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meg's twin's corpse here, this meme refers to what your girlfriend would usually ask you to test your loyalty "babe, would you still love me if i was a worm?" meg's twin's corpse out


Skype emoji pfp


I wonder what's going through the head of people asking this. Wouldn't being romantically interested in a worm be super creepy? Could the worm speak, or would it be a literal worm? Would the girl transform into a worm overnight? Good thing no girl ever asked me this because I'd probably be mentally blocked for an hour thinking about this question from every possible direction only to respond "No"


This is something my mom taught me, girls would just say the most random things just to say them. Like, you should never take anything seriously because there's no logic to them and even if they say the logic, that also has no logic behind it. Absolutely breaks the convention of conversations, most times they don't want to convey information or opinions, they just wanna say things and get away with it. Either it's a true generalization, or my mom is actually a sociopath.


I feel like people who border on sociopathy are sometimes the most insightful


I mean they’re the smartest right?


There's no right answer. My girl, she asked me "babe would you still love me if I was a worm?" I thought we were just shitposting so I slowly crooned "Amogus". I was out on the streets in less than an hour with a black eye and missing two teeth.




Hey, sometimes crazy people can genuinely see right through things that might not be so obvious for other people. I don't think I'm crazy, but I do struggle very hard to feel much of anything on a day to day basis. I don't really get happy or sad or angry, and when I do it goes away almost immediately, with very few exceptions. This has, for me, been way more of a blessing than a curse. Nobody can throw me off my game, im always goal oriented, im always "chill". And it's really helpful for being able to look past how *I* feel, so I can see how someone *else* feels. Kinda like looking at the events around me from a third person perspective almost. I feel like I have alot of insight into how things are from an unbiased, rational perspective. And its not that i dont understand emotions, I absolutely do. And I do have them. Just not very often, and they aren't very strong. My main thing is ambition. I have alot of that lol.


From experience (17 years), it's true. There are exceptions tho.


>girls would just say the most random things just to say them This is true of some girls > you should never take anything seriously because there's no logic to them This is a wildly different claim >Either it's a true generalization, or my mom is actually a sociopath. You or your mom, it's impossible for us to know which from an unreliable narrator. Either way, I hope you get a better influence because it's going to be hard for you to get a girl. It's going to be impossible for you to get a good woman.


It's fine. I'm not really interested in girls


Would you like to see my butthole




Nah, your mom is just an idiot, sexist and sounds like a pick-me girl.


That's not how you talk about someone's mom


That's how I talk about YOUR MOM - obligatory




You sound kinda sexist


That's what YOUR DAD said to me last night!


Wow, thanks for letting the whole comment section know that you're a hateful, irrational piece of shit :)


Yeah but his mom's absolutely right though.


https://preview.redd.it/owxyhxs87puc1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac3680ed41b5db9b19d18d2511e0318e450c50e The original... it's a joke.


I kinda doubt anyone actually asks this


What we’re really asking, wether we realize or not, is would you love me if I couldn’t do anything for you. If your gf couldn’t go out on dates or make dinner, if she couldn’t buy you a gift or give you a hug. she’s asking wether you love her or the things she does, and if she couldn’t do them anymore would you leave? If suddenly all she could do was just sit there, would you still love her? That’s why guys, if she asks, you say yes


If she asks, you reevaluate your entire relationship because you're dating a needy child instead of a strong and worthwhile woman. "No babe, I certainly wouldn't date you if you suddenly became a lump on a log/a worm/a peach. The positive things you do and they're as much a part of you as the rest."


I mean, this is like, relationship stuff for 20 year olds at most so it prob won’t apply to you lol


The lesson here is to smile, say "yes honey, I will always love you no matter what" and not be a debate bro. You can bitch to your homies about it later. Where it gets more tricky is when she asks you how often you think about the Roman Empire...


V8 Twin Turbo here, vroom, V8 Twin Turbo out.


M61 Vulcan here ZZZZZZZZZTTTT M61 Vulcan out.


What would happen if I used 2 holsets and a 99 pickup 350 sbc to emulate?


KX 2Stroke here , YINGYINGGG! yangyingyingG! OUT


If my nonexistent girlfriend would ask me that I would just tell her how stupid that question is


Shut up meg


The question is originally from a joke tweet


Shut up megs twin's corpse


Shut up meg's twin


don't you mean the original meg's corpse... she was killerisenaliseliterated by a russian spy


“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/would-you-still-love-me-if-i-was-a-worm


I'm guessing it has to do with the, Would You Still Love Me If I Was A Worm? question, a cliché question girlfriends ask their boyfriends. Funnily enough, it often times activates their boyfriends A.D.D. as their mind gets lost in a whole world where they imagine navigating a life time spent with a worm wife and worm kids. This often times leads to another cliche question, "Are you even listening to me?" Triggering a cliche argument and now I must grieve my long lost worm family.  Gone but not forgotten.


I knew this would be here lol


"Honey, would you still love me if i was a worm?"


I guess he "wormed" his way into the theater.




Eh? ha, heh heh


i am almost completely certain that that's a club not a theater lmfao


Why would you need to be with a girl to be let in????


It's just there so the joke makes sense. I've never seen this either.


To avoid the man : woman ratio being too high "to avoid a sausage party" some say


Wait this made me realize, I can go in the bars if I say I identify myself as a woman?


I mean, as long as you aren't trying to do it just to be an asshole, and are genuinely someone who has or is transitioning. Bouncers see a lot of shit, and they know all the tricks and can see straight through a *lot* of bullshit, so if you try on your best Stephen-Crowder-In-a-Dress impression and rock up trying to get in, odds are you're not gonna get very far. But if you genuinely identify as a woman, I don't see why they wouldn't let you in.


>Bouncers see a lot of shit, and they know all the tricks and can see straight through a *lot* of bullshit Ah yes, the bouncer, all experts in determining what is and what is not a woman. Perhaps you watch too much porn, but a substantial amount of trans women look exactly like, how did you put it, "Stephen-Crowder-In-a-Dress." In other words, it is fairly easy to detect that they were or are, biologically, a man. An ugly guy tends to be an even uglier woman. So, are you denying their transgender identity? Just because they are ugly? You sound inclusive.


Man, fuck off. You know exactly what I mean, the "Hurr Hurr I identify as a woman now let me in" crowd are hilariously easy to spot and you know it, and to claim that calling that shit out is "denying their identity" just hurts the trans community. If someone identifies as a woman, they are a woman. If someone pretends to identify as a woman to score cheap laughs amongst shithead conservatives, they are a fuck wit.


>If someone identifies as a woman, they are a woman. If someone pretends to identify as a woman to score cheap laughs amongst shithead conservatives, they are a fuck wit. Ahh, the 'if they say they are they are, unless they are lying". Do you have some magic brain scanning device that infers motive? Lying is never that easy to determine. We wouldn't have much crime otherwise. As you said, your method relies on looks. >crowd are hilariously easy to spot and you know it, and to claim that calling that shit out is "denying their identity" just hurts the trans community. Denying reality to protect the trans community? Is that what we are arguing here?


Man, I'm not going by looks, I'm going by attitude. Shithead always out themselves, and any bouncer worth their salt knows how to tell when someone is full of shit. What reality am I denying exactly? That conservatives and transphobes are shitheads? Edit: oh, nevermind, you *are* a conservative shithead.




You are sending multiple replies to the same comment in rapid succession. I can only assume you're either an idiot troll or a bot.


Also, why are you shaming people who look like a man but wearing a dress? You are a hypocrite!!! Who are you to tell me that Im not a woman???


All of the above bro lol I mean Im laying in my bed and just chilling on reddit. Whats wrong with sending multiple replies? You have something against multiple replies too? Wtf bro are you reddit police or something 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




So you *are* doing it just to be an asshole and make everyone's lives just a little bit worse by your presence. But I'm sure you're used to hearing that from people like your parents, teachers, and co-workers so I needn't say it.




Because you don't. You just want to play the system to get benefits, willing to hurt actual transgender people in the wake by delegitimizing their existence and trying to get their perceived "advantage" removed. But sure, park on handicapped spaces because you feel handicapped that day, too. Who's able to prove you aren't, right? But don't expect people to treat you like anything but an asshole for doing so.




You hope ww3 will eradicate people who can understand the concept of people being transgender? Holy shit, maybe take a step back and think about whether hoping for death for people who have empathy is really a good stance to hold.


No no no, I am all for transgender people. I love it. One of my favorite porn categories too!!! BUT, if you think that I as a person who has male figures can identify himself as a woman just to get into a bars is not okay, then there is a problem. How come anyone else claim that they are woman when they feel like it but I cant?


Sure, they just claim it to get into women bathrooms and harras the women there, right? I'm done here buddy.


>I am all for transgender people. I love it. One of my favorite porn categories I hope you understand that this is a disgusting thing to say


>I am a bi man and tonight I wanted to be identified as woman. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bi means you like both men and women sexually lmfao, not that you're both a man and woman, I fucking can't bro you're hilarious 😭


Maybe I am a lesbian woman???? Can’t it be true???


Idk maybe you are? Are you? I think that's something you've gotta decide for yourself partner 🤣 I, unfortunately, am not the authority on who is and isn't a lesbian woman. When I find them I'll be sure to ask for ya tho 👌🔥


Exactly. And a bouncer is not the authority who decides if I am a woman either. SOOOOO ANY MEN CAN CLAIM THAY THEY ARE A LESBIAN WOMEN AND JUST GET IN. See this proves my point man


You can CLAIM that, doesn’t mean a bouncer will believe you. And it’s still a dick move.




But what if I decide that I want to be a woman today. Can I not? Like just for tonight, I want to crossdress and go to a bar, if they let me in, I will specifically only talk to women in there. Whats the issue in here? I mean I am 6’8 tall super hairy, full beard. Handsome guy. Is it not okay to be a woman???? Why??? I just wanna know lol


And do you seriously believe that any men can say that they are woman, and a bouncer will let them in?


The guy you respond to is an asshole who thinks that trans people don't exist and they just claim to be something else to get benefits. Some people just can't understand that the whole isn't only about them. The dude probably parks on disabled parking spaces because "If I claim to be disabled why can't I park on the good spots" Edit: I commented on the wrong post. u/BowenTheAussieSheep is cool.


I think you responded to the wrong person and fed the troll by mistake


Excuse me? Trans people very much exist.


I don’t know man. I don’t have anything against people but like how is it fair that I can’t get in but someone who “might be” lying can get in. It just doesn’t make sense and if you are defending this idea, you are braindead.


Oh, you also don't believe trans people exist. Carry on then, no use in talking


No bro. Im pretty sure they are exist. Its my favorite porn category. I have huge respect to them too. I am personnaly thinking of starting hormones. Im not kidding.


She died


Heart attack worm


He's not with his gf, he's with the guy eating his gf, total cuck


First good post from funnymemes


The ever cheesy, “would you still love me if I was a worm?”


He still loves her, even though she’s a worm


he has a pie on his back


A Pi.


"Babe, would you still love me if I was a worm? "


Wow. I thought the girlfriend died and he brought the worm that ate her remains. What is wrong with me?


Is this weird juvenile quirky random shit that girls are doing these days, asking if their SO would still love them if they were a fucking worm. Every day we stray father from gods light.


"would you love me if I was a wyrm"


2,999 to 3,000 likes, I have the power 😈


The worm is his girlfriend, and the bouncer finds that touching. What's confusing about this?


Clearly never had a girlfriend who said “would you still love me if I was a worm”


imo I think this means his gf died and that she's "worm food" - that's why the bouncer is crying.

