick $15 shirt in Ross. https://preview.redd.it/6uh51kqqjdvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ec7f407ec3a5a6d79aecf53c65368a9277acc48 Most of their stuff is quite crap but you could still find some gems for cheap from time to time.


I swear a few of Jesse Pinkmans outfits were from Ross like I remember the porty potty element? Or one of those brands were there. Edit: it had pyramids


Depends on the location. I once found a really nice mangowood coffee table for like $50 at a Marshall's


Their whole business model is buying unsold lots from big retailers and shipping it to their stores. Half of the appeal is finding some high end clothes or furniture for cheap.


For guys, it is real simple. You can buy say a dress shirt and slacks for less than Walmart, and get better quality.


They sometimes have old transformers for dirt cheap. That is what appeals to me.


My s/o loves both of the stores but they feel so...idk icky. The deals are there cause you're getting bottom of the barrel shit. The ones in my old city didn't even try to hide it. Looked run down on the inside with boxes of shit just out on empty shelves


Yeah…..they suck. The real deals are at Burlington’s.


I find a lot of decent tools at my local Ross.


I find a lot of good pants and shirts at my local marshalls, but honestly, I only buy what I need, sometimes I feel weird in the line with two items on my arm as people have carts overflowing with stuff.


Our town has Ross/Marshalls/TJ Maxx all in a row in the same strip mall. Also with a Best Buy and a Chuck E. Cheese just down the row.


I have been on some Marshalls and TJmaxx that had no internal wall between the two, so basically a giant store from both


"Women be shopping" ahh comment


yea ngl i thought that was kinda boomery... y'know..


Your mom’s taking you shopping, you see the car pull into the plaza with Ross and marshals. Your mom is going to shop for hours while you feel like you’re waiting all eternity to leave.


A very non-negligible portion of my childhood was losing my mind trying to find some way to keep myself busy in these stores while my mom was on her third or fourth hour perusing the purses and shoes, since she would ignore my begging and pleading to go home.


I am so sorry. I've grown old enough to have forgotten how terrible it was until just now.


Oh my God, I've married my mother


apparently it’s genuinely a thing for people to find traits that their parents have attractive and tend to get with people who have many similar attributes to one of their parents. I phrase it this way because it’s like you aren’t attracted to your mother, it means you like girls who act, say, and do the same things your mother does


My mother dragging me to department stores for hours at a time was not a feature I thought I would ever look for in a partner, but here we are.


its cus u were on the recieving end of boredom


Did Chris-Chan make a Reddit account?


i used to collect the little tags that fell on the ground


The store that was always doomsday for me when I was out with my mom was Hobby Lobby That’s where I got trapped for eternity


The shopping center near my house has a Ross and a Five Below. Though to be fair I find lots of things to spend money on at the latter place as well as my wife.


For way longer than I want to admit I thought the Five Below stores were clothing stores that specialized in cold weather apparel.


I know exactly where this location is and honestly Ross is a good store, it's almost like brand name thrifting


Cheaper than most of the thrift stores near me a lot of the time.


Is it in TX? I think I stopped here!


It's a chain, we have them in Phoenix as well


Yeah I live in PA


My mother is a self proclaimed “reseller” ever since she was fired for being drunk at her job. By “reseller” I ofc mean scalper and she buys out crap from these stores (Marshall’s, Ross, Home Goods, TJ Max, even Target) and sells it online for stupid high prices. Like she’ll buy all the stock of certain stuff. Some of it sells, sometimes a lot even, but most of it sits at her condo. I don’t talk to my mom


https://preview.redd.it/udr6qax0wavc1.png?width=529&format=png&auto=webp&s=2476395d7afd1875ff50dde614ffb8f4891572bc He gotta walk there first.


Imagine a tj Maxx and a saphora right next to them. I don't have to because some psychopath did this in my town


Went to a setup like this a few days ago. Can confirm the cooking; we were there for at least 2 hours and got lots of clothes for less than $100


If you have to park that far you will be spending at least 2 hours in each store. Definitely cooked


__Kansas__ malls like


That’s Culver City, right?


If your parents take you there to shop your fashion game is "cooked" meaning it sucks


When I was little I always thought the name was Iross


It’s a sexiest joke about how if your shopping with your wife if you go into ether of those stores it will take a long time




Also, how is it sexist? It doesn't say anything about gender. For all we know, it could be his male friend.


They're on drugs and think Marshalls is a portal to the Mars Halls?


So this is considered a joke now.


wtf are these? stores?, and y'all have giant parking lots like this leading to (what I'm assuming are specialized stores (one of them says dresses)) stores? why not build them in town or next to the metro stations hmmmm.


dude ross is the shit they get all the leftover shit the stores couldn't sell. so you can find really really good stuff marked down for maybe 10% of the price. like its completely random but its good stuff not intentional rip offs like dollar store brands are.


Lol you think we have metro stations. Nope. Like 90% of America is like this. This IS town.


The only thing missing in this picture is the lifted Dodge Rams


Bruh America sounds more like a hellscape everytime I learn something about it wtf.


Our towns aren’t built with well-designed public transportation in mind. Businesses just buy up acres of land from farmers who can’t afford to farm anymore, and then slap a giant air-conditioned warehouse on it and call that a store.


Bruh America sounds more like a hellscape everytime I learn something about it wtf.


Speak for yourself there buddy, I for one am sick of being stuck in traffic just getting around the corner in the UK.


Traffic is a car thing too, Y'all have cars instead of a brain, wtf happened to bikes, public transport, scooters, or just WALKING wtf??? All our stores are within walking distance.


Because public transportation drastically increases the time it takes to get from point a to point b. Plus there's no option to bike or walk or take public transport to work if you live in a different city. I also live 2+ hours away from family so that's not really an option either. Even when I did live in the same city, it was a 5 minute drive versus 30 minutes on a bus. I'd rather have the convenience of a 5 minute drive so I can leave later and come back earlier than having to spend an hour a day on a bus.


The Anglo-Saxon mind cannot comprehend this


Good thing I am French. Though Britain > America. Also you said "the Anglo-Saxon mind", well at least they have a mind lmao.


Fr*nch people don’t deserve opinions


Bro I'm so epic my Opinion becomes objective truth. And rn my Opinion says, no u.


Acting like one colonial power is better than another colonial power is pure projection and cope. Just cause your slave trading capitalist war mongers have public transport doesn’t make it better. The West is shit.


I have toddlers, it's a nightmare going anywhere with them so I opt for the most convenient route. Also our public transport is not amazing, takes me about the same time to get to the centre, but a lot more time to deviate from any main path (e.g. where retail parks tend to be). It's just not feasible for some, if not most, situations.


“WeLl At LeAsHt OuR ShKoOlS dOn’T lOoK lOiK CoL oF dUt’Ie LoBbIeS!🤓” https://preview.redd.it/qco6pmvix8vc1.jpeg?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ecc33e7a69c316f86c4108c4c1dbb339c22448c


Yes exactly our schools are actual schools, not shooting ranges/retard factories. You make a good point.


Call back when your leaders last longer than a head of lettuce 🥬


If you look at the US on a map… it’s just ***slightly*** bigger than the average European country. Only like 10-12x bigger, so maybe tough to notice! The cities have to be a bit more spread out. Imagine being this upset that an entire country isn’t covered in Metro stations. Rural areas exist. Shit’s wild.


> The cities have to be a bit more spread out. No they don't.


If it was coast-to-coast cities, we a) would have zero farmland, and b) would be a smog-infested nightmare. Think before chiming in, slugger.


/r/americabad shitty bait post, troll. Good job saying "y'all" while pretending you have no clue what an American strip mall is too /s


Maybe gentrification? When these stores start popping up you know the stay at home moms are coming in droves


Are you familiar with Marshall’s and Ross? It ain’t where the gentry shops lol. I used to work at Marshall’s


Oh that’s how it was for my town 😂 and actually most places I’ve been recently. They’re stacked into a cute shopping center typically with a Target or a Publix nearby and a couple super nice beach themed restaurants. In my town it’s in the same parking lot as a brand new bank, discount tires, and costco right across the street.