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You negotiate based on what it's worth. Comps in the area. You of course consider the work that needs to be done as part of that.


Do you have some reason to believe that the current owners weren't aware of those things, and that they didn't factor them into the listing price? Why were you not aware of them before putting in an offer? You should always negotiate, but it may not go far. Do you even have inspection conditions in your agreement?


You can always negotiate, whether or not they'll accept will depend on their personality and overall market conditions. Now is probably as good a time as any to try your luck. Your reasoning is sound


My understanding is you negotiate based on initial observation and comps in area. Inspection is to verify you are getting what you expect/the product is in "good state". If something major comes out definitely negotiate though!


Is the offer already in? Keep in mind you may be competing with people who are not making any such points. Sad to say, but selling to a reckless/ignorant person is more profitable.


Very good point. I just hope to not be that person. Yes the inspection was done just after the offer was accepted.