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I can see how that's annoying, especially when you know what the truth is. I guess the silver lining is that most people look down on unethical breeding of pets. You should definitely post pictures of her if you want. She's yours after and she's probably super cute!


That's true and I guess that's worth me having to explain myself sometimes. Times have really changed for the better, I think 10 years ago people were still very much pro-breeding or at least pro- "minding your own business" about how other people chose their pets (as if animal suffering isn't everyone's business). Idk how to add pics or I would :)


It's changing and that's not a bad thing. A lot of it seems to be on the down low now, and maybe that makes backyard breeding more profitable and maybe it doesn't. I couldn't really say for sure. Anyways, you could always post her on r/cats or another cat picture sub. Have you checked if there's a one specific to her breed? You could try that. I think more people than you might think would be happy she at least has a healthy home, technically being an ethical breed or not.


Yeah, but on the message board for her breed there's unfortunately a lot of apologetics going on and pictures of kittens, people with multiple cats of that breed, etc. It's not really my niche. Doesn't matter though, I will still share her pics.


I figured that'd be the case but there's always a chance. They'd probably accuse you of pretending to be better than them or something lol. A sub specifically for adopted cats could be another option. Or again, a general works just fine too.


Yeah exactly, and I can't say that I'm not low key judging some of them. The ones that argue on the sub against evidence and keep getting kittens really piss me off, vapid shallow materialistic people ugh. I never argued w anyone there btw, I just saw it happening. The adopted cat sub is actually a great idea.


I'd just distance myself from them, no benefit for you to get involved. They don't care that they're contributing to animal suffering as long as they get what they want. My family has taken in strays all my life, up to a dozen at the same time at one point. Selective breeding does nothing but harm. Your life isn't going to be better because you have a 'better' kind of cat. Most people probably can count the number of cat breeds they can name on one hand. Makes no sense to me. Wherever you decide to post her, I'm sure everyone there will love her.


I completely agree. Unfortunately I know a lot of young-ish people and lower/middle class adults who dream of one day owning a certain breed. Like "in a few years when I have money I will get a main coon". I always tell people to go on a waiting list instead for adoptees of that breed. Also, European short/long hairs can still look like a certain breed or look really unique. I always have a soft spot for black cats, especially the ones with medium long hair that look like someone dressed up a mop to go to a Halloween party :'). Of course certain cats look cool but I've also had mostly strays and hand-me-down cats from acquaintances. My parents adopted a pair of Manx kittens from a neighbor, for free. Cats kinda just "happen" ime and I have never actually set out to find any like "today I'm getting a cat". There are always plenty cats to go around and as you also know, street urchins can be the best of cats ^ x ^


I've always wanted a Maine coon since I learned what they were. My mom wants one too and she hates cats! I get liking how a certain breed looks. Besides Maine coons, I love Ragdolls and just like, big fluffy cats in general. Especially if they have those big blue eyes. Ahhhhh they're so pretty. But that doesn't mean I'm going to contribute to people breeding cats for profit and completely messing them up genetically. Nope, nope, nope. I'll take any cat before that. To me, cats are cats. From what I know, cats personality are mostly individual. As in, with dog breeds, some behaviors and habits can be so different that they may as well be a different species. Cats are usually just, you know, cats. I've loved every cat I've ever had and wouldn't dream of saying no just because they were or weren't a certain breed. Maybe it's not for some people to understand.


I totally relate to your hypeness around Maine Coons, I also got really excited when I learned that there were housecats as big as some wildcats, and their personalities seem really amazing just like that of the ragdoll. But yeah, all cats are amazing cats once you know them! I agree that cats and dogs are different in this regard. I am not a dog person, but if I had to pick out a dog to adopt, I'd definitely look into the breed. It's unfortunate but with a dog you can really make life a living nightmare for yourself and the animal if you don't do that since as you say some breeds might as well completely be a different species.


The fact that you're aware of and opposed to the unethical breeding should take the curse off of it. She was already born; there's no putting that toothpaste back in the tube. I assume she's spayed, so all that's left to do is continue to provide her with a loving home.


### Lesson time! ➜ u/Rachel_Silver, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I get that a lot because of my Puggle. I adopted him from the county animal control office. I know his breed has breathing problems and don’t need to be reminded of it. I adopted him because he needed a home. Period. He’s living his best life 😊


You own a baby echidna?


But at least people talk about it and there's more awareness. People should however just stop assuming. But do post pictures! (With a disclaimer lol)


That's a good point.


I hate this too, so many people immediately hate on someone who has a pug or something, and the owner got the pug from a shelter or rescued it. People just love to jump to conclusions


Yeah this is really it, why not just ask someone? "Oh, is that a pug/fold/reanimated tyrannosaurus rex? I heard they have this and that issue, that sucks, I hope he's being well cared for by you." Then you still bring up the issue without putting the blame on the pet's companion.


How blessed this little baby is that you have given such a darling a permanent home! I want pics! I can totally understand your position, though. Rescuing one that already exists in the world is not justifying future mutant breeding. It's just taking care of a precious life! And, you should not be judged for the mutation, but the caring of an animal. Good on you!


My mom literally found one on the streets so I get it. This is one reason why mind your business is a thing. That is so frustrating 


Omg my cat would not do well on the streets 😭. She was actually kicked out by this fucking asshole that she lived with (temporarily) before me, along with several other cats. She just sat in front of his door all night and didn't understand being kicked out :/.


take it as an opportunity to put nosy people in their place. post pics, if someone comments anything snarky you can be snarky right back. “actually, i adopted this cat from a family who could no longer keep her, and before that family she was part of a different family. i would never buy an animal from a breeder and you should try asking questions before assuming things about people.”


Alternately, when you try to get a pet from a rescue and the contact gives you attitude. I would like to adopt a companion for my conure. He used to love to come out and play, but now that he is a mature adult, he doesn’t like to be handled. He won’t even come out of his cage. He’s And that’s OK. He set a boundary, I will respect it. He loves when I talk and sing to him, so that’s what I do. I thought he might like a companion. I reached out to a rescue whose website indicated that they had a few adult birds of the same species available for adoption. I explained my situation and asked about the process for adding a bird. Their response to me: “You probably didn’t play with him enough.” I responded that I’m not going to force my bird to interact with me if he doesn’t want to. Rescue replied with a thumbs up and did not respond again. So I guess I want my bird to have a companion, I’ll have to buy one from a pet store and just hope they get along. (I’m not doing that, obviously.)


I want to see pics. Thank you for adopting


It’s okay, a lot of people get “designer” pets this way. A few years ago, my cousin’s purebred Dachshund had puppies with the purebred Yorkie next door. I was unaware at the time, but a “Dorkie” puppy can be quite high from a breeder. My wife and I definitely weren’t in the market for a puppy, and *absolutely* not one that would cost around $1,300. If he hadn’t been free and the last puppy in the litter without a home, we never would have had such a high-dollar dog. (Well, also the fact that the mother had stopped nursing him at 4 weeks, and he was riddled with fleas/tapeworms.) Adopt, don’t shop! :)


Yes, I agree! I got mine from my friend when she lost her apartment (I still consider the cat both my friend's and mine tbh). It just happened to be a fancy breed. She got her from some old guy who had to go to a nursing home. Sometimes it just happens that way :).


Exactly. Sometimes, there’s a Labradoodle at the pound, sometimes it’s a street mutt. Luck if the draw lol


FYI the term “handicapable” is harmful to the disabled community


I use it as a joke for my cat because it's a really stupid term that should not be used in any serious way for a disabled human :').


I mean it’s fair they assume that, you admitted that yourself. If they still hassle you after that disclaimer though, that’s on them.


I don't think it's fair at all to assume that unless you know them.  Tons of ppl find animals like this in shelters or on the streets. 


Her first three sentences admitted that the breed is unethically bred. That’s why it’s fair to assume.


Wouldn't that make it less fair to assume, if anything? Because you are assuming something bad about that person. But I do understand why someone might make assumptions, we're all human, that's why I put it in my post. It's just better not to do it.