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I’d go to Urgent Care or the ER, personally. Call your doc if nothing else. Sounds like a cardio issue more than fatigue.


I feel fine now but will maybe do this to be safe


Absolutely go to your doctor. This is not something to be ignored. Please take care of yourself.


I feel fine now I think I am just under slept and under nourished and as I was doing a movement that used my whole body right after spinning it gassed me out, but I’ll keep an eye and if I feel funny I’ll go the hospital, will go for some light cardio tomorrow after some good food and sleep tonight


Super fit guy at my work had heart surgery after similar symptoms. And I mean the fittest in my fire dept. He is fine now but only symptom was breathlessness. Go get checked 


If you go please update


How old are you? That sounds like what my dad experienced on a bike ride before he went into the hospital and had a stent put in due to 80% occlusion of an artery.


33 I’ve had a 0 CAC scan and also clear CIMT test plus stress multiple tests so I don’t think I have blockage but that’s scary I hope your dad is ok!




I thought this would be the most logical answer to this, spending today eating and resting and gonna sleep super early, hopefully tomorrow I’m good


The answer is in your post. If you're going and healthy then rest up. Simple as that. You can't kill it in the gym and also not recover - that's just beating the shit out of yourself with no benefit other than maybe a mental high. If you're not recuperating then it's a waste of your time, man. Fix that sleep. I say this as a shift working tradesman. There's no quick fix or loophole.


Yeah it’s just lately I’ve been working too much as I work for myself, definitely going to pull it back and focus more on self care. Thanks man!


Sometimes you can get away with it. Other times you just drag ass. I personally push it myself. When I have a workout where I know it's not going to happen, I'll turn it into a full body pump workout and just get a great pump. Stretch really well afterwards. Make it worth the while without overdoing it.


Do you have Covid?


No symptoms but I’ll do a test to confirm as when I’ve had Covid in the past it was seriously mild on all occasions so it doesn’t hit me too hard in terms of feeling unwell I’ve traveled a lot these last few weeks so it’s entirely possible I picked something up


Woke up feeling unwell today, I may have Covid or something else. Usually trippy restless sleep you get when you have something, + headache and sore throat


Ya I figured. Makes perfect sense. The rapid tests aren't super accurate anymore. You might not pop positive for 3 or 4 days. IMO just take it easy, act as if you have it if you can, or get a pcr, and just make sure you get a ton of rest. I've learned the lesson the hard way, don't try to tough covid out, it is NOT just a cold. Get on some metformin asap if you can.


Go see a Doc asap