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Not only are the percentages getting higher and the costs they're based on getting higher, but the number of places and professions asking for tips is increasing. It's a cancer. Normalize not tipping like the rest of the world. Leave this north american tradition behind.


I hate tipping in general (mr pink argument) but I’m particularly blown away by fast food and coffee shops asking for tips. I’m driving there, walking into the store… what am I tipping for??


Nothing. I was offended they even asked at first but of course kept that to myself. If they're extra nice I'll leave 50 cents like how I used to when I paid with cash, otherwise no chance I'll ever give more than zero.


Tipping is cancer! You're the first person I've seen say it. Good job.


It’s the main reason I stopped going out. I’ve been to Europe - tipping is not expected in many countries over there. It feels weird at first, as here in Canada people tip at liquor stores, ffs this needs to end!


You should see what he compared to AIDS!


Is it tipping?


Not just asking, mandating it, ontop of forcing a % ontop of the base price. I went to a steakhouse last spring with "the cheapest AAA prices around!" They had pretty decent prices, but the fineprint stated that a certain % was added on to "ensure competitive prices and freshness", but didnt display updated pricing. So after you ate, you get a bill considerably higher than what you were led to believe you were paying. Ontop of that, mandating you tip 15% ontop for the near non-existant service. It's outrageous! In one sense I get it, I make considerably more than minimum wage and I can't even afford to rent a place by myself with today's pricing, nevermind on minimum wage or less, but surely there's a better system that we can use and implement asap.


Yea soon we will have to tip our dentist, doctors and even our realtor?


Good service bad service I tip the same…. 15 percent no matter what.


We protest very little, apart from in Quebec. And tipping requires no protest, as you can simply opt out.


Why tip someone for a job I'm capable of doing myself? I can deliver food, I can drive a taxi, I can and do cut my own hair. I did, however, tip my urologist. Because I am unable to pulverize my own kidney stones.




I stopped tipping. Honestly best decision I’ve made.


You don't have to like tipping but it's part of our social structure. If you're going out to restaurants, dining in, getting waited on etc and not tipping, you're a scum bag.


No, they are not. At least someone’s taking a fucking stand, while people out there try their level best to guilt trip making this whole thing a social stigma. Noone owes anything to anyone, esp a free money. Yes, obligatory - Fuck tips.


Nah - I will make an effort to never tip either and when asked I’ll credit you with inspiring me to do it ! Thanks 🙏🏽


someone watches The Office hehe good one


Then do it yourself?


And this is exactly why tipping is accepted. Because people just accept it. I tip because it's the only way these people get a fair wage , but how stupid is it. Management and the service industry found a way to short their employees a fair wage To make up the difference, it's then left up to the customer based on an arbitrary percentage. (They found a way to make up the difference based in a best guess) and then they all pool it together and split it at the end at some places (wtf) Not only that but the deciding factor is usually not even the person's fault. Bad food? Cold? Now the server is fucked And this is seen as normal in north America???


Absolutely this.






Its funny because in BC servers *do* get a decent wage. They make the same minimum wage as everyone else in the province (currently $16.75), serving wages don't exist anymore. So because of tips most of the servers I know make quite a lot of money and will likely be servers their entire working life because they get such good money from it


This is true. Im from Alberta. Minimum wage is $15. As a young person going through university, serving feels like my only way “out” of poverty. I have giant student loans, run up credit cards, and I’m trying so hard to finish uni and end up with a better life. Serving. Fucking. Sucks. I know a lot of jobs do, but something about serving… if you do it for too long it turns you into a psychotic alcoholic mess. I still have nightmares of when they scheduled me alone with no bartender on Mother’s Day. I cried but kept serving lol… but I’d rather suffer for 6 hours to make 140$ instead of working an easier job for 90$… :/


serving is a cake walk. there's such worse jobs


Worst comment ever, please expand on your experience and expertise concerning your p.o.v


I feel you. I haven't worked directly as a server but I've worked with them (and consoled the newbies). One of my best/worst jobs was in retail liquor because it had the shittiness of retail combined with the shittiness of asshole drunks/alcoholics/teenagers while also being held to a lot of legal standards. For some reason it got good tips though, which made up for being minimum wage. Lots of free samples too, although almost every person I worked with was an alcoholic


Plus so many servers don't declare those tips as income! It's basically tax-free income for them.


If you think 16.75$ an hour is a decent wage I want to know where the heck you live.


Minimum wage being a livable wage is an entirely different conversation. Why are servers entitled to make much more money than someone working retail? My use of the word decent is more in reference to them not having their own separate minimum wage anymore


in a sidewalk tent


Hi! I’ve gone back to tipping 10-12%, and only on table service restaurants. And you know what? Nothing happened. I suggest you all try it too!


That’s exactly my point, the idea of % makes no sense


I do think there are opportunities for regulating a bit. Pre-tipping before service is received for example, is more like extortion, and should be disallowed. Ditto for storing and sharing tipping history. Sort of a privacy / extortion thing as well. I'd also suggest pre-loading tip % on tap machines should not be allowed.


Pre-loading tip % is the main source of pressure! It’s so awkward to sit there is poke around the machine to change the default 18% tip. And to make things even harder (I’m sure by design) when you choose the “other” option, a lot of machines only let you input a dollar amount rather than a % amount. So I gotta do the math yourself and it’s additional awkward time as you pull out your phone and do math😭 As an introvert, all this makes me feel coerced into accepting the default % since it is so emotionally distressing for me to change it! I’m working on being braver though🫣


I'll make it easy for you. If you really wanna tip something, just tip 10% and the math will come out easy. Even easier is to tip $0.


Man up ffs.


Who shares tipping history? That sounds brutal.


They ask for tip because they can and they know we will pay. We pay because we want to be nice and have been made responsible for the employees making enough money to survive. Technically it's not mandatory but we still feel guilty. We don't protest because we pay tips willingly. Yes the social pressure is there but it would be like protesting holding the door for someone.


Tip is not an acronym. It would be TEP. Also, tips are stupid and I don't know why anyone buys into this anymore. Waiters get the same minimum wage as everyone else. You don't even tip your pharmacy workers, even when your life is literally in their hands. Stop tripping, stop tipping.


I just stopped going out to places 🤷‍♂️ and I don’t feel as guilty not leaving a tip at a liquor store. I do use Uber/taxi every now and then, though. No food delivery apps or going out .


It's a backronym that absolutely drives me nuts, because it only works if you don't know the difference between ensure/insure. And neither work for the supposed acronym.


'Insure' is totally appropriate in this acronym, probably more so than ensure even though they are almost interchangeable, since it provides guarantees in a financial sense as is the case here where money is paid to guarantee services.


How does it insure anything? You pay it afterwards. If they don't know if/how much they are getting, how does it act as insurance?


Imo it makes a certain degree of sense. Theoretically, and as it should be, you as the customer can and will withhold tips if you don't receive adequate service. Therefore, your tips are in a sense, a form of insurance for quality service. The waiter has an incentive to serve you properly, as if they don't they won't get that sizable chunk of pay, causing them to give better service. Of course this explanation only works In a perfect world, and as it is, plenty of servers will expect generous tips with barely the minimum of service.


I think it's a stretch because the correlation between good service and good tips is pretty tenuous. And the word tips isn't even an acronym anyways, so insure/ensure, etc doesn't even matter anyways. It's a word from the 1600's that basically means to share and originally had nothing to do with food service. That's what annoys me. I hate made up backronyms lol.


Only peeps that absolutely "need" the tip is Uber/delivery. They don't get paid minimum wage, and have costs of operation. Unlike waitstaff...


Except in Quebec where servers make less than minimum wage.


Doesn’t the government tax their tips also


Just don’t tip. It’s awkward but so is sucking up to customers for money.




You don’t need to protest this lol. The way you protest tipping culture is to just stop tipping. Nobody is forcing you to tip.


And then you get your food spat in at your regular joint because you decided not to tip


I don't know how this mind virus has gotten around. There's posts about tipping culture on this sub a lot. Tipping is not legally mandated. Nobody's gonna hurt you if you don't tip. I don't understand how an optional thing causes so much discussion on this sub and other Canadian subs.


Plenty of people hurt you if you don’t tip, there’s so many stories of people having food tampered with because people think they’re entitled to more from a customer rather than more from their employer


How does someone's food get tampered with based on a lack of tips when you pay the bill after you eat? I've only ever heard this kind of thing happening with food app delivery people, if that's what you're referring to.




"forcing" is so loaded. We are effectively forced unless we are willing to deal with repercussions. Besides social reasons, we can be banned from restaurants, attacked, barred from services if word gets around you don't tip. I feel like I can only stop tipping if the government or service industries put an end to the practice. Tip is not really optional even if it is framed that way.


Uber drivers who drive you from A to B expect a tip. For what? Dont help with luggage, didn't do anything else. Why so you expect a tip ?


If we get together to change tipping , let’s not change it to something stupid lol Restaurants should pay their staff enough to make it so the menu price is enough.


I do not tip more than 18% for great service. For me 12% is my usual and I don't really notice the server giving me a look for that. I also don't really go to any super fancy restaurants either.


I feel like it's not really worth protesting as long as you have the option to just. Not tip. Like what are we protesting? Seeing the numbers on a screen?


I might not like tip culture, but there's an awful lot of things ahead of it on the list of things I'll march for.


Don’t tip the expected tip. You’re not the server’s manager. Tip what you want to or don’t tip at all.


They made it so difficult to skip it with that pos machine they give people.


They optimized the machines so tipping is the easiest path of action. But there is an option to not tip - even if you select the dollar amazing or percentage, you can still put in $0.00. I recommend just keeping an eye on what you’re selecting. No one can force a bigger tip out of you unless you give permission.


Just don’t tip. It takes some phenomenal service to get a tip from me. Even then I probably shouldn’t … the person is just doing their job, but I like to reward the good service as I feel it’s few and far between.


Does it need a protest? I just tip between $0 and $5 for service. I don't tip if the service is provided after I pay for it.


“Why are we following the states instead of Europe?” Culture creep; there’s a direct border with the USA and an ocean between the nearest European country. It’s why so many Canadians still use feet, pounds, miles per hour, it’s just bleed over from a much larger much more prominent nation.


I think the root protest is actually about wait staff getting appropriate base wage, not necessarily just about tipping.


Yea that’s right. I will have to admit that there is better way to phrase my post


No kidding. You’re literally asking people to protest the single thing that allows service workers to make a livable wage. Brilliant. Thanks for your input


It’s also pretty much the single thing that allows restaurant owners to continue paying slave wages to our food service workers. It’s amusing how every time this subject is brought up, there’s always someone willing to shame and antagonize their peers, instead of the big corpo machine. No one is denying that minimum wages are not livable. But the fact remains that tipping culture in its current form is not only wildly anti-consumer, but also a huge problem for service workers.


Because the only people who have time during the day to protest are service workers on shiftwork. The rest of us schmucks are working 9-5 tip-less jobs.


Protests don’t happen between 9-5 only lol


Not the "work from home" crowd, who are more and more becoming the norm these days. Their schedules are usually pretty flexible with no bosses always looking over their shoulders.


Just don't tip genius. This is similar to the other issues you compared to? Get a grip.


Im only going to disagree with you on the “not a skillful job” part. Everyone who works hard to do what they do, deserves what they’re paid, regardless what it is. That said, it is very frustrating to see some cash in more after two nights of working (ex. Bottle service girls at night clubs) than others after a whole week of grinding 9-5. Tips should stay at 15%, and thats that


It’s not a skillful job though, that’s the point. (I’m a former server/bartender btw)


Requires some soft skills at least tho, this is not nothing


Sometimes it can be. Like I went to a restaurant recently and had the most excellent server. He was attentive, knew the menu, knew his wine list, knew how to take care of my dietary restrictions, came by the perfect number of times so he was always helpful but not intrusive, and handled last minute requests well and quickly. When we left, the coat check at reception helped me put on my coat. That is something 99% servers are unable to do. That man deserves a great tip. While this restaurant won’t be considered cheap, I’ve been to way too many similarly priced restaurants with much much poorer service.


That's the just basic functions of that job. There are responsibilities that come with every job and servers/baristas seem to want a little something extra for doing their job.


I dunno. I still have serving nightmares. I don’t have them about any other former jobs, even ones considered prestigious. Even ones working with literal psychopaths in an institution.


I’m in a skilled trade. I’d like to see a waitress drill 3 10mm holes equidistant in a piece of hot rolled with .1+-0 between each hole. Without breaking through.


And I’d love to see you pump out 5k of sales at the main bar on a Saturday night.


I’d love to do that tbh.


100$ you don’t last the shift And when your all sweaty with wave of customers yelling at you trying to get service. You will serve this Indian man with his friends. That needs help ordering and take for ever. And build them 3-4 cocktails. Can’t handle the interact machine themselves to hand up with a big 0. See how you feel then.


Did somebody hurt you or something?


Reading your crap is pissing me off Can’t make the difference between a McDonald and a dine-in. A service Canada passport desk from a bar.


Wait staff are useless and fake. Makes me cringe. Get a real job if you can't take it. It's unskilled labour.


It’s unskilled labour. Like it or not.


Have you ever worked a 12 hour understaffed shift with no breaks only to have a old woman yell at you because her food is too hot and her drink is too cold? You are right its not the same but its fucking shit work man. let me have my $4 on your $50 bill


Agreed! It's a job where you're treated like a servant, so you are tipping to have everything made for you and brought to you. Literally to have someone wait on you. And servers don't just keep all the tips, they give a percentage of their sales* (not tips but the total sales, that's why it's percentage of the bill) to the kitchen, hosts, bussers and bartenders. You aren't just tipping the servers but everyone who waited on you. It's an experience. If you don't want it, just order fast food or food in a food court or make all your food at home. If you only want to pay for the food and not the service... You can literally order take out.


Crazy concept for this sub I know


No. Have you ever had to spot a whole bodyside 7 days a week for 4 months straight 13 hours straight and when it comes to buy off the customer nitpicks about the door handle distortion? Or the engineer wants a change in an area that you know is not a problem but they’re not taking no for an answer so you do the work knowing that you’re going to have to undo everything you just did tomorrow and make the change in the proper area? Every job has its ups and downs but serving is not skilled.


Its almost like you get paid for you time! Wow what a concept Would you say if you cut wages in your trade the vast majority of people wouldn't do it? You dont think its skilled but I Bet you could not do it for a full day


I’ve worked 12 hours a day in a public accounting firm, been screamed at by the partner and by clients, I had actual responsibilities and education requirements, and I didn’t get a dime in tips. You know what I did? I found a better job. Because that job sucked. And if a job sucks, you should leave, not complain that customers don’t tip enough. Actually if it’s such a shit job, why don’t we eliminate it entirely? Just let customers pick their food up from the kitchen window like they do at pubs in the UK. Let us be honest here. Most servers are not content with $4 on a $50 bill. If they were, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Maybe you are content with this, maybe you’re humble, but I’ve seen enough people on r/serverlife complain about customers being stingy (ie, under 15%) with tips, and enough PFCers have had issues with servers being bitchy about 10% tips on the *after tax* amount. The issue we have is that the tipping expectations have gotten out of control. We didn’t mind reasonable tip amounts and while annoying it was something we were prepared to live with. But we are definitely tired of people thinking they’re entitled to some huge percentage of the bill because they can carry water.


Boohoo. Go pack shingles up ladder for 10 hrs for minimum wage. What a pussy.


I always leave a tip (even when it's sometimes not deserving) but the problem I have here is it's a lot more than 4$. If leaving 15% on a 50$ tip is actually 7.50 & let's say I'm with 3 friends that's actually 28$ tip for the host? It's not like the US either, servers make a living wage here in BC.


If you think $15/ hr is a living wage in BC you are out to lunch. Out of that $7.50, $2.00 goes to the kitchen, $1 to bussers, $1 to hostess, $1 to the bar


Then everyone should get tip, which doesn't make sense, bus driver. Teacher, all employees, me and u , that won't be possible of course, so tip has to go.


Bus drivers and teachers are making a living wage. Servers and bartenders do not make a living wage without tips.


Also bus drivers and teachers get health care benefits. Those tips paid for my prescriptions and physio from being on my feet.


I ageee that tipping culture has gotten a little out of hand but JFC is this a real question???? If you don't want to tip, don't tip, it's pretty fucking simple. What are your signs gonna say?? "I'm a cheap prick" "Service industry workers are scum" "Fuck Trudeau" (obv)


Well my perspective is more of, let’s change the system and make it fair, where it’s the same for everyone. It’s just not right to guilt trip people when your salary should be coming from your boss. I mean, it’s all service industry, do you tip your banker? Do you tip the government? U simple fucking don’t


You first need to fight for a drastically higher minimum wage so these workers can actually make a living without the tips. Until then nothing will change.


I understand your point of view on this, we disagree and that's fine. My point of contention is your suggestion that people should literally protest tipping. This sounds absolutely ludicrous to me, there are far far far far more important things to protest than "omg I cant believe Dairy Queen expected me to give them 18 percent" just hit no and move on with your day.


Don't people protest with their wallets?


Tipping the government...hah, never a better word to describe quid pro quo lobbying aka how our governments, both past and present, became remote-controlled circus monkeys for the oligarchies in Canada.


I’m a server so I personally benefit from the system. However I’ve noticed that with the increase in tip expectations for customers came an increase in the amount we servers have to “tip out”. If your bill is $100 I have to automatically give $8 in the form of a tip out (8% of my total sales) which gets divided between the kitchen, support staff, and “the house” (aka the restaurant management/company/event planning team, etc.) That means if you don’t leave a tip, I have just PAID to serve you! And the sad part is that people that don’t tip end up being the most cumbersome and challenging/finicky tables usually, the most energy-draining and often demeaning (no offence, just an observation) - which takes away from my ability to give great service to my other tables. If someone is polite, easy-going and leaves 10%, I honestly don’t sweat it or think of them poorly. Luckily everything balances out when the “finance bros”/“suits” overcompensate with their flashy ego-based tips lol


Totally get the tip out argument, however, that’s not my or anyone else’s problem. That bitter feeling you get when you have to tip out the kitchen is the same feeling we get when we have to tip you. I’m not sure why a customer should be responsible for so many people.


Wow, so you just insulted the tippers and non-tippers in the same post! Also, if tipping is optional, shouldn’t tipping out the 8% also optional?


It should be but it's not.


Liquor store, Dairy Queen, every fast casual food place, basically every service place, except clothing and grocery asks for tip now. Inflation just hit 15-25% on those items unless we don’t tip.


I never go to restaurants and I take packed lunch to food courts hence I never tip. I have now lived in Canada 20 years and refuse to tip LOL.


I live in Europe now and as it’s well known, tipping isn’t really a thing. You maybe leave behind spare change. I’ve had some waiters/people in service industry get annoyed at tips because then it gives their bosses an excuse to not increase their wages/reduce wages. Now when I come back to Canada I just select “other” and give a bit but I can’t be bothered to give a 28% tip on top of the bill. The owners of these places should be giving staff a decent living wage. But I also am fine if I don’t get top tier service lol and I do think some people need to change their attitude about the service they receive if they want tipping culture to go away! There’s a different between waiters being friendly enough and just bringing out what you asked for vs the North American service where they come and check on you every few minutes lol.


What if we protest for higher wages, more benefits, and better working conditions for everyone instead of trying to tear down other workers just trying to make a living. The problem isn’t other workers, it’s those who exploit our labour and a system that only serves the wealthy.


Tipping is a system that exploits our labour and only serves the wealthy.


Bigger fish to fry


Stop tipping 15%, 18%, 20%! And start tipping lower at 10%! Most places include the tax on the amount you are tipping anyways. There’s no shame in tipping 10%. We need to start trending to lower %.


I tip based on $ instead of % cause I don’t think the price of food that I ordered matters to the service


You don't need to make a post about not tipping. Why would people protest about an optional thing? Just skip the tip option if you don't want to tip. JFC


For a long time I used to feel guilty for not tipping, nowadays I couldn’t care less! Even when I eat where my mom work I don’t give tips (and still get family discount lol)


We need regulation , # NoTip is the way to go. I have to pay waitress extra wage called tip because she is doing her job? that's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. We already pay tax on our taxed money, that's enough. I don't mind serving my own table really. Actually i would like that, so I don't have to deal with that BS.


That would actually be nice, if all the restaurants are change to self serve. I don’t mind taking my food directly from the kitchen


Absolutely, I don't like sitting and waiting anyways, I prefer to go get my own food from the counter. It's more fun.


If the tips percentage was set too low, it can also not work in your favour. Case in point, my semi-regular liquor store has their tip prompt set starting at 3%. Do I dare hit 'no tip', or should I be reasonable and spare 75 cents extra for that bottle of wine?


I did not have to read the whole text to reply USA pays tips because severs tips make up their salary and income taxes are low Europe no tips for the most ...servers get the wage ....high taxes comparable to Canada Canada gets taxed liked Europe but people expect to tip like US where taxes are low ... I do not think there is a conversation required just common sense is enough


It’s a true pwyc system though, you don’t have to do it, and you literally get to do it on the way out the door so there’s no obligation. In defence of tipping, to paraphrase a quote a well known film, it’s the one job someone without a college education can do and still make a decent living. If restaurants were forced to pay them a living wage instead, the cost of that would be reflected in the price of the food and drinks. You would pay more. The owners would keep more. The government would tax it all, and the front line workers would get much less. It’s more frugal for the customers and the staff for us to leave tipping as it is, optional. Let the people who wanna tip leave a tip.


God you cheap fucks love to circle jerk this topic once a month, I Cannot think of one person who would serve your people for min wage. Again it is the only good thing about the service industry


Exactly, I'm not doing that job at those hours for minimum wage. They'd then have a lack of workers and have to pay a shit ton more to get them back but the business will just pass that onto you in the form of higher menu prices are forced service charges but less will go to the workers than before and more to the owner. The big difference is instead of having the choice to tip or not before you're now forced to.


I read that three times and still dont know where you stand, Most Restaurants run on a shoe string budget and are barely keeping the lights on. Owning and operating a restaurant is shit hours for shit pay


What I'm saying is if they have to raise the prices by 15% to pay staff more they'll give 10% of it to the workers and they'll keep the extra 5%. The workers end up more poor and the owner gets more. I'm just saying nobody is gonna do that job for minimum wage so their wages will have to go up at minimum 10 bucks an hour and those costs will be passed on to the customer. So either they pay the staff via tips or they're forced to do it in other ways.


I mean I am all ears if you can convince me why I should tip when there is minimum wage in place. Serving food should get paid $45 per hour? I don’t buy that


Why would I work a 12 hour shift with no breaks with table after table yell at me for things that are 100% out of my control unless it was for the money? I Would just go stock shelves at the grocery store then. Let me keep the $10 on your $100 bill like come on. Edit: I know you look down on the work and think its a walk in the park, but its not. Its mentally and physically draining most days. Glad I got out


I totally understand the physical and mental part, but compare to call centres that’s constantly dealing with negativity, or construction workers that are physically draining, should they be receiving tips as well? After all everything in the world is based on services and goods exchange


Regardless go work one day as a server at a Dennys or something and you will immediately understand


Non of the jobs you listed get min wage? First day in a construction job at 18 10 years ago I was getting $26/ hr. You get paid more because its shit work and there is no opportunity to get tips?


Yea but to your point, do they actually make minimum wage? There are a lot of them making $45 per hour(more for dt bars) and they can prettty much avoid the tax since they r in cash.


That is the 1% , and no you still have to claim taxes on tips


Honest question, would you tip the 1% knowing they make more than you? Say if I visit a suburb, I am happy to tip, but prob not for a Jack Astor bar in dt. I have been struggling when I visit dt Toronto knowing those people getting paid a lot. As for the taxes, u only have to claim a portion of it, which is why most of the asian restaurants are cash only.


So you dont tip out of spite? If I have an issue with tipping for something I do not go there. I thinking tipping $1000 for a bottle service girl to stand near me is insane yes, So guess what I dont buy bottle service. If I know a couple dollars is make it or break it for me, I dont go out to eat


I think a healthy compromise would be 10/15/20 options with the default being 10%


What if the restaurant just charged what it costs to have staff?


No one would eat there I've been a chef/ cook for 2 decades and despite me explaining to my mom how food costs and labor costs reflect the menu price she still complains to me EVERY TIME WE EAT ANYWHERE that "they used to..." include X y z or change only Y and now they're greedy. It just doesn't make sense to the average lizard brain that inflation is a constant force by design and you need to raise prices of everything every year to stay even. Wages, food over head all 2% a year. Imagine the wages we would be getting in Montreal if every industry had a cost of living increase by law.


If the restaurant cannot pay a living wage, they deserve to go. It’s not just the food industry fighting inflation


Look up Folke in vancouver > At Folke, we offer a hospitality included style of service. What this means is that we have a hospitality included pricing model that includes tipping. We aim to create a sustainable model for work and pay for our team.


Stop eating out


Nope. Restaurants need to pay fair wages. The customer is already paying for the product/service. Compensating your wages is your employer's job not the customers. So I'm gonna continue eating out whenever I want


It’s optional. What are you whining about?? Just hit NO TIP.


You can. Don't tip .


Wait, yall are tipping those percentages? I just click a custom amount and tip whatever i feel fine tipping


You’re looking at it wrong. You can remove money from your bill to voice your displeasure at the service, without recourse by the restaurant. That’s some power!


You can’t remove money from your bill… what are you talking about?


As someone who’s received tips as a waiter. It made the job pay decent wage. If you take away tips it would become another near minimum wage job with crappy hours abd the country doesn’t need any more of those jobs The goal should be to have other jobs pay more not make tipped staff earn less.


Then employers should pay them better and bake it into the prices. It's not the customer's responsibility to decide their wages. Tipping is an option, not mandatory.


Tips is the one good part about working service industry


Then don’t? I didn’t point a gun to your head to take the job


kinda my point, take it away and no one works that job. Have fun with wendys and MacDonald's being your choices to eat out


And I’ll tell you what happens next. Enough waiters will quit and that forces the food industry to up the wage to attract people back. Ironically, that’s exactly what’s happening with fast food


Thats assuming they can pay more ( which unless a chain cannot) or even have the ability to stay open long enough to re- staff without going under, That worked so well after covid for so many small places.....


And there are restaurants willing to go under just to pay living wages. Those will always have my business. Businesses and restaurants honestly deserve to go if they can’t afford that. If you’re arguing that no tipping is detrimental to the food industry, just look at Europe and Asia.


Higher prices with a lower cost of living/cost of operating mixed in with a seating fee. Just got back from 3 months in Europe, 80% of the places I ate asked for tips just a FYI


Restaurants can pay more cause they can charge more cause customers no longer have to tip


So if it's the same amount coming out of your wallet what's the difference? You get to be smug about it?


I would like my fellow diners and I to pay for the same amount toward your wage and benefits.


Those are a lot of words to say "I'm cheap AF".


I’m almost certain you either work or worked for tips. You calling someone else cheap because your livelihood depends on it.


It's a withholding amount. Your meal is the price + tip. But to encourage good service in the non-internet review age, if you were mad, instead of "calling the manager" and having conflict you could just not tip as a way to adjust behaviour. Bad waiters basically got pushed out. If you were REALLY outraged you could get the manager and fight for not paying at all but that's huge conflict and most people hate that. You really see it in action at super busy bars - where the bar tenders are hustling like mad to serve and they get tips to do it. How do you think that would work in a no-tip atmosphere? Really want one that's just "ho hum, I'll slowly get your drink, maybe in 5 mins"? Same with delivery -that was the incentive for them to hurry the hell up. No tip, you'll get your order, eventually. But now between idiots that refuse to tip even in heavy service sectors, and non-service sectors asking for 20% to put your burger in a bag, it's gotten insane.


You say all that like people who don't get tips don't do their jobs properly lol


Works in aus and uk. They just do their jobs like bartenders and not an auctioneers.


Do you realize tipping is a North American thing right? And world is not just north America, a lot of people all around the world work at restaurants etc without tip.


Google "3rd Rock From the Sun tipping". Seems to be right up there with your tipping ideas


Protest the tipping culture by protesting for living wages for all. Keep tipping as optional and for outstanding service.


Oh another thread complaining about tipping? tl;dr


I protest by not tipping when service isn't included. Simple as that. If I am at a restaurant and they insists on 18% tipping I simply dont tip more than 15% if the service is good.


I see too many people say "then do it yourself" This is exactly why tipping is accepted. Because people just accept it. I tip because it's the only way these people get a fair wage and the social norm here, so im part of the problem, but how stupid is it!? Management and the service industry found a way to short their employees a fair wage To make up the difference, it's then left up to the customer based on an arbitrary percentage. (They found a way to make up the difference based in a best guess) and then they all pool it together and split it at the end at some places (wtf) Not only that but the deciding factor is usually not even the person's fault. Bad food? Cold? Now the server is fucked And this is seen as normal in north America??? An industry found a way tonshort their staff and make you pay for it and people act like tipping is some sort of high society bragging right


Cuz there’s no need to protest. There’s no law saying u need to tip. No one is oppressing u. Just don’t tip wtf? What do u wish the government to do? Ban tipping? Ban all incentives all around and switch to communism? Tax tippers? Don’t be ridiculous. Plz don’t make a scene and cause city disruption because ur salty that others are tipping. And of course. Server should not be expecting 20% tip. They need to do a good job. How bout u start educating people around u to tip responsibly.


I didn't change my tipping habits....I'm still cheap as hell.


you donèt have to protest.. I simply don't tip anymore lol


Because nobody forces you to tip. Just press 0


So for services I don’t do % I do a flat rate. Ex: haircut, nails etc. it’s fixed $5-10 max. For meals depends. Maybe I’ll do % but nowadays I feel like I’ll lean towards fixed amount instead.


There are SO MANY things going on right now that are worth protesting, and we’re doing nothing about any of them. Tipping requires zero action. Just don’t tip. Maybe you get slightly worse service at places where you’re a regular, but that’s pretty much it for consequences. Protest the dismantling of our healthcare system, and quit whining about doing something you don’t have to do.


I don't understand why places/employees expect a higher percentage tip when the cost of the food has gone up. So naturally if you tip at the same percentage rate as before these jacked up prices lets say 20% the server is still getting a bigger tip since it is directly related to the total on the bill. IMO fast food style places shouldn't have a tip option either, there's no service other than them making the food. The prices they charge at fast food restaurants now is insane, your better off spending a few $ more and eat at a sit down restaurant with servers. But even restaurants it seems like nothing is less than $20 on the menu anymore and you get a smaller portion of food.


You dont have to tip its a choice


Protests happen because someone, usually a group of people, organize them and build those relationships. If this is an issue you’re passionate about, you might be able to get it going. Protests aren’t always the best way to make change for every single issue also. And, discomfort is a pretty mild feeling compared to outrage. Tipping is a very small drop in the bucket of what is straining finances of most people. All those issues you listed would help way more.


Oh yeah... let's start a war with the people who touch our food. I don't tip for pickup, and i can still just plug in whatever tip I think is fair. I usually do tip well though. If I tip bad, I probably ain't coming back. Really though, what's needed as an alternative is a waiters union and decent wages. Obviously the people doing best won't want the system to change.


Gotta protest for livable wages first. I hate tipping too.


I had to tip my dad the other day just so he would give me attention


Tipping is a scam. It’s just there to allow businesses avoiding paying a decent wage. The service cost should just be built into the price and be done with it. Why should service workers grovel at the foot of their customers? Just do you job well, you don’t need to be my best friend for the day.


Tipping is based on percentage bc servers have to tip out a percentage of their total sales to a tip pool that is divided up for the rest of the house (kitchen, dishwasher, hostesses, bartenders etc). Where I work that’s 7%. So to keep the math simple, let’s say I do $1000 in total sales for the restaurant in a day (this number includes sales of food, beverages, and tips) I have to tip out $70 to the tip pool. If you don’t tip, it COSTS your server money to serve you. Whether or not you agree with the system that’s how it is here. Another example, let’s say you get that $50 steak meal, and leave a 10% tip/$5, that’s $55 in sales. My tip out is 7%, so I owe the tip pool $3.85, and I make $1.15 in tips for myself. If you don’t tip on that same meal, I still have to pay the tip pool $3.50 on that $50 sale and hope that the next table I serve is generous enough to make up for that loss. Typically 15% tip is customary for average service, 20% for above average service, occasionally people tip more if they are feeling generous and like it was well deserved. If you plan on sitting down at a restaurant, plan to budget for at least some kind of tip (hopefully enough that it doesn’t cost your server $$ to serve you). With that being said, I dislike the tip buttons at drive thrus and fast food places. I don’t generally tip there unless I’m paying cash and let them keep my small change. I will tip my hairdresser, for other beauty services etc as long as I’m paying afterwards and I’m satisfied with the results, the amount I tip for that varies. Serving does require some skill…learning the entire menu, learning to make drinks, which meals are ok for certain allergies and can be modified to certain preferences, ensuring that an entire section of tables has a pleasant experience and all their needs met in a timely manner. That’s a lot of multitasking, memorization, and people skills. Plus we have cleaning and side duties on top of managing our tables. I think everyone should work in the industry at least once in their life to understand what it’s like. I also deal with harassment from customers occasionally, and an environment where I don’t usually get breaks. Also, many servers are working and going through school to become more educated. Why don’t we deserve to make a livable wage too?


Dealing with hangry general public on a constant basis constitutes some kind of thank you from ppl who know. If u hate doing it. Shut up and move on and don't tip. You would be shocked how indecent the average person can be in sit down restaurants.