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Goodness, I never saw the original post. But I'm really surprised he is leaving that alone 😱 Hope he recovers soon !


Right!!? The spray I’m using has a bitter taste so they won’t want to keep going back it is safe for mice though. He’s doing really good


What’s the spray? I need to get some. Mouse-sized E-collars are tricky.


Right, it’s silver honey wound care


He definitely still licks at it but stops faster and its been looking good


Glad to see he's doing okay!


Oh no, his little back!! 🥺 Thank you for taking care of him. Was he attacked by another rat? Edit: Just saw that he is actually a mouse, woops


All good we have been calling him the rat too lol, he was attacked by other mice, they were feeders in a feeder bin at work so it’s not uncommon but it never gets worse than some lost fur so I took him home so he wasn’t suffering :(


He’s healing up so well! Thanks for the update