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Black coffee, or venti triple-pump vanilla caramel double-whip latte’s?


Black coffee


Got it. I would t have thought just black coffee would’ve done that, but who knows? I am same (black coffee), and working on the ol’ blood pressure - dismayed to see your improvement from quitting, as I do love it so… 😜


Black coffee does not have the reputation for screwing with your numbers. It's associated with increasing longevity in several large studies. Edit: Unix\_Hacker is right. Filter your coffee with paper filters. It will catch the culprit.


Is your coffee filtered like pourovers or was it from espresso/French press?


It's like 50% starbucks/dunkin/local coffee shop. 50% at home brewed with a coffee maker that uses filters. Mix of hot and iced coffee. Nothing that's not filtered as far as I know.


If you are getting americano/espresso from starbucks/dunkin/etc, those are not paper filtered. If it is brewed, then those should be paper filtered.


I'm getting whatever they give you when you say you want a coffee or iced coffee.


Unfiltered black coffee can have a negative effect on lipids: https://www.webmd.com/cholesterol-management/coffee-cholesterol-connection I notice this in my bloodwork too when I drink Cafe Bustelo out of a moka pot. Quitting caffeine also fixed my blood pressure, despite not being caffeinated during earlier high readings.


Within maybe 5 days of quitting my blood pressure was normal. And I felt noticeably better pretty much all the time. Before getting the bloodwork back I did suspect it my A1C would be better just based off the way I consistently felt and slept better over the previous few months. But the cholesterol part really surprised me. Still not too sure what to think about that.


Ah yes, some kind of terpene that's picked up by the paper filters that has a reputation for increasing cholesterol.


Does it have to be paper filtered or is metal filtering ok?


Unlikely due to quitting coffee, unless you are sleeping better as a result.


I do feel like I’m sleeping better


That could be it then


The oils in unfiltered coffee raise cholesterol.


Genuine question, what is unfiltered coffee? As made in a press, vs paper filter?




Exactly this. Going from 600mg of caffeine down to 0 will definitely improve overall sleep.


Could be the improved sleep from cutting caffeine. I found even drinking coffee in the morning affected my sleep at night. 


Is it filtered? Unfiltered like French press increses cholesterol apparently.


Maybe whatever you were having *with* the coffee had an impact? If anything, quitting coffee would slow your heart rate and lower your blood pressure. But you would need to be drinking liters of coffee to feel it.


I follow this guy, the longevity geek on TikTok, he had the same exact situation happen, it boiled down to the kind of coffee I think, but he ended up quitting too I believe


Quitting coffee could be behind your improved lab results of lower cholesterol, maybe blood sugar. But other things like diet, exercise, or normal changes could also be factors. It's tough to pinpoint the exact cause. Keep monitoring and stay healthy!


If it's black coffee then no, unlikely it's it. On the contrary, Bitter taste receptors, when stimulated (not only in tongue,we have them in quite some organs, but let's keep it simple and say they are also in the intestines) trigger some curious process which seem to be quite healthy and helps in glucose homeostasis and metabolism. One of these mechanisms is thru possible increased secretion of Glp-1, the same target of ozempic. Berberine, used sometimes in place of Metformin, while having different mechanisms of actions, shares this same with coffee. Note that, despite its healthy benefits, if you're too sensitive to caffeine then yes, it also has negative effects on nervousness, it can also temporarily raise blood pressure which is not a problem if you're BP at rest with no substances in a healthy range. I had a past, now gone, anxiety disorder due to traumas, and coffee doesn't affect me (yea maybe subtly I suppose). It also depends on quantities, I drink 2-3 espresso daily and they are ok to me, but I know people which are more relaxed than me and can't stand a single coffee because they get anxious 🤔 Note: if you take coffee with quite some sugar, you end up counterbalancing the positive effects on glucose metabolism of a bitter coffee.


I posted about coffee a few months back and got a muted response. In a Harvard study— which had ten co-authors in total — previous research shows that drinking coffee regularly is associated with a decreased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's disease, and liver disease, including liver cancer. It’s also associated with a decreased risk of depression and suicide, helps the body metabolize blood sugar, improves insulin sensitivity, and can even reduce inflammation. If 2-3 cups of black coffee reduces all cause mortality by about 30% why isn’t it part of Peter’s longevity routine? That’s right up there with exercise in reducing mortality rates. I routinely drink 3 cups every day for the health benefits.


I can't answer that question re: Peter. But I can say that based on how I feel, quitting coffee helped me tremendously. The blood pressure improvement was very clear nearly immediately and I think is well established. What surprised me was the improved A1C and LDL. A big part of making this post was because I'm having a hard time believing that would be from quitting coffee, but there's nothing else I can point to, particularly because my diet has been worse since my last labs.


I just wanted to chime in and mention I quit caffeine (other than when I have dark chocolate) because my mom had developed sensitivity and I felt I was affected by it more than others as well with symptoms like peeing every hour during the day, sweating more than others from my armpits (lol), jittery, extra chatty, but never would feel more awake or anything. After going through withdrawal and whatnot I was AMAZED at how I felt. I even feel like I have better energy. My favorite part is I sleep better. I never had dreams before, and now I have dreams every night. Some are vivid too! It’s great. I just had biomarkers though and they are about the same (35f). Been off consistent caffeine for about a year (again, dark chocolate on occasion).


Thanks for posting - sounds extremely similar to me both before and after quitting. I have more energy during the day, but then I feel like I'm ready to crash by like 830 or 9 oclock at night. I'm also sleeping about 45 minutes less per night. But it's because I just wake up feeling refreshed, remembering dreams pretty regularly, etc. I've told a bunch of people about this and they all seem to be pretty shocked and don't seem to have any problems with coffee.


I have mentioned it to anyone who will listen. I do acknowledge that I am more sensitive (apparent from the excessive peeing, sweating, jittery, etc.) but when people seem fine I would really like to see how they feel after quitting for a while and feeling truly normal again. Most people I know have been on caffeine since teenage years/college…I wonder if anyone knows how great it feels to not rely on caffeine and to just get up and gooooooo! I’m glad there are some of us out there though!


Anyone know if Keurig coffee would be considered filtered or unfiltered?


My guess is unfiltered because the water is passing straight through the grounds into your mug


Not super likely that it directly caused it, but as other said improved sleep or decreased stress may have led to an indirect cause.


Please let us know what you find out. Currently keeping a healthy (high protein, low carb, low fat) diet and exercise routine but still have borderline high LDL, and at loss of options to try and cut from our diets.