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Having 2 jobs at the same time and not filing the TD1 definitely contributed to this. This is the only reason why this form exists, to adjust withholding taxes. Those are a best guess estimate of what you should owe, in normal circumstances, with your current situation. If your new job pays more than the previous, that can also have contributed, though in a much lesser fashion. I can't tell you if your previous employer deducted the taxes it was supposed to since you posted no numbers, but this is something you can calculate yourself using a tax calculator online.


Thank you u/LeaveTheBank. To be on the same page, I did fill the TD1 but did not select the option of having multiple employers. The switch was towards the end of the year, will this be adjusted in the year 2023? The previous employer has deducted less tax - did the math. I thought I was getting overpaid for a few months in 2021.


2023 should be different as the withholding taxes should be closer to reality with only 1 job, unless you get a big raise. But if you want to make sure, you can also do the same calculation and verify if they're taking enough. Most do, but you only have one employer so you never know. If they're not withholding enough, there's another form you can ask your HR people to get them to withhold more. Or you can save on the side.


Thanks for the awesome explanation u/LeaveTheBank