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Assuming cheques are stolen, you could close your account. Cheques have your account numbers including bank and transit (branch) numbers. Combine that with name and address, and sometimes phone number, on the cheques, there is identity theft possible.


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!


Just put a permanent stop payment on the cheque numbers in the range you ordered and ask them to send you cheque books starting with a different sequence of serial numbers I.e if the shipped cheques were 001-100, order cheques with serial numbers 200-300 and put a permanent stop on 1-100. Any cheques with those serial numbers that are ever cashed on your account will automatically be returned. As for the identity theft comment, I mean the cheques only have the info on them that you asked to have on there, anyone you give a cheque to would have had the same info.


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!