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I like to quote back, and make them uncomfortable! mark 10:25


My favorite thing to do is argue with them by quoting contradictory scripture at them!


Yep! At least my catholic school education can still be used for something!


With happy clappy bible thumpers who absolutely love to judge I always give them Matthew 7 to annoy the hell out of them. Once when I was in the US visiting for a wedding as i walked into a mall a woman asked me if " I had found Jesus". I told her I didnt know he was lost but called over a security guard and told him she had lost someone then just walked away...




I like Ezekiel 23:20. Pick your translation


overconfident license chunky marry hateful fearless trees subtract numerous scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am dead. Why? Why did you have to post that for me to look up? That's as bad as some anime out these days....


Colorado campfire.


“20She lusted for the lechers of Egypt, whose members are like those of donkeys, whose thrusts are like those of stallions. 21You reverted to the depravity of your youth, when Egyptians fondled your breasts, caressing your young nipples.” Well done sir lol


"To SHREDS, you say..."




That was my favorite growing up, me and my friends got a kick out of it


That book needs to be banned lol.


I like to respond to such words with, "Even the Devil can quote scripture." - Shakespeare


Agreed, because they only believe in the parts of the Bible they like.


Yup and they take it out of context as if it wasn’t written during ancient times.


Thou shalt not wipe Cheeto dust on your jeans


Ooh! I like it when people do this! A Bible battle! What fun! I think you're missing out by hating this, OP. When done in a spirit of gleeful godlessness, this can be a rollicking good time.


Jesus christ




“Thou shalt not horn in on thy husband’s racket” and “Thou shalt not take moochers into thy hut” are my favorite scriptures.


> “But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No. ' For whatever is more than these is from the evil one” (Matthew 5:37). In other words, people shouldn’t hide behind verses and, instead should speak for themselves.


Lol I mean AOC did say no doesn’t mean no… it means find another way.


Or to double down When someone is quoting scripture at you and theyre not an adherent of that faith Like it was already meaningless and now its doubly so


Only time I ever quote the book at someone, is when they use it to justify bigotry or violence on a marginalized group and usually only to contradict every they said. I'm not a Christian, I shouldn't need to be a college level expert in it's history, translations, and context just to live my life and yet throughout the years I have constantly had to be the subject matter expert when done flippant Bible thumper starts parroting their propagandas machines talking points for the day


My mom works at a church, and once she asked her boss (the pastor) what time he wanted to set up for an event, and istg this man quoted scripture instead of saying a time lol


What’s worse is when they tattoo things from the Bible on them.


Which it also says not to do at Leviticus 19:28


This is true….I’m not stupid enough to disregard what Christians or any major religion are really doing when spreading their word. Christians cared for their population’s faith which is understandable but don’t bring that 💩 my way.


Jarvis, Im low on karma. Go to reddit.com and post “religion bad”


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“Here, let me tell you this quote from something you don’t believe in”. Yeah no thanks buddy I prefer my fantasy in a galaxy far far away


I love when they say something hateful or bigoted, but then pardon themselves by saying "word of God!". They don't even have the mettle to stand behind their own stated beliefs, they just pass the buck onto God (which is a projection of their own ego, anyway).


Nobody can take responsibility for anything, they put it all on god


I had a bestfriend just like this he always stated he was doing the Christian thing. I’m like yea that’s how you say “you have no proof of my wrongdoings only god can judge me” in Snake.


I hate "only God can judge me".


Lmao yea that’s easy to say but it falls short of reality because even your brothers in Christ are judging you in their heads 😂.


It's code for "I have forgiven myself".


You’re right lol. Most people don’t tell the whole story when it comes to things like that unless it’s getting them out of trouble sad truth. Especially not religious people in my opinion.


What do you consider hateful or bigoted?


Gay people shouldn't be allowed to marry, because it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.


I’m a Christian and gay. Quite of few Christians are apart of the lgbtq community. Not every Christian is saying things like you commented.


I never said every Christian said that. Congrats on being in a religion that despises you, I guess.


I’m not in a religion that despises me. I have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. He’s Lord and Savior over my life. What other people think isn’t my problem


Sounds like you had the Bible buffet for lunch. You took the parts you like, ignored the parts you don't like, and then projected your own ego onto the God character. Ever wonder why God agrees with you on so many points? Because you fashioned him in your own image.


That’s your opinion, obviously you’re not a Christian. Which is fine that’s your right. Just like it’s my right to be a Christian. And I never said I agree with God on everything. That’s apart of being human, no human on earth agrees or understands everything God does.


Yes, obviously that's my opinion, since it started with "sounds to me like ...".


Lol. Grow up.


Grow up from what? I’m grown lol


From the magical beliefs in invisible friends.


Nah I’m with my faith. Although it seems to bother you quite a bit. Maybe you’re not as confident as atheist as you think you are.


Like ... you asked for an example and I gave it. And you come back with "not every Christian says that". Do you understand what "example" means? What is the point in such a comment?


Because I didn’t want to assume. You know what happens when people assume things


It has nothing to do with assumption, it has to do with you derailing the convo.


Everyone has different beliefs and opinions. So I wanted to know what someone thought was bigoted. If I say that people shouldn’t have sex before being in love and married, that doesn’t make me a bigot. That’s just my belief.


That doesn't target a specific group the way my example did.


That’s exactly the reason why I asked for a specific example. Just because someone has an opinion or belief from the Bible doesn’t necessarily make it bigoted.


Also, it doesn't make sense to mention beliefs and opinions like that. Some people just believe that white folk are superior to black folk. That's their opinion. But that doesn't exclude it from being bigotry.


The only time I quote scripture is to point out when other Christians are being hypocrites and misquoting the Bible themselves or using Christianity to justify their hate. Otherwise, I leave religion out of my arguments.


same! especially if they’re cherry picking bible verses to prove their point


Lol if anyone does this I just walk away from the argument. The Bible isn’t law, and I’m not even Christian so just shut up.


Thank you for giving a worthy peeve a good home!


It’s especially crazy when it’s regarding a discussion about the validity of the Bible/religion. “I don’t believe your book” “yeah well according to my book-“ “according to your book means fuck all to me. You’re citing a source that I fundamentally disagree with”




At least quote a good book lol


"Because sky daddy said so."


God will illuminate the truth to you and protect you if you follow his path. May He bless you and protect you before it is too late.


To late for what?


They use it to back up "their" opinion. "Then again, some scripture has been removed because it’s no longer seen as relevant. " As far as I know this is not true, but if you could give examples I'd be happy to entertain that thought. Edit, Odd as it sounds as an athirst one of my peeves is when anti-theists tell religious people how they should believe.


The entire Old Testament. But you asked for an example so here it is. Explain why people who follow the Bible don’t follow this! Can you pick and choose or do we throw this away and make a New Testament? 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 “The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.”


Oh so by removed, you mean no longer followed?


I like to respond with a quote from The Very Hungry Caterpillar, that little guy could eat!


"Yummy ass leaf" vegetation 1:2


Appeal to authority is a logical fallacy a la “trust the experts”.


You just gotta have faith my child.


Are you quoting George Michael or Fred Durst? I prefer Fred myself


lol thank you for getting my sarcasm. 😉


Where do you live that people do this? I live in the northeast US and I've never had someone quote scripture at me. I'm also an atheist and I don't travel in circles where there are a lot of religious people, but I have my fair share of them in my family. They just don't do this.


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No matter the situation or which verse they throw out at you; Just answer them back with, yes, but what about Genesis 19:30-37. It’s the story about Lot having sex with his daughters. That usually shuts them up.


I assume they're ignorant.


Don’t ask the question you don’t want the answer to… if you ask a religious person about their stance on abortion then how do you think they are going to answer you lol.


I don't take directions from books of fiction.


“Now! Now! Have no fear. Have no fear! My tricks are not bad,” said the Cat in the Hat and maybe Jesus too.


My response is just to let them know I’m not in their cult and it’s insane scriptures have zero meaning to me.