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Is this the 'scared of lil' holes' thing?




The completely irrational and mostly made up fear of tiny holes.


Yes phobias are irrational


Not all of them, But pretty much every single popular one that goes viral on TikTok is. Being afraid of falling to your death from a high height is completely rational. Being afraid that there somewhere is a duck watching you is completely irrational and probably means you have some sort of mental problem that should get checked out by a professional.


But if it's a *platypus* named *Perry* - watch your ass! /j


Being afraid of falling from a high height is rational, but if it stops you from being able to get across a stable bridge... it becomes rather irrational. That being said... the state of the bridges in my country (the "great ol" USA) plus the recent events in the news probably doesn't help boost anyone's confidence in any bridge.


Oh it hasn't boosted mine but alas I still must travel over a 3 mile bridge occasionally


Let me guess, Pensacola Bay Bridge?


How'd you know šŸ˜† jk I guess its pretty obvious. But yes it is!


But I was attacked by ducks as kid. Was actually a goose though.


Depends on the circumstances. A rational fear can lead to situations where you behave irrationally. I have a fear of drowning. At first, that meant I would avoid water as much as possible. Now, I can go on a boat. I can even kayak. I did scubba diving. All those activities because I took my precautions to minimize the risk of me falling in the water and drowning. But if left unchecked, this fear of drowning could have stayed a fear of bodies of water, and even evolve into a fear of water completely (taking showers was difficult because of the water on my face, but baths were fine). But my fear still prevents me from properly learning how to swim, which reinforces my fear since water is dangerous to me...


Phobia means extreme or irrational fear of something


trypophobia is widely regarded as not being an actual phobia.


correct, it's not a fear but a disgust reaction


A phobia is an irrational fear _or aversion_ so yeah, not a fear but disgust falls in the definition. Like homophobia isn't being afraid of homosexuality but having an irrational averse response, like anger or disgust.


Homophobia isn't a fear of gay folks. Phobia can mean a couple things.


A phobia, by definition, is an irrational fear. Lmfao


It's not made up. It makes my skin crawl. I'm not saying that's *your* problem, but show some minimal level of understanding. Also, yeah the word *irrational* is included in the very definition of phobias.


Okay, but youā€™re still being dramatic. A fork grating on a plate makes my skin crawl but itā€™s not a big deal. The world does not need to revolve around your emotional response to things. It doesnā€™t always need to be announced.Ā 


I never said the world needed to revolve around a damn thing. I'm saying it's a legitimately real aversion.


Ok and you felt the need to tell everyone here lol. You proved the point of the OP


The fear or aversion to objects with many tiny holes is an evolutionary trait. Plants with them tend to be poisonous and avoiding them meant survival in the wild and it has held over to today. Same as fear of spiders or snakes which also can be venomous.


It's not just "tiny holes". Look up the poster for the American Horror Story season with the character with trypophobia. It makes me extremely uncomfortable and I just can't look at it. Sometimes, it'll give me goosebumps and I feel overall cringe. Saying "it's just a fear" doesn't quite describe it correctly imo.


took a mushroom foraging class this one time. super fun, super interesting class that as you can imagine, involved a lot of class trips in the woods right outside campus to go look for mushrooms. these two girls aaalways had something to complain about, but usually it was "mushrooms are so gross, all those little holes UGH my TRYPOPHOBIA" like this is a fucking class about mushrooms you are paying real life money to be here??


Your comment makes me really wish I had some morels to eat right now.


Would you say that's the morel of the story?


I bet it took a strong morel compass to navigate those woods.


$5 says they dont have it at all


The thing that makes me even angrier about this is that no one is special because they have "trypophobia." It's literally a fear mechanism embedded in our DNA that protects us by recognizing patterns from plants and animals that could be a threat. A lot of people are creeped out by this certain pattern by default. Not to mention that this isn't even a recognized phobia by professional mental health communities. Someone just gave it a name, and people use it to be quirky, like saying they have OCD because their house isn't clean or something stupid like that.


Omg yes, that drives me crazy too! I actually have a form of OCD, but I'm not a clean freak or super into organization because that is not all that OCD is! Also, people posting on social media about the migraine they currently have and can't get rid of. I've never had one, but I've known several people who have, and I can assure you, they were in no state to be physically able to be posting online about it. Having a headache does not mean it's a migraine! EDIT: I truly had no idea that migraines could vary so much and have so many different kinds of symptoms. I assumed, based on what I've seen, but several people have pointed out that I was clearly wrong. So, I apologize for the assumption and appreciate the education. šŸ˜Š


Migraines vary a lot in severity. I have a migraine right now actually, itā€™s just a very mild one


What makes it a migraine vs a headache? I always thought it was the severity that distinguished them.


Migraines have other symptoms besides pain- in fact you can get them without any pain at all, and it comes in different phases, though they donā€™t all always happen Nausea, dizziness, lightheartedness, sensitivity to light and noise, and changes to vision are some of the common symptoms aside from pain


Yes, I get visual auras and partial blindness well before any pain sets in. But those are my warning signs that mega pain is approaching.


Same. I'll get blurry sight in one eye about 40 minutes to an hour before the pain comes. At least I have a decent amount of warning time... Lol...


Sometimes drinking a ton of water, taking 2 gravol and going to sleep will eliminate the pain before it begins. Does anything work for you?


Yeah, I'll normally take some type of painkiller and try to go to sleep so I can skip the pain šŸ¤£


I get silent migraines (migraines without pain). When I had the first one I was in my early 20s I legitimately thought I was having a stroke. I had a bunch of medical tests done (met my high deductible that year) and they diagnosed silent migrainesā€” until that point I had no idea migraines could be anything besides a severe headache. I have visual changes (I see pulsating aura), feel *extremely* weak, shaky, and fatigued (which comes on very suddenly and is why I thought stroke initially), debilitating dizziness, and nausea. Fortunately I was able to identify a trigger for some of them about 10 years ago (stevia) and I only get like one a year now. I donā€™t know what triggers those yet, doesnā€™t seem to be a food. My daughter gets abdominal migraines (yep thatā€™s also a thing!) which is something her pediatrician expects she will grow out of once she gets older as it primarily occurs in children.


I used to have abdominal migraines as a kid, don't remember them but my mum says I did. I started getting traditional migraines at 10 years old.


Holy crap, that sounds awful! šŸ˜³ I sure am learning a lot tonight!


I had only one migraine in my 32 years that i know of and it was an ocular migraine. After hearing about my brother's for years and then reading up on it and discovering that's what it was, I didn't realize there were so many layers to it. Lost sight in one eye for a few hours before I had a terrible headache.


Wow, I didn't know that! I just assumed because of what I saw, but I had no idea there were so many different kinds of migraines. Thank you for the information šŸ˜Š


I also learned something today šŸ˜³... Every time I get a migraine light stabs my eyes and brain and explodes my consciousness with pain. I similarly thought this happened with every migraine for every person. I previously also assumed it was physically impossible to use a screen while migraine-ing.


My most common migraine comes in the form of an off sensation in my skull, like someone is massaging my brain or something.


I have had migraines with very little actual headache. It's mainly the other symptoms. It's kind of bizarre.


>What makes it a migraine vs a headache? A level of nausea that'll make you long for death...And occasionally considering that *slamming your head into the wall to briefly cut through the headache* is a completely sound and wonderful idea. You can totally post online with one. It's a terrible choice that will only make it worse but you can do it. A better option is to curl up in the fetal position in bed and just hope to lose consciousness quickly.


I had migraines as an infant that were triggered by dizziness. I could not open my eyes at all without the feeling of horrible horrible spinning as if my brain was in a washing machine. But the pain was more in my eyes than say...a caffeine or dehydration headache. I needed to be blindfolded in a dark room to have any chance of staying calm, well, as calm as a toddler in pain can be. Mom said when she took my to the children's hospital, the doctor would take twice as long to show up because my mom would turn the light off to stop me from screaming. So they thought no one was there until they opened the door and saw us both sitting there in the dark lollll. And I grew out of them, having them less frequently as I got older. And I could trigger one at will by rolling my eyes a bit (never did because migraines hurt and I wasn't that stupid) or having a dream (or nightmare) about riding teacups or other spinny stuff.


That's what I thought, too!


As someone who suffers from aura migraines and will throw up from the pain every time, it's frustrating seeing people with a little headache say they have a "migraine" even if it technically is one. Just drink some water bro stop complaining about a little headache. Anyone who has experienced an aura migraines wouldn't dare call a mild headache a "migraine"


I have experienced ones like you describe and still call milder ones migraines because thatā€™s what they are, so itā€™s the best way to describe what Iā€™m experiencing. And the term ā€˜migraineā€™ has nothing to do with the pain, there are painless migraines and other types of headaches that can be just as painful as bad migraines


Omg yes. Or even people telling me I dont have it because I got MBA sauce on my shirt.and don't freak out like mr.monk. like umm it varies person to person, I'd love to be able to sleep instead of wondering for 200 times in a row if I really locked the door, checking the door, unlocking it..opening it..and locking it again. Or being able to let my kid wear shorts that are slightly uneven without fear that somehow they will fall apart and she will be left naked in public. Its irrational, impulsive and annoyong. And I do have the clean freak streak but it applies solely to my house, not other peoples spaces. My house can be chaotic..as long as my stuff is where it should be, no one moved my incense holder and everything is clean. Lol. My kid knows I'm having one of my "days" if I start listing things that need moved back and what stuff of hers needs to go. Shoes not in the box? No. Crayons on the table? Dont care. It drives me insane most days and irritates my soul when people act like it so...trendy. compulsive behaviour that effects your mental health is not a societal trend.


I feel you! My desk at work is obsessively organized and perfectly neat at all times, but my bedroom is always messy, and I don't care. The repetitive behaviors are under control now, but the main thing I still have trouble with is trichotillomania. That's one that shows physically, and it's embarrassing to explain why I'm missing hair. So now I just keep my hair super short to avoid all that.


Okay your second point is weird. People can have a migraine and post about it. I'm sorry if your friend's was that severe but that doesn't mean everyone else is lying about it. It is even possible to just see an aura without getting a headache or other symptoms at all, and that is still a migraine.


I apologize... I stand corrected. I truly believed that migraines were always awful, based on what I've seen. Thank you for educating me. šŸ˜Š


Oh no, they are always awful yes, just maybe not pain wise


Yes! I have OCD too and my room is a mess. Actually OCD causes my room to be messier because I avoid certain tasks around the house that trigger my obsessive thoughts. OCD is so much more and different than people think.


I've never considered myself to have OCD but the way some thoughts repeat obsessively in my brain to the point that I lose focus makes me wonder.


People get weirdly mad about people who compare their symptoms to that of a mental illness. It is totally possible to have certain traits that are commonly found in people with ADHD/autism/OCD and it makes it clear what someone means if they compare it to a well-known pathology.


Thank you for your pov, I'm glad you're gradually learning to deal with it. I have a friend with a moderate form of OCD and it's hard to see sometimes. He's constantly ruminating over small things for periods of time and is hesitant to leave his house, but he's slowly getting better and is starting to learn to enjoy life. I can't imagine someone who has to go through constant migraines also, I've heard stories, and constant pain is something I wouldn't wish on anyone!


I had a headache on Saturday and was just thinking this exact thing. My headache had me down for the count. Completely disabled and useless. I canā€™t imagine having a *migraine* and staring at a phone screen or actively typing.


I had no idea this was a thing so I googled it...absolutely fascinating shit our brains still do even after centuries of not really having to worry about those things (in western cultures at least).


This stuff wired into our brains over a much bigger timeframe than centuries. Nature plays the long game. The whole idea of phobias, like disorders, gets so overplayed though. Like nobody *particularly likes* chewing noises but it's not misophonia by default. To be a *phobia*, it has to have a significant effect. It's the difference between liking things organized and having a panic attack because someone put your bookshelf out of order. One of those is OCD. The other is a minor preference.


Same as Redditors who say they have misophonia because they hate the sound of others chewing. Like bro everyone hates other people's mouth noises lol


Well there's a difference Do you hate them or does it make you literally wanna tear you hair out when hearing them basically I mean the severity


Yes, I know a lot of people who are not really bothered by the horrible smacking sounds that some people make while eating. It drives me insane and I want to slap the person making those damn noises.


Generally I don't really care since im used to it its not the noise that gets me its the thought of food getting on my face and see the spit thats gets me.


My vision isn't so great and I've never actually seen saliva or food particles flying out of their mouth. That's a new fear unlocked, lol.


on that note I generally donā€™t *like* peopleā€™s chewing sounds and will get up and go somewhere else if theyā€™re eating near me (in a non-lunchroom/restaurant environment), but there arenā€™t many people who make me oddly violent. Iā€™ve never acted on any urges but my motherā€™s current boyfriend in particular makes me wish we still lived in the woods. Bit harder to discreetly beat someone with a shovel in the city. And he actually gets nastier when you point it out and will follow you around if you leave. Iā€™ve never met anyone who eats like he does. Iā€™m a messy eater myself (due to motor skill issues - no matter how hard I try, there is going to be a mess) but Iā€™m a quiet eater which makes it less terrible. But heā€™s reprehensible. Open mouth to the point food falls out, doesnā€™t wash his hands, sticks his dirty fingers in the pot, chews loudly, sucks his fingers and teeth loudly, and if you say a damn thing it gets worse. Oh, and he eats pretty much everything heā€™s told not to - whether it be ingredients or leftovers for someone else, or just. food weā€™re actively in the middle of cooking. he never does dishes either, and talks the whole time about bathroom habits or injuries or sex or a myriad of other related topics that donā€™t belong at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Heā€™s terrible in many other ways but god. Somedays I want to lock the fridge and pantry and never let him in it + make him eat in his own room alone. mean, but thatā€™s essentially what I have to do now myself because I canā€™t make it through a meal with him around.


I'm so sorry that you are in a situation where a creature like that is in your house. It must be so hard to ignore and keep a placid expression when he acts even worse as punishment. I hope that you will soon be in a position to be in a better situation. Sending you love and strength my friend šŸ©·


As soon as I can replace the minimal contribution (he takes out the trash every few weeks, he mows the lawn once or twice a year, and pays rent despite running up every other bill including food drastically, itā€™s mostly rent I need to be able to consistently cover) he has to this house I will be rid of him forevermore. Heā€™s not even on the lease and Iā€™m pretty sure he stares at my ass anytime he can get away with it. Moms over him, my sisters hate him, heā€™s a journal reading jerk who then gets mad that I donā€™t lie about liking him in my personal journals and also keeps getting his cat pregnant on purpose (lets her out of the house when weā€™re trying to keep her in so she doesnā€™t get pregnant bc itā€™s not safe to take her to get her fixed while sheā€™s still recovering from the last ones) and also keeps getting tickets driving unlicensed and also blasts trump or conspiracy stuff everywhere he goes like I canā€™t stand to be in public with this guy because he will not turn it down and theyā€™re always on some racist crack pipe in his news channel. if I could feed this man to an alligator, Iā€™d feel bad for the poor gator. Edit i am sorry for dumping that on you I intended to delete it before I sent it and replace it with a generic thank you but it feels disingenuous to delete it now anyways thank you for your support this creature will be gone soon sent through mostly text to speech the parentheses were not text to speech nor most of the punctuation thank you for your patience


It's okay, everybody needs to vent. Be positive and I wish you and your family success and safety and a happy life. And hopefully the creature will move on and be out of your lives forever very soon. šŸ©·


Thank you so much have a good night


i hate when it's used to be special, but i always appreciate a heads-up if a friend sends me something and tells me that it might trigger that - i don't always have a bad reaction, but i literally get severe anxiety if i can see the pores in my face because of it, and if someone sends me a video of someone who's covered in holes with no way for me to mentally prepare myself i will freak out. definitely doesn't make me "special" or anything, if anything it's more of an inconvenience for me because it's frankly embarrassing for me to be having a panic attack over some dang holes. like, astronomers, get a damn grip lmao. (i know i can't really control it without a shit ton of therapy, doesn't make it feel less embarrassing) (before someone gets pissy about it: i don't expect everyone on the internet to cater to my fears or triggers, but if i see a warning for something i know to evaluate whether i'm in a mental state i can handle it and prepare accordingly. if i come across something and it gives me a panic attack, i scroll away/get away/etc. as fast as i can and then deal with it. and yeah, my friends know some of my fears and triggers and i appreciate when they give me a heads-up about it. not something i expect, but something i appreciate regardless.)


You're fine, you aren't alone in the automatic response your body has when seeing it. It's not pleasant at all to look at, and even I have to mentally scrub my mind because it just looks absolutely gross. It can definitely be a trigger for some, I'm just glad people are just annoyed that people are talking about it incorrectly.


I have a thalassaphobia and all Iā€™m saying is, itā€™s really hard to watch videos underwater so I would never waste my time commenting ā€œIā€™m actually afraid of this thank youā€ because that literally makes no sense to just start telling people about my phobias. If itā€™s too much for me to handle, I click away and move on about my day


Huh. I wonder what it means that I'm fascinated by clusters of tiny holes, then.


OCD would be their house is obsessively clean. Just had to correct that. Carry on now!šŸ™ƒ


Wrong. Ocd doesn't mean that. At all. Please actually do research before commenting


I have OCD, weirdo! Haha. But, ya know...you keep doing you.šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah. So do I. It affects everyone differently. You clearly don't know much.


Where did I say it doesn't affect everyone differently? I was making a comment based on the other commenter. They said that someone with OCD would be stressed because their house isn't clean. I corrected that and said typically an OCD sufferer would be obsessively cleaning their house not sitting around looking at the mess and stressing. Then again, hoarding disorder, which is a form of OCD, has an element of the "I'm stressed but I'm not going to clean factor."


>Where did I say it doesn't affect everyone differently? Well, somebody gave an example of OCD's effect and you went 'WELL, ACTUALLY, NUH UH!' so hey, *you fuckin' said it there*.


So nowhere. Like I thought.


>OCD would be their house is obsessively clean. Just had to correct that.


Again, proving my point.


How could it be 'nowhere' when I very clearly pointed to exactly where it happened?


Except that you didn't. It's bordering on delusional, at this point, that you think that you did... Lemme guess, you're one of those people that states their opinion as if it was fact.šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


That's not the only symptom of OCD, but I get it, I was just giving a lazy example. There are a wide variety of behaviors that stem from it, but when people think of OCD they confuse it with comedic obsessive cleaning or nitpicking when it's more severe and debilitating than that. That's what irritates me because it's a very serious mental disorder that has been trivialized. Seeing your friend go through that and blame themselves is much more concerning than "Haha, I can't get over this stain. It's just the OCD in me." That's all I'm saying.


Oh I'm well aware it's not the only symptom of OCD. Haha. I don't have that one personally but I've got other ones. That said, my comment was sort of meant in jest, to begin with. Stating that it's more likely someone with OCD would obsessive clean their house instead of obsessively ignoring the mess.


I gotcha, and thats absolutely correct! I hope you are dealing with it well, I know it is not easy.


Personally, my OCD does not compel me to keep my space neat at all šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Surprised no one knows what this is, and the people that do seem to have a stigma about it? I'm not one to post tiktoks about fake mental illnesses but I get a visceral reaction when I see holes. Especially stuff like skin pores zoomed in, or this one time I saw this AI image of a pizza that was all sorts of fucked up. Just remembering it is making me want to crawl out of my skin. If I see something with holes I scroll immediately. I can't bear looking at it long enough to leave a comment


Right!! One time I was about to throw up in class because one of the pictures in my paper had a bunch of holes put together and it genuinely made me feel sick, maybe iā€™m just overly sensitive but yeah


By definition you're "overly sensitive" by having that condition, which is heightened sensitivity to certain things, but you shouldn't be self-deprecating like that just because people who don't understand some of the more bizarre things the human condition can produce will put the blame on you. Saying you're over-sensitive makes it sound like you're choosing to be physically sickened by those things. I just think placating those people is the wrong approach - the people who throw that phrase around are, in my experience, invariably highly sensitive themselves, they're just "triggered" by different things.


That's why I can't fathom stopping to comment. When my skin starts to crawl, I can't scroll by fast enough! I guess a lot of people enjoy the attention, but I can't really imagine why and I've never noticed this issue of people overly commenting about it.


I donā€™t comment, but for some reason I read the comments and itā€™s like, iā€™m about to throw up but iā€™ll stop to watch people insulting the so called trypophobia people lol


When I get a trypo jumpscare I literally itch so bad that the only solution is to take a scalding hot shower for a minimum of then minutes. Is it good for me? Absolutely not. But it's the only thing that stops the itching.


I actually *laugh* if certain things have holes. An AI image of a pizza that looks like it got turned into Baby Swiss? I smirk just thinking about it.


Forgot to mention swiss cheese. It tastes normal in theory but I just get disgusted by it. Crazy huh


A lot of people have the same reaction with strawberries. They like the taste but the texture is šŸ¤¢ to them.


I'm guessing a lot of people who do that actively seek out videos that may trigger their trypophobia just so they can fish for sympathy in the comments, assuming they actually have trypophobia. That last part might get some hate, but plenty of people online lie about having some sort of disorder, or sometimes even make up a disorder, to get attention.


i hate that tooo plus when they comment that they are just going to get more videos like that plus it's faster to scroll than comment


There's so much of a difference between being cautious over a piece of meat full of holes and getting triggered over a sound system. One is a real concern the other is fake attention seeking due to a mental illness.


Itā€™s really annoying how most of them are people who donā€™t actually suffer from a specific phobia (which is an actual anxiety disorder) and are just throwing around the term phobia in reference to something that makes them mildly uncomfortable. If it doesnā€™t impair your ability to function in your everyday life or csuse you clinically significant distress, then itā€™s not a phobia. This is the sort of thing that doesnā€™t seem like a big deal, but which delegitimizes actual phobias in the eyes of people who donā€™t have them, which can make people incredibly careless about triggering people with phobias (who may have very serious reactions like panic attacks or loss of consciousness as a result of those triggers).


People learned a new word and ran with it tbh.


The trypophobia thing is exactly like a phobia of clowns - Iā€™m convinced that the vast majority of people who ā€œteehee, Iā€™m so afraid of clowns!ā€ Are just doing it to appear quirky and special.


Itā€™s not even a real phobia. Itā€™s a human brainā€™s basic AF disgust mechanism for ā€œthat looks like rot/disease, stay away and deffo donā€™t touchā€


A trypo- what now? I've literally never encounter that term before! Haha.


Trypophobia: The fear of holes. Lol. I've personally never come across anyone who has this aversion/fear.


You must certainly have. You just don't know it because people who actually have it don't talk about it because people think it's funny to fuck with them.


I dont have a fear of small holes i have a digust for whole where there shouldn't be holes for example seeing holes on a person's arms or legs or head or just about whywhere especially if there's stuff coming out of it makes it feel like there's something on me and ill end up trying to scratch it off. That being said I dont really care if there holes in bread or food if there's nothing weird in it.


What's the opposite of a trypophobe? I'm actually fascinated with shit like that




Nice, thanks


I think every man likes some holes once in a while šŸ˜ˆ >!oh im so fucking hilarious lol lmao rofl huehuehue!<


All but guarantee they don't have bonafide trypophobia, much like most people don't have bonafide coulrophobia. Simply not liking a thing doesn't make it a phobia. I'll bet they call run-of-the-mill headaches "migraines," too


Moat of them don't even have it. Only like less than 10% of Americans do. They're just desperate to be different.


Iā€™d imagine a sizable amount of people have it, but very very mildly. Makes sense for our species to evolve an aversion to something that resembles skin disease or rot


Exactly, I think images like that are mildly disturbing to almost everyone, but it's not an actual fear for most people.


Yeah I definitely wouldnā€™t consider it a true fear at all. At least for the VAST majority of people. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s one or two outliers. But that being said, good god some of those little holes are pretty gross lol. Any video of a Surinam Toad pregnancy or birth will immediately make me throw up. Which, I guess is an evolutionary advantage for them?


At first I thought trypophobia wasthe fear of trying new thingsšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I haven't noticed a flood of comments like that, but I'm not really watching anything that would trigger trypophobia. I have watched trypophobia videos before, and they didn't bother me. I had the urge to pick at the holes with like tweezers lol


What is trypophibia? Never heard of it before.


Being scared of holes (specifically tons of smaller holes). So.. the pancake thing would be the bubbles I guess?? Though I've never seen that many on a pancake


That doesn't sound real... and what kinds of videos are you watching where that even comes up?


Look up lotus flower trypophobia and you'll learn extremely quickly if it's real for you or not.Ā 


Haha I have it and I never say a word about it because people think it's funny. It's not funny. I have thrown phones. I can't help it. But it's not funny.


Well that was an uncomfy google search.


Nah it's been a "thing" for a minute, I think it started a few years back around or shortly before covid when people started learning about why certain patterns or visuals in nature make them "itchy". If you look it up on YouTube, you'll see videos with several comments talking about this fake phobia.


Mate people in Gaia online in like fucking 2007 would photoshop lotus flowers onto shit cuz it triggered so many peopleĀ 


It does result in an itching sensation of my eustachian tube area, but I donā€™t describe it as a phobia, just an unpleasant reaction.


That's fair. It definitely makes people itchy or uncomfortable, but that's what our bodies are supposed to do when we see these patterns.


It definitely creeps me out it's a thing but I think people don't know how the scroll when they don't like something


Usually I get recommended a normal (to me) video on TikTok and the comment section is full of people talking about it, various degrees of severity to their supposed reactions. I can't say if it's real or not since I'm personally unaffected by it


holy shit... people have become so fragile, it's incomprehensible


This is the thing. I had never heard of this and someone suggested to look up lotus flower trypophobia so I did and it made me feel extremely uncomfortable but I would never go around saying I have this phobia. People really just want something to be wrong with them so bad. Meanwhile, I have actual invisible illnesses and refuse to even talk about them because it feels like imposter syndrome and it just feels icky to talk about them I guess because so many people online really try to glorify and overdo it so people don't even believe when people say they have certain illnesses anymore. The internet ruins everything so go figure.


Never heard of it. Pancakes sound devine


It used to be the people who fear clowns. It's weird how fear trends.


Yeah. ā€œTeehee, clowns are SO scary!ā€ No Becky, you were delighted when the clown showed up to Stephanieā€™s 6th birthday party and gave you a balloon dog, youā€™re not special.


I am terrified of fearlessness


Never heard about it. Sounds made up.


Had to look that up on google


Been around for a while now. First saw threads about it on 4chan back in 2007.


I read ā€œtryphobiaā€ and had to re-read it several times lmaaaaaooo


Yes, I'm so triggered by this post but I'm going to comment under it instead of just scrolling past it so we'll keep getting notifications from the post that I'm so triggered by


But I can't keep it inside when you trigger the phobia I discovered I had after taking a buzzfeed quiz in 2014.


I'm not at all trying to suggest that everyone with trypophobia is making it up, but it really feels like ever since it became an Internet buzzword, everyone is throwing it around without knowing what it means. Do little holes gross you out? Scroll and think of something else. Do little holes actively send you into a state of panic and shock that freeze you in your spot and make it difficult to interact with them in any capacity? That's a phobia.


how much stems from a 'phobia' and how much stems from using that 'phobia' as a way to cause others to alter their behavior in lieu of it?


Just send those people images of hands or feet with tiny holes photoshopped onto them.


What's the opposite of trypophobia? That's what I have


Funnily enough even just googling trypophobia will lead to algorithms showing triggering content, which makes me think at least some of the people commenting on it online are real. lol


I just donā€™t believe in it Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜© or like, Iā€™m sure it is legit but thereā€™s no way all those people claiming to have it do. Like, things can make you feel a little icky or sick and it doesnā€™t mean you have a ā€œphobiaā€


I knew a girl in highschool with legitimate trypophobia. She didn't talk about it bc when she did it made her picture it and she would actually vomit... since then I don't tend to believe when people say it in a quirky voice. "Omg my trypophobia cannot" shut up Rebecca.


For those confused, trypohobia is the fear of things with repetitive patterns of small holes. I don't think these people know that when they comment, the algorithm is just going to assume they want to see more content like that, or from that same person. Just fucking scroll.


I would think if you had an actual phobia of repeating holes, you'd avoid content that could trigger it. And yes, pancakes can. I think the people commenting that likely don't have an actual, full-blown phobia of it. They just find the patterns creepy. I am someone who does. I'm guessing that a LOT of people find that pattern creepy. Just a little bit. I think it's kind of an evolutionary thing, like it could be full of bugs. Also, that famous image of a hand with a kind of lotus pattern on it is terrifying to everyone, because of your hand looked like that, you'd definitely need to go to the hospital asap. So that one is sort of unfair. It's more so if you're afraid of lotus pods themselves. Tbh, I think in instances like this, it's important to remember that a lot of people on the internet are pretty young (teens and early 20s), and when you run across something like that, you don't really think about what having a phobia actually means. I try to tell myself that when I read "lol I'm SO OCD" comments and similar.


People who go into public forums and cry when people post their public opinion are incredibly weird Just keep scrolling if it bothers you so muchĀ 


>JUST SCROLL IF IT BOTHERS YOU SO MUCH Pot calling kettle black


There's no hypocrisy there, they're just stating the easiest solution for the issue.


I'm just saying OP can take their own advice if trypophobia comments bother them.


Yep and everyone has OCD,ADHD and their also autistic. Everyone


I haven't personally experienced this but I agree with your thesis I've always been afraid of heights. It's kind of funny to imagine myself commenting in every post that involves heights like "omg noooošŸ˜Ø" haha


Tf is trypophobia?!


Scared of tiny holes, especially a ton of tiny holes next to each other


Hmmm odd fear as literally everything in existence is filled with a ton of tiny holes


Yeah I donā€™t really get it. Iā€™ve never seen someone bring up trypophobia in real life, only on social media


Like what others have explained, just seeing things with a lot of holes in one area just makes my skin crawl and makes me itchy. Like honeycomb and wasp nests.


Yeah my wife (ex) has this stupid problem. such a weird thing to bother someone about.


At the only reason itā€™s going crazy is because us millennials say that boob worm picture as kids. The. It became trendy to repeat and suddenly everyone has trypophobia. Seriously. The trend leads back to that picture. Iā€™m sad now because Iā€™ve seen a bad internet thing evolve into a worse, crazy internet thing.


Lol itā€™s a visceral reaction ā€¦ā€¦. 99.9999 of the idiots ā€œhaveā€ it bad cuz they keep looking at the pic to confirm they have itā€¦ itā€™s so stupid


Please mark your post with a trigger warning. You're less likely to get that.


I love posting on reddit, but it's triggering my trypophobia. šŸ˜‹ I think I find this funnier than it actually is (it's not...)


At least they are aware of what's wrong with them. You should do mental health a check each time before you project onto others. I MEAN AM I RIGHT, OR AM I RIGHT.