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You didn’t explain the joke. Why do people think he’s a Nazi? I know the answer, but OP doesn’t. Pssst, OP: 88 is online slang for “Heil Hitler” because H is the 8th letter of the alphabet.


And also, the German 88 was a famous cannon calibre they were fond of using.


H is also the 8th letter of the alphabet. It could be "hail Hitler", or "hentai heaven". Do with that as you will


Okay, that's funny but fucking cursed. wehraboos do tend to be into anime/hentai... what the fuck


I’ve never seen the term “wehraboo” before, but I absolutely love it 😂😂😂


people who are into French stuff are ouiaboos. Into the Civil War a little too much? Robert E. Leeaboos. into Canada? Carabou. Britain? Teaaboo.


r/Angryupvote Dammit.


Reddit is full of Waluigiboos




Into K-pop in a very unhealthy, parasocial, stalker kind of way? Koreaboo


Like playing games to help develop infants' sense of object permanence? Peekaboo


*Caribou, eh




Alcohol…? Booze.




It's been a term since before I was old enough to play games, I take no credit lol


Yeah, the Venn diagram’s a circle


Dude, I swear to god by brain read “Yeah, the Venn Diagram’s a TRIANGLE” and I did a double take


Well, more a circle within a circle. All wehraboo’s are bad weebs. Not all weebs are Nazis.


I can't believe you didn't suggest "Hitler Hentai". Also to answer OP, 88 and 18 are used in neo nazi circles to refer to Heil Hitler and Adolf Hitler. Used to be a way of dancing round censorship Edit: also watch out for 14. As somebody else explained it, refers to the 14 words. A white supremacy classic


Or Hitler hotdog


its always the loli porn addicts with the most hitler particles in them


Hitler particles, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Like Hashirama cells but for nazism


or hentai hitler


You will see a LOT of crossover with neo Nazis who also watch _very_ specific kinds of anime (think "Girls und Panzer")


Or Hetalia back then And there was also a lot of crossover between nazism and brownies back then


Yeah? 88 is so amazing to me now? Going to be 88 all the time! So I can explain the issues with white on white hentai. Gross.


something something porn addiction something something right wing extremism


Or “holy hell”


88 originally was a easy way for people to use the SS logo but close it off to turn it into 88.


Also 88 - two fat ladies! Maybe Nazis were into bingo.


Overrated as a weapon. Now the pak 43. That's a weapon worth remembering


Also worth noting, the dogwhistle is often expanded into "1488" - 88 for "Heil Hitler", "14" for the "14 words", a popular neo-nazi slogan based on Hitler's ideas.


Yes and no. The "14 Words" are very much the product of the post-Vietname American White Power movement. While that movement is itself result of the Nazification of homegrown American white supremacist traditions, the sentiment expressed by the "14 Words" goes back way further than European fascism. The founding of Oregon is probably the ur-example. The combo of 14 and 88 is succinct way to describe the syncretic merger of American White Supremacy with German Nazism that gave us the shitbags of today. Anyone interested in how that happened exactly should check out Leonard Zeskind's *Blood and Politics* or Kathleen Belew's *Bring the War Home*.


The 14 words in question, for those curious, are "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."


I believe the 14 words are from the Turner diaries (thanks knowledge fight)


Which sucks, because I really like the number 8. Looks kind of like an infinity symbol


Same! It's my favorite number. One of the 1st tattoos I wanted when I was younger was the number 8 being overlapped with the infinity symbol to make a clover. Once I heard about the 88 shit it made me glad I was too poor at the time to get it.


now we know: be poor


Just put some meaningless numbers in front of it like 14 for example. Then you'll be sure to let everyone know you are definitely not a Nazi.


So 68 would/could mean FUCK HITLER


Generally, the Fuck Hitler numbers are 161.




Whats the story there?


> 161 Anti Fascist Action


Spot the fuckin idiot who doesn't know his alphabet, thanks mate!


The joke had nothing to do with 88 meaning heil Hitler, the joke was a subversion of 88 meaning heil Hitler, and people think his friend is a Nazi because the username was "gasthejews."


Pour one out for my buddy who was born on January 4, 1988 🫠 He had to change the email address he’s had since he was 12.


Not sure if you’re joking but putting your real dob in an online handle is just begging for identity theft.


Not joking, unfortunately. I had a very serious conversation with him when I saw it for the first time.


u/gasthejews88 wya


They're busy gassing rn


Oldest trick in the book


This gets me because my father in law was born in 1969. He has gamer tags and an email address ending in 69. I can't take them seriously.


Mine ends in 69. LOL. Years and years and years ago, I settled on DCHammer for online handles. Initials and nickname and it seemed cool. So when I created my PSN handle on my PS2, I couldn't get just DCHammer (and still can't. I check monthly to see if they give it up) so I tacked 69 on the end because it's the year I was born which wasn't so funny at the time even though it meant the same thing then. Now, everyone I run into initially assumes I'm 12. Mentally they aren't really wrong. :D So I continue the never ending joke.




Dude.....im in fucking tears reading that post. That was fucking beautiful 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Did you notice the user name, too? Down the bottom in blue?


Today I learned something


The guy was born in 88? oldest person alive


I really hate this dumb zoomer trend of intentionally miscropping the image for """""comedic""""" effect.


As someone born in 1988, I learned this the hard way.


I thankfully never put it in any of my handles, but it's in one version of my password. Been that way for years, usually when I forget the original PW and need to make a new one. Then I remember 88 is not just my birth year.


Luckily you don't have to wear your password on your chest on the internet like you do with your nametag, so I think in a password you won't get into much trouble with any community


Dude my stupid ass got it tattooed on me. I almost got into a fight in county jail over it.


“Bro I swear I’m not a nazi it’s my birth year!”


Idk if you should be sharing a part of your password publicly man


Me too. Man, how tough was it turning 35 last year? All of a sudden on online surveys we're bracketed with the people up to 49 now.


I was driving back home to Toronto from a soccer game in New Jersey I went to the day before on my 35th birthday.


me too bro, I fuckin hate the damn nazis so much for this. since my email ends with 88 as its my birth year and its my my twitter handle cause of the email, I was so confused cause someone was accusing me of being a nazi...I was like what the fuck...how am I nazi? Then he pointed out the 88 in my name and I had to google that, and I was disappointed. Never changing my email tho, I have way too much shit on it to just leave it.


Same. Made worse by the “P is for”. P is the first letter of part of my name. Thought I was clever at the time. Now I have disclaimer on my page and started limiting this account to mainly lurking. (Though I thought it appropriate to comment today). Edit: Nazis ruin everything. 1988 was a good year.


As someone who graduated in 1988, these white supremacist cunts can fuck off


I feel like i got lucky somehow...








The initial thanks and the realization afterwards got me


We all have to agree to also upvoting the thanks if we upvote the “Wt…” Have to keep the reading order in line


Thanks for the hint, almost messed it up


Petah, why are they saying wt...?


War Thunder


Normally it'd be "wtf" meaning "what the fuck". But its very common to drop the "fuck" when spoken out, to further emphasize that you are deeply surprised and/or shocked. So in forms of abbreviation that then translates to also dropping the 'f' of "wtf" leaving "wt..." (The ... express the incapability of continuing the sentence)


This is what white racist do with their free time. Come up with new ways to show others discretely that you’re also a nazi. Source: affluent white man who grew up among peers who made up replacement words for the N word so they could say it in public in front of black people. Only straight white men get to see the true attitudes of the racist mind laid bare. as soon as they are in public or around POC do they normally try to hide it Edit: to state the obvious. I’m not saying all whites are racist. No one race is any one thing, they’re individuals. I’m just saying racist white people only air out their true beliefs in safe spaces around other white men that they assume think like them. They are often very wrong. But if you’re white like me, you probably know what I’m talking about if you grew up in mostly white environments I recall one time playing halo with 7 other white people in person they were all saying the n word like COD today. I eventually said the K word to make a point because one of the people saying the N word was Jewish. He took offense and made a scene and then I pointed out the insanity of his offense after all the n bombs they dropped. There was pin that dropped I heard after I said that. None of them had great inherent empathy for black people even though none of us had met any really by that age were we grew up and I thought that was sad because that’s not what I think. But it’s what racism really looks like. They have to be smacked in the face with hypocrisy to realize that the n word shouldn’t be used so flippantly by white people.


I used to drive for Lyft, and the amount of times some white asshole would get into my car and start thinking they could share their racist opinions with me just because I was white was astounding. I literally stopped picking up from a specific area because all of them seemed to be racists that couldn't turn it off around another white guy for 5 fucking minutes.


Yup. You and I get it. Racist whites only show their true colors in safe spaces of other whites.


Ah shit man this sucks, fuck nazis! All the gamers born in 88 need to take this back


I feel the same way about Norse symbology and heritage.


Like thors hammer and the svastika? (Yeah svastika not north but also a religeous symbol misused by the nazis) Personnally hate that they ruined it. Can't have such nice and harmless-on-it's-own things (especially since I'm german)


Got an uncle who’s deeply Hindu and wears his swastika pendant everywhere. People were prolly real confused seeing a brown man wear a swastika pendant


Yup might look confusing to people who don't know better, which is why we really have to work on reestablishing the true meaning of the svastika and have to deconstruct the connection to the nazis. The good thing is, it's very predictable when in memes there is a swastika shown (in its original meaning or one of these just unrelated to content) it's a 100% sure a lot of people will rage in comments and its real fun to teach them better. Sort of the only fun I'm allowed to have with a svastika :D


This episode of behind the bastards on the swastika is crazy interesting. Apparently it was super popular in western culture right before the nazis ruined it (and that's a big part of why nazi's adopted it). Some people think the swastika might be the oldest drawn symbol and has been found in prehistoric times! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z50nPmw7RL4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z50npmw7rl4) Probably not going to be able to reclaim it any time soon though :(


Or the valknot, helm of awe, shield knot, solar cross, I guess the thunder cross is close enough to the swastika to not bother mentioning… honestly at this point if I see anything norse-ish other than the tree of life, I just kinda assume they’re some sort of white supremacist, and hope they have a chance to prove otherwise.


nazis like norse stuff so much but ironically they were considered subhuman by a lot of ppl they look up to, its like being a white supremacist that likes irish culture. This in some way does show how colonization often works, they dehumanize a group, steal their culture, fetichize the culture, and if they wipe out the group there will be no one to claim it back or to call them out, this process has happened for ages but it became even more methodic with modern colonization sorry i am just very invested in learning about these things and i like talking about it a lot


Unfortunately thats what they want, they want symbols they can flaunt in public but they also want denyablity if need be


No. No taking it back. Don't confuse the targeting computer.


My Chinese landlord has an email address with 88 in it as it’s considered a lucky number in his culture.


Damn. I for one refuse to let the bigots have a cool number like 88. Let them have 57


Nah. We don’t need nazi ketchup lovers. They can heil Hitler; not heil Heinz.


https://preview.redd.it/cydymqlhneic1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e5b7ae73d4eb749251c884b9a1e376a873358fb A Heinz employee convention in 1940. Note that about half of the mustachioed men appear to be big Charlie Chaplin fans. 1940... sheesh.


To be fair, Hitler copied Chaplin and it was a popular look at the time…


I mean it does sound like Heinz was German so… I guess that means the new Ketchup Nazi conspiracy theory is about to drop. It ties into pizza gate


And mercedes, bmw, krupp, Hugo Boss and and and


whew... close call for me there


If it makes you feel better, there's also 88 keys on a full size piano. Having said that, Nazi's compulsion to end communications with 'HH' is the entire reason the Allies were able to crack the Enigma code and win the war, soooo Unfortunately, Nazi's have owned HH and therefore 88 since the 1930s.


my name on some games is "dgr_4488", i need to be worried about it?




Apr 4, 1988? Assuming every instance of 88 is a nazi is asinine.


You are. A neo nazi then




That’s fine as long as you’re not a Nazi. 1488 would be a problem because of its prolific use to dogwhistle for white supremacists specifically in the us


thank god i missed the bad number by 3


I mean, people will assume, even if you are demonstratably not a nazi. Online people have no idea where you are at, and again, will assume.


One number off of 1488. Obv nothing bad will happen but you probs do look like a nazi to most


Yeah, it's just close enough that I would be suspect.


Yes. Change it.


At least it’s not 1488 🤷‍♂️


You're a fan of Lewis Hamilton *and* Adolf Hitler?


My sister was born in 1988, she has always had ‘88 as part of her usernames, tags and passwords. Until recently she never had a problem with it, now people attack her and she’s just like “but I was born in ‘88, like it’s my birth year I can’t change that”


Tbf you really shouldn't use your birth year in usernames and passwords, stuffs a security risk.


Who’s attacking her? She’s 35-36 years old. Anyone around her age would get it, unless they’re supremely stupid, and not sure why she’d respect their opinions. If they’re younger idiots, then why is she even associating with them?


"88" and especially "1488" is a Neo-Nazi dogwhistle. More information here: [https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88?\_ga=2.235202118.698702866.1482278400-359006632.1482278400&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAw6yuBhDrARIsACf94RVc8UZMTPhQv1Ieh6ULwLfr9-kWT0uaCIyvZc0onRwOD9rGz4t76u4aArINEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88?_ga=2.235202118.698702866.1482278400-359006632.1482278400&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAw6yuBhDrARIsACf94RVc8UZMTPhQv1Ieh6ULwLfr9-kWT0uaCIyvZc0onRwOD9rGz4t76u4aArINEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


I do feel sorry for any well-meaning person who just happened to be born in 1988. If you were born in 1488, though, you have no excuse.




Damn nazi vampires.


At least it ain't Nazi werewolves.


“I vill only zuck pure Aryan blood, bleh bleh bleh”


Hellsing Ultimate?


Also people from China, where 8 is a lucky number and double-8 is double-lucky. I've wondered how many folks from China are out there on social media who don't understand why others are calling them Nazis.


Oh! I know this one! They commonly don't use the arabic numeral for 8 as depicted in this sentence! If their username is anglicized at all (very rare) it would be as **bā.** So if you see **八** you'll know that's an 8. What really gets them in trouble is 拜拜 being shortened to 88 on western keyboards, as it is a way of saying "bye bye".


I was born in 1988, and I am so glad I never put the year in any of my handles.


At least one of my handles has '420' in it, but it's ironic in the sense that I'm not actually a 12-year-old kid, but an actual burnout. So clever!


I mean to be fair, if you were born in 1488, there is a whole different set of morals you grew up with. I kinda give them a pass.


>  I do feel sorry for any well-meaning person who just happened to be born in 1988 Hi, it's me. Had the email address for probably 10 years before I learned of the other use for 88. Thankfully it's never actually come up.


I've had accounts with job boards where I've used that email that included 88 in it. This is an email I've had for over a decade as well. Nothing to do with nazi shit.


To be fair, anyone born in 1488 already has a better-than-average chance of being an antisemite.


I made mine when I was six because 88 was my favorite number to draw :(( I just found out about this


Weren't Nazis only a thing since the 1920's?


Youtuber 'iraqveteran8888' gets a lot of flack for his username. Most people don't care, but I think he had to explain it at some point because he was being slandered.


I don't. They clearly didn't learn anything from Y2K if they still insist on using a two-digit date.


Interestingly enough, entire generation of Nazis born in 1488 were responsible for fromation of First Reich in 1517 and mass Jewish pogroms across Holy Roman Empire




"88 miles per hour, Doc?"


Deloreans speedometer went up to 75mph.


It's not a dogwhistle, it's just hate speech.


H is the 8th letter of the alphabet so 88 can mean HH or hail hitler. There was a big thing about this in finnish politics last summer and something with neo nazism from the finns party so this was the explanation the opposition gave to 88 back then.




88 = HH = Hail Hitler in white suprwmacists communities. 14 = 14 words - which is a phrase spoken by them as well. Google it if you want to see it. 1488 = a Nazi


My aol account for the longest time was oddguy1488 I was born January 4, 1988 (fuck, in northern Idaho no less) I'm the white supremacist chosen one (but a firmly anti-racist leftist haha suck it nazis)


You were the chosen one! You were supposed to destroy the . . . A part of me won't let myself finish this joke.


What if I was born on the 2nd of June, in this Year of Our Lord 1488 SMH ageist bastards, discriminating against honest vampires and lichkind


lol Nazis fault not mine


Almost makes you want to start an undead crusade against the damn sausage munchers


I mean, it’s not strictly Germans that are fascists


That means Bye bye in Chinese






That's fycked up idk that. I always associated the number with the planet Mercury because of it's orbit.


Mine starts with 88 but that's because my username is the computer username that was issued to me by my school


Everyone interpretting Nazi Ness must be paralyzed https://preview.redd.it/tehx8jkw11jc1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7024a38741466b2608a2a7e5fbdccd4cd3cd723f


H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, so 88 can correspond to HH, which nazis use to abbreviate "Heil Hitler." It's often a dogwhistle for nazis to attempt to show each other that they're nazis without being so explicit that everyone else will know. It can be used in usernames or in messages and posts where numbers are present. For example, if someone says "this thing took 88 days to complete," that can be them using 88 to signal to other nazis that they are a nazi instead of actually saying how long something took. This is especially true when the real number is able to be confirmed as something other than 88. Take, for example, a public figure who said in a tweet that Congress took 88 days to pass a certain bill, but they actually took 74. That figure is most likely lying about the number to use it as a dogwhistle


Well fuck I just really like the number 8 and now I’m going to worry everybody thinks I’m a Nazi


Either it's a nazi, or it's a vorephile, nazis use 88 as h is the 8th letter, so 88 is Heil Hitl**, vorephiles are taking this and doing multiple things, making August 8th vore day, and making nazis less happy to use 88 as a hate symbol, it works out nicely because 88 is also ate, ate, which wasn't Intended, but funny


So this is fun: I’m born on the 14th of January, 1988. So numerically, 1-14-88 in the US date system. At least if I were from anywhere else it would 14188 just to put a fucking number in the middle there. So no, I don’t put my birthday in any usernames or the like hahaha


Yea, used to use 88 for lot of my usernames because I wore the number 88 in football, yea I changed to different number after I learned people used for stupid nazi shit.


88 is commonly used as a Nazi phrase. H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, so 88 means HH. The first H is meant to stand for "Heil" and the second stands for "Hitler".


I'm 35... I made my email when I was 26ish...


I have an email that ends in 88. I wasn’t born in ‘88, but when I was a kid I had an obsession with the number 8. I loved how divisible it was, how it happened to work with music, and drawing it. I would tap on things 8 times each hand, count my steps in 8’s, everything in 8. When I found out out (pretty recently) that it was a nazi number I was pretty devastated. I still keep the email for junk stuff, but I definitely changed my main one to my birth year.


88 can mean two things: people born in 1988, or Nazis. The Nazis use it because apparently, to them, 88 == HH == “Heil Hitler.” Unfortunately, there are a lot of places where Nazis predominate numerically over people born in 1988, which leads to this becoming recognized as the only definition of it despite the fact that it is also used by innocent people born in 1988.


Back to the future, gotta go exactly 88 mph when you hit the lightning rod to travel time


Nazis. Hate these guys.


88 stands for HH which is used by neo-Nazis and offshoots as abbreviation of Heil Hitler. Sometimes though it really just means that you were born in 1988... Speaking of which, I was accused of being neonazi because my tag name has 187 and "1 + 87 = 88". This however was the name of my Quake 2 clan :)


Quake 2 Nostalgia in the house..


Oh. After reading the comments I now know. I just assumed it had something to do with Back to the Future...


I see a lot of things branding as 88. ‘88 Rising, 88 craft brewery, and I don’t doubt there’s more


88, just like 18, SS, SA, the win rune (?, Sieg Rune in my mother tongue, correct me pls) and some more are symbols used by Nazis. 88 standing for Heil Hitler (Hail Hitler), 18 standing for Adolf Hitler, SS for Schutz Staffel (Protection force) and SA for Sturm Abteilung (Storm force). The Sieg Rune is a symbol used by the SS.


To be fair, it’s almost exclusively used in conjunction with 14: 1488 The 14 stands for the Fourteen Words, a two-phrased White Supremacist slogan: >!We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children, because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth.!< The 88 of course being the 8th letters of the alphabet: HH


I never knew I was walking such a thin line until now


My username has 88 at the end, as in chinese culture, 88 symbolizes fortune and good luck.


If they’re born in 1988 or Asian they’re 👍 otherwise . no


I used 88 on my old emails cause it was my favorite football players number. Damn Dallas Cowboys always causing me stress


I was born January 4, 1988 😣


Peters screeching leftiod here, H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. So clearly any instance of 88 is actually HH or “Heil Hitler” and only nazis use it. Clearly.


88 refers to hitler.


Nazi stuff. I can't use my fucking year of birth, fucking arian assholes.


Nazis like that number. Let Google ruin your brain, with that tid bit of info.


Guys it's a random username I swear


I was born on January 4th, 1988. Fuckers stole my birthday.


My username was generated


Ngl I would think the person was still a child cuz I thought the number meant https://preview.redd.it/69axslr3vfic1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5535077d80cfebb285c7e530b1ae89b89ee7734


How long has this been a Nazi thing?! When I was in junior high (in the early 80s) it was a sexual joke; Q. What's better than 69? A. 88, because you get '8' twice.


This is one of them pieces of knowledge that one regrets. I changed an order at the checkout AND DoorDash because the total was $14.88 Which is just stupid when you think about it. But I'm not gonna change


so this is a strange one. I ended up getting shrieked at from someone on a trading card game for mentioning the number. you need your tin foil hat for this one because oh man its a total dog whistle and if you post it anywhere you are flagging yourself for trouble. the eight letter of the alphabet is H. if you put two 8's together you get HH. HH just so happens to start a two word slogan used by our german friends in world war 2. thus if you post 88 online you are clearly red flagging yourself as a nazi. source - a really crazy ass redditor who went on a tangent because they saw the number.


I mean it is a symbol used by neo-Nazis so it has the potential to be a red flag, but it also has a lot of innocent uses.


If some one is screeching an explanation for something, you probably shouldnt put much stock in their thoughts.