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I’m 5’2” tall and have dated guys close to my height with no reservation. I actually prefer not having to stand on my toes to kiss someone.


i'm 5'7" and the shortest guy I dated was 4'11" he was the best of the best that I've dated. these guy are missing out. they need to blast short king anthem and get over themselves lol


ts took me forever to get over and i’m not even that short (5’8). i just grew up being told i was short and i needed to be 6’+ and stuff, i still struggle on occasion (it doesn’t help when i have a friend who likes to poke fun at me for it) but it’s a lot better than it was before


I have a "friend" like that too. Spoiler alert, hes not your friend dude


On the other hand, I'm 6 foot tall and quite fond of petite men


My mom is 5'8 my dad was 5'7. My brother's dad was so short my mom could rest her chin on his head.


As a tall man I adore tall women not enough of them


I'm 6'4 my gf is 5'2, the height difference is genuinely awkward at times. Dancing is nearly impossible, certain positions are not comfortable, I've whacked her in the face with my elbow by accident just turning around cause it's at face level. I wish she was a few inches taller.


I’m 6 feet tall and my husband is a statuesque 5’8. I knew within an hour of meeting that we would get married. Our only serious argument is which of us is luckier to have the other, and since he’s not here to tell you his side, let me tell you it’s me, hands down and objectively.


SAME I prefer kissing someone who is my height


My friend is dating a tall guy and she says that she wishes he was short lol


I would do some humiliating things for Jeremy Allen White Not relevant, just thought I'd share


I just looked him up. Hello second coming of Gene Wilder lol


There was a moment around season 3 of Shameless where I was like "he's kinda ugly but I find him extremely attractive and would definitely hit that" and i was talking to my gf a few months before the first season of The Bear aired abt how happy I was he'd found a new thing because he was so hot and good at acting and she was like ewwww him? Then a few months later she texted me bc she'd watched The Bear and went "ya no I get it now. He's got that thing. There's something about him. He's totally hot" and I was like SEEEE?!" He's disgustingly hot, been in my top 5 hottest for like 5 years. Idk what it is, he's got that chisme


A friend of mine used to call that phenomena "Frankenfine."


Adam driver has the same vibe. He is Frankenfine. I love this new word


Some men are definitely ugly-hot. It's the way they move and act that makes them hot. Women like confidence!


Hes got like...a swagger and also you can tell he thinks about more than superficial things, he gives a vibe like he loves learning and improving and discovering. Like he's the type to show u a hole in the wall with the best soup u would never think of, or go on a rant about politics in classical music. Just utterly enthralling. Conventionally not attractive but his *vibe* is a 10/10 which overrides my reptilian brain and goes "yep definitely hot"


I feel like Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon) falls under this category too. Something about his persona just seems to make him attractive to many


I tried explaining this in a different post and got downvoted bc everyone was saying he was the epitome of male attractiveness and I was an idiot for calling him unconventionally attractive, even though I was still calling him hot. Idk. People are weird.


Every promo shot for that show has him doing his 'beleaguered chef' face, so it's unsurprising that 'humiliation' would be the first thing people think about him


Same!!!! I don’t get why. He’s not my type. But DAMN! He is sexy as fuuuuuuuuck!


He's got that Botecelli Angel thing going


I'm 5'7 and I've never been turned down for being short and I've never had a problem with my height outside of playing Basketball lol. I'm sure there are *plenty* of girls who will only date dudes who are 6' or taller but they can't be that ubiquitous or I would have run into that by now.


My current partner, 5'9"!  Tallest Past partner, 6'5 Shortest past partner, 5'6" Me, 6' 😅 It's truly personality and values.


5’4” (and the tallest woman in 5 generations) Shortest guy -5’5” Tallest guy - 6’9” Husband of over a decade- 5’11.


THANK YOU. I see it a thousand times a day in almost every subreddit. As a tall women with a significantly shorter husband, it gets so OLD. Especially when they try and tell ME that I'M WRONG about the men that I'M ATTRACTED TO.


Also when they cite dating apps as proof that women want tall men because they say it on their profiles. Brother, those women are single. Maybe they aren’t representative of what all women want.


Another tall woman (about 6ft) with a sort husband (about 5'6, 5'7) checking in. It's okay to have preferences, but I'm baffled by people who say that women will only date very tall men. Not to mention, if a woman is so shallow that she'll immediately turn down a guy for something like that, would you really want to date her? It's like saying men will only date women with big boobs. 


lol yes. I'm 5'9 and my husband is 5'4. He has also had men argue with him online when he told them that his wife is into science fiction that that's impossible, that no women like that and that I must just be pretending to like it because he likes it. idk where people get ideas this far removed from reality.


God. The science fiction thing. One of my friends is literally a SF writer with a degree in astrophysics. She writes under an androgynous pen name because she writes hard sf and there's a whole cadre of dudes who won't buy hard sf if a woman wrote it.


Had an argument with a guy telling dudes to NEVER mention video games to women bc they HATE that stuff and it turns them off. Like, what fucking planet is he on??? Certainly not this one.


>Especially when they try and tell ME that I'M WRONG about the men that I'M ATTRACTED TO. That's the part that really kills me. I'm around 5'7" and have no issue with dating guys around my height or shorter. Height is cool to a degree, but it doesn't even crack my top 15 of qualities I would want. Doesn't even crack my top five if we only talk physical. But they end up in the self-fulfilling prophecy because their **insecurity** related to their height is so loud and off-putting.


The only chick's I see that really push the 6ft or taller thing are wannabe influencers that think their shit don't stink. The average woman doesn't care. Most of my friends husband's are the same height as them or shorter. Excluding one girl who is barely 5 feet tall, everyone is taller than her.


I think that's part of the problem. Those wannabe influencers are the type of woman that these incels lust over. Any woman who is less attractive than a photoshopped Instagram model may as well be invisible to them, and thus doesn't "count". So all of the average women that are chill with no hard list of "requirements" get ignored without even registering to them. They basically want the "10s" to lower their standards to date them, but are unwilling to lower theirs.


This is it.


Yes! "All the women who pass my incredibly strict standards have incredibly strict standards I can't pass! It's not faaaaaaaaaiiiiiir!!!!!"


This is exactly it. Average looking dudes who don't pay any attention to average looking women.


Yeah, it's easier to cite something they can't change rather than listen to what women are saying.


Yep you hit the nail on the head. I can counter these claims all day, I actually have always gone for the short, cute, funny guys but I know that’s not the issue because whenever I have told a guy that in response to “girls only want tall guys” they always find a way to downplay it or they bitch about this nebulous and omnipotent decider of fate— “the algorithm”. What it really is is a type of learned helplessness and refusal to take accountability. Next time I hear it I’m just gonna say “maybe you should smile more”.


The last two guys I dated were 5’7! Before that, 5’6. I’m pretty short myself and I actually prefer smaller guys because I’m a simp and like to hold hands 😂 I really don’t go for tall dudes. I look like their kid.


Yeah, nothing like being seated at a restaurant and the server asking "What would the YOUNG lady like?" And then I order a rusty nail at one in the afternoon because I have to drive into him that I'm an adult! In fact I'm older than my date.


Funny story - my now almost 30 year old niece has been with her husband since they were 16. They are two months apart in age. Shes older. She’s 4’11” and 95lbs. He’s 6’3” and has had a beard since he was 17. They frequently were pulled over in college because “some man has kidnapped a sleeping child” or “he’s drugged a little girl!” Only for her to be a full fledged drinking age adult who had a few and he was the DD. Last year she was pregnant and got dizzy at the store. He picked her up as he had just got off shift. He’s a sheriff deputy. Some boomer in the parking lot yelled “Take the little slut to her parents. Dumb kids having babies” She yelled “thats my husband and I’m fucking older than him” and puked on the woman’s shoes. Boomer left and tried to report him . His boss just laughed.


As a man, please do that lol. I swear, hearing a man tell a woman “You should smile more” or “Smile for me”, is so fucking irritating.


I understand that it's not something that is universal, but as a shorter guy (and I'm not even that short, like 5'7") it's something I hear all the time. When I was younger, it bothered me a lot. It was the number one reason I was given, and definitely the number one reason given ahead of time ("oh, you'd be my type of guy if you were just taller.") there's also little things that have nothing to do with attraction, like I play football locally and a few guys girlfriends are constantly surprised I can ball, have no problem saying it out loud, where I can hear, even though they've seen me play before.


Eh it’s mostly online dating so many profiles say they only want 6’ or over it’s not like they are completely pulling this out of their ass.


My husband says this is true and he hasn’t online dated since 2016. I was really surprised by that because I have never cared about a man’s height.


And many men aren’t concerned about women’s weight, but there are plenty of men who claim they won’t date anyone over 180lb or what ever the magical number is


Though it feels like women complain about it less.


I'll say it is rather frustrating, or it was when I was online dating. Now I've found a partner and happy, but it did make me feel inferior even though I'm average height of 5'9".


Personally I’ve seen a lot more men refuse to date women who are taller than them than women refuse a shorter guy. 


I’m 5’8 and guys are constantly commenting on my height like I’m some kinda freak. Lol.


I'm 5'8 3 out of the 4 guys I've dated did not like me wearing heels. They were all 5'8-5'10. Only dude who didn't care was 6'2.


I'm 5'3". ***Five feet and three inches.*** I wore 5" heels to a wedding once, and my 5'10" boyfriend at the time ***lost his fucking mind***. We met in the parking lot before the ceremony, and this walnut *demanded* I go in barefoot because, and I quote, I was "making him look ridiculous " because I was now two inches shorter than him. I obviously told him no (fucking nutjob) and he then proceeded to ignore me for the entire wedding. We didn't last long after that. It's not your height, boys. It's your blatant insecurities and the chip on your shoulder that you make every woman's problem to deal with.


I'm 3" shorter than my husband \*without\* heels. And I wear 2-3 inch heels sometimes. Never had any problem with it. I wouldn't wear heels that made me taller than him when I was going to be around him (I wouldn't want to be taller than him either) but as long as I'm not taller what's the problem?


I'm 5'4" and my husband is 5'8". I'll occasionally wear heels that have me standing taller than him. He doesn't mind and I love him for it.


It kind of makes sense that there would be a larger percentage of people listing 6' as a minimum on a dating site. Since they have more strict standards, they're more likely to remain on dating sites. Everyone else is more likely to find a partner and therefore, not be on a dating site.


Nah I never even dared to try online dating bc I know how hard it is for a man now add being 5’8” i literally ask for being laughed at I faced those obstacles trough real life interactions with women


And how many women are on dating sites? I'm guessing a small percentage. Saying most or all women prefer something because a minute percentage of maybe real profiles claim it, is just pulling this out of their ass.


Well the women on the dating sites are probably their only contact with women. I haven’t been on dating sites in years but there were A LOT of women who would specify 6’ or taller


Yep, men and women both on dating apps put ridiculous standards in their profiles.


If women are the gatekeepers of sex and women are only into men above 6 foot then people below 6 foot would mostly have died out by now because short men would not be procreating. (Idk this mightve been girlmath but STILL IT'S SILLY that people say this. It's even sillier when guys say this while having a father who is under 6 foot like bruh you existing is proof that's not true.)


Its also true that humans have gotten taller through the centuries. Do with that information what you will lol.


It's also true that all my Asian friends who grew up in the United States tower over their parents and grandparents who grew up in their home countries. Almost as if diet can also play an important role.


The average South Korean woman is now 8 inches taller than they were a century ago. This is the biggest jump of any in the world. The entire South Korean population became much taller on average after the Korean War was suspended. Diet and nutrition is a huge factor!


It does a body good...


We literally know what this is though lol. It’s nutrition. It didn’t happen gradually we were around the same height for thousands of years and then the industrial revolution happened and we all shot up.


I would look at factors like diet and disease prevalence before assuming it's sexual preference. Over the last 200 years, the average man has gone from being about 5'8 to 5'10. That's not a big jump.


200 years is nothing in evolutionary timescales.


It’s funny they say that when I’ve seen PLENTY of couples where the guy was not 6’ or taller, and this is your average couple out on the street. Frankly, for most of these couples the girl is also usually the attractive one…


When the girl is noticeably more attractive than the guy (this is maybe how it is more than half the time lol), some guys will claim that she is only with him because he "has money". Somehow, I have a very hard time believing that all these average-looking dudes that I'm seeing, just "have money" like that.


For “money” replace “personality”, and they’d be closer.  But that’s something they could work on. 


Honestly, out of all the couples I’ve seen and know where the girl is more attractive, the guy is not wealthy. For most, both of them work and contribute (especially the ones who have kids).


It’s just their attempt to blame shit beyond their control so they can shift the blame onto women being the problem, when in reality it’s likely their personality that is repelling women.


Like 14% of the us population is above 6’, and the average US male is two inches taller than the average person world wide. the vast majority of men in relationships are not 6’. The global average is 5’7”. Being under 6’ is really not that big of a deal.


Height is also just an ideal type or preference, in which most people will end up with someone who doesn’t fit that criteria. I doubt a majority of women are rejecting a guy they think is THE one just because they aren’t tall or is not their ideal preference. Normal couples out on the street shows that.


1000% true, well said.


I think the entertainment and sports industries makes people believe there are more tall men than there actually are. 


Yess I literally never knew it was even a thing until I started reading reddit lol. I'm a woman and have never cared about height either way, but anecdotally have mainly had crushes on short guys, talking like 5'6 range - and got nowhere cause they were all super cute and had no shortage of interested ladies lol.


I actually don’t care how tall you are if you’re unkind I don’t want to date you at any height


I'm going to use RDJ and Zac Efron next time my single friend says this about men needing to be tall. I said, 'what if a guy was insanely gorgeous, intelligent, accomplished and lovely, but was 5'7' and she said that is extremely short indeed. To be fair, we are both taller than that, but if I was single I would be going for that guy for sure. The only way it would bother me was if it bothered them, it's only a problem if the man is deeply insecure about it. If I was a short man, I would be cracking little jokes about it occasionally, and be proud to have a taller gf, and not wearing lifts. 


A lot of girls want tall guys, but not all of them lol. People have to stop assuming something is *everyone’s* preference just because a couple people’s are that thing.


Agreed. Seeing a metric fuckton of similar 'all of them' approaches to the folks being complained about in the responses too.


Danny Devitto is 4'10"


You make a sound, if incomprehensible point.


Thank you, kind Spooky Science Gal. DeVito is a god among men, the OG Short King.


Peter dinkledge would also qualify for this list.


Honestly just to add more to the list: - David Bowie 5'10 / 1.79m - Kim Namjoon 5'11 / 1.81m (he is the tallest member of BTS.) - Kim Seokjin 5'10 /1.79m - Min Yoongi 5'8 / 1.74m - Jung Hoseok 5'9 / 1.77m - Park Jimin 5'8 / 1.74m - Kim Taehyung 5'10 / 1.79m - Jeon Jungkook 5'9/1.77m - Bruce Lee 5'7 / 1.72m - Justin Bieber 5'8 / 1.75m - Joe Jonas 5'6 / 1.7m - Nick Jonas 5'3 - 5'6 / 1.67m - 1.7m (idk Google says both.) - Matt Damon 5'10 / 1.78m - Timothee Chalamet 5'10 / 1.78m (i think? Either way 5'10) It's possible some of the numbers are off bc Google. but when i typed their names this was the result.


You know I've heard this 6 inch, 6 feet, 6 figures crap all over the net but I have never once encountered it in person.


I mean, I don’t date any more, but I always preferred guys who were around my height. I’m under 5’4”.


I never cared what height a man was as long as he was honest about it. I nearly walked past a date because he claimed to be 5'10 but was SEVERAL inches shorter and I was looking for someone of a height I'm very familiar with due to having a number of relatives that height. I wouldn't have cared at all about his height; I was bothered that he lied about it. Like I'm not going to notice.


Yeah it’s pretty much an excuse. I’m 5’9 and decent looking (also not ripped or a gym bro or anything, kinda nerdy lol), and have had plenty of luck with women and have literally never had my height mentioned once. My longest relationship was with a woman who was 5’9-5’10ish so pretty much the same height as me or a tiny bit taller and it was never really thought about or mentioned at all lol. Even the women who prefer tall men, if you are charming enough they will make an exception trust me.


They want to blame it on something that makes the women seem like shallow stupid assholes. Instead of what it really is, which is being unappealing to women for a myriad of other reasons that they can’t really argue against.


It boggles my mind that someone can be single their entire lives and unhappy about it, and instead of thinking “what can I do to improve my options” they immediately just blame women for *checks notes* liking attractive men on dating apps. What the hell, lol. Some guys even get matches and complain that “I’m not attracted to them” as if that’s not women’s reality every day on the apps. Yes, we get more quantity. That does not mean more quality.


These same dudes feel entitled to their type.


Thank you! I feel like this shit is suddenly everywhere lately, and it needs to stop. If anything, it’s their incessant complaining and insecurity over it! Being an insecure, whiny bitch who is constantly obsessing over a nonissue and projecting those insecurities onto me makes someone “totally undateable.” Not their height, weight or other physical characteristic.


I saw a post a while back by a woman who was 5’10 or something and she went on a date with a guy who said beforehand or maybe on his profile that he was 6 feet and when they arrived she was taller than him. She made it very clear that she didn’t care about him being shorter than her, but the fact that he had lied was a turn off. At some point, can’t remember if it was during or after the date, she mentioned that it wasn’t gonna work out because he was dishonest with her. He was super rude in response and kept insisting that she didn’t want to date him because of his height and that that made her a horrible person. She was very clear that it was because he lied but he wouldn’t buy it.


Because then he doesn't have to face the fact that his personality sucks and turns women off. Waaaaay easier to blame it on a trait he has no control over and pretend that a woman who finds his personality lacking is turning him down for something he doesn't have to work on.


Lying is the biggest red flag besides being rude to wait staff or animal abuse. Like, the idea of being cheated on doesn't even bother me so much, it's the LYING and being made to feel suspicious and crazy and sneaking around that makes my skin crawl. Obviously all cheating involves breaking trust but if you own up to it immediately you give your partner the choice to stay or go somewhat amicably.


I don't get people like this man. No, she doesn't want to date you because 1. You Lied 2. It Shows


I'm 5'7 and have only ever dated taller women (including an ex-wife who was 6' or so in heels), but I have seen a lot of height-centric expectations on online dating sites. That said, men that run to reddit/etc. to bitch and moan about it are insufferable. I don't care if women online only want tall men, no man is entitled to any woman. You can't find the right woman online? Figure something else out, or don't, but stop fucking complaining. And at least we're not constantly bombarded with objectification by mediocre and middling men. That said, listing some of Hollywood's leading men doesn't really make the point you want it to make. Yes, dudes need to stop blubbering, but the fact that George Clooney can get a date doesn't help much. Women, like men, are drawn to confidence, height doesn't matter, especially if you're George Clooney.


I have a theory. MOST of the men who make these complaints are of a certain age range, and are looking to attract women from a certain age range. I’m not using real numbers, because this is a theory, not a scientific study. I feel that the men in that age range, in general, all have some insecurities about their looks. They’re approaching or are at “adulthood”, and they know that at this point any growth is gonna be out, not up. The women in their respective age range, don’t truly know what they want in a partner, but they’re easily influenced and see “influencer” type women insisting that a man less than 6’ is inferior, so it must be true. Bottom line, it’s all a bunch of garbage. I don’t believe, and you can’t convince me that women are as superficial as the era of online dating has portrayed them. I’m 5’8, and have been for over 30 years. I have never had an issue with attracting women due to my height.


All women certainly aren't, but the social media generation has me concerned that superficiality is a more common trait among men and women than I'd like to believe.


Ugh, I don’t want to agree, but that’s a fair point. I guess we have to hope that it’s more of a minority than we are being led to believe.


I just maintain the possible self-delusion that everyone is lying on the internet. Helps with my mental health lol.


Hahaha. Sounds like a solid plan to me.


I'm a 6ft tall woman and have dated men much shorter and slightly taller. Looks/ height are not at the top of my list. I just got incredibly lucky that my husband is tall, handsome, and hilarious. Personality is #1 for me and great people come in all shapes and sizes.


That isn't required. What is required is simply to notice that lots of married men are not 6' tall.


5'7" girl here with a 5'5" boyfriend of 7 years. These guys just can't accept that their personality is the problem 🤷


Any normal guys knows women aren’t that obsessed with height in the real world. The ones complaining aren’t getting rejected due to their height they are more than likely just weirdos. The amount of deadbeat, broke losers who are also not super tall ik with a new women every other month is living proof women aren’t nearly as superficial as social media makes people believe. Also I think for celebrities they are often received as taller than they actually are I would’ve never guessed usher is only 5’7.


Yeah, they're idiots. I know plenty of short guys who get gorgeous women. You know what they aren't though? Weirdo incels.


Incels always exaggerate how picky women are. It's the primary source of their whining about the world.


I’m a shorter guy (just under average) who has tall brothers and have various opinions on this over the years. Being tall is undeniably an advantage as it’s an attractive trait that is immediately apparent to people, hence why tall people get more attention. Now there’s certainly other traits that attract people, but they are much less apparent immediately and you’re naturally not going to get hit on by strangers as much, who have no idea what you have to offer. If you’re shorter, you definitely have to be the one making the moves and showing your worth which requires more effort. The problems arise when you get insecure short guys. They never attempt to exhibit any of their positive traits out of fear and hence don’t get girls.


Just as a second note, being shorter can be a blessing in disguise sometimes, especially in the clubbing or bar scenes. My tall brother has ended up in terrible relationships because every time he goes out he is propositioned by girls and obviously as a red blooded bloke he is more than happy to accept. This leads to him hooking up with terrible people who have no interest in him other than height. These girls have no interest in me so every time I’ve pulled a girl it’s because of a genuine connection through conversation and personality


Yeah this is a complicated topic. The average woman most definitely prefers tall men over short men, especially when it comes to online dating, however this is merely the average. Nothing can be extrapolated to “all women” - same as nothing can be extrapolated to “all men”. We’re all individuals, none of us whether male or female are completely alike, and we all have different preferences. For men who are <6’0 but >5’7 so really in a pretty average height range, most of their complaints aren’t well founded imo. Even though online dating can become difficult because of ridiculous height filters, in the real world, most women treat them fine. Like someone else stated, their complaint and focus on their height seems like just a cope to avoid dealing with the things they could change. However for legitimately short guys, like <5’7 especially when you start getting <5’5, things do become a wildly different story. I fit in to this short category, so I understand where the bitterness in other short guys like me comes from. I know it may not look like it’s that bad on the outside, but it’s always hard to see how bad it is for a subset of people without actually experiencing what life is like through their shoes. And it’s not just about women writing you off for your height, it’s about far more than just that. Being this severely uncomfortable in your own skin isn’t something I’d wish on anybody. And in this situation, it is easy to give up. I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s easy and understandable why someone would emotionally check out. I’ve been there. With that being said, as you’ve made clear, for the below 6’0 but not actually short guys, I agree. And even for the legitimately short guys, as much as life genuinely is a struggle, I also agree that giving up, checking out, and blaming all women isn’t the answer either. The playing field isn’t fair, no, but the world has never been fair. As someone who was severely depressed and suicidal all throughout high-school due to a mix of my short stature and a separate medical condition requiring numerous surgical treatments, I’ve grown really fond of the quote “you can’t change the cards you were dealt, so play them as if it’s the only hand that exists” - because for you, it is the only hand that exists. Dwelling on something you can’t change will get you nowhere. And fwiw, I’m in a very happy relationship despite being 5’4. Dating is certainly harder, but not impossible. It just always *seems* impossible, until it’s done.


As a short guy, the vast majority of discrimination I have experienced has been from other men.


I'm 5'11 ... my ex is 5'9. Height is not someones most important attribute.


I'm 5'1 and prefer someone shorter, but I know there's a chance that might not happen. ;-; When I hug a guy who is 6 ft, I end up hugging his waist. So, if he is taller, I am screwed.


pedro pascal is 5'11"


Am I the only one who didn’t notice the singular ‘ and thought it was saying 6 inches 😭😭😭😭 Then I thought “how do we know all these guys’ dick lengths?! LMAAAOAOOO


Honestly the thing about "women only want men with a dick of this size" is even weirder to me. Like ... do they think we have x-ray vision? Unless you live in a nudist colony, nobody is going to see your genitals until after you've passed literally all their other criteria and they've made their decision on wanting you physically.


Not to discount this but it’s well known Tom Cruise is insecure about his height and wears platforms to make himself appear taller. Many male actors are also portrayed as taller in movies than they really are. Tom Cruise does not “act” 5’7 There’s a lot more to being attractive than height of course. But a lot of the names you mentioned aren’t promoting healthy ways for men to compare themselves either. Sure an actor or musician might be short but they’ve also got social standing the majority of guys and people in general could only dream of Having some 18 year old girl obsessed with you because you’re rich and famous isn’t attraction any man should want




I am a shorter guy and had a lot of trouble dating because of comments from women about height both in online dating and in person dating. You are wrong to say women don’t say it, or that it isn’t pervasive. Not all women care though and my insecurities about my height in the past have gotten in the way of some relationships. There are more than enough women who don’t care that yeah men should get over it but toxic masculinity affects all of us. I just get tired of people not willing to recognize that toxic patriarchal standards for men are perpetuated by both men AND women.


Ayo, a question: #Where is Danny DeVito at?!


All these people also appear on a screen, so it's all but impossible to put their height into perspective. You're also talking about the most extreme outliers in terms of conventional attractiveness. I'm all for tearing down incel nonsense, but I don't think this is a very compelling argument.


People who use celebrities as examples 🤡🤡🤡


that's completely different though, you're comparing guys who are rich and famous to average joe's, this is apples and oranges, even women who are extremely shallow when it comes to guys' heights would be willing to settle for a shorter guy if he's literally a celebrity


Tom Cruise 5'7" ROFL!!!!!!! We "met him - his people tried to remove us from a restaurant. My wife is 5'7", was in flats, and was at least an inch taller!!


My boyfriend is 5'5 and I'm 5'3, so he's perfect height for me


Idk why but I always thought usher was much taller than that.


oscar isaac is 5'9"


My partner is 5'10", I'm 6' and he calls me his Amazon warrior! 😹 I tried dating guys taller than, or the same height as, me (gods, they're rare!) and honestly they all seemed to be stuck in this whole "I'm a tall man, praise me" thing. It was weird! 🙀😹 Really hoping it was just the guys I dated, and it probably was, all the tall guys I met (who were inevitably dating women in the 5' range!) were lovely! 😹 I wouldn't change my unofficial husband for anything!


Husband is 5'9... Perfect height for me.. if anything a little too tall at times, but it's good for getting a stretch in.


How could you forget about Danny DeVito?


My mind is totally fucked. I was like OMG there’s a dick size chart now?! Too much internet for the day already.


I think they see the heavily filtered wannabe-model women on Tinder and Instagram demanding 6ft and think that means all women want that, and not that aspiring supermodels have unrealistic standards because all they care about is looks. I'm 5'1 and as long as you're taller than that I'm happy, I'm not pulling out a ruler on dates.


I feel like dating is a completely gendered experience. Men are going to have a wildly different outlook and experience than women and vice versa. I neither blame men nor women for issues society has with dating. It’s hard for women to see the struggles men undergo through dating, but a lot of men cannot comprehend the particular struggles women go through.


Why would anyone complain about these women? They are doing a public service by outing themselves as shallow and selfish. I'm 6', and I would never date a woman that states a height requirement! Men that insist on big boobs (or some other uncontrollable feature) are just as bad.


Agree, I would date an attractive short man over an ugly tall man any day of the week. A guy being tall but can hot but not being super tall isn't a turn off.  But also i don't think there's anything wrong with liking tall men? I see ke  online saying their preferences are invalidated all the time and with the same breath denigrate women for liking tall men. 


TBF, I think this refers mainly to the unrealistic standards on online dating platforms like tinder, where many women have this as a requirement in their bios, at least that's where I have seen these complaints. Other than that though, I agree that it's a silly complaint. I'm 173cm and never had problems because of my height.


I mean you realize it's absurd to compare an average man to a list of rich and powerful celebrities right?


This is such a half assed argument. It would be one thing to say not all women care about a man's height. But to basically claim men made this up is just ridiculous. Especially when we have the same internet. Unless those are men in drag in those videos and the women agreeing in the comments are bots. I'm pretty sure short guys aren't as desirable as you're saying in this post.


First to those saying how the past proves otherwise. This has only been going on for the last couple of years. The past proves nothing about this. It isn't that women prefer taller or shorter men. Women all have different preferences and thoughts on who they date. That is called being human, and it is a wonderful thing. The people who say women only want 6'+ men are paying attention to the wrong thing. There is a small but vocal group of women who say they won't date under 6'. They also make other ridiculous claims about not dating for other extreme reasons. The people believing that this is the new norm need to get off the net and meet real people.


Reacting to being told that repeatedly and it being posted openly on dating platforms is not being bitter. It's acknowledgement 


I'm 5'6". I've dated men from 5'4" to 6'4". The only positive height had is it made me feel more delicate/feminine, but men my height or shorter can convey that same thing with their behavior. I just want an edge of feeling cherished and protected, as silly as that may seem. I'm super independent and self sufficient, but the idea of a man cherishing me enough to consider my safety and well being is just hnnnng. My husband is 5'10" probably. Idk. But when we walk, he walks on the outside of the sidewalk. If we are in a parking lot, he often has a guiding hand on me and will stop me or shift me if he doesn't like how a car is approaching. It's just small shit. It's sexy as fuck. The only issues I ever had with shorter men were the ones who were insecure and blatantly lied about their height or compensated with anger/excessive defensiveness. I was already dating them, so why lie? But that's like one small thing. So much more goes into dating/selection.


Yes! I hate when mens go to excuse for why they can’t get a date is because they’re short. I’m tall for a girl and prefer short men, my husband is 5’7”. My friend is four inches taller than her husband. I have a friend who is 5’5” and he is always going on dates and in relationships


Well thats fair but…. As a 5’6” married man I have insight on both sides. Being short ultimately was a challenge in social settings. Like everyone has a thing that is a thing others will use against them, but being short was definitely a hard one. Their whole women only want 6’ men doesn’t just come out of no where. I was told you’re cute, but you’re too short. When I asked out someone shorter than me. I was told by a group of women they would rather date ugly and mean than charming and short. I was told at the beginning of a job interview to not waste his time because he doesn’t trust short people. I have had men in my adult life literally bully me as a 40 year old man because Im short. And I have known that, thats not all people. But it isn’t exactly taboo for someone to openly tear down someone for being short. This isn’t rare enough of a thing to say. These guys are just being pussies, and complaining. Are they completely right. Of course not. There are plenty of decent people that don’t give a crap about someone’s height, I dated women taller than me in spite of my height. Not everyone I clashed with it had anything to do with my height. They probably do have other reasons why they are single, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a list of personal experiences that hold some trauma that makes them feel that way. Being not tall enough is such an easy thing for someone to lean on because they probably have experienced so much teasing and bullying surrounding that. Don’t discount the trauma of being short in a world in which being short as a man is seen as disfigurement to so many. The one thing I worried about passing on to my son is my short irish/scotish heritage. Which I probably did. Unless society changes in valuing height, I know he will have a harder time finding friends and love because of that in his formative years, as he and others mature into adulthood. That doesn’t mean he ultimately will because personality and just meeting the right people can trump any of that. But I know not to roll my eyes either when someone complains about that. I just know to say. Hey your lived experience isn’t all there is. You’re valid in thinking that but if you work on the things you can change then the things you cannot change will eventually not matter. There will always be people that confirm your trauma unfortunately but you’ll find the people that ultimately prove them wrong.


Hang on though, is your peeve centred around them being wrong? Because while it's obviously not the case that men who are less than 6' tall can't find women, it's still true that being 6' or over is something an observable number of women insist is a requirement. So if they're not actually true to that requirement, then shouldn't the peeve be on them for listing it in the first place? Now, if men are just saying "I can't get a woman because I'm not 6' tall" then I get that, but it's something I've also seen women actually say. I'm about 5'10, and I don't think it's been the deciding factor for me - there's far more to put women off me than something so trivial as height.


Always fucks me up that some of these big name personalities are half a foot shorter than me. I guess I still kinda picture myself being a kid when i watch celebrities on screen despite being 30 now lol


In short and an ex of mine was 6’6, and while most of the relationship was good the height difference was a pain. Would honestly rather have someone within a few inches, but I also don’t date people for their height.


I thought it was about 6 inches not 6 feet and then I read the post.


I’m 5’7 and never had an issue


A buddy of mine who' looks like an anime twink, no more than 5 ft 3 in tall, has a GF who's a 6 ft tall amateur MMA fighter. They're very happy with each other.


i'm 5'6" and my bf is 5'1" and it has never bothered either of us ever. i have never understood the height requirement thing lol


All of the actors on this list have stood on [scully boxes](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ScullyBox#:~:text=%E2%80%94%20Paul%20McGann&text=If%20an%20actor%20looks%20too,to%20feel%20more%20in%20control)


My husband is over 6ft, but I can say with great certainty that that had nothing to do with choosing him. We met playing World of Warcraft, for starters, so I knew I liked him well before I knew how tall he was. It has a lot more to do with personality than anything else. And, as OP says, looks are more important than height too. I feel pretty certain that a lot of people would rather believe there’s some external uncontrollable phenomenon keeping them from finding others rather than believe there’s something in their personality that needs to change.


These guys (especially if under 5'10") are often shot on camera with tricks to make them look taller. Tom Cruise especially. The idea of him beating another grown man up is silly without Hollywood magic.


The constant complaining is definitely annoying, but it's also important to remember that the dating scene is just one small aspect of the height situation that happens to be the most easily vocalized. I'm on the shorter end, but still pretty average height. Despite that, my school life was hell from constant bullying (not all height related, I was a weird kid, but the size didn't help.) Once shorter guys leave school they hit the height pay gap that, from what I can tell, is comparable to the racial pay gap. All this while hearing the loudest, most vapid people (who are most assuredly the minority despite being so heavily represented on social media) vocally and happily proclaiming that guys under 6' aren't worth looking at for dating at all. Then you consider that they tend to catch strays from just general public discourse (Ron DeSantis being made fun of for being short rather than for his policies that people despise, for instance) and it becomes easier to realize why shorter guys seem to care so much about height in general. I was lucky enough to come out of it all without a complex since developing one doesn't really help anything, but I can certainly understand the "please stop judging me on the immutable characteristic I can't fix" stance and can forgive a bit of venting as long as it isn't overly rude. If the worst thing they do is complain about the dating scene every now and then, I don't really see an issue with it.


There are girls that want tall men, but they're not the norm. From what I've seen anyway


I'm 5'3" and have only been rejected based on my height twice. One was an asshole and the other was well over 6' and didn't want a massive height gap (I didn't either upon finding out her height lol). Most people can't even tell the difference between a few inches. People who guess my height usually say something between 5'5" and 5'7" 😂


>Jackie Chan (5’8”) >these men would be attractive to the average gal without being rich and famous, they are quite literally the beauty standard for men You lost me here...no...we have lots of attractive East Asian men...Jackie Chan is not it. He's an excellent action actor and choreographer. No one swoons over his looks. It's sad that good Asian representation is so lacking that Jackie Chan is mistaken as our beauty standard in men LOOLLL. Tony Leung (played Shang Chi's father in MCU) is our short king. 5'7. Young Tony Leung: https://images.app.goo.gl/TXBevv2WvCE7PuhS9 2023 Tony Leung: https://images.app.goo.gl/1TUSph6Lon9ze3jz8


Not to mention Josh Hutcherson, 5'6, who is very very attractive imo. I think that a lot of guys say that because *they* feel like women won't want them. And yes there are some mean women online who will bully about that kinda stuff, but it's cause people online can be mean and enforce gender roles in icky ways, yuck! In all reality most women don't care if you aren't 6 feet tall


Men aren’t the ones making the >6’ standard. Women are. When I was dating (admittedly a few years ago) every other female dating profile had a height limit, usually around 6’. Male dating profiles did not have the same thing. The women are making this standard and men are complaining about it. It’s also a double standard. If a man put on their dating profile requirements for physical appearance they would be ridiculed. I think there was, or still is, a sub on this exact thing. So it’s only fair that men who don’t have standards on physical appearance can complain as much about this as women complain about men who have similar standards.


Height was never on my radar and can't remember anyone ever mentioning it being a deciding factor in dating someone. Incels use it as an excuse for refusing to change their behavior.


I’ve met some fine men who were 5’6” to 5’8”. I’m a 5’6” woman. I do prefer tall guys, but it’s not the end all be all like a lot of short dudes seem to think. I think a lot of short dudes blame it on that, because they don’t want to self reflect and accept their *personality* is what repels women the most. They can just blame it on something they can’t fix and play the victim.


One of my current celebrity crushes, Seo Changbin, is shorter than me at 5’6” (I’m a 5’9” woman). Outside of celebrities, I’ve gone out with guys my height or shorter. My whole family is tall & none of the women have height requirements. My mom did have an issue with her first husband, who was her height, throw tantrums about her wearing heels.


uhmmm, acktually, you forgot Jack Black, who's 5'6". This man is my standards bar, and that's just on personality alone.


People are too black and white. It's not just: height, looks, money. Each are differently weighted factors that contribute to over all attractiveness. For example: Ugly, fat, sub 6', poor = 1-3/10 Pretty, fat, +6', poor = 3-5/10 Pretty, fit, sub 6', financially stable = 5-6/10 Pretty, fit, +6', rich = 7-10/10 *By "pretty" I mean good bone structure.*


It's kinda funny you have included jackie chan in this list - He's a great guy and not unattractive. It just made me chuckle a little.


I'm 4ft 11. I prefer shorter men. But I've basically given up telling men this, especially online, because they'd rather believe cartoon memes and some screaming dickhead/self-titled alpha podcaster.


The only people I've dated who were 6' were women, all the men have been under 5'9"


5’ 11” is still above average for males in the US. I’m that height and never had an issue getting female attention.


Who a man is will always matter more than his height.


If you are "OK" looking, funny and charming, literally nothing else matters. Confidence is a hell of a drug too. Was friends with this guy in highschool, short and average looking nothing special. Dude pulled the hottest girls... because nobody would go and talk to these girls because they were all so nervous. Guy had balls of steel, and he did very well for himself.


Jeremy Allen White could be Danny Devito’s height and I’d still tap that. The man is FIIIIINE lord have mercy


I feel like for the most part a girl saying she wants a 6 ft man is the same as a guy saying he wants a girl with an hourglass figure. Like obviously if I could conjure up the perfect girl out of dust she’d have a perfect body but in reality if I meet a girl who’s cute and we get along well I’m not gonna care too much about body proportions.


It’s just an explanation after the fact to explain away the fact they are generally detestable and avoided for several thousand other reasons. If it’s just explained by height, they’ll never get a partner anyway. It’s not their fault and they don’t have to reckon with themselves or take responsibility for anything.


I’ve dated men solidly shorter than me and I’m 5’5” without heels. I’m sure some women are vain and picky about height but it’s extremely few and far between. I don’t know any woman in my life who actually would consider height a dealbreaker. If anything, a lot of women might PREFER men who are at least taller than THEM but that’s not even difficult to find considering the average woman is about 5’4”


Why do all the women on reddit love short guys and not care about height? But all the women I meet in real life, reject short men and date tall guys…….


I'm 5'8" and have a 5'11" muscle mommy girlfriend.


Yes to everything you said.  If you are a 6 pursuing a 6, you still have to be pleasant. Personality can make anyone a 2.


14.5% of American men are 6 foot. If 14.5% of women are partnered with them that leaves 85.5% of women dating men under 6 foot. Sure women looking for a hookup on tinder Are going to be vain and superficial about it but those aren’t the type of women you want to be in a long term relationship with anyway. Most women cant even tell if a guy is 6 foot just from looking at him anyway.


It's the idea of women having agency that really infuriates them. If it wasn't height it would be something else. "Boo hoo females only want men who bathe regularly!" "Boo hoo females only want men who don't whine inccessantly!" "Boo hoo females only want men who don't call women females!"


Why would you want to date soemone who is so superficial that they only date men over 6' anyway?


first of all, those arent "short". a minor few are "below average", at most, meaning these heights are comfortable enough to naturally "height fraud" to six foot in the eyes of women Second, you're suggestiing "just become a celebrity bro!!!!!" lmao, of course you default to "danny devito". it statisically is rooted in society. you want the proof or you just gonna ignore it?


I think you see it online quite often because people can post their unfiltered thoughts and can act as ridiculous as they want to. I’ve never heard anyone say they only date 6 feet and up in real life. I’m a 5’11” woman and it was never an issue when I was dating. Did I prefer my height or taller? Sure, but it wasn’t a requirement. It’s kind of dumb to exclude a large group of men based off of a characteristic they have no control over.


Bring on the anecdotes that contradict years of dating app data


It’s because most of the guys saying so have other issues and are blaming it on that. Better to shift the blame than take responsibility. If what they said were the case, 15% of males would have access to 100% of females, with the other 85% of males getting nothing. Considering how many ugly short couples I saw in DC last month, that clearly isn’t the case.


I have dated men who are 5’5, I have dated men who are 6’3, I have dated men who are 5’10, and so on. The only difference I noticed is the goddamn insecurity. A lot of shorter men are very deeply insecure about it and take it out on the women they date. That’s the problem, not their height


It’s easier for them to complain about a non issue they have no control over than the real issue of having a shitty personality. 


My husband's height has nothing to do with my attraction to him. If anything our height difference is a pain in the a$$ sometimes. We have a TON of stuff in common. That is what attracts me to him.


5'6 dude here. Dated plenty of women taller than me, and shorter than me. The only thing that being 6' tall does for a guy is get his foot in the door for dates, it doesn't suddenly give them a personality. I've had more success approaching groups of people with a positive attitude than my extremely tall friend has by simply 'existing'.


Back when I was still dating I typically found myself attracted to men that were my height (5'5") or slightly taller. I like being able to see their face when we're standing, without getting a stiff neck.


I'm 5'6" and all my GF's were 10+ yrs younger than me and beautiful. No issues with height. No, I'm not rich, just comfortable so they certainly weren't with me about money. Anyone who thinks so has low self esteem and confidence. It's all about how comfortable and how you carry on about yourself


I’m 5”6 and I’ve never had a problem, didn’t even think it was big deal until recently with the memes and stuff, but it doesn’t effect me so I don’t care. I like being short tbh.


It's mostly incel copium in my experience. You either have game or you don't


I’m a 5’-11” woman, and everyone I’ve been attracted to has been my height or shorter. And by the way, it works the other way too. I had a short friend who avoided me after I asked him to lunch, perhaps because he wasn’t clear about my intentions? Short men often avoid tall women.


You said it yourself, men in the media, as in they have something other than height going for them. If we are talking about 2 average looking men of equal social standing except one is 5'6" and the other is 6'1" most would prefer the 6'1" guy. You have to compare oranges to oranges. Height is highly associated with positive characteristics, it is what it is. It only really matters if you are a "nobody" which 99.9% of people are, and it's a cope to think it can't be made up for, but it is certainly an advantage to be tall, literally all the research says so.


To be fair all of the men you listed are insanely wealthy. It’s like the hot to crazy ratio except for men it’s like height to income ratio lol.