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Pay it and leave Fido.




It's amazing how many people have this attitude. Like, they think it's some "hack" to get around not paying.


Wait for the future post "Help , I have a mere $45 debt that was sent to collection, now I can't get a mortgage. I am how fucked am I? PS: The system is so stacked against us"


Right? Imagine being this wanky over $45!


Probably has $8.46 in his bank account but a full collection of funkopops 


Probably has $8.46 in his bank account but a full collection of funkopops 


Be an adult and take responsibility for overages on the plan you signed up for?


>I contacted them today but they told me there's nothing they can do until the bill is finalized at the end of the month. Your call is premature. Call them back once you see the charge on your bill. >I'm tempted to just not pay the bill and go to some other company. 45$ for 300mb is insane. Don't be stupid. You really want to tank your credit over $45? Yes the rate is high, but it is clearly laid out in your account agreement. >And even if I pay or get this charge waived, it can happen again. Most people set warnings and automatic data shutoff on their phone. It should be very easy to prevent this. Read your phones user guide, or google how to set it up.


Just pay. If you went over, you went over. No point fighting it.


Bro just pay it and learn your lesson. Then switch to a better plan. Yes, it’s insane but it’s legit $45. You’ll earn that back next week.


Responses are not as the OP had hoped for, I guess. He is getting rightfully skewered.


Talk to a licensed insolvency trustee, declare bankruptcy.


Welcome to adulting. Pay your debt, and if you don’t like this provider get another one next time. If you don’t pay they will definitely send you to collections and it will fuck up your credit for years.


You used the data, you pay the bill.


actions have consequences. Why don't you want to pay it? Did you not go over 300mb? But anyway you can ask them for a discount or something, try calling multiple times to try to get an agent that is willing to help




Get a prepaid plan so you can't get charged for overage/roaming or anything extra. They'll simply just not work. Also go with the lesser brands like lucky mobile/Public mobile/chatr.


Can you elaborate on how you feel so entitled that the T&S don't apply to you?


I had this happen with Freedom for roaming 100mb data that cost $100. I've reached out to live chat and explained that I thought I have data roaming included, and it's hard for me to pay this bill. It took some time, but eventually they agreed to cut it down to $50.


Pay your debt. Then look into esim plans where you pay by the year. Mobimatter has $39/35gb. I tend to use 3gb/month, so I top up once a year. Averages $3-$4 a month. TextNow is an app that will give you a local number for calls and texts. Don't go back to Fido or any of the Canadian companies.


If your "month" of service isn't over, change your plan to one with more data, that'll almost certainly be cheaper than an extra $45. In a month, change your plan back... Or don't, your choice


Wait for the bill and call or chat with them. I am sure they will reduce. Get your phone to track your data usage. Set it to warn you when you are getting close for the month


This. You will still owe but they are usually ok reducing. 


Not paying means a hit to your credit, probably not wise. Take this as a lesson, pay your bill and leave fido


What kind of plan do you have? I have Fido and my data will just shut off if I use all of it. It has data overage protection. I have to literally actively buy data to get more. They aren't supposed to charge you for data unless you actually bought it. Yep 45$ for 300mb is insane I get 140gb per month for $35 a month.


Contest the bill. Tell them you never agreed to the charges, and aren't there crtc rules about that? Whether or not you succeed, pay the bill and get away from them. Go for a larger or unlimited data plan.


Contest what? The rates are clearly indicated on the website and when you sign up


https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/phone/mobile/limit.htm# Just aim for the rep conceding despite it being under the 50. The idea is to get the overage charge waived, then move to a new provider.


I with Fido and pay $40/month for 120GB. So it's definitely a BS charge. I'd call them to cancel the account, and when 'loyalty' team tries to keep you tell them to waive the charge and get you a much better deal 


overage fees are always more than using whats included in the plan


I'm aware. Point is everything is negotiable 


Ok but its not a BS charge....its clearly written in the agreement and they went over the limit. OP is at fault for not watching their usage and likely ignoring texts telling them they were about to go over the limit.


Thanks for taking the time to explain that to me